Doctor Who Oneshots

By FaNdOmFiCs03

69.6K 2.1K 1.4K

These are just mini stories that I didn't feel like writing a whole long plot to. Thanks for reading! :) (All... More

Happy Birthday, Rose
Not This Time
Dancing with the Doctor
Requests (or CHALLENGES!) anyone?
Blood on the TARDIS...(Tenth Doctor and reader i guess)
Part 1- The Employee- TenRose
Part 2- Friends- TenRose
Part 3- More Than Friends (TenRose)
a prompt...
9th Doctor x Reader- Sick
10th Doctor X Reader: Nightmares
11th Doctor X Reader- Homesick
9th Doctor X Reader- Valentine's Day
10th Doctor X Reader-- Valentine's Day
11th Doctor X Reader-- Valentine's Day
12th Doctor X Reader-- Valentine's Day
Doctor who?
A little David Tennant X Whovian Reader
David Tennant X Whovian Time Lady Pt. 2
12th Doctor- Injury
Doomsday Alternate Ending...
TenRose- Saving
Restless Dreaming~ TenRose
Book Battles and Telepathy~ Whoufflé
Battle of the Fluffy Bed Things (and one ticklish human is there too) ~ TenRose
New Year's- 10th Doctor X Reader
Blood on the Tardis- The SEQUEL chapter
💖READER's CHOICE! (not an update but you're gonna want to read this)💖
Space Talk (College/Modern AU) PART 1

New Year's- (TenRose)

1.6K 68 146
By FaNdOmFiCs03

Hey guys!
So, New Year's is here! (I started writing this before New Years and I'm so sorry it took so long.)
Also, I'm working on the ones that some of you suggested already! They should be done soon. Thanks!!!
(By the way, this is going to be used in my book Don't Ever Leave Me, so if it's confusing, it is because I tried to make it fit that story line. Hey, if you like TenRose, go read that! :)


"Doctor!" Rose called as she skipped to the main control unit in the console room of the TARDIS. "Where 're we goin' today?"

The Doctor looked up from one of the screens he had been observing. He grinned at his ever-excited human. "Well, I was just looking at one of these screens here, and I was just wondering what the date would be in Cardiff, at your time..." He glanced back at the screen, and smiled wider, glancing back at her. "Guess what day it is there? Go on, try to guess!" The Doctor urged her on in a anxious-but-excited voice and big, wondering eyes.

"Uhh..." Rose tried to think of what day the Doctor would be so excited about. "Christmas?"

He shook his head. "Guess again."

"Saturday?" Rose guessed jokingly.

"No, but I do like Saturdays. Saturdays are good," The Doctor said quickly. "No, not it. Guess ones more time."

Rose thought for a moment. She mock-gasped when she thought of something. "Aha! INTERNATIONAL BANANA DAY!" Rose laughed as she exclaimed a holiday the Doctor would love.

"THEY HAVE THAT?!" The Doctor asked loudly.

"How should I know?!" Rose was still laughing.

He sighed. "No, that's not it. It's New Year's Eve, Rose!" The Doctor jumped up and down as he told her.

Rose's face lit up with excitement. "New Year's Eve? We need to go celebrate with my mum!" She realized she had started hopping with the Doctor, and laughed.

Meanwhile, at the mention of slap-happy Jackie, the Doctor stopped jumping, and made an 'oh, no, I'd rather not do that' close-to-disgusted face. "We do need to celebrate, Rose, but do we have to be with your mum?"

"What's wrong with my mum?" Rose asked accusingly.

The Doctor gave Rose a look that said 'you know what's wrong with your mum, now stop it'.

Rose sighed. "Okay, yeah, she's a little mental, but so are you!" She giggled.

"Rose, every time she sees me, she has to slap me. I'm starting to think it's for the fun of it."

Rose laughed. "Doctor, she's only slapped you the last few times because either it had been so long since I had seen her last, traveling with you and all, or because you smarted off to her! You are kind of a smart Alec, you know that?"

"Well, she deserved it. she was insulting my alien-ness. Humans..." He shook his head, trying to fake an annoyed face, but barely hiding a smile.

"Oi! Don't you 'humans' me, Time Lord!" She poked his chest.

"Anyway, what should we do? Should we go to Cardiff? Or would you want to go somewhere else, maybe London, or New York? Or would you like to see a past New Year's? Or future? I hear that at midnight on New Year's in the future on Earth, they throw cookies instead of confetti-oh, I'd love that-"

"Doctor!" Rose interrupted the Doctor's ramble. "We can go to all those any time. I wanna see my mum." She looked at him with big, pleading eyes, and she grabbed his hands and squealed them for good measure. "Pleeease?"

