
By booknerd1203

37.1K 2.3K 285

Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... More

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
tentative cast list
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

Chapter 32

389 30 15
By booknerd1203


*** Caroline's Point of View***

My father and I have spent the last two day's scouting the woods for any trace of Landon and Allison. I had hoped they would have left some kind of trail, but I should have known better. Landon is too skilled to leave a trail of any kind. Kale, Brandon and William were on vamp blood duty. They had surprisingly done very well. We knew we couldn't just go straight to the surrounding villages to get some vamps. That would be too noticeable. So Kale, Brandon and William went to some of the out skirts and got the drunkards from the bars. Apparently it is pretty common for drunk vamps to go off for weeks at a time. They go to other villages in hopes to find new blood slaves and more alcohol. In total they got twenty vamps and nobody had any idea. I wasn't allowed to help in the vamp duty because William, my father and surprisingly Kale were adamant about me not being involved in any violence till we find Landon. I expected it from William and my father. My father because he has always been overprotective. William, because without either of us even realizing it we have formed a close friendship since we have gotten to the village. Kale, however, was a whole other story. I know he is my so called mother's mate, but I didn't think that he would care very much about my safety. It was a welcome surprise.

My father and I returned to the village the same time that Kale was trying to calm down Brandon. Tonight is the night that he will go to sleep and wake up knowing who his mate is. He has been extremely helpful in last minute plans and I am impressed that he is just now starting to squirm with excitement. "For the last time Brandon, when you wake up you smell her scent and then her name will just pop into your mind." Kale explained while trying to act annoyed, but I could see the excitement in his eyes as well. "I cannot wait, I bet she will be beautiful. Even if she isn't that's ok because I don't care about what she looks like. I just want her here so I can protect her. I just want her to be mine." He rambled on causing me to chuckle as we came up to them. "Your mate will be a very lucky lady." I assured him with a smile. "No luck?" William asked me and I just shook my head not willing to voice that we can't find him. "We will find him." Brandon voiced. "You just worry about your mate." I encouraged him. "I'm going to head to bed." I announced not giving anyone any time to argue with me.

I just want to find Landon and Allison. The stupid non rhyming prophecy says that Allison is the one to reunite us. What does that even mean? How can she reunite us when she is with Landon and has no idea of the prophecy? I just want them both back. What else can I do?

***Brandon's Point of View***

That smell...such a amazing smell. I try to force my eyes open once I realize what I am smelling, but my nose is too busy taking in this scent. It's like this unbelievable aroma is snaking its way into my nostrils and holding my brain captive. I don't ever want to stop smelling it. "Allison." Nathanial says to me. "Allison?" I ask stupidly while taking in my mates intoxicating scent. "Find Allison. She is our mate. Go to mate. Find mate. Find Allison." Nathanial begged. I launched myself out of bed realizing that my mates name is Allison. That's the name of Caroline's sister isn't it? I ask myself while I throw on a clean shirt and pants. I want to look my best for my mate. Her scent is so strong she must be close by. Maybe it is a different scent. I practically run out of my tent and follow my mates scent. It leads towards a cluster of tents and I don't even hesitate to barge into the tent my nose is leading me to. Nathanial is urging me onwards and whining in anticipation. I take in what I am seeing and a frightened Ellie is cowering behind William who looks about ready to attack me. He must notice it's me because he shakes off his defensive stance. "What are you doing?" he demands while pulls Ellie into his sides and rubs her back. "My mate. Her scent is so strong here?" sounding like a question. "I don't understand. Allison should be here." When I said Allison William's eye brows shot up and Ellie gasped. "This used to be Allison and Caroline's tent." She explains while I see the excitement on her face. "We need to find Caroline. Now." William demands. While grabbing my arm dragging me behind him. "But, my mate?" I whine trying to go back to her scent.

"Your mate is not here. You are going to lead us to her and Landon." He says over his shoulder while we head towards Caroline and her father's tent. "The prophecy makes sense now." William mumbles under his breath. Nathanial is constantly whining and growling at me to go find our mate and I am trying to calm him down, but my scolding is interrupted by arms crushing into me. "You are about to find your mate?" A familiar voice booms in my ears. Kale is affectionate with few people and I am honored to be one of them so when recognize his voice I huge him back. "It's..." he cuts me off. "Allison I know William just told me. Are you to distracted already?" he taunts while smirking. "My wolf is the one distracting me." I defend earning a snort. "Dear God William let me sleep. I can't handle another day of not finding them. Please at least let me sleep in before my heart breaks all over again." I hear Caroline whine from inside the tent. "I got this." Ellie assures William. I hear a thumping sound and then a grunt followed by screaming. "ALLISON IS BRANDON'S MATE!!! HE CAN LEAD US TO HER AND LANDON!!!" I am pretty sure that was yelled into Caroline's ear, because after that I hear a gasp and then a yelp followed by another thumping. If I had to guess Ellie jumped on Caroