His black jacket_on hold

By sinfulpotato

450 19 32

"тнey were ѕo dιғғerenт. тнey were lιĸe one anoтнer'ѕ drυg, and coυldn'т geт enoυgн, ѕoon ιт woυld ѕтarт тo ĸ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a stop, but a break

Chapter 9

33 2 1
By sinfulpotato

When I wake up I can already tell where I am, even without opening my eyes. I'm in the infurmary. The smell gives it away immediately as I regain consiousness. Wait why am I in the infurmary?

I try to open my eyes but they feel stuck, I try and try then I finally see the roon around me. And the people sitting in front of my bed side. If I wasn't awake before my surprise quest defenetly woke me

up. All three of the head masters were

sitting calmly in front of me watching me.

"H-hi?" I say as I try to sit up. But Mrs. Cross frowns as she gets up and moves the pillow behind me. I smile at her gratefully, as she stares at me curiously.

"Do you remember why you are here?" Mr. Williams asks standing up and joining Mrs. Cross next to my bed.

I look down at my hands and look at my chipping nail polish. Then I start to remember going to the party and talking the Becce. Her dragging me to find Eliot, seeing him kiss the slu- er Katherine. When I remember seeing him kissing her with so much lust I bite my lip.

As I keep replaying the events of last night I remember walking into an ally having Eliot on my heal. Then throwing his stuff at him, and Exavier making it worse. But then I remember fog, black eyes and Exavier being swallowed by the ground.

By that point I'm bitting my lip so hard I taste blood. "Ow." I say as I brush my finger over it. "Yes. I remember." I say, then look at Mr. Nolan saying the my next words coldly. "Your son is a monster."

They all went still as Mr. Nolan smirks, he opens his mouth to talk but someone else's beats him to it.   "That isn't very nice to say about someone in the room, you could have at least waited untill I were to leave the room." Eliot says as he leans against the door on the other side of the room.

How didn't I notice him? I quickly get out of the bed and go to the far right corner making myself as small as possible. "Go away!" I yell. "You killed Exavier! Your a monster." I say pressing myself against the wall as tightly as I can.

I look at him with the most hateful glare I can muster, but getting up so suddenly made me dissy and it probably isn't showing all of my loathe to the boy standing on th e other side of the big room.

But as I look at him, his earlier witty comment doesn't match his expression. He looks hurt? But why in the hell would he be hurt he has no reason to be sad. He is a horrible person and, I hate him. but if you hate him why are you over thinking everything about him? Ugh, this is not the time to start a civil war inside my head.

"Mrs. Pierce, I think there is some explaining to be done." Mrs. Cross says calmly. "Eliot isn't a monster. Not fully anyway." She says sitting on the bed motioning for me to sit next to her.

"What do you mean by that?" I say in a low voice staying near the wall, not moving an inch.

"This is going to be hard to explain. So you need to listen and pay attention, understand Rosalinda?" Mrs. Cross said frustrated.

"Don't call me that." I say annoyed.

Mrs. Cross looks like she has had it when Eliot steps in. "I'll tell her, but you all have to leave. That was the deal, remember Pops?" Eliot says pointedly at his father.

No no no no no, they can't leave me with this monster!

"Absolutely not." Mrs. Cross says furiously shaking her head. "She is frightened as it is, there is no way-" but then Mr. Nolan interups her. He steps forward and whispers something in her ear.  I see her get agitated by whatever it is he said and starts shouting incoherent words at him. But after a few more words, she turns red.

She storms to Eliot who is still leaning against the door watching all this go down as she steps beside him. "Twenty minutes. Understand! If you somehow convince her to keep letting you talk I'll leave you alone untill you explain everything to her. But, if I so much as hear a sniffle come from the girl you will be sent to the brig until graduation if not longer. Am I clear?" She said to him in such a calm voice that it was scray. Though, he smirks. The fucker smirks, then he stands straight and gives her a two finger salute.

Mrs. Cross walks over to me and smiles sadly. Who knew she could smile? Then she gives me a peck on the head. "I am so sorry dear, but Nolan has my hands tied. Just, please try to be patient you will get the truth soon enough. But, if he does do something I will come back in a heartbeat." She sighs and walks out of the room, the other two adults fallow in her. Now it's just us.


I start to slide down the wall, what's going on?

"Well I'll tell, but you have to listen." I hear Eliot answer my unspoken question. I look up and glare at him, "stay out of my head, freak!" I shout upset. I see him visably wince and the features of his facet become more upset and hallow. Then he starts to walk towards me.

"Stop, stay away from me." I say bringing my knees up and try to hide myself. But I can't.

