Scouting Legion High School [...

By arminleftthechat

55.3K 3.9K 2.1K

Why is high school always a mess? Because it is full of pubescent, hormonal teenagers who are not sure what t... More

Disclaimer/ Other Information
Armin's Birthday
Personality Swap
Violin Vs. Tuba
The Lives of Friends of One Who is in a Fandom
Queen of Awkward Moments
Rants of an Angry Boy
Lame Puns Day
A Very Merry Titan Christmas - Part 1
A Very Merry Titan Christmas - Part 2
A Very Merry Titan Christmas - Part 3
Attack on SLHS
That's Not a Spider - THAT'S NOT A SPIDER!
What is it, Jean?
Fabulousness on Ice
The Lives of Friends of One Who is in a Fandom Pt. 2
Eren's Sister
Valentine's Day
Christa is not Amused
Childhood Memories
Texts Levi Gets in the Middle of the Night
What Goes on in Band Practice
This Means War
Frozen Gone Wrong
Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare Pt. 2
Survival of the Fittest
How to Come Out
Gym Class Jerks
Marco's Package
Pick up Them Lines
Jean's Fate
Levi's Ultimate Challenge
Jean's Sad Life
Lights, Camera, Action! Pt. 1
Lights Camera Action! Pt. 2
Trouble in Ikea
When Things go Awry
Everyone's Happy When They're High
The Great Granola Bar Case
Can't Teach a Levi new Tricks
Attack on Nicolas Cage
Rolling the Rick
Where the Hell is Waldo?
Dodge or Die
Looking for Levi
Jean and Eren
The Mysterious Squeaking Noise
Capture the Flag Pt. 1
Capture the Flag Pt. 2
Prank Calls
A Mid-Summer Day's Fair
Hanji's Mission
Erwin's Terrible Driving
Halloween in August
Target Shenanigans
Public Embarassment
First Day
The Birthday Excuse
Poems of Death
The Curse of El Diablo
Dissapointments of Astronomical Proportions
The Chill
A Feathery Situation
Homecoming Eve
Too Spooky
Second Time Around
Christmas Spirit
The Case of the Missing Pencil
The Story of Thanksgiving
Gift Wrapping Mess
Reiner's Lame Jokes Part II
Another Christmas Carol... Sort Of...
Death is Not Around the Corner
Causing Pain
First Snow of the Year
Hanji Shenanigans
Semester Stress
All According to Plan
Battle For Royalty
Marco Commits Murder
The Average Day of Levi Ackerman
Mariachi Madness
Idiot Friends
Pain and More Pain
Butt Scooters
Recycling Day
Education System
Last Day-Mania Pt. 1
Last Day-Mania Pt. 2
Paint with the Colors of Pain
Pokemon GtfO
The Anticlimactic and Perfectly Normal Chapter With Nothing Happening Whatsoever
Sasha's Bizzare Adventure
A MidSummer's Day Fair Round 2
Opening the House
Dawn of the Dead
The Bean-pocolypse
Stripper Cake
Skating Hell
Hanji's Christmas Mission
Dancing Mii
History Repeats
Those Darn Tornados
Starry Night
Fidget Spinner Mafia
Musical Madness Pt. 1
Musical Madness Pt. 2
España! Pt. 1
España! Pt. 2
España! Pt. 3
A much needed A/N
The Final Battle Pt.1
The Final Battle Pt. 2
Goodbyes and Farewells
Final Author's Note
Emo Eren
Who Said Karaoke Night Had to Be Family Friendly?

A Message for Bertl

755 36 33
By arminleftthechat

Group Message

Annie, Sasha, Connie, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Christa, Ymir, Jean, and Marco.

Sun, December 28, 9:19 AM

Reiner: Hey guys, come 2 my house

Connie: why?

