The Honor of Love (ATLA fanfi...

By Nina-Maire

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*ZUKO LS* Istari was born and raised in the Fire Nation. After her parents were murdered for betrayal, she fl... More

1. The Airbender
2. The Southern Airtemple
3. Kyoshi Island
4. An old friend
5. Haru
6. The Hei Bai spirit
7. Crescent Island
8. The Waterbending scroll
10. Family
11. Into the storm
12: The Blue Spirit
13: The Fortune Teller
14: The Split
15: Fire
16. The Northern Airtemple
17. The Siege of the North
18. Return to Omashu
19. the swamp
20. Still alive?
22. Avalanche Rhino
22. Cottage at the beach
24. The tea shop
25. Metamorphosis
26. The Crossroads of Destiny
27: The Awakening
28: Reunited
29: The Invasion
30. The Eclipse
31. The Western Air temple
32. Destiny and Dreams
33. Choices
34: Forgiveness
35. The Ember Island Players
36. Beach Party
37. Finding Aang
38. The Last Fight
37. A Royal Visit
40: Advice

9. The Freedom Fighters.

175 7 0
By Nina-Maire

It was early in the morning when we woke up. I heated up some water and boiled some rice. After our breakfast we cleaned everything up and sat down for a while to digest it in silence.
"Where's Momo?" Aang asked, waking us up from our daydreams.

"He was here a few minutes ago," I said when I looked around, "maybe he was chasing a bird or something." We stood up and decided to look for him. When we walked towards the road, we heard the sound of screeching animals. "Up there!" I said and I pointed to the top of the trees. There were three cages hanging down, with one of them containing Momo.

"Hang on Momo!" Aang said and he made his way up one tree and released Momo. When he got down, he heard the crying sounds of the two monkeys that were captured in the two other cages. "Alright." Aang said and he jumped up the tree. He was struggling with getting the rope loose. "Careful!" I said as I shot a thin line of fire up to the rope. It burned the rope through, and the cage fell down with a loud thud on the ground, breaking them apart. The monkeys escaped and quickly ran away.

"These are Fire Nation traps, you can tell from the metalwork." Sokka said when he examined the cages. "We'd better pack up camp and get moving." We agreed and started to pack up. We put everything in the saddle and we climbed in. "No," Sokka said, "no flying this time."

"Why not?" Aang asked confused. "Think about it: how does Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us? It's because they spot Appa, he's too big and noticeable." Sokka said seriously. "What? Appa is not too noticeable." Katara replied with her hands resting on her hips. "He is a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It is kinda hard to miss him." Appa growled. "Sokka's just jealous because he doesn't have an arrow." Aang said when he petted Appa on the head. "Look, my instinct says we should better walk this time and play it safe." Sokka said airy.

"Who made you the boss? Katara asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I am not the boss I am the leader." Sokka replied.
Katara scoffed. "You are the leader? Your voice still cracks!"
"I-I-I do not crack!" Sokka replied.

"Aang should be the leader, because he is the Avatar." Katara said. "He is just some goofy kid." Sokka replied with a frown. "If anyone is the leader, it is Istari. She is the oldest." Aang said when he was handing upside down.
I smiled. "Okay, guys, we are a democratic group, we vote and decide together. But for now, let's just walk for a bit, I am sure it will be good for all of us to get some exercise."


"I hate walking!" Aang yelled miserably, "how can people live without a flying bison?"
"Well, I don't know, why don't you ask the rest of the world?" I replied annoyed.
"You can all be very tired but at least we do not run into the Fire Nation!" Sokka said and he disappeared into a bush. When we followed him, we walked straight into a Fire Nation camp.

"Run!" Sokka yelled and Aang, Katara and Sokka dropped their stuff to run. "Guys, we can take them!" I said and I started to fire bend. I looked back and saw Katara, Sokka and Aang blocked by a wall of fire. "Sokka!" Katara yelled panicky when she saw Sokka's arm on fire. Katara quickly bended some of her water and swiftly put out the fire. "Let us go and we promise not to hurt you!" Sokka said when we were surrounded.
"What?!" I said alarmed. The man approached but fell down immediately. "Wow... nice work Sokka." Aang said amazed, "how did you do it?"
Sokka shrugged. "Eh... instinct?" He replied. "Look!" Katara yelled and she pointed to a young man that stood on a branch of one of the tall trees. The young man jumped and grounded a few of the guards. "Down you go." He said and he winked. Katara's eyes started to shine brightly, Sokka and my eyebrow rose and Aang frowned deeply.

A few others came out of the trees and fought the Fire Nation. Sokka and I looked at each other and shrugged. We decided to join the fight. I did not fire bend but I managed to unnoticeably block the flames bare hand and kick the soldiers down.

