you're different • chanbaek

By stvwberri

7.6K 632 179

Chanyeol is the new boy in town, due to family problems leading him and his mother to live in a small town ou... More

Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Pt. 8
Pt. 9
Pt. 10
Pt. 11
Pt. 12
Pt. 13
Pt. 14
Pt. 15
Pt. 16
Pt. 17
Pt. 18
Pt. 19
Pt. 20
Pt. 21
Pt. 22
Pt. 23
Pt. 24
Pt. 25
Pt. 26
Pt. 27
Pt. 29
Pt. 30
Pt. 31
Pt. 32
Pt. 33
Pt. 34
Pt. 35
Pt. 36
Pt. 37
Pt. 38
Pt. 39
Pt. 40
Pt. 41
Pt. 42
Pt. 43
Pt. 44

Pt. 28

221 11 6
By stvwberri

Even though there was only so little time of school left with exams coming up and summer just a month away, Baekhyun always made sure to attend Chanyeol's football games; especially since the male never shut up about them once he got the place on the team a couple days after Baekhyun's birthday.

Baekhyun honestly wasn't a fan of sports and by the constant cheers and screams from the crowd, he had no idea who was winning. In fact, it was too noisy for his liking so he turned his hearing aids off to get some peace.

He turned his head to face the small male beside him who'd came to watch the game as well because it wasn't just Chanyeol on the team, Jongin had been on it for years. A part of Baekhyun knew Kyungsoo was here for Jongin but he never did admit it.

He gently tapped Kyungsoo's shoulder to gain his attention, I'm going to the toilet.

Kyungsoo nodded as the male stood up from the patch of grass they were on but quickly grabbed a hold of his wrist, Don't forget. Kyungsoo signed before making a writing gesture with his hand and Baekhyun's face lit up like a lightbulb.

If Kyungsoo didn't remind him he'd certain he wouldn't of did it when he went back inside the school. Once he was inside he turned his hearing aids back on, he enjoyed the small hum of silence from inside as well as his shoes tapping against the glossy floors. The halls were empty because school was over for the day, the only people passing him were students who were watching the game or the odd teacher staying late.

His eyes finally fell on the slip just by the main office, it was for the camping trip for seniors. It was practically tradition in the school for them to arrange something for the seniors. Most of the people in his year were going, his eyes even fell on Chanyeol's name scribbled down. He smiled slightly at that, he was sort of excited to spend a long weekend with the male.

He scribbled his name down, glad he did it today because tomorrow was the cut off for people wanting to go. He was slightly surprised when Kyungsoo mentioned it a couple days ago but he guessed the male was just as eager as everyone else to make the most of their senior year.

He turned around to head to the toilets but instead he stood frozen at the sight of the male that was once behind him.

"Whoa, when'd you get those?" Yifan snickered.

Baekhyun furrowed his brows as he pushed by, "Leave me alone."

He didn't get the chance to walk any further once he felt the hearing aids were yanked from his ears, the mutter from Yifan being cut off as well as his other surroundings.

Baekhyun stood frozen for a moment, he didn't think the male would actually do something like that. He spun around, his brows furrowed as he tried to grab them back from Yifan's hands but the male only smirked as he held them up above his head.

"Give them back." Baekhyun frowned as he tugged on Yifan's arm to try and bring them closer so he could reach them.

Yifan chuckled, "You don't talk as well without them anymore, gotten used to them already?" He questioned with a grin although Baekhyun wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, he was more focused on trying to get his precious hearing aids out of Yifan's grasp.

He didn't know why he was doing this, it wasn't like Sehun was here to amuse, it wasn't like he'd gather the attention from other students because it was just the both of them in the empty hall.

Eventually the small male grew so frustrated that he ended up slapping Yifan directly in the face, which caused the tall male to freeze in spot. Baekhyun shoved his chest, "Give them back!"

He could see Yifan brows furrowing, anger flickering in his eyes but it eventually disappeared as his head turned to the side.

"Both of you, my office!"

Baekhyun's head turned to where Yifan was looking, he didn't know how long the principal had been watching him but he guessed the sight of his hands aggressively clutching Yifan's shirt wasn't favourable in his case.

Yifan's hands eventually lowered and Baekhyun snatched his hearing aids back, he put them back on, "You as well, Baekhyun." The principal motioned to his office.

Baekhyun merely let out a sigh as he slowly followed Yifan into the room. He'd been in the office before when the principal tried to discuss his bullying situation with his mother, when really it didn't do anything.

He took the empty seat beside Yifan, who sat slumped down clearly unbothered by this situation. Baekhyun wondered how many times the male had been called to the principal's office.

He looked around the room, his eyes focusing on the grandfather clock against the wall. He couldn't take his eyes off it the first time he was in the office to report the bullying and right now it was all his ears could focus on. The constant ticking as the hands moved with each second.

His ears eventually picked up at the sound of the door closing behind them, "Both of you know fine well that displays of affection are prohibited inside this building."

Baekhyun's face immediately contorted at that sentence, he looked over at Yifan who's expression wasn't any different from his. The male's brows raised and eyes wide. "We're not like that!" Yifan hissed as the principal took his seat across from him.

"He pulled my hearing aids off." Baekhyun mumbled, clearly noticing the principal tense once he realised this was another one of Baekhyun's bullying situations.

"Oh, right—"

"And my mother paid a lot of money for these." Baekhyun interrupted.

The principal let out a deep sigh as he looked to Yifan, "I want you to apologise."

"It won't do anything." Yifan rolled his eyes as he tried his best to focus else where rather than the serious eyes of his uncle.

"Yifan, it's either that or detention."

Baekhyun fought back the scoff as he folded his arms, keeping his anger together. This was just going to be resolved with a quick apology that he knew Yifan didn't even care about?

It wasn't fair.

"Fine," Yifan let out a drawn out sigh as his head slowly turned to his left at the boy beside him. "I'm sorry."

Baekhyun clenched his jaw as he didn't utter a single word in response, a part of him wished he could play it off that he didn't hear him but the principal knew the hearing aids were back on.

"Well?" The principal questioned to the small male across from him, "Accept Yifan's apology."

Baekhyun's brows furrowed as his eyes trailed to the boy beside him who was staring at the painting on the wall, clearly dissatisfied with being here. He brought his eyes back to the principal.



Baekhyun was currently finishing his punishment exercise on his bed, repeating the constant lines of I will do as I'm told and respect other individuals.

Yifan also got the same exercise but Baekhyun didn't think he'd do it. He also didn't want to get on the principal's bad side either.

"That just isn't fair!" The male beside him groaned for the nth time since he found out why Baekhyun was currently doing a punishment exercise.

Baekhyun didn't say anything as he scribbled the last line on the page. He turned the paper back on it's front, sighing at the fact that he needed a parental signature.

He guessed he'd just have to forge his mother's as best he could. He wasn't going to tell her what happened because he knew she'd be up at the school complaining and he didn't need that right now.

"Baekhyun, you should've told me it happened!" Chanyeol exclaimed, the male was now currently pacing Baekhyun's bedroom floor, still in his football uniform from the match.

"I did tell you." Baekhyun mumbled, placing the paper on his bedside table once he deemed the signature somewhat believable.

"No, you should've told me right after it happened." Chanyeol sighed.

"And how could I do that when you were running around on a field?" Baekhyun rose a brow.

Chanyeol wanted to say something but he just stood there, his brain wracking for an answer that could compete with Baekhyun's logical reasoning.

Baekhyun eventually tapped his hand on the space beside him, Chanyeol slowly retreating back to the bed. The two soon found themselves in a comfortable position, Chanyeol's head resting on Baekhyun's lap as the smaller male was propped up against the bed frame, his slender fingers running through Chanyeol's thick, messy hair.

"I just hate it when he does that to you." Chanyeol eventually spoke up from the silence that had grown between them.

"I don't exactly enjoy it either." Baekhyun mumbled, his eyes focused on playing with Chanyeol's hair, "I hit him though." He chuckled slightly, "So I'm not exactly innocent."

"Yeah, but he grabbed your hearing aids." Chanyeol muttered.

"I honestly shouldn't be surprised, he was bound to do it sooner or later." Baekhyun sighed, his eyes meeting a pair of deep brown ones once the taller looked up at him.

"You shouldn't think like that." Chanyeol frowned.

Baekhyun shrugged, he'd accepted the whole bitter lows of high school. Not quite fitting in, not quite getting to know his other classmates apart from Kyungsoo because no one wanted to bother with the quiet deaf kid who sometimes couldn't pronounce his words right or understand what others were saying. It was always his fault when things got uncomfortable because of him or he bumped into someone in the corridor. It was also his fault for the bullying in his mind; if only he was normal.

He thought the hearing aids would bring that sort of relief but a part of him still felt like an outcast and today didn't help make him think any different.

"I'll get him." Chanyeol looked back down as he clenched his fists, eventually trailing his eyes up at the low laughter from Baekhyun, he couldn't help the curl of his lips at the joyous sound. Baekhyun's laughter always caused his heart to rise.

"You sound so dramatic," Baekhyun chuckled, "I'm fine about it, see?"

Chanyeol couldn't really say anything against that, Baekhyun was currently looking at him with a soft, warm smile, his eyes creased gently as they gazed at him.

All the taller could do was let out a deep sigh, eventually nodding his head in response.

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