I hear his foot steps come closer to me, and with each sound his shoes make I find it harder to breath. "Pl - please st-stop." I find myself choking on my words. Then I could practically feel his warmth as he kneels next to me. "Breath Rosie. Please, come on in and out. In and out." He  says calmly. 

I hate him, I hate how his words calm me down, even when I know he's a monster. How I look up at him when I want to hide. I hate how he's the only one that can calm me down right now. I absolutely loathe the way when I raise head his eyes remind me of home. And how I can't forget the way I felt when I saw him Kissing her. But worst of all, how I just want to run my hands threw his hair and see if it really feels like clouds, and have him hug me so tight untill I can't identify who's limb is who's.

"Rose?" He says staring down at me, with an emotion I can't identify in his eyes.

"Please, just tell me what's gong on?" I breath, "am I crazy? Are you really a monster? What is going on?" I yell at him pull at the roots of my hair.

He looks so distraught, and vulnerable. But he doesn't have the right to be. Because it's hid fault, right?

He sighs as he stands up walks towards the bed I was sleeping on only minutes ago. He sits down and crosses hid legs, then puts his elbows on his knees and his chin on his palms looking at me.

"I don't know where to begin." He says after a moment. "Why don't you start from the beginning?" Sarcasm drips onto every word.  He looks at me and chuckles, "Right, how ever would I have remembered without you?" He says smiling, I don't return the smile.

He frowns and sighs again, "Okay, just promise that you will let me tell you everything. Okay? I don't want to to interupt me, and none of your sarcastic comments untill you know everything. Please, I want to be. No, I need to be the person that tells you this. Please?" He begs. I look up at him and see his eyes getting lighter. Everything about him seems on edge.

"Why should I? " I question him. "You were the one that said I was crazy now your the one who can read my mind and swallow people into the Earth. Why should I let you even be in the room with me?" I start yelling at him. You know screw this, he can't be serious. After everything he still expects something from me, this-this is bull!

Just then all the lights near me explode into a rain of sparks. What the-

"You want a reason Rosalinda?" Eliot says calmly walking towrds me, just as his eyes start to turn a little darker.

"Don't call me Rosalinda." I whisper darkly in the darkness that surrounds me.

He tilts his head, unfazed and backs me against the wall. I became painfully aware this happened not to long ago in this same room. Then her leans close so his lips are near my ear, I could feel his breath go down my neck.

"You can trust me Rosalinda. You want to know why?" He didn't pauses for a moment as I nod my head. "Because I need you, not just in the literal sence. Because everyone involved needs you in that sence. But I need you in a way only you make me need you. I don't know what it is I need of you, and maybe I'm selfish that way. But I would never, ever do something to brake or harm someone that I need. So you can trust me, at least untill you've made up your mind of this mess. But I need you to trust me enough to listen to me, and only me about this. Those people outside, I trust them. But I know they will only tell you bits and pieces of this secret we have been keeping. But, me? I will tell you the things you need to hear, okay? So please trust me enough to let me tell you the truth. Then you can decide everything from there. And I know this may seem like the most confusing shit you have ever heard but I will clear everything up. Everything." He says breathlessly finishing his statement. And looks at me in a way no one ever has, he is looking at me as if he could see everything I'm made of. All of my mistakes, my accomplishments, my soul.

He steps away just as the door opens and Mrs . Cross steps in worridly. "Times up, you can leave now Eliot." She says in a dissapointed tone.

He looks at me with wide eyes, pleading me silently. Damn it, this isn't fair he can't just do this to me! But his face falters and he heads toward the doors. His hand reaches for the handle pulling it not even an inch before I speak up.

"I-its okay Mrs. Cross. I think I will let him tell me what's going on here." They both stop moving and the room becomes still.

Then Eliot turns around with a relived expression as he walks towards me, smugly winking at the older women. She sighs and furiously rubs the temples of her head as she walks out of the room, and I hear the sound of all three head masters shoes click and clack untill they aren't inside the building.

Now it really is just us.

I look up at him as he smiles down at me. I frown, "Please don't act so happy when you have a girlfriend." I say bitterly walking towards the bed. I sit laying against the wall and my legs crossed and my eyes closed.

"What?" I hear him say under his breath. Then I let the memories of last night run through my head.

"Wait!" He says upset. "We aren't dating." He says as if that were a better excuse.

"Look, she grabbed me and pulled me against her and was practically raping me. I didn't have time to push her away when you walked in the room." He says trying to explaining everything.

I frown and open one eye to look at him, and he looked and seemed pretty desperate for me to believe him. "It doesn't matter right now" I say opening both eyes and tilt my head to him. "Unless this will help explain everything that's going on I don't really care." I say in a deadpan voice.