When all of the soldiers were down, we turned to the young man and his group. "You just took down a whole army single handed." Aang said amazed. "Army?" Sokka scoffed, "there were only like 20 guys."
"My name is Jet," the young man said, "and these are my freedom fighters." He pointed to the guys and named them: "Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, The Duke and Pipsqueek."

The freedom fighters started to pack in all the supplies at the camp. Sokka and I were leaning against each other watching the spectacle with raised eyebrows. "We are far more better warriors." Sokka said. "We? You mean I am. You coward ran away." I said teasingly and elbowed him in the waist. "Sokka, Is, we are going to their hideout." Katara said excited. "Terrific..." Sokka mumbled and I grinned. "Hideout? I can't see it!" Sokka said, looking around. "Here, grab this," Jet said and he gave Sokka a rope, "hold your girl tight." I grabbed Sokka waist quickly and looked around. "I am NOT his girlfrieeeeeeeeeeeend!" I yelled when I got yanked up and disappeared between the leafs. I held on very tightly to Sokka, feeling like I was about to break him in half.

There were enormous tree houses, all connected to each other with bridges. I have to say, it was pretty impressive. We settled down and waited for dinner. There was meat, lychees, vegetables, you name it. When I was nibbling on a lychee, Jet stood down on the table. "Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine." Jet yelled and the people cheered. "I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face when The Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog-monkey." The Duke stood up and bowed, as they rooted for him.

"Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding the trees... Maybe they are right." Jet said and the crowd booed. " Or maybe, they'er dead wrong!" The crowd cheered again.

"Hey, Jet, nice speech." Katara said. "Thanks," Jet said, "By the way, I was really impressed by you and Aang," He said when he sat back down, "that was some great bending I saw out there today."

"He is great. He is the Avatar," Katara said when she smiled at Aang, "I could use some more training," she said shyly.
"Avatar, huh?" Jet said, "nice."
"Thanks Jet!" Aang replied with a smile.
"So, I might know a way that you and Aang could help in our struggle." Jet said.

"With helping you find a job to work for your food?" I mumbled under my breath. "Unfortunately we have to leave tonight." Sokka said and he stood up. "Sokka... you are kidding me..." Jet said on this tone that made me gag. "I wanted you to join me on a mission." Sokka stopped and sat down again. "A mission?" Sokka asked. Jet nodded. "Come on, I'll tell you all about it." Jet said and he stood up to walk over to Sokka.

"He is a cool guy." Aang said to Katara. I put my cup down and looked at him. "He robs people." I said indignantly. "He doesn't rob people, he just robs..." Katara said and she stopped talking. I held my hands up in the air. "Fire Nation civilians and soldiers?" I shouted while I put my fist down and they shot fire, "Yes, I know I said that I hated the Fire Nation, but I have come to learn that I hate certain people who live in the Fire Nation and who caused this war. So if we would please not think that every single person who's wearing red or bend fire is evil itself, it would be much appreciated, thanks!" I said angrily and I stood up.

I marched away from the table, to my treehouse. I sat down, upset and angry. I sat down and buried my face in my hands. Suddenly, the tears were flowing down my cheeks. I was shaking uncontrollably, letting it all out. I was feeling so alone. I could not understand my own emotions. Ever since I saw Zuko something just.. snapped. I just miss my old life terribly. The life where I did not have a single care in the world. I miss my parents, my friends, my cousins... the country.

The Fire Nation... My home for so many years... I thought about the homes the Fire Nation had destroyed... my home among them. But not everyone is evil. I am not evil. Or am I? Am I evil because I don't want my family and friends to lose everything they have when we invade the Fire Nation? Or am I evil because I want my revenge on Fire Lord Ozai and want to burn that palace to the ground and end this dreadful war?

I buried my face deeper in my hands and slowly shook my head. Pull yourself together Istari... Calm down.
I looked up and wiped the tears of my face. I held up my hands and formed a cup. A small flame formed in the cup. I looked at it and felt my heartbeat getting slower, my breath becoming more stable and my mind more calm as I stared deeper into it. I sat like this for quite some time, until I was ready to go to bed with an empty mind. I blew out my fire and rubbed my warm hands together before I laid my head down on the pillow.


The next morning I woke up and went to the table we had dinner before. Katara and Aang were sitting at the table, but didn't look up when I sat down. Aang looked up slowly at me, watching me from behind his bowl. I quickly grabbed a piece of fruit and poured in some cold tea to avoid more awkwardness. I heated the cup up in my hand and made my way back to my treehouse.

Sokka turned around the corner, bumping into me. The hot tea spilled down my hand and I dropped the cup. "Watch out!" I grunted, blowing on my hand and shaking it. "Does it hurt? I am, sorry, I'll get you some water." Sokka said. "No, leave it, it is fine. You just caught me off guard, sorry." I mumbled and I looked up to him, he looked really angry.

