silver blades | taekook

By kthtops

34.1K 2.3K 886

based off the "you were being chased by the cops and so you just got in my car and shouted 'drive!'" au. ... More



280 20 3
By kthtops


After their chaotic and alcoholic evening, all seven boys had their promised movie marathon. Some had sort of expected the outcome of the challenge (the first person to fall asleep will have to take on a certain punishment), yet when the news was revealed right before their eyes, they still couldn't help but laugh in evil.

The following morning, Taehyung had woken up with a horrible hangover, along with Jeongguk's arms around his waist.

Oh, and with cut-out cardboard arrows hanging directly above his head that was decorated with scruffy handwriting and screamed 'loser' in bold letters.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, yet immediately regretted it when a pang of pain shot through his head in an instant. "Ugh."

He glanced at his surroundings and squinted his eyes whenever he accidentally looked at the windows (where the glorious sunbeams weren't hesitating to blind his eyes), then he looked back down at Jeongguk. The same man who was radiating a cute aura due to the peaceful resting face. With his lips pushed into a pout and with his nose buried in the crook of Taehyung's neck, Jeongguk was babie.

Then, Taehyung recalled the events from the previous night – the grocery shopping, the dinner and alcohol, the painting session and lastly, the movie marathon.

Fuck, who fell asleep?

Oh, right.

He glanced up at the arrows (which were hanging down from the ceiling whilst being attached by a thread). Fuck. Fuck?? Fuck???

Being the lightweight he was, it didn't surprise him that he was the first one to fall asleep.

Or, well, one of the first ones to fall asleep.

His eyes glanced over at the other arrow that was hanging above somebody else's heads – Hoseok and Jimin.

So, we all were knocked out at around the same time?

"Morning, teabag." Yoongi mumbled with a smirk whilst sitting on the opposite couch. "Looks like somebody has already figured out what's going on."

Taehyung chuckled and sat up properly (after a horrid attempt of sneaking out of Jeongguk's arms). Yoongi watched in amusement as Jeongguk started kicking his legs around; accidentally kicking Taehyung in the gut before turning around and hugging his own legs.

Taehyung sighed and reached over for the glass of water that was resting on the coffee table, then Yoongi let out a cough.

"That's vodka, you might not want to drink that right now."

Taehyung retracted his hand and sighed. "Where's the fucking water..."


Taehyung turned around to face Yoongi with a smile when instead, he had to feel the force of water being splashed across his entire face.

"My arms slipped. I hope that the poor teabag doesn't get soaked." Yoongi smirked referring back to Taehyung's nickname from the first few chapters of the book. He leaned back into the sofa and outstretched his arms along the back; letting Jimin's head fall onto his chest in the process.

"Thanks for that, you trash."

"I love you too, babygirl." Yoongi smirked before watching as Seokjin and Namjoon started waking up. "Good morning, lovebirds."

Seokjin raised an eyebrow and glanced at Namjoon. "What's up with his sudden mood swing? Is he on crack?"

"Probably, let's just ignore him." Namjoon replied with a yawn. His eyes lazily gazing over at Taehyung. "Morning, teabag. Why are you wet?"

"Ask the guy on crack." He replied.

Seokjin and Namjoon both simultaneously let out a chuckle; widening their eyes when they realized how in sync they happened to be, then they let out another chuckle in sync. This happened around four more times until they realized the creeped-out looks that they received from Taehyung and Yoongi.

"By the way, Taehyung." Seokjin said. "You lost last night. Along with Jimin and Hoseok. They both shut their eyes at around the same time, and when we looked at you, it seems like you had been knocked out as well. It's only fair if you three all get a punishment."

Oh, and they all did get a punishment.

The same day, they all had collectively decided to get tattoos as their punishment from the challenge and to say that they looked good would be an understatement.

They looked glorious.

All three boys had different tattoos in different place and fortunately, they at least got to choose their own designs. Hoseok had ended up going last due to his fear of needles, but was comforted when Taehyung quietly admitted that he had a fear of needles as well.

And despite receiving instructions from their tattoo artist on how to properly care for their new tattoos, Jeongguk still insisted on helping Taehyung. "I have plenty of experience" was his reasoning, and honestly, Taehyung didn't mind because it only meant that he could see Jeongguk's smile reappear once more.

For the following week, they all decided to go on a holiday trip to Busan. The chilliness of the wind that pricked at their skin like unknown insects would often send chills down their spines. For some of the journey, the boys would stick out their heads through the windows and make each other laugh through the little cracks of the windows – even making Seokjin chuckle every few seconds when he was supposed to have his full attention on the road.

Taehyung hired out a cabin that was hidden amongst a field of trees; away from the public eye so that they all could enjoy each other's company in peace.

It turns out that everyone – apart from Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin – had shared their ideas of what they wanted to do (or rather, they just stated the ideas they had chosen that were originally written on the pieces paper – also a from a while ago).

Namjoon's idea proposed the holiday overall. They had decided to take Seokjin's Jeep as it was large enough to fit all seven inside, then they had decided to leave on the same day (casually relying on Taehyung to use his power and provide the supplies for them – not that he didn't mind).

Over the entire week, they had attended bars by the beach to intoxicate their bodies with some liquor; laughing at the dumbest jokes when they were in their drunken forms. The following morning, they would exit their cabin and run straight into Busan's ocean without a single care in the world; wanting to cure their hangover with the fresh air and the splash of water.

The seven boys would even enjoy simpleactivities in the evening whenever the sun splashed in the ocean's waters; sinkingdeeper whilst providing the illuminating sunbeams for the sake of the perfect scenery.During moments like these, they would play endless rounds of volleyball in thesand; laughing whenever they had to desperately dive into the softer surfacejust to avoid losing a point. There were even times when they would bump intoeach other when their eyes were fixated on the ball – devouring them from theirsense of surrounding. In the end, it was all shrugged away with a laugh thateven caused them to fall onto the sand.