He frowns, " look, I know we started off really badly but, ugh! Why are you making this so difficult Rosalinda?" He says angrily and I hear lighting shoot down in the distance.  Can he control the weather?

"Yes, I can" he answers annoyed. "But whenever I fight with you I loose control and things slip." As if to prove his point a huge crack of lighting shot threw the sky.

"Look, please I don't like her. Okay?" He said trying to convince me. I roll my eyes.

"Why does it matter Eliot? Please I don't want to talk about meaningless things like this." I say and I sounded pretty confident but deep deep down I know I want to choke him and the red head.

"See! I just heard you say it." He says fighting back.

"You know what?" I say getting up "if you want to talk about such a useless subject then fine. We'll talk." Just then all the lights in the room broke into a shower of sparks.

"Why are you being ignorant?" He yells at me. His eyes start to turn a solid blue not the light blue they usually are. Then a loud crack of thunder is heard through the room, the only light coming from the lightning itself as it strikes down.

"What Eliot? What are you trying to say? I can't read your fucking mind like a stupid sparkling vampire!" I shout angrily. Then the fan just a few feet away from us starts to turn dangerously fast. You could hear the blades turning, cutting through the air.

He pulls at the roots of his hair, his eyes turn a dark blue color. "I don't know, I can't possibly know because you are so insanly different then what I expected you to be! I expect some self righteous, know it all who would have been a pain in the ass. But you came instead and now I'm confused!" He  yells angrily, but I'm not sure if it's at me, or at himself. The lighting flashes closer this time, and makers a bigger noise through the room.

"What is you're deal? You make a big deal about wanting to be the one who helps me understand what's going on in this fucked up version of a school. Now you're yelling at me as if I killed your dog!" I scream through the thunder. This time I see a huge Crack forming in the window. And I know I did that.

Eliot falls to his knees his hands lay limp. Maybe it's over? I think as I step towards him, the thunder stopped, I take a step closer. Then another, and one more. I reach my hand out to touch his head.


The biggest Crack of lighting yet, comes outside the building. The window brakes and glass flies everywhere, then Eliot looks up and his eyes are pure black, not even a speak of blue in sight. Then everything starts to slow down as he slowly stands up. "Rosalinda Pierce, I don't know why I care so much about your opinion. Because we haven't even known each other for very long, and when we have been together I'm always making you hate me even more." He says with an annoyed groan.

With one hand he covers his face as if he didn't want to look at me. Or he didn't want you to look at him the little voice argues. Then with the other hand he slides it in thin air as if he were wiping an invisible window. But all of the damage that had been made slowly starts to repair itself, the windows, the lights, and the fans. It all slowly started to go back to its place.

He looks down when he finishes and takes the hand away from his face as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a familiar pill bottle. He pours a few in his hand and swallows it dry. Then he looks up at me, and starts to blink. Slowly the color comes back to his eyes. And we stand there staring at each other.

We could have been there for hours, maybe just a few seconds, but I broke the ever peaceful silence with a simple question that could answer his behavior.

"Eliot, do you like me?" I say tilting my head.

He stands there, dumbfounded. Jaw slacked, but he doesn't answer. I slowly walk closer to him. He doesn't move, so I take a few longer strides in his direction, untill I'm finally in front of him. I raise my eyebrows in question, then I raise my hand and slowly reach for his cheek.

"Stop." He says with a certain tone of authority, then he steps away.

I sigh, "Why? Why is it you are always so close to touching my cheek or my back or my neck, and you stop? Why did you make Cuper carry me to the infurmary?" I start to yell at him.

He sits on the edge of the bed when he looks up at me, "Because I don't want you to have what's mine." He says as if it were the most obvious reason.

"What do you mean by that?" I say rolling my eyes.

He groans and puts his head in his hands, "Because I'm a possessive little fuck and I didn't want you to have a copy of my powers." He explains.

I nod, "okay, now can you explain to me what that means?" I say annoyed.

He looks at me, and tilts his head at me. Almost as if he were thinking. "I'm going to tell you the secrets of Bridge High. The secret of us, I'm going to make this all clear. Okay? Just like promised, then you can decide your opinions and understand. Now come here." He said tapping the space next to him on the bed. I slowly walked over to the bed and sat on the spot he patted.

I brought my knees to my chin and wrapped my arms around my legs. "I want to know everything, okay? I want to understand." I say looking him dead in the eye.

He gives me a sad smile, " Just remember you asked for the truth. You could have left  anytime and I wouldn't have stopped you. But this is it, your last warning. Once you hear this you are now responsible for what lies ahead, okay?" He speaks clearly and smoothly wanting me to know the severity of what he has to say.

I think for a moment, but really there is no debate. I need to know what's going on, or it might just kill me.

