The Day I Called You Mine{Spi...

By i-have-one-braincell

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A love story between Danny Rand and Peter Parker. They figure out their powers and responsibilities as teen h... More

Chapter 1 "The Beginning"
Chapter 2 "Journey of the Iron Fist"
Chapter 3 "Jennifer"
Chapter 4 "Knightress and Purple Man"
Chapter 5 "Jessica Jones"
Chapter 6 "Visitor"
Chapter 7 "On the run"
Chapter 8 "Its Over"
Chapter 9 "It's not your fault"
Chapter 10 "Forgive yourself"
Chapter 11 "I can never renounce my Spiderman identity"
Chapter 12 "Reminder from the past"
Chapter 13"A Bad Morning"
Chapter 14 "Should we help him?"
Chapter 15 "Shopping + New Character"
Chapter 16 "Hothead"
Chapter 17 "Thursday"
Chapter 18 "Don't you trust us?
Chapter 19 "Harry's Back"
Chapter 20 "Double Date"
Chapter 21 "Getting Party ready"
Chapter 22 "The Party Part 1"
Chapter 23 "The Party Part 2"
Chapter 24 "The date"
Chapter 25 "The New Goblin"
Chapter 26 "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 27 "I Don't Deserve Them"
Chapter 28 "He's So Stubborn"
Chapter 29 "You're Cleary Not Good For Him"
Chapter 30 "What a Great Boyfriend..."
Chapter 31 "Promise Me We Won't Keep Secrets From Each Other"
Chapter 32 "Breathe. Grow. Live Again"
Chapter 33 "I'll Always Be Here To Support You"
Chapter 34 "I'm So Scared..."
Chapter 35 "At least I'm trying..."
Chapter 36 "I'll Deal With It"
Chapter 37 "Confessions"
Chapter 38 "Back Home"
Chapter 39 "Just Kill Me Already"
Chapter 40 "No One Can Tell You What's Right or Wrong"
Chapter 41 "Don't Be Attached"
Chapter 42 "You Can Trust Me"
Chapter 43 "You Didn't Tell Him?"
Chapter 44 "I Can Handle Myself"
Chapter 45 "I'll Protect You"
Chapter 46 "Peaceful Morning"
Chapter 47 "Compassion"
Chapter 48 "Damn you..."
Chapter 49 "Hatred"
Chapter 50 "Babysitter"
Chapter 51 "12 Years Old"
Chapter 52 "Am I Selfish?"
Chapter 53 "Questions"
Chapter 55 "Worrisome"
Chapter 56 "Prom Ready"
Chapter 57 "Are You Okay With This?"
Chapter 58 "Cold"
Chapter 59 "Equinox"
Chapter 60 "Why?"
Chapter 61 "I Envy You"
Chapter 62 "It's His Fault, Isn't It?"
Chapter 63 "Blush"
Chapter 64 "Candle"
Chapter 65 "Sleepover"
Chapter 66 "Does He Scare You?"
Chapter 67 "Move On"
Chapter 68 "Closer"
Chapter 69 "Withdrawal"
Chapter 70 "We Know"
Chapter 71 "Want To Help"
Chapter 72 "Protection"
Chapter 73 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 74 "What Are You Planning?"
Chapter 75 "Winter"
Chapter 76 "It's Your Fault"
Chapter 77 "A Tiger's Death"
Chapter 78 "Warehouse"
Chapter 79 "Bruises"
Chapter 80 "Choice"
Chapter 81 "Left Alone"
Chapter 82 "Reflection"
Chapter 83 "Seperation"
Chapter 84 "Reaction"
Chapter 85 "Imposter"
Chapter 86 "Life"
Part 87 "Loss"
Chapter 88 "Stay"
Chapter 89 "Welcome Home Danny"
Chapter 90 "Involve"
Chapter 91 "Camera Footage"
Chapter 92 "Restruant"
Chapter 93 "For Him"
Chapter 94 "Idiot"
Chapter 95 "Consequence"
Chapter 96 "I love ya, you destructive dummy"
Chapter 97 "Scared?"
Chapter 98 "I'm Sorry For Not Giving Up"
Chapter 99 "Old Man"
Chapter 100 "Nothing's New"
Author's Note + What's To Come
Chapter 1 "It's What Friends Do" (EDITED VERS.)

Chapter 54 "Like A Child"

250 10 4
By i-have-one-braincell


Peter sat on the rooftop with an annoyed look on his face as his arm was being tightly hugged by Danny who had red on his cheeks. Peter was just staring into the bright lights of the city as he gave a few glances to Danny who had his eyes closed looking like he wanted to go to sleep as and empty glass was beside him

Peter:I told you not to drink a lot, now you're acting drunk out of your mind right now

Danny:I'm not...drunk

Peter:(that's what a drunk person would say...has he always been this lightweight?)
Stupid hotheaded idiot...he should have told me that he was bringing wine to our date...
*he glances back at Danny and notices his flushed cheeks as he tightened his grip of hugging his arm* you blush easily with alcohol?

Danny:...hmm? I I blushing?

Peter:You look cute
*he notices Danny look up to him and gives him a look of suspicion*

Danny:Are you drunk?


Danny:You're becoming straightforward...and you don't give me a lot of affection or compliments anymore...

Peter:When have I not given you compliments?

Danny:All the time! You don't try to hold my hand anymore...don't you like me anymore?

Peter:(he's talking about earlier right? God he's complaining like a child...)
Danny you of all people should know why we can't be affectionate in public

Danny:Can't we just try? I doubt we'll run into anyone from school that catches us holding hands in this huge city...

Peter:(well he is right but did he forget about how popular he is and about the Frost family spying on him?)
Danny you know that's not the only reason why we can't be affectionate in public, so don't act dumb

Danny:Why are you so mean to me? You're always picking fights with me and questioning everything that I do...

Peter:Er how am I mean? I brought you to this date didn't I?

Danny:That your best friend prepared! It would have been a bit more romantic if you prepared and set up the date yourself, and even cook the dinner on your own

Peter:(so he was disappointed the whole time? God he's hard to please...)
Stop drinking, it's making you become brutally honest

Danny:No...get away
*he spoke in a low tone as he kept hold of the large wine bottle and hugged it with his back turned facing Peter so he wouldn't take away the bottle*

Peter:Geez Danny...
*he said with a sigh and he turns away from Danny, his arm then gotten pulled to the right by Danny tightly hugging it*
What's wrong?

Danny:...can't I hug you?
*Peter blushed but looks away from Danny again as Danny spoke*
Can you go out with me tomorrow...for the dance?

Peter:...about time you asked me out, I was expecting you to ask me

Danny:You were expecting...?

Peter:I was, that's why we're on a date, if you weren't going to ask me then I would have popped the question instead


Peter:You've been so straightforward before, and now you're so shy, what happened to you?
*he spoke in a soft and sincere tone as he tilts his head towards Danny's head making his cheeks have a darker shade of red. Peter still stared to the bright lights of the city buildings not acknowledging Danny's slight panic with his heart pounding in his chest and his heated face*
(Danny is acting way more like a child than before, I better remind myself to hit Johnny for bring wine in our date, what did he expect his reaction to be?)
*he glances at Danny and notices his deeply red cheeks*
(He even becomes more flustered and shy when he's drunk...that's a bit cute) is the Frost situation holding up? Will my stalkers go away tomorrow?

Danny:...Ward haven't contacted me about the Frosts, I'm guessing he's still trying to find a good private investigator...and he's very busy with work so he probably forgot about it too

Peter:Oh...I get it...
(Well thank god that I planned ahead and wasted an all-nighter for those spiders, I already gathered some dirt already...)
What will you do in the meantime?

Danny:I'm probably coming up with another solution...I don't like using blackmail to cover up something that I did in my office, I should have known anyway

Peter:No! You couldn't have known!
*Danny looks at Peter a bit surprised of Peter's sudden yell while he grips onto Danny's collar making him face him*
That family has been pressuring you to do something that you don't want to do, you did the right thing to reject that stubborn family and since I'm a bit involved in this...I'll help you

Danny:How? How are you planning on helping me?

Peter:Uh I actually got some...
*he said nervously as he looks down to his lap from Danny's dull eyes, his arms rested a bit slowly losing grip on Danny's collar*
(Wait, I shouldn't tell him that I'm taking pictures of them for blackmail...he won't like that, it's so out of character for me but I still feel like I have to do it, but won't he hate me for it?)'s nothing, but I still want to support you...isn't that enough? Don't think so low of me...
*he spoke before he had huddled closer to Danny from shivering in the cold, regretting not wearing an extra sweater*

Danny:...are you cold?