"You don't have to get angry, I am the one who's got burned." I said annoyed. Sokka shook his head. "It is not that. Jet beat and robbed a harmless old man. He was from the Fire Nation, but it was just wrong. That old man didn't do anything! I want to leave, now." Sokka said. "What?" I asked confused.

"Katara told me what happened, you have all the right to be angry. I am sorry I didn't come over to you." Sokka said. "I am surprised Katara didn't. But she's head over heals, so I can't really blame her. Although I do am a bit angry." I said and shrugged. "You're my favorite scary Fire Bender, Iz, and you always will be." Sokka said and nudged me with his elbow.

"Hey Sokka," Katara said when she walked over to us, "is Jet back?"
"Yes, he's back and we are leaving." Sokka said. "What, why?" Aang asked confused. "Your boyfriend Jet is a thug." Sokka said. "No, he is not." Katara replied alarmed. "He is messed up, Katara. He beat and robbed a harmless old man." Sokka replied.

"I want to hear Jet's side of the story." Katara said with gritted teeth. The four of us went over to his tent. Sokka walked next to me, both our arms crossed over our chests. I was feeling quite uncomfortable going there, and I was trying to hold myself in not to say or do anything stupid.

Jet sighed. "Sokka," he started, "you told them what happened but you didn't mention the guy was Fire Nation?"
Katara scoffed. "No, he conveniently left that part out." I bit my tongue and clenched my fist. I felt them getting warm and I quickly shook it off. "Fine, but even if he was Fire Nation, he was still a harmless civilian." Sokka replied urgently.

"He was an assassin, Sokka," Jet said when he held out a knife and put it in the table, "See? It has a compartment for poison in the knife. He was sent to eliminate me." Jet said when he held out the vial with poison. "You saved my life, Sokka."

"I knew there was an explanation." Katara said. "I didn't se any knife." Sokka replied confused. "That's because he was concealing it." Jet replied with a shrug. "See, Sokka? I'm sure you just notice the knife-"
"- No Firebender uses a knife like that! Definitely not an old man like that! Poison is for women!' I shouted with my hands in the air.

"And how would you know?" Jet asked. I held up my hands and they lit on fire. "I knew it!" Jet yelled and he stood up. I put the fire out and narrowed my eyes, looking at him. "How dare you set foot in here?! Your people are responsible for the death of my parents!"

"As they were responsible for mine!" I replied angrily. "What a great way to justify robbing innocent people!"
"Fire Nation civilians and soldiers are all monsters." Jet replied angrily.

"Grow up, dude.'' I said, shaking my head in disbelief. "You are not saving anyone, or setting anyone free. You live in trees, hiding. What kind of a life is that?"

"Tons better than yours, for sure." Jet replied. "You don't know anything about me!" I replied.

"Hmm true, I don't even got your name, right? What was it, Izzi?" Jet asked. "Istari Hou Xing, daughter of General Nobu Hou Xing and Lynn Hou Xing." I replied with gritted teeth . Jet chuckled. "Ah, the traitor's daughter. Fire Nation's Gem."

"So what?" I asked. Jet shrugged and smirked. "You are so proud yet ashamed of what you are. Can't pick a side because no one wants you. Not the Fire Nation, not the other nations, not even your friends."

"That is not true, Istari is my friend." Aang said and Sokka nodded heavily.

I swallowed and didn't say anything. He was right. "Nothing? I would expected a bit more from you."
"Would you like me to give you a demonstration?!" I yelled angrily and my first caught fire, aiming for Jet's hand. I lost balance and suddenly my hand froze. "Enough!" Katara yelled. I followed the ice and saw it coming out of Katara's bag.

"Seriously? I am your friend!" I said indignantly. "It is better for you to cool down, Istari. Please." Katara said. I looked at Aang who avoided my look and Sokka looked angrily at Jet. I broke free of her ice and looked at Aang. "I wished I could have helped you, but clearly I am not needed anymore." I said to him.

I stormed out of the tent. I heard Sokka yelling at Katara and Jet as Aang ran after me. "No, please, don't go. I need you. Jet and Katara don't mean it. It is just that her mom and his parents and my entire culture-" Aang said and I interrupted him.
"I lost my parents to the Fire Nation too, Aang. My father's best friend gave the execution order. I lost everything myself. I know how it is!" I replied frustrated.

"I know, but-" Aang said. "But what Aang? I cannot go both ways. If you truly want my help, then you need to accept me and my background. I am a Firebender and I always will be, no matter how hard I try to deny it, like I used to." I said quietly. Aang looked at me, very sad. "I also can't be without Katara...." He said quietly.

"I am not asking you to choose between me and Katara," I said and I gave him a hug, "I will be in Ba Sing Se if you need me. Come and find me when you are ready. You are much faster with Appa, you'll catch up on me before I even get there." I let him go and without looking back, I marched to my own tent and grabbed my stuff.

I threw everything in my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I walked over to the rope, passed Smellerbee and The Duke without even blinking and made my way down.

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