"Okay, I take responsibility of what lies ahead. Now please, please tell me what going on." I say in a desprate tone I have never heard myself use.

He nods, and takes a deep breath. " Do you remember the story I told you the other day? Of the Angels and the little girl." He asks. My eyes furrow, what does that have to do with anything. But I nod.

"Okay well, It really is true, it's not just some legend it's real. There were once angel's walking the Earth, and now there are demons walking on the once bright paths they walked on." He said making sure I heard each word.

"Wait what does that have to do with any of this?" I asked confused.

He chuckles, "It has everything to do with this." He comes close to me, out faces were inches apart. "I'm one of those demons. Mrs. Cross is one of those demons, Mr. Williams is a demon, the honor class is made up of demon prodigies with extrordanarie powers. Hell most of the teachers are too." He says then laughs cynically. "And you want to hear the best part? I'm the decendant of this beautiful man who caused the world to go to hell." He stops for a moment, then smiles an evil smile. " Hmm now I wonder who the decendant is of the little girl who helped in the distruction of the peace on earth." Then he started pointing in random places while singing you eenie meenie miney mo, that is untill he got to me.

"They expect us to save the world you know." He says tierdly and lays on his back staring at the ceiling. "Do you understand now?" He says still looking up. "You are probably as powerful as me, if not more. And that's saying a lot, trust me. You have so much power over everything and then there was even a prophecy of a special gift you would possess." He turns to me and frowns. "If you touch a demon with special powers like me, or the honor class students, even the head masters. You have exactly what they have, if they could control the water and you made contact then you could also control it." He stopped as if thinking about what he was going to say next. "I never shook your hand, or carried you to the infurmary, or even touched your neck, because I don't know if you could handle my power. So please don't take it to personally. " he says finally filling me in on, well everything. "Any questions?" He asks.

I try to take everything in, it really isn't that hard due to what happened only moments ago. Now so much makes sense, though there are now bigger questions to be asked.

"How do I have powers if my decendants we fee human?" I ask the first one that comes to mind.

He smiles and looks to me. "Well Rose, when two people love each other very much-" "eww no that's not what I ment." I say scrunching my nose. "I know." He says looking back up at the wall.

"Your bloodline would have been pure human actually. If it weren't for your mom falling for your dad." he said in monotone.

My face paled, "What?" I asked again.

He shrugged, "Your mother was the previous decendant of the little girl. Then she met your dad and well I guess you are proof of what happened next. " he says. Then thinks over something.

"Hey Rosalinda, how come you never knew about any of this? Like why didn't your dad tell you about your powers?" He asked sitting up to look at me.

I turn away from him and lay down. I think of everything that happened then look at him.

He looks at me blankly. "Did you get that?" I asked annoyed.

"Get what?" He says scrunching hid face in confusion.

I groaned, "What the point of being able to read minds if you aren't going to do it?" I asked annoyed.

He laughs, "Sorry I guess I forgot to tell you. I can only read the minds of humans." He says as though it were obvious.

"Wait, but I'm not human. How come you were able to read my thought?" I ask sitting up.

Eliot smiles at me, "If you think you are hsuman. Then you are one, but now that you know the truth I can't get into your mind anymore. " he says with a shrug.

I was about to reply when a yawn comes out instead. "Hey what time is it?" I ask.

He checks his phone and shows me the time. 3:25 am. 

"Oh my gosh it's late. Well early, I should go to sleep." I say as another yawn brakes out.

I turn to tell Eliot to leave, but he was already looking at me. I blushed and looked down. "Can you please get off, I kind of want to sleep." I say trying to sound annoyed.

He smirks, "Course princess." Then he gets up and pulls a chair next to my bed. I get in the sheets and look over to him, though I don't question him being as tierd as I am.

Then he just starts to randomly talk, as if he were trying to lull me to sleep with his words.

"Exavier isn't dead, I just dug him up in a small hole for about an hour or two. So he shouldn't be dead, yeah know if you're still worried." 
Thank god!

"I'm going to have to train you to use your powers if we are actually going to make it to the mirror. Supposibly there are tons of traps to get to it."

Well at least I will be able to control myself now.

He goes on for a little while longer, just talking about random stuff, I'm at the brink of sleep when I hear one statement brake through the barrier of fatigue.

There will be a lot of people after you Rose, but I promise I won't let them touch you. I swear.

And with a smile tugging at my lips I submerge into a land of dark locks and blue eyes that watch out for me.


Hey guys sorry I didn't check this through so probably lots of mistakes. I don't know but sorry if this was over climatic? I felt like this was going to be one of my better chapters. Comments?? Please I don't know if I should redo this chapter or not. Anyway thanks for reading

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