Danny:You are cold, you're shaking

Peter:I'm not...lay off

Danny:We should have ate inside than on a rooftop, you're going to be sick again
*he removed his jacket and wraps it around Peter who didn't give no response as he began to silently panic with his face flustered*

Peter:(don't panic don't panic don't panic, he's just lending me his sweater, people do this all the time...god why am I being shy about this? Anyone would do it!)
Uhm thanks...
*he spoke in a low shy tone as he looks down, he glances at Danny and notices him staring at him, his eyes were dead focused on him like he wanted to say something but didn't have the words to say it*
Uh what's wrong?

Danny:You're so pretty...and good looking...

Peter:...thanks? You're more good looking than me

Danny:I'm not

Peter:You are

Danny:No I'm not

Peter:Yes you are, don't argue with me. You're more handsome and charming than I am, why else do I like you?

Danny:Hmp! You only like me because I'm good looking...

Peter:...yeah, looks in a relationship is more important than personality

Danny:That's not true!

Peter:Yes it is, and it's a plus that they're loaded don't like me at all...

Peter:I do like you! I just like your looks and money more!

Danny:...táojīn zhě...
*a Chinese slang for 'gold-digger*

Peter:What did you say?
*he asked coldly with a threatening glare making Danny quiet not giving him a response*

*he sighed*
(So whenever he's drunk he says something to me in another language, well it's better than cursing at me since it's been a while since I heard him curse, mostly after his screaming match with Ward before we began dating, poor Danny was being trampled with work...)
*Danny stared shyly at him and he turns away as he fidget his hands*


Danny:Can I...kiss you?

(You probably insulted me from another language and now you're all shy and nervous?)
*he suddenly asked as he and Danny stared at each other, Peter sat nervously as he felt his face and ears heat up to Danny's serious and confident expression waiting for an answer*
Uh...m-maybe...but aren't you drunk right now? You'll probably forget it tomorrow morning

Danny:I-I won't! I'll remember it forever and ever!
*Peter let out a small smile forming into a chuckle and he softly smiles at Danny who was still red and more nervous than before he spoke* uh...this is my first time so who will make the move first...?

Danny:This is also my first time...

(This is so awkward and embarrassing...crap, now I actually want to make the first move but it's too awkward since Danny will be staring at me...)
Uh close your eyes! I will make the first move

*he calmly closes his eyes as Peter's heart was beating loudly and nervously, Peter let out a long breath to calm down then he inched closer to Danny's face as he remained with his eyes closed*

Peter felt Danny's breathing as calm unlike his that was shaking. Peter slowly leans closer to Danny and cups his warm flustered cheeks with his hands, Peter then closes his eyes as he softly places his cold lips on Danny's bottom lip. Danny slowly opens his eyes and slightly smiles as he felt Peter dig his hands more into his blond hair and hearing his heartbeat beat loudly like a drum, and he closes his eyes again floating into the kiss. They kissed for about a minute or two that felt like an eternity until Peter separated his lips from Danny's for air, they both were silent and Peter had quickly turned away from Danny's soft smile to him still processing of what just happened.

Peter:(what the hell? Why did I decided to do the first move...?)

Danny:Give me another kiss


Danny:Why not? I want another one

Peter:Y-you had enough! W-we should head back now, Aunt May will be mad if we're late...
*he spoke nervously but still formal as he stood up, he turns to Danny expecting him to stand up but he did the opposite and was pouring the red wine into his mouth*
Hey stop drinking! You're going to have a headache tomorrow
*he grabs Danny's arm and pulls it back but Danny remains sitting*

Danny:I won't...

Peter:Then don't say I didn't told you so tomorrow, get up

Danny:Not until you kiss me again, now get up before I decide not to make you sleep in my room again for a week
*he threatened calmly as he locked eyes with Danny's, Danny then turns away and scoffs in disbelief making Peter furious*
Come here!
*he began to drag Danny back by his hands underneath Danny's arms and dragging him back like a child, Danny didn't give no response until the wine bottle fell out of his arms*

Danny:No no wait! The wine!

Peter:Leave it be! God you being drunk is making you act like a child...


In the cold and empty streets in Queens, Jessica was walking down the sidewalk with her hands in her pockets. Smoke were coming out of the end of her cigarette that was in her mouth, she was looking down to the ground and looks up as she was closer to her house and sees Gus from a distance with his back laying against the pole of a streetlight with his head down. Jessica ran down the road and had reached to Gus as cold breaths had exited her mouth causing the cigarette to fall out of her mouth and land to the ground. Gus turns to Jessica as she stops beside him, Gus had grinned and greeted

Gus:Yo, how's life so far?

Jessica:You haven't called, what happened?

Gus:I just needed time for myself, but the problem will be solved...I heard you have a dance tomorrow did you know? Its not like you are a student or teacher at my school

Gus:I'm not, but I know some people in your school, they told me that you gotten in a fight about Stirling's car

Jessica:I did

Gus:Heh...well those bitches deserved it didn't they?

Jessica:...I guess so...but I feel bad, I feel like I'm going too far by stripping their money away...

Gus:It's their fault for damaging your car that was left by Stirling, they deserved that shit
*Jessica didn't give a response and only stared and slowly nodded and looked down, then Gus spoke up as he stood straight*
I have to go, it's a bit cold and late so you should get inside

Jessica:You better call me from now on if you'll ghost me soon after
*Gus waved as he walks away, Jessica shook her head and had turned her body to head towards her house. MJ had watched from the other side of the street further away from Jessica as she walked towards her house and had stepped inside*

MJ:(Who was that guy? And why was Jessica talking to him...he looked a bit fishy...they're probably dating right?)
*she thought to herself as she continued quickly walking down the sidewalk to arrive to her house*
(...she would be better with me than someone else...Eh? Why am I thinking about that? They're friends and Jessica told me to not get too involved with her problems and I don't know who her friends are...other than us, and why did I say that she would be better with me? I only meant it as a friend, I'm not into her like that, or any girl, I just haven't found the right guy yet...I just like her as a friend and I'm just worried about her since he looks odd, yep that's it!) I wonder how Peter's and Danny's date went...
*she stopped as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and took it out and sees her phone screen lit up with a message from Johnny*


Peter was walking towards his house porch as Danny was hugging his arm and was sticking himself to him. Danny had a pouty expression not wanting to look at Peter who gave him a couple glances since Danny kept asking for another kiss but Peter would always decline.

Danny:Can I have another kiss?

Peter:No Danny, I already told you ten times...


Peter:No're so mean, this is what I meant by you not giving me enough affection

Peter:I have my reasons, I didn't expect that the great Danny Rand, CEO of Rand Corp, and the Immortal Iron Fist from an ancient city, would act like a child when he's drunk

Danny:I'm not drunk...and I don't act like a child

Peter:(says the one who nearly finished a wine bottle and is clinging to my arm like a pillow)
I should keep watch of how much you should drink...

Danny:Maybe you wouldn't want me acting like this with someone else huh?
*he spoke freely as he grinned at Peter making him blush*

Peter:Uh mostly because I don't think anyone would be able to handle you having a child tantrum

Danny:Give me a kiss~ please, our stalkers is still looking at us

Danny:You'll kiss me when we're inside?

Peter:Yeah yeah, now let's hurry up, we have to get inside
*he quickly walks towards the door and took his keys out to open the locked door, he kept fidgeting as Danny kept kissing his red and flaming cheek. They both had quickly went inside as Danny kept hugging his arm tightly and focuses his eyes to Peter*
Finally, it was cold as hell outside...
*he whispered loud enough for Danny to hear since all the lights were turned off with everyone sleeping upstairs*


Peter:I-in a minute, I have to lock the door
*he turns to lock the door as Danny freed his arm and hugs behind him instead as he rests his head on Peter's shoulder, they both jumped as they heard a voice from behind calling Peter's name, they both turned around and sees Aunt May giving them stern looks as her arms were crossed*
A-aunt May! We're not late are we?
*he asked nervously as he removes Danny's hands from hugging him and had stepped forward*

Aunt May:*she turns to Danny who still looked flushed in the face and was avoiding eye contact, she then looks back at Peter who looked flushed as well*
Why are you two late?

Peter:Er we were dealing with some problems...

Aunt May:*she remained quiet not giving interest in Peter's explanation to his nervous posture*
Danny, go to your room, I need to talk to Peter...
*Danny nods and turns to the stairs, Peter turns to him walk up the stairs with his face full of worry hoping that Danny's drunken state won't make him fall, he then quickly turns back to Aunt May after she called his name*

Peter:Yes Aunt May...?