Then, when the sun had disappeared from their sight and the moon was finally accompanying them, each night they would lay down on the sand and stare up into the sky and talk over one another whenever they thought they saw some sort of constellation in the sky above.

"Hey, isn't that a Virgo?" Hoseok asked whilst pointing up into the sky.

"Looks like a dead man to me." Taehyung deadpanned before getting elbowed in the stomach by Jeongguk. "What? I'm only stating the truth."

"I agree with my teabag." Yoongi muttered.

And every night, they would retreat back into the cabin whenever it got too cold for them to remain outside any longer. Taehyung would often pull Jeongguk by the wrists into their own room, snake his arms around the younger's waist and let the both of them crash into the bed. Jeongguk never complained – he only admired Taehyung's eagerness for affection; often giving him a kiss on the forehead before they fell asleep.

If they weren't playing volleyball during the day, they would play cards and yell out in unison whenever they won or lost – tragic. "I don't care if I lose," they said, before turning away from everyone else and wiping away a tear that had rolled down their cheek.

The days flew by like the waves that continuously crashed onto the shore; lapping over one another with a quiet cry. With the endless activities that they spent together – whether those were games, shopping sprees or even surfboarding sessions, they all concluded that they had fun.

In fact, they had so much fun that they didn't want to go back to their hometown and resume their daily activities – waking up to do their jobs. For Taehyung, that meant returning to his palace to fill out paperwork.

It wasn't a choice that he wanted to have, but as he was expected to fulfil a good role as the King, he knew he had to complete the paperwork before the set deadlines.

Upon return, they all went their own ways for the first couple of days – some worked at bookstores, some at bars, some at restaurants. Jeongguk and Yoongi remained seated in the apartment, and Taehyung had returned to the palace.

With a sigh, Taehyung looked at his phone whilst spinning around on the chair (directly in the middle of his office, might I add), and then he stopped when he decided to look at the calendar.

As the days were rolling past, Taehyung didn't even notice that there were only a few days left until Jeongguk and Yoongi's depart. A few days... shit.

He furrowed his eyebrows whilst biting his lip in thought – how could he make the last few days memorable? He resumed spinning around in his chair for a solid minute or two, then halted.

No... that won't work.

Will it?


He shook his head and stood up, pacing around the room and occasionally glancing at the stacks of papers that had taken refuge on his desk. They all needed to be looked through as soon and possible, however Taehyung's procrastination was kicking in and all he wanted to do was think about Jeongguk.

There was a knock at the door, and Taehyung rolled his chair back to his desk before plopping down, resting his arms on the sides of the chair. "Come in," he said with the silky voice.

Hyuk appeared at the entrance and he joyfully skipped over to Taehyung's desk, slamming his hands down and leaning closer to Taehyung's face. "Hi daddy."

Ah shit, here we go again.

"Why are you here?"

Hyuk pouted and placed his ass on the desk; mindlessly pushing away the paperwork so that he could be closer to Taehyung. "Just wanted to see you. You're not busy, are you?" Hyuk asked whilst staring at the piles of paper.

Taehyung's eyebrow quirked upwards out of annoyance for a brief moment. "I am, as a matter of fact. Can you please leave?"

Hyuk sighed and walked around the desk to approach Taehyung, then Hyuk sat in his lap whilst snaking his arms around Taehyung's neck.

"Come on, baby. Give me some attention."

"I don't want to."

"I know you want to."

"The fuck is wrong with your ears?" Taehyung retorted with a roll of his eyes. He gently pushed Hyuk away, then pointed to the door. "Out."


"OUT." Taehyung raised his voice and glared directly through Hyuk's eyes; using his dominance to order Hyuk around. He was honestly done with Hyuk's bullshit.

Hyuk huffed and stormed out of the office whilst stomping his feet like an immature child, then Taehyung crashed back down into his chair, resting his head against the back.

Just then, his phone starting buzzing uncontrollably and it seems like the groupchat had become alive again.

JIMIN: hi can we meet up today in the evening?? kinda wanna see y'all more often before gguk and yoongs go away

YOONGI: ilyt bby

JIMIN: but i love hoseok too

HOSEOK: hi bbys who called

SEOKJIN: i get off work at 8, is that alright?

JIMIN: yeah of course, i finish at 7 so i'll make my way back to the apartment after that

NAMJOON: my boss told me to water plants before i leave, so i'll get there at around 8 as well

YOONGI: but you already watered those plants

NAMJOON: ok and

YOONGI: don't 'and' me u meatball

NAMJOON: who the fuck are you calling a meatball

NAMJOON: i'll show you how hard i can meat your balls


JIMIN: wait i forgot you don't have one

JEONGGUK: lmao this shit's funny as fuck

JEONGGUK: yoongi is laughing his ass off in front of me omg this IS A RARE SIGHT



HOSEOK: you're both so whipped for each other

JEONGGUK: i want him to whip me

TAEHYUNG: didn't i do it already

JEONGGUK: no but i did it to u

TAEHYUNG: oh shit

TAEHYUNG: whatevs, i'll buy something to whip u with lol

JIMIN: y'all horny as FUCK

Taehyung chuckled at the messages and unknowingly, there was already a smile on his face once the conversation was over. He mindlessly clicked on the private conversation that he shared with Jeongguk and attached a picture with a caption.

TAEHYUNG: i forgot i took this during the holiday. have fun in the shower.

(credit to jixio on instagram. make sure you always credit the artists, smh.)

a/n hi if this gets 50 likes then i'll post a double update tomorrow lol

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