Reiner: It's Berts birthday in 2 days

Eren: More like BERTDAY hahaha

Jean: shut up Eren

Eren: you shut up

Reiner: Just get to my place at 2. I have something planned


December 30, Eren's house

Eren nervously called Reiner. It rang a couple times before he picked up.

"Hello?" Came Reiner's voice from the other end.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, MAN?" Eren shouted. "It's 3 and you were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago."

"Well, my dad decided to stop for tacos so blame him," Reiner said while audibly munching on food.

The doorbell rang.

"Are you here already?" Eren asked.

When Eren opened the door, he saw Bertolt, smiling at him. Instantly, he slammed the door in Bertolt's face.

"Bert's at the door! What are we going to do?" Eren shouted.

"Calm down!" Reiner shouted through the phone. "I'm pulling up."

A few moments later, everyone was inside and all confusement a were smoothed out. Everyone sat down on the couch as Reiner popped in a CD and Eren set it up on the TV.

"It's starting," Sasha squealed.

"What is this?" Bertolt asked.

The old-timey countdown in black and white appeared on the screen. When the countdown was finished, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin sat in front of blue backdrop. Elevator music began playing in the background.

"Okay, so how did you meet Bertolt?" Asked Reiner's from offscreen.

"Well, we first met him in gym class," Eren started.

"When he nailed Eren in the head with a dodgeball," Mikasa said.

"On accident," Armin added. "So he wouldn't stop apologizing and saying it was an accident."

The screen went back except for the words: And now, a flashback reenacted by terrible actors.

Jean walked on screen with a bald cap and blew a whistle. "I am Mr. Shadis. The worse gym teacher you will ever have in your life and I will end you with dodgeball! Go!"

Balls of paper begin to fly across the background.

Marco stepped onto the screen. "I'm Bert by the way," he smiled at the camera.

Marco threw the paper when Eren "happened" to walk in front of his line of fire. Eren dramatically fell backwards.

"I'm so sorry!" Marco, or Bertolt, said.

"What are you doing?" Mikasa stepped in. She sounded incredibly monotone.

"I promise it was an accident!" Cried Marco Bertolt.

"It's okay," Armin stepped in and awkwardly patted Marco Bertolt's shoulder. "I'm Armin."

"Mikasa," Mikasa said.

"I'm Eren and my face hurts," Eren sat up.

Bertolt laughed at the screen while Eren, Armin, and Mikasa smiled at him.

The screen returned to the blue backdrop.

"Okay, Christa and Ymir," Reiner spoke up. "How did you meet Bertolt."

Ymir scoffed. "You hit on Christa, he was with you, he introduced you guys, Christa introduced us to you, I punched you out. Need a reenactment?"

There was a silence before Reiner replied. "No."

"Okay, Jean and Marco, what about you?" Reiner asked. "How did you meet Bertolt."

"Well, we were in English one year and Marco was nice to introduce you guys to us and blah blah blah," Jean stated.

"That's it?" Reiner said.

"Pretty much," Marco rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay then," Reiner said.

Next were Sasha and Connie.

"Okay, you guys," Reiner said. "How did you meet Bertolt?"

They began to snicker. which grew into uncontrollable laughter.

"What?" Asked Reiner.

"Okay so..."

The screen went back again except for the following message: And now another terrible reenactment.

"Oh, I think I remember what happens," Bertolt said covering his face.

Again, Sasha and Connie began to laugh.

Sasha and Connie were sitting at a dinner table.

"I dare you to flirt with that guy," Sasha pointed to Marco who was standing next to Reiner.

He then says, "I'm Bert again because apparently I have Bert-like qualities."

"You're on," Connie stated. He marched over to Marco Bertolt and smirked.

"Hey baby," Connie said. "If you were a booger, I'd pick you first."

"What?" Marco asked, looking as confused as he could.

"Is it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Connie did an eyebrow wiggle. "Because have sex with me."

Bertolt began to burst into laughter.

The screen returned to a backdrop, now with Annie sitting alone.