Aunt May:We talked about your curfew multiple times didn't we Peter?


Aunt May:I trusted you to come home at ten but you came two hours late

Peter:I did? We didn't check the time...

Aunt May:What were you two doing during those two hours?

Peter:N-nothing much...just taking a walk

Aunt May:Without Danny checking his phone? He has a phone on him doesn't he?

Peter:...he does...

Aunt May:I've raised you boy, you're like a son to me so I know that you're lying or not, what happened in those two hours?

(How do I tell her that her nephew was kissing a drunk CEO living under our roof...?)

Aunt May:Is something going on with you and Danny?


Aunt May:You know what I mean Peter...please be honest with me's not that serious...we're just close that's all

Aunt May:*there came a short silence between them then Aunt May gave out a small sigh*
If that's you're explanation then what if I say that you can't hang around with him anymore?


Aunt May:You and Danny seems to be comfortable with each other, staying out late from curfew, going out to to meet each other or eat together more times than you do with the others...

Peter:...we just happen to get along more than the others...

Aunt May:Are you sure?'re not actually forbidding me and Danny to hang out right?

Aunt May:I'm not, I'm not that cruel...

Peter:Should I go to my room now?

Aunt May:Yes you're going to school tomorrow

Peter:Good night Aunt May

Aunt May:Good night Peter...
*Peter walks up the stairs and let out a deep breath of relief and he approaches into his room, he crosses his arms as he sees Danny already dressed for bed then before blinking Danny had leaped himself onto Peter and hugs him*

Danny:Can you give me a kiss now?
*he asked in a low but sad tone that sounded like a whimper*

Peter:(despite his personality with the costume on he totally acts and looks like a puppy...)
*he quickly gives him a peck on his lips and had walked towards his closet as Danny's arms freed him*

Danny:What type of kiss was that?

Peter:It's a kiss nonetheless, so deal with it
*he removes the two jackets and his shirt that had a tanktop underneath, Danny sat on the bed and glared at Peter from behind that he can feel like daggers digging in his back*
(He's not mad because of a small peck right? What a baby...)
*he puts on his comfortable green hoodie and shorts, he turns back to Danny who was already laying down on his side of the small bed*
Don't you miss your own bed? It's obviously more softer than mine

Danny:I like it here with you more...

*he sat on his bed and looks down to Danny who was laying his head on the pillow*

Danny:Because you're here...I don't like sleeping alone...
*Peter face turned red like a rose and he turns away feeling embarrassed, he glances back at Danny who was already closing his eyes to sleep then he places his hand on his blonde soft hair. He plays with a thick amount of Danny's hair as he slept and let's it slide across his fingers and twirl it*

Peter:(so drunk Danny act's like a child, stubborn, and brutally honest, not like he was in the first place, and so truthful, who would have thought?...I kind of want to see Danny getting drunk more, maybe hell show more of his sides of him when he's drunk like today..)
*he lays down on his bed and turns off the lamp light making the room dark, he wraps his arms and legs around Danny's body clinging onto him like a teddy bear*
(Danny has a very pretty's a bit hard to look away from...)
*he looks up to Danny's face not realizing that he began drifting off to sleep*


It was morning and Peter had slowly woke up to the obnoxious sound of his alarm, his sleepy eyes came face to face with Danny's face. Peter's eyes then sparkled as his chest heated up by looking at Danny's face, he then felt a bit giddy to himself and began hugging Danny as he was still dead asleep.

Peter:(wow it's a blessing to wake up and see a beautiful face first thing in the morning...)
*he then felt Danny slightly move in his arms and he released his arms from hugging Danny, Danny had opened his eyes and sees Peter already sitting up as he was sliding his hair back and looked red in the face*
Oh you're awake, that's a first that I didn't have to pull the blanket off you

Danny:*he stared at Peter then he covered himself again with the blanket and had spoke in a low and soft tone*
My head hurts...

Peter:You drank yesterday, and I told you that you'll regret it and look at you now

Danny:Why didn't you take the drink away from me yesterday?

Peter:I did, but you kept gripping onto it like a baby, don't you remember anything that happened?

Peter:(so did he forget about our first kiss last night? I hope so, it's embarrassing thinking back to it)

Danny:...shouldn't you give me a morning kiss? I'll get ready if you do...