The Doctor looked at her uncomfortably and irritatedly for a moment, hating what she was doing to his control over the situation. Oh, just a little hand touching and big puppy eyes from her could change his mind on anything. She knew how to manipulate him.

The Doctor sighed loudly and rolled his eyes. "Fiiine."

"Yaaay!" She hugged him quickly, then started running towards her room. "Thanks! I'll go get ready!"

The Doctor reluctantly smiled. "She's going to be the end of this Oncoming Storm, I just know it, old girl." He said quietly to the TARDIS. "She's going to end the Oncoming Storm, and turn me into some house-husband! Domestics! Oh!" He said with fake disgust.


As Rose got ready, the Doctor had decided to get himself dappered up, too. He took a quick shower, put on a white suit with a black and silver tie, and brushed his hair-up in the air and wild-like usual. He looked in the mirror. "I do believe I'm ready for her, don't you, TARDIS?" He asked his ship. He heard her hum in reply, and in his head, heard, "You are going to charm her socks off!" He grinned, and walked to the console room.

After a few minutes of just sitting in the seat in the console room, the Doctoe decided to go ahead and set the destination for Cardiff, Rose's home. They landed, and the Doctor looked out the window. What he saw brought a wide smile to his face. "Snow! Real snow!" He exclaimed. "Would you look at that." He said quietly in awe.

He walked back to the controls, picked up a book Rose had been reading that she picked up a few years in her future, The Fault In Our Stars, and started reading.

After reading three chapters, the Doctoe was getting impatient. "Rose, are you almost done-"

He had started to call for Rose, when suddenly, he heard the doors of the TARDIS open, and his head snapped toward the sound. Standing in the door was none other than Jackie Tyler, her hair and shoulders covered in snow. She had grin on her face, excited to see Rose, but when she saw just the Doctor, she frowned.

"Where is she?! Has somethin' happened to 'er?! By God, if you've let anything happen to 'er-"

"Hello, Jackie, how are you? It's lovely to see you again!" The Doctor said sarcastically.

Jackie mocked a smile. "Nice to see you too! Now where is she?!"

"She's in her room, getting ready, Jacks. If you would let me speak sometimes, maybe you'd learn something." The Doctor said exasperatedly.

With a blank face, Jackie walked over to where the Doctor was sitting and slapped him hard on the cheek.

The Doctor quickly put hand up to his red, burning face. "Owww! Rooose! Your mum is here, and she's hurting me! He whined, shouting up to Rose, who she much needed at his side at that time. He needed someone to defend him from his mean mother-in-law-to-hopefully-be. (Meaning hopefully he could propose to Rose someday, as he loved her, not hopefully Jackie would become his mother-in-law just because.)

"What? Mum!" Rose had come out of her room, ready to go out. She ran to her mum with open arms.

"Oh, I've missed you so much, sweetheart!" Jackie said as she held Rose tight. "How've you been? How's time and space travel treated you? How's he treated you?" She looked the Doctor up and down judgingly.

The Doctor, who's was still rubbing his slapped face, squinted and scowled at Jackie. "I've treated her just fine. Rose, c'mere." He grabbed Rose's arm and pulled her to him.

Rose was taken aback from the sudden jerk away from her mum, and found herself laughing. "Look at you two! There's no need to fight over me! I've got enough love for the two of ya! Now, mum, traveling with the Doctor's been fine, thank you. Now, Doctor, apologize to my mum!" Rose spoke in a tone that reminded Jackie and Rose of a peacemaking parent among her kids.

The Doctor let his mouth hang open in shock. "But, Rose- she slapped me!"

Jackie smirked. "Mum, you too." Rose turned around to say to her.

Now it was Jackie's turn to look surprised. "He insulted me, Rose! He ain't gettin' anything from me!"

Rose sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm dealing with children," she muttered to herself. "Alright, how about this: I want you to hug each other, and that will be the end of it, okay? No more arguing, or slapping. Not on my watch." Rose spoke in such a condescending, scolding voice, that both the Doctor and Jackie felt unable to resist doing what she wanted.

Jackie rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine. C'mere, Doctor."

The Doctor reluctantly started walking towards her. "Fine. But I'm not gonna like it," he muttered.

As they hugged, Rose smiled and said, "Good. Can't have my mum and boyfriend not get along, now can we?"

An eruption of "What?!"s came from both Jackie and the Doctor. Rose rolled her eyes yet again, smirking.

"Wait, I'm your boyfriend? Can you tell me exactly when that happened?" Asked the Doctor, very confused, but a little bit of butterflies in his stomach, and joy in his heart, that his beautiful companion likes him like that...