"I met Bert in kindergarten," she said. "You and Bert fought back some bullies and if you dare make me reenact something, I will break your" *beep* "neck."

"Okay then," Reiner said.

Next, Reiner sat on the chair.

"Okay Reiner," Jean spoke. "You know the drill."

"Okay," Reiner let out a breath. "We have been friends as long as I can remember. We were neighbors and I became friends with him when he moved in. So basically..."

The screen went black and it said: SKIT!!!!!!!!

Marco was kneeling and playing with a ball. "I'm Bert again," he said.

Reiner knee scooted in and spoke in a high, squeaky voice. "Hi! I'm Reiner! Do you want to play catch?"

Bertolt laughed.

"Sure," Marco Bertolt replied in a squeaky voice as well.

The scene faded out and it cuts back to the interview backdrop.

"Okay, so what is one word that comes to mind when you think about Bertolt," Reiner asked. "Excluding 'tall.'"

"Big," Mikasa stated.

"Quiet," Eren said.

Armin thought about it for a while. "Brilliant!"

"Hoover," Connie smiled.

"Huggable," Sasha exclaimed.

"Tree," Ymir said.

"Nice," Christa shrugged. "I'm not good at this, am I?"

"Locker," Jean stated.

"Why locker?" Reiner asked, and Jean shrugged.

"Friendly," Marco smiled.

"Giant son of a" *beep,* Annie replied.

"That was five words-"

"Don't care," Annie cut Reiner off.

"Adorable," Reiner said from the screen.

"Aw thanks," Bertolt blushed.

Reiner smiled at him.

"One last thing," Reiner said. "Say something to Bertolt."

"Okay," Eren shrugged. "Bertolt, you are a pretty awesome guy."

"I would have killed you that day if you didn't seem so sorry," Mikasa stated.

"And it's awesome to have you as a Biology buddy," Armin smiled.

"You're the man, Bert!" Connie shouted.

"Bertolt, you are totally the bae!" Sasha exclaimed.

"You're really tall," Christa said.

"I would have punched you if you hit on Christa so consider yourself lucky," Ymir stated.

"I'll see you next baseball season," Jean said.

"You are smart, cool, and an awesome friend," Marco smiled.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this," Annie sighed. "You've been a pretty good friend. And it was nice of you and Reiner to help me that one day although I could have totally taken them on."

Reiner appeared on the screen. He sat in silence for a few seconds. "So we have been friends for so long. We've been through the fun times, the rough times, everything. I can't imagine what it life would have been like without you beside my side. And now since we're together, it feels like we're going on a whole new journey together.

So long story short, you are a truly amazing guy. I'm incredibly lucky to be your guy."

Bertolt looked like he was almost in tears. "You guys," he started, "that was amazing."

Everyone went in for a giant group hug, even Annie. "We all love you Bert!"

"This was all Reiner's idea by the way," Sasha shouted.

When they separated, Reiner stood in front of Bertolt.

"And thank you, Reiner," he smiled.

"I had to do something special," he shrugged.

Everyone aw'ed when they hugged.

Connie gave Sasha a smug look who returned the look. "Kiss kiss kiss," they began to chant.

Soon, everyone was chanting.

"You know we've only been dating for 5 days right?" Bertolt asked.

"But do you want to?" Reiner asked.

"Well, I mean... I..." Bertolt stuttered. "Do you?"

"A little," Reiner admitted.

The crowd gasped in anticipation.

"Same," Bertolt blushed. "But right now? In front of them?"

"Huh, I didn't think about that," Reiner said. "Well show's over!"

Everyone groaned in disappointment.

"Oh well," Reiner said. "You gotta deal with it!"

Armin grabbed Eren's shoulders and shook him violently. "I SHIP IT TOO HARD!"


AN: All I have to say is... HAPPY BERTDAY TO MY BERTY-BABY.

Oh and gay ship warnin oops lol

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