Peter:You remember that?

Danny:I might have forgotten about everything else but not that kiss, it's our first kiss so how would I forget it? And also about Aunt May...did you two get in a fight?

Peter:We didn't...but we should be careful of how many times we go out together, Aunt May is already getting suspicion about us and she's not easy to fool

Danny:...oh...can you give me a kiss?

Peter:(he's going to be begging and act like a kid if I don't kiss him, it'll just be a peck on the lips real quick)
Fine...sit up, I'm not going to put my head down for you
*Danny had sit up and had started to position himself for the kiss*
(Okay Peter, it's just one peck so you don't have to be nervous at all, it's no big deal, I did this all the time with MJ...mostly on the cheek but it's the same)

Danny:What are you thinking about?


Danny:...only focus on me
*he places his hand behind Peter's neck and pulls him close to his lips matching his, Peter's thoughts raced inside his head but had gone quiet as he rests his hand on Danny's chest taking in the moment*

Sam:Hey webhead-! Oh...
*he had swung the door open as he called out for Peter and had noticed Danny and Peter close together in a split second before Peter pushed Danny away with his hand on his chest looking flustered*

Peter:W-what do you want Sam?

Sam:Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs and Aunt May had left already...what were you two doing?

Danny:We were kiss-

Peter:Blowing dirt from each other's eyes! Danny was so drunk yesterday on our date and kept tripping to the ground
*he quickly said his excuse as he tightened held Danny's hand for him to be quiet*

Sam:Uh hurry up and get dressed before I eat your food

Peter:Touch my plate and you'll lose that hand

Sam:I'm shaking in my boots, so hurry up
*he joked with a smile as he closed the door behind him as he walked down the stairs, Danny glared at the door as he felt his hand free and Peter had jumped out of bed, Danny sees a red mark on his hand that Peter held*

Peter:You have to go get your clothes from your room Danny, so I'll meet you downstairs

Danny:I want another kiss...

Peter:Later Danny, you should get dressed already

Danny:Just one more...please?

Peter:No, go change before I throw you out
*Danny glared at him and did as he was told and stomped away to his room, Peter smiled to himself hoping not to laugh for Danny to hear*
(Damn it's funny seeing how he listens to me so well...)


Sam:Yeah so when I walked in, those two were totally making out, it was so awkward and hilarious of how mad Danny looked and Peter's shy face

Luke:You didn't know?

Ava:Know what?

Luke:That they had their first kiss yesterday

Sam:What?! How do you know that? Stalker!

Luke:I'm not a stalker, Jessica texted me just a few minutes ago

Ava:And how does she know?

Sam:And why did Jessica only texted you? She has my phone number too and I thought we were getting along nicely

Ava:She's still mad at you for what you said to her and Peter, in which you still have to apologize to him for

Luke:Yeah and Jessica told me that MJ told her and someone told MJ last night

Sam:Damn...couldn't they save it for their dance tonight? That way it would have been more romantic...

Peter:What the hell are you talking about?
*Sam had turned his head back and sees Peter glaring with him with Danny close behind*

Sam:About the dance what were you two doing when I walked in? Were you making out?

Danny:We were


Ava:It's not much of a surprise Peter, we already knew from Jessica

Peter:Jessica? How does she know?

Luke:She sent me a message that MJ told her, and someone told MJ last night too

Peter:What the hell-? Don't I have enough stalkers already?
*he sat on his chair along with Danny in the dining table*

Ava:Speaking of stalkers, those black cars outside are giving me weird vibes, when will we get rid of them?

Sam:What drama did you two get involved in now?

Peter:It's just the Frosts stalking us, which is weird since they would have gotten enough dirt on us already and should have threatened Danny by now, so it's a bit weird... you think they recorded us together last night?

Peter:Probably...that's why I told you to not drink anymore

Sam:Oooohh~ what happened last night in your romantic date?

Peter:Danny gotten drunk, can you believe that?

Danny:I wasn't that drunk

Peter:You called me a word in another language and were clinging onto me like a baby

Danny:...I don't remember that

Peter:Obviously you don't, you were dead ass wasted!

Ava:Who's bright idea was it to take alcohol to a date between two teenagers? was Johnny, that idiot of a matchstick didn't ask me if I wanted another drink than wine

Luke:What did you two do that the men in the car would have caught on camera?