"Your boyfriend? When and how in bloody hell did this happen, Rose?" Jackie asked, only a bit angry that her daughter loved an alien. She was also angrily concerned that they had been dating without her knowing, because "Who knows what they could have been doing in this big ol' ship without my adult supervision," Jackie thought. But, though she didn't dare to admit it, Jacie was secretly happy for the two. She could see how much they liked each other.

Rose was blushing now, but still laughing at her crazy mum and crazy best friend (and boyfriend?). "You two don't know anything. Doctor, we'll talk more later. As for you, mum, let's have a chat inside the flat, 'kay?"

The Doctor and Jackie Tyler were still extremely confused, but they were willing to wait for their answers. Rose silently speaking to her mum who was at her side, and the Doctor trailing behind them, trying to hear what they were saying, they all walked out the TARDIS door to the Tyler home.


A few (about 30) minutes later...

Rose told her mum about how she had stolen a few kisses from the Doctor, and how he had stolen some from her. She could finally splurge to someone about all that had happened with she and the Doctor's relationship, so she gushed to her mum, while the a Doctor tried to watch telly, but quickly got impatient, and started reading. He then grew bored with that, and decided to make everyone tea. Holding the tea cautiously on a serving tray, the Doctor politely knocked on Rose's old bedroom door, where she and Jackie were speaking. He heard some hushed whispers, then Rose shouted, "Come in!" The Doctor pushed open the door, set the tray down on a side table, and was shocked when Jackie came over to him and hugged him.

"Jackie? What-"

"I'm just glad you've made my Rose happy, that's all." She pulled away, smiling, then glanced at Rose. "Right, I'll leave you two alone for awhile. I'll take some tea too, thanks Doctor." She started to walk out the door, then paused, turned around, and said, "But don't...don't do anything in my house, okay? There'll be no snogging or shagging or anything you aliens do, not in my house at least, you got that, Doctor?" Jackie tried to sound stern, but both she and Rose had to laugh at the Doctor's extremely startled face, which was blushing. He covered his face with his hands, unable to talk.

"We'll be fine, Mum! Now, shoo!" She waved Jackie off, who was still laughing.

"Rose." The Doctor mumbled, his face still in his palms.

"Yes, Doctor?" He could hear her smiling.

He looked up at her. "First of all, can you explain how I suddenly became your boyfriend? I mean, I obviously don't mind at all, but I'm just wondering..." The Doctor could tell he was rambling now, from the look on Rose's face. It was a almost pitying yet still grinning face. "Anyways, second, just to let you know, I wasn't planning to do any of that stuff your mum...suggested, not yet, just so you don't think I-"

Rose put a finger to the Doctor's fast-paced lips, which stopped moving immediately as her finger touched his lips. He could swear his hearts jumped. "I'm didn't think you would do those yet either, Doctor. I wasn't planning that either." She shrugged casually, but in the bright light of the windows, he could see her blushing almost as much as he felt like he was.

"Do you like me Rose?" The Doctor blurted out.

Rose rolled her eyes at the Time Lord's obliviousness. "Of course I do! I mean, isn't it obvious?"

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah, guess you're right. I just...that just popped out, you know? I wanted to make sure that you like me the same way I like you, I suppose." He looked up at her sheepishly.

"I do like you. A lot." Rose said quietly, looking down. She took a deep breath. "I love you, Doctor."

Suddenly, the Doctor 'couldn't take it anymore', at least that's what he thought in his head. He wasn't exactly sure what it was he couldn't take, but he knew he just had to do something about it. So, as soon as he heard those words, he took it as his chance to show her how much he loved her, so his lips swiftly dove for hers, and he kissed her. He felt her kiss back, and he sighed. Rose loved the Doctor. He felt sure of that now. The Doctor loved Rose. He had always been sure of that.

They snogged for almost a full minute, until Rose had to pull away for breath, making the Doctor groan in annoyance.

She chuckled quietly. "I think we better decide what we're doing today, don't you?"

The Doctor was annoyed at the sudden halt of affection, but he agreed reluctantly. "Fine. Where would you like to go until midnight?"

"Hmm..." Rose pondered for a moment, before yelling, "Mum!" loudly, making the Doctor flinch. She smirked at him as Jackie came into the room. Still holding her tea, she asked, "What is it, sweetheart?"

"What do you suggest we do until midnight? Any festivities or New Year's sales going on around town?" Rose asked.

"Well, there's a New Year's festival going on all day and all night downtown-"

"That's great, I think we should go to that, don't you, Doctor?"

The Doctor stared at Rose. "Well, we could just stay here and..." He tried to (as subtly as possible so Jackie wouldn't see) gesture somehow to his lips, trying to show he wanted to do more of kissing, and...other...things-

Rose burst out laughing, and so did the Doctor. For them, if one was happy, the other was too, so laughing was contagious between the two. "What? What did 'e say?" Jackie asked, very confused and a bit irritated.

The Doctor was grinning now, giggling. Rose managed to get out, "Oh, 's nothing Mum. We'll go to the festival. Thanks for suggesting it-ha!" She had suddenly looked at the Doctor again, causing another eruption of laughing. Jackie rolled her eyes and said, "Right. I'll be at Jan's, she's havin' a party all night, so I won't be home later. You two are welcome to stay the night, but no sleep-"

"No sleeping with each other, yeah. I got it Jackie. No," The Doctor was still laughing, "No shagging your daughter." At his words, Rose made a fake shocked face, the burst out laughing again wih him.

On the other side of the conversation, Jackie was quite concerned-and angry- that the Doctor was making a joke of it. "I'm serious Doctor. No shagging in my house, in my daughter's room. That goes for you too, Rose," Jackie whispered to her loudly, "I don't want any alien grandkids- not yet."

The Doctor and Rose both blushed a bright red now, their laughing starting to tone down into giggles. The Doctor blinked, looking away from Rose and Jackie. He did want kids...again...

Rose also looked away. She also wanted kids. But she wasn't sure how it Time Lords...but she wanted kids. She wanted a family with the Doctor.

Jackie snorted. "Look at the pair o' you! Blushing like someone pulled down yer underpants! It's not like either of haven't thought about the process of having kids before..." The Doctor and Rose blushed even more, and the Doctor covered his face with his hands yet again. "MUM! Cut it out!" Rose shouted, while embarrassedly giggling.

"Alright, alright. Have fun you two. Just not too much fun-"

"MUM! OUT!" Rose was laughing, but still very embarrassed. Jackie quickly walked out of the room, shaking her head.

"I preferred the slapping," the Doctor muttered from behind his hands.

"Think I did too." Rose grinned. "So, guess we're going to that festival?"

"Sounds good." He looked up from his palms and at Rose. She was wearing a pretty, no, gorgeous silver dress, he suddenly realized. She wore a blac sweater over her arms and shoulders, so she looked like "a shining light in darkness," the Doctor thought. Like a shining light to guide his own light through his own darkness of grief, anger, and indifference to life. She had truly made him better in the few years he had been with her.

His savior. His light.

Rose had been observing him as he thought all of this, he realized. Since he did not have the bravery to speak his thoughts aloud, he decided to show her with yet another long- but gentle- kiss.

As they kissed, Rose felt a sudden prescense in her head, causing her to feel a bit dizzy. The Doctor felt as if he was an intruder in someone else's mind, which scrambled his own brain. They both pulled away from each other, both with confused looks on their faces.

"Wh-what was that?" Rose asked, clutching her forehead to keep her from tipping over.

"Hmm? -Oh, right. Hang on, I'm having trouble thinking-" He then gasped. "Oh! I know! When our foreheads touched, I accidentally slipped into your mind. Not quite sure how you do that accidentally, but it happened. You alright?"

"Better now, I think. I was a bit dizzy- hold on a moment. I heard something. When you were in my head. I heard something about....light, maybe? And darkness, too. And...savior?"

The Doctor's eyes grew wide, and he blinked a few times at his companion. "Um...I think... yeah, I think you heard my thoughts." He cleared his throat, embarrassed. "Um, anyway, if it happens again, just put a door up in your mind if you don't want me to be in there, okay? I'll try to control it this time." He smirked, and began to kiss her again, but she pushed him gently away.

"I think we better get going, yeah?" Rose laughed. "I think that's enough snogging to last us for at least a few minutes!" She smirked at the Doctor, who made a pouty face and crossed his arms like a child. He sighed dramatically, then unfolded his arms and grinned.

"Alright, Rosie. Lead the way!" He said, standing up. Rose stood up, taking his hand and grabbing her purse. She yelled bye to her mum, and they were off.


They headed downtown around 4:00 PM (16:00?), and decided to just wander about and see what they like. Rose didn't have much money in her purse, and the Doctor had nothing, so he might have 'borrowed' some from a cash machine, using his sonic screwdriver. He wanted to win Rose a present.

The sun was shining, but it was chilly out. "Are you cold, Rosie?" The Doctor asked, still loving the new taste of calling her 'Rosie' on his tongue.

"I'm alright." She replied smiling, but he could see that her cheeks had been reddened by the cold, and she was shivering.

He took off his suit's jacket, saying, "Yes you are, silly human." He draped the the jacket over her shoulders, and she wiggled her arms in. The jacket was long on her.

They both chuckled. "Thanks," Rose said, but asked with a concerned look, "But what about you? You'll get cold."

"Nah, I've got superior Time Lord...whatever. I won't get cold as easily as you will." The Doctor smirked. "And..." He put his arms around her shoulders, enveloping her in warmth, so much that she closed her eyes in comfort. "We can keep each other warm, don't ya think?" He smiled softly when she nodded with her eyes stil closed.

"I could literally fall asleep like this," she said, snuggling her face into his chest.

He kissed her head and said quiety, "I need to take you to cold places more often."

She laughed loudly and pulled away from him, her hands on his arms. "Let's get going, we're making a scene!"

"What, Public Displays of Affection? Well, if I'm going to let people know that you're mine, I've got to show it, Rosie!" The Doctor said smugly.

Rose rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand. "C'mon, let's play some games!"

She led him to a game stand full of stuffed prizes and the main game, which was a setup of glass bottles and a baseball. Obviously, you needed to knock over all the bottles to win a prize. Rose spotted a large stuffed banana, which would make a great pillow for the Doctor! she thought. He hadn't seen it, so she decided to surprise him by winning it for him. She paid the vendor the game money and he handed her three balls.Turning to the Doctor, Rose said, "Did I ever tell you that I played softball in high school?" He shook his head, grinning. "I was the pitcher. Best of the team, years 9 through 12." She gave him a proud smile, then turned to throw the ball at the pyramid of six glass bottles. On the first try, she knocked over all of them.

"Rose Tyler, I'm impressed!" The Doctor exclaimed, looking from the tipped bottles to her in amazement. She grinned, and pointed to the yellow banana for the vendor to get her prize.

The Doctor followed her point, and let his mouth hang open in surprise and happiness. Rose said thanks and took the stuffed toy, which was over 2 feet long and half a foot wide, from the vendor. She turned to the Doctor and held out the giant banana to him.

"For me?!" He asked, mouth still in a wide open smile.

Rose nodded. "Yep! I saw it and thought of ya."

Grinning, he took it from her and examined it, then hugged it, making Rose laugh at the mighty Time Lord's childish glee. Then he gave Rose a big hug, picking her up and making her gasp and laugh in surprise. "Put me down, Doctor!"

He obeyed, then planted a light, but long kiss on her lips. Both smiling as always, they pulled away.

"Thank you, Rosie. Now I have to get you something. Allons-y!" The Doctor took Rose's hand and they ran to a little stand that was selling winter apparel: hats, gloves, scarves, coats, you name it. It was all made by hand, according to a sign.

The Doctor looked down at Rose, who then looked up at him in wonder. "Let's find you some warm-- and 'stylish'--clothes, my chilly human." His words along with a gesture-- a tap on her nose-- made Rose giggle.

As the walked around, holding hands all the time, Rose spotted some light yellow gloves that she liked. She tried them on, and they felt cozy.

"Oh, feel how soft these are Doctor!" She said, putting her hand with the glove on to his face. He had been distracted by some dark blue gloves, but when he felt her hand on his face, he quickly turned and put his own hand on top of hers. The Doctor's eyes were wide and full of wonder as he stared at his companion.

"You're right, those. . . sure are soft!" He said quietly, hardly knowing what he was saying because he was too distacted by Rose's hand on his face. "I'll buy them for you."

"S'alright, I'll buy them--"

"No, you got the banana for me. I'll get you something for you now! See anything else you like?" The Doctor asked, looking around. He picked up the blue gloves he had been looking at and held them up to show her. "I'm getting these," he said, wagging his eyebrows, making Rose roll her eyes.

"TARDIS blue, of course."

"Of course," he replied, and then he spotted something he really wanted to get for Rose. Two things, actuallly, The first thing was a soft and warm-looking pink coat. The second thing was a scarf--with rose patterned fabric. His mind, full of colors, put the pieces together. With the yellow gloves, the pink coat, and the rose scarf, she would be his...

Pink and yellow Rose.

The Doctor practically skipped over to the pink coat, and showed it to Rose. She blinked twice, then said, "That's cute! But you don't have to--"

He didn't listen, because he handed the coat to her without looking and went to pick up the Rose scarf. The Doctor then showed that to her, smiling wide, with his eyes full of pride.

"Ah, I get it. My name." She laughed. He nodded excitedly, then walked over to her and draped it around her neck, tying it loosely. As he did so, he whispered, "You wanna know a secret?"

Rose stared up at the strange-behaving man. She cocked an eyebrow. "Sure..."

Finishing the knot, he leant down to whisper in her ear, making her shiver. "I sometimes call you 'my pink-and-yellow human' in my head."

As he leant back again, Rose, laughing out of surprise, asked, "What?! What does that mean? I mean, I get the yellow part, 'cause my hair, but why-- ohhh." She remembered when they went to New Earth and saw the cat nurses, and laughed harder, remembering she and the Doctor's conversation:

Rose, noticing the nurses, had said, "They're cats."

The Doctor, who knew not to stare at species he hadn't seen before, and knowing well the fact that all his companions did it, said, "Now, don't stare. Look what you look like to them, all... pink and yellow."

The Doctor had been remembering it too, and he smirked. "That's where we had our first unofficial kiss, well with this regeneration," he teased. "You were possessed by Cassandra, and--"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. No need to tell me." She said, laughing and rolling her eyes.

"Wait, you remember? How could you remember, you--"

"I was still in my own head Doctor. Of course I remember. How could I forget..." Rose said awkwardly, scratching her head.

The Doctor looked at her smugly. "You liked it," he teased.

"I did n-- oh, let's just buy our stuff, okay?" Rose exclaimed, desperate to change the subject. Her cheeks were red from blushing now. She picked up a dark blue hat to match the Doctor's gloves. "Here, get this too." She said quickly, handing him both the yellow gloves and the blue gloves, and the pink coat.

Taking the items, and still thinking about their conversation, the Doctor smirked at Rose. She stared back at him, trying to sound angry. "Shut up!" She said quietly, and started to walk outside.

"I didn't say anything!" He called after her, laughing at her embarassment.

"Yeah, but you were thinking it!" Rose pointed at him, then turned her back to leave. "I'm going outside!"

The Doctor shook his head, still smiling, and got in line to pay.

~~A few minutes later~~

Rose had shrugged off the Doctor's white jacket, who had put it back on himself, while Rose put on her long pink jacket. It went down to her thighs, and was a button up. "Mmm," she sighed, "this is sooo warm." She closed her eyes and smiled. "Thank you Doctor."

"The pleasure is mine," he replied, and Rose laughed. "No, really. I wanted you to get that coat and the yellow gloves so you could be my-"

"Pink and yellow human." They said simultaneously, causing them to laugh.

Rose started to put her gloves and scarf on, and she said to the Doctor, "Well, put your TARDIS-colored stuff on! Let's see how they look."

The Doctor obeyed, and put on the fuzzy gloves and knitted hat, grinning like a child. Rose grinned back, then went on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. He blushed.

"I'm having a great time, Rosie," the Doctor said sweetly.

"Me too," Rose said, looking up at him.

"Wanna go for a walk in the park, then maybe we could get a bite to eat?" Rose asked.

"Sounds great, Rose. You know..." The Doctor said while holding Rose's hand up to his mouth and kissing it, "I'm beginning to like this domestic stuff."

"What?! You, domestics? Absurd!" Rose laughed. "The very thought."

"I know!" The Doctor replied, also laughing. "I just...I love this whole 'couple' thing. It relaxes me, in a way. Makes me feel like a human, just going about Earth doing human-y things, not having to worry about Daleks or Cybermen or Cassandras."

"I like it too," Rose said quietly. "Especially when you call me 'Rosie'."

"You like that, do you?"

Rose nodded her head quickly. "Yes."

The Doctor smiled while looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "Well, guess I'll just have to make a habit of it then!"

~5 hours later (about 9:00)~

The Doctor and 'Rosie' were exhausted, but their hearts soared. They had spent the past five hours taking a walk in the park (while holding hands the entire time, never wanting to let go), eating some fish and chips (their first unofficial date was fish and chips), and just running about like teens. There was a lot of kissing, which they were both perfectly fine with.

"Do you want to get some drinks or somethin'?" Rose asked as they sat on a bench for a while, admiring the starry sky and the bustling of the people on their ways to parties and just hanging about like they were. "I mean, I believe I'm old enough now. Yeah, it's been a few years, I'm legal-"

"Rose, I'm intoxicated enough with you by my side!" The Doctor blurted out, and, shocked at what he let out, he slapped his hand over his mouth. He uncovered it for a moment to whisper, "I didn't mean to let that slip," and he covered his mouth again. In the moonlight and bright holiday lights, Rose could barely see that the Doctor was blushing.

Rose, who was smirking at his embarrassment, said, "Well, guess you won't be needing any drinks then! And honestly, I think it would be kinda a bad idea to give an already mad Time Lord a drink!" She laughed. "I don't really feel like drinking either, I'm already slap-happy -don't make that face at me, I don't mean literally like my mum!- I'm already...already 'intoxicated' with you too." She made a sheepish smile at him, and he uncovered his mouth to smile back and put his arm around her. They sat in silence for a while, gazing at the clear starry sky.

"You're as beautiful as the stars, Rosie," The Doctor said quietly, looking at her.

"So are you..." Rose sighed, staring back at the Doctor, too happy to notice what she had said. The Doctor raised an eyebrow, and Rose realized the mistake she had made and laughed. "Wait! No, I meant you're handsome, but the stars aren't handsome, they're beautiful, so I-"

The Doctor cut off her embarrassed babbling with an overwhelming kiss, silencing her exept for the smallest moan that came from her throat. The Doctor pulled away, smirking smugly. "Did I just make you moan, Miss Tyler?"

"Shut up!" Rose laughed, and pulled on the Doctor's shirt until he crashed back into her lips again.

Pulling away once again, the Doctor, his eyes dilated with exhilaration from the kiss, asked, "What should we do now?"

The Doctor's eyebrows raised, and he started wiggling up and down.
"Well, since I'm practically drunk, and so utterly in love with you, Rose Tyler, I'm going to just say what's on my mind. That's what humans do when they're drunk right? Blurt out whatever comes to mind-" he was stopped by a look on Rose's face, "-am I being rude?"

Rose nodded. "Just a bit. But..." She grinned. "You can go on with the 'blurting out whatever' thing." She scooted closer to him and said seductively, "what's on your mind, Doctor?"

He stared at her, nervous because of her sudden... 'sexiness', the Doctor had thought. He swallowed.

"Ummm..." He blinked. He was suddenly at a loss for words, and had lost his initial thought.

"Cat got your tongue, Doctor? That's new-"

Suddenly, the Doctor regained confidence at a dirty joke he thought of. "How about I got your tongue?" He smirked as she squinted her eyes in suspicion and amusement.

"Wha-" and yet again, he was kissing her. He may or may not have asked for entrance into her mouth with his tongue, and she may or may not have complied. Then she remembered that they were supposed to be figuring out what to do.

She pushed him away and jokingly slapped his shoulder. "Doctor! Come on, we need to figure out what we're going I do for the rest of the time until midnight!"

The Doctor let out a breath and said, "Wellll, how about-wait, wasn't I saying something before? I was, yeah, what was I saying?" He thought for a moment and then remembered. "Oh, yes, I remember. You distracted me, Rosie."

"Who would've guessed that a simple human could distract a Time Lord so easily?" Rose replied, a smug look on her face.

The Doctor made a fake annoyed face back at her, then whispered sinisterly, "I'll keep kissing you if I have to do that to get you to stop poking fun and distracting me-ugh, Rose, you know what? Back to the drunk thing and 'I'll-just-blurt-out-whatever-I-think' thing."

"Anyway, I think that I'm in love with you. And I love this domestic-ness. I love the handholding and the flirting and the kissing-especially that. And I love you, and I think you're sexy, and beautiful and-mmf!"

For what felt like the millionth time that day, one of the two cut off the other with a kiss, and this time it was Rose. This time, it was longer, deeper with emotion, and to the Doctor, it felt grateful. He guessed she was grateful for the kind words he had babbled out, and he knew he was grateful for her. She pulled away whispered in his ear,

"I love you too, Doctor. Always have, always will." She sheepishly smiled up at him. "Thank you. Do I even need to tell you everything I love about being with you? It'd be a long list..."

"That's okay, Rose. I know how much you've got the hots for me." He said smugly.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Remember, this is the twenty-first century. We don't say things like that, unless you're maybe my mum."

"True, true. Oh! Riiight..." The Doctor was finally back on track to their original conversation. "Should we go to your mum's? We could just relax their, and spend Nee Year's with just each other..." He looked up at Rose, who nodded her head and smiled.

"Sounds great. Let's go! Allons-y, Doctor!" She grabbed his hand and the two practically skipped to the flat.

~at the flat~

"Rosie Rosie Rosie. How much can I show you how much I love you in one day? Not nearly enough!" The Doctor exclaimed as they ate some ice cream on the couch in her mum's living room, watching the telly. Rose sat with her legs upon the Doctor's lap; which was quite comforting for her, and he didn't mind a bit.

Rose blushed. "Doctor! Will ya quit it with all the flattering! Of course, I love it, but you're getting a bit mushy! It's like someone spilled a giant bottle of love potion on you!"

The Doctor chuckled. "Yeah, I know. It's just wonderful to finally love someone like that again. Hasn't happened in a while..." He looked down, crestfallen with thoughts from his past flooding his mind.

Rose leaned forward and stroked his cheek comfortingly. "You alright? Wanna talk about it, or...?" She never knew what to do when the Doctor thought of Gallifrey. She was afraid she might make him sadder if she urged him with any 'talking about it.'

The Doctor puffed out his cheeks in a large breath. "Nah. I'm fine. Maybe later... We have a new year to get ready for right now!"

"Have you ever been to the year 2015?" Rose asked.

"No, I don't believe so! Huh. Maybe I wasn't supposed to go there because it's a great year, and I had to be patient to open my present..." He looked at Rose lovingly, and with his tone she recognized that she was his present!

"I love you, Doctor." Rose said quietly bit sincerely. She returned his loving smile. We've been saying that a lot today, haven't we?"

"We have! Now, Rose Tyler, how long until midnight?"

"About half an hour."

"What should we do 'til then?"

"We could get some noise makers and hats out!"

"Sounds brilliant." He moved to get up, and Rose took her legs off the Doctor's lap.

As he stood, and she set the finished bowl of ice cream down, he asked, "Where're they at?"

She stood. "Down the hall in the closet."

"Okay." He grinned, because he thought of a funny and flirty idea. "Can you stand on the couch for a sec?"

Confused, she stood on the couch with her socks on, but asked, "Um, why?"

The Doctor bent his legs and turned her back to her. "Get on my back, I'll carry you."

Rose laughed and put her arms around his neck. He put his arms around the back of her legs and hefted her up.

"To the closet, allons-y!" The Doctor said as he headed down the hall, Rose laughing the entire time while being carried by the surprisingly strong Time Lord. They opened the closet to get the hats and noisy objects, which were on the top shelf. Rose, being higher up, above his shoulders, reached for them, causing them to all tumble down on top of them. The Doctor almost lost his balance, but he gained it back, and decided to gently set her down. He did so, and turned around to face her. She looked up at him, he being much taller than her.

"Hello." She said, grinning.
"Hello." He leaned in closer to her, almost gently pushing her against the wall. It was a small hallway.
They both stood like that for many moments, just staring at each other. Rose cleared her throat. "Em, right, should we get ready now?"
The Doctor broke away reluctantly and nodded. "Yeah, guess we should." He smiled sheepishly.

~Later, about 11:58~

"I haven't witnessed the turn of a year in forever!" exclaimed the Doctor.

"Really? Well, glad we're together for it then!" Rose said.

He hugged her waist as they stood watching the telly, holding noise makers and wearing party hats, waiting to count down to the new year.

"Wanna go outside?" Rose asked. "It's a bit cold out, but it's a beautiful night, and usually people scream the countdown outside and make lots of noise. Plus, we don't want to just watch the telly now, do we?"

"Sure, let's go out on the deck." He replied. They did, and they saw all the buildings decorated with lights, and people, some of them probably drunk, dancing around on the balconies. It was indeed beautiful out: the moon was full, the stars were bright, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky to cover either.

It was 11:59. One minute until midnight. Rose and the Doctor held each other tight to keep warm.

Rose whispered, "I love you, Doctor." He could tell by her tone that she was smiling.

He smiled too. "I love you, my Rosie."

She snuggled her cheek into his chest, listening to the beating of his binary-vascular system. She loved that sound. It was unique for her, a unique comfort that felt like home.

He kissed the top of her head. He loved when she was this close to him. He loved her hugs, more than anything. He loved the feeling of being wrapped in warmth and comfort, two things that he could only get from her.

My lovely Doctor, she thought.
My beautiful Rose, he thought.

Then the countdown started. People on the telly and outside started chanting: "20, 19, 18...".

The Doctor started counting too, in a whisper, and Rose soon joined in.

"17, 16, 15..."

This is wonderful, they both thought.

"13, 12, 11..."

I'd save entire galaxies for her, he thought.

I'd be the Bad Wolf for him, she thought.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."

I love him.
I love her.


I love you!

"1, Happy New Year!" The world shouted joyfully.

But neither Rose nor the Doctor heard them, because as if one mind, one heart, one soul, they kissed each other simultaneously. It was more than they had experienced before. This was a true love. A true bond.

This wasn't just love. It was the famous time traveling duo forming as one. The saviors of the universe saving each other.

Forever. This kiss said forever.

After a minute, they had to pull away for breath. Suddenly, the Doctor, who was panting, (as was Rose), threw a handful of colorful confetti above their heads. Unable to contain the joy, the two laughed until their sides hurt, and they held each other again.

"Wanna hear my New Year's resolutions?" The Doctor whispered into Rose's ear. She nodded, grinning.

He leant in close to her. "Get married. Maybe have kids. Save the universe. Again. Be with you constantly." As Rose giggled at his comments, he kissed her forehead. "My little pink and yellow human." He whispered tenderly.

She looks up at him gleefully. "My mighty Time Lord," she said. "I believe that those are the best resolutions I've ever heard. Let's get right on them."

The Doctor smiled wide, pure joy bursting inside of him. He put his forehead against hers. "I love you."

Rose, also bursting with joy, laughed and replied, "I love you too."


Did you guys like it? It took me OVER A MONTH to write, sorry it's so late! It's just reaaaaaallly long, I know. It was so hard to wrap up all the fluff! Anyway, happy New Year, hope you enjoyed it!

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