Peter:Probably Danny kissing me and hugging me, it was exhausting of how much of a distraction Danny is...

Danny:I'm a distraction to you?

Peter:Obviously you are with your handsome face, I couldn't even sleep because of your face

Danny:You're more handsome than I am

Peter:That's not true, you're more handsome than me

Ava:Please don't flirt while we're eating, you're making us lose our appetite


Jessica and MJ sat in the car parked in front of Peter's house. MJ smiles and waves at the group walking towards them with their bags.

Sam:Hey MJ!

MJ:Sup' guys...
*she glances at Peter and Danny giving him a small glare, then she turns to Peter with a bright smile*
So how was your date last night Petey?

Peter:You told everyone..?

Jessica:Mary told me this morning, but I couldn't keep it to myself and told Luke

MJ:I told her to not tell anyone else you can let this slide right?

Peter:Who had send you the photo of us?

MJ:Oh, Johnny did!

Peter:(that damn I now being attractive to stalkers other than three of my own friends?)
Why was he at our date?

MJ:He haven't told me but he did send me the photo last night

Sam:I want to see!

Jessica:You can see it if you get inside already, I don't have all day

Sam:Fine fine, sheesh...
*he had softly smiles at MJ making her widened her eyes in realization of Sam sitting beside her, she smiles awkwardly at him as she stepped out of the car letting Sam get in first as Ava had already sat in the back seat, Luke was about to step in when he had noticed Danny's red hand*

Luke:Hey Danny, did something happen to your hand?


Luke:It's it swollen?

Danny:It's not...

Peter:Your hand is red? Why didn't you tell me earlier Danny? I didn't grab you that hard did I?
*he asked in a soft and worried tone as he was holding Danny's wrist and looking at his red hand that had attracted MJ's attention*

Danny:It's nothing love, it'll go away in a few minutes

Peter:You sure?

Luke:Did Peter get mad at you for something Danny?

Peter:I-I didn't mean to leave his hand a red mark! Sometimes I grip onto things too much that it sometimes leaves a mark...

Sam:Oh right! That was probably when I walked in on both of them making out in his room, man was that awkward...

Peter:Shut up will you?

Luke:...okay, now hurry up and get in
*he gave a cold glare to Peter making Peter have chills up his spine as Luke stepped inside, sitting beside Ava who was ignoring the conversation as MJ had also stepped inside and had put on the seatbelt for her and Sam*

Peter:Was he always that scary?

Danny:He doesn't mean it like that love, I'll get in first...
*he smiles calmly at Peter making him flutter with butterflies in his stomach as he stepped inside the car with Peter following closely behind him, then Jessica had turned on her car and drove down the road*

Jessica:About damn time, you all talk for a long time

Sam:It's not that long, stop exaggerating Jessie...oh, show us the picture MJ! I want to see Peter's tomato face

Peter:Ugh why? I wasn't that red in the face so don't get any hope

Danny:You were red Peter, I remember it looked didn't you? After I told you not to last night!

Danny:I couldn't help it, you looked so nervous last night that I had to see your face, so sorry about that
*he spoke with a bright smile as Sam was being shown of the photo from MJ's phone as Jessica sat in her seat deeply annoyed*

Peter:(you don't look sorry about it at all!)

Sam:Hah! Well it's a bummer that I can't see Peter's face here, what a horrible spot he was in, look guys!
*he had enthusiastically turned around and showed them the photo on the phone that had a weird angle from the distance with Peter and Danny together on their date night*

Danny:That's a horrible angle, I can barely see Peter's pretty face

Peter:Are you done with the compliments now?
*he asked as he lightly pinched Danny's ear and pulls him*

Danny:But you are pretty...ow ow
*Peter pinched his ear harder making him wince in pain*

Peter:Are you asking for it now Rand?

Jessica:(I want to throw them out of my car...please don't let me have a ticket)
*she had pressed her foot on one of the car pedals making the car to quickly drive forward making them all to land their heads back, Sam glared at Jessica and had sat properly as he handed MJ her phone back*

Sam:What the hell Jess? You should have told us that you were going fast, we're not that late are we?

Jessica:We're not...I just grew tired of some PDA going around in the backseat, make sure not to fog the car windows since dealing with cold fog was enough
*Peter just rolled his eyes as he frees Danny's ear from his fingers and looks out the window waiting for them to arrive at school*


They all had stepped out of the car after Jessica had parked her car in her parking spot, Jessica had stretched her arms with a yawn as she walks around the walk and stood in the group.

Jessica:It sure is nice to not see Flash steal my spot after that stunt he pulled, maybe he won't show his face here today due to embarrassment

Sam:Hey isn't that Liz over there?
*he asked as he points his finger at Liz who was walking down the sidewalk heading towards the school entrance, they all turned their attention to her who had her head slightly down*

Ava:Sam, don't talk about her...

Sam:She ruined Jessica's car too remember? I'm surprised she still came to school

Jessica:At least it's the last day of school before winter break, that way we don't have to see her bird face again until school starts

Peter:Don't call her that, she's dealing with a lot too from the mess that Flash had dragged her into, you were annoyed of them talking smack about you and now you're doing the same to her? Not cool Jessica...I'm going to talk to her, you're all jerks...

MJ:Uh Peter!
*she called out to Peter as he had already ran down the empty street not hearing her, he ran towards Liz with a bright smile greeting her as Liz had a shocked expression that the team could see from a distance*

Jessica:I didn't expect him to get mad about it, since when does he care about bullies?

Sam:Yeah like why?

MJ:He and Liz are friends, the three of were close since middle school and then we met Harry and it was just the four of us, before you all came made Liz a bit jealous and began hanging out with Flash and his friends but despite her big change she always had a soft spot for Peter...he does that sometimes, it's like a bit of a gift he had since he was young


MJ:Yep, isn't that how he attracted you?

Peter:How's it going Liz?

Liz:Peter? Shouldn't you be with your friends...?

Peter:Them? They're fine, they won't miss me

Liz:Who wouldn't miss you? They're horrible people...

Peter:They're great people, even Jessica once you get to know her

Liz:...aren't you mad for me helping Flash to paint her car?

Peter:A bit but I know you wouldn't do that, you're a good person and I think you had gotten your punishment for it so all it fine right?



Liz:I-I meant yes, it's all resolved now...but...uhm...can I tell you something?


Liz:After my house?

Peter:(it must be serious if she wants to meet up there, we wouldn't go to her house a lot...)

Liz:Your friends won't mind?...I know that you're all living together and I don't want to make anymore enemies...

Peter:They won't, they'll just be getting ready for the dance tonight

Liz:Oh right...uhm I'll meet you after school okay?

Peter:Okay! I'll wait by the gate
*he smiles happily as he stood infront of the staircase with Liz holding the door handle to walk inside, Liz softly smiles at him*

Liz:Okay...I'll be waiting...
*she spoke before she walked inside the warm school, Peter turned back as he heard his name being called from the group, he unknowingly smiles as Danny walks towards him with a worried expression*

Danny:Peter you should walk inside the school, it's cold right now and you could get a fever again

Peter:Sure mom, god yesterday you acted like a child and now you're acting like a mom, I have enough people watching over me

MJ:Well Petey, who could ever leave someone like you out of their sight? You don't even know where your house is if we don't go with you

Peter:I'm not that dumb MJ...

Sam:Yeah Petey, you're on a whole other level of dumb if Danny isn't there to hold your hand while walking home

Peter:Shu- I'm still mad at you and Jessica! And I don't hold hands with anyone!

Danny:Don't you hug me every time we sleep together? You wrap your whole body around me not making me move or breathe

Peter:If you have a problem with it then why do you still sleep on my bed?

Danny:I don't like sleeping alone

Peter:Then sleep on the floor!

Danny:I don't sleep comfortably, sleeping beside you is better

Peter:You just said that you had a problem with me tightly hugging you in your sleep!

Ava:Can we get inside without those two?

Jessica:I need another smoke...go ahead without me
*she waved and walked away as Peter and Danny kept bickering as the others watched Jessica walk down the corner of the school and turn right to an empty side of the school*

Luke:She really needs to stop's now affecting her behavior

Sam:She had a nasty cough before too, we should help her out even if she says that it's not harming her body other than nasty coughs

Ava:Just let her do her own stuff, she'll regret it later on, come on we have to get our stuff for class

MJ:Come on you lovebirds, we have to go in before we're late

Peter:Fine, just so you know that Danny started it...

Danny:I did not love...

Ava:Please don't start again, do your annoying flirty after school or at home

Sam:You heard her, save it for the dance tonight

Peter:Ugh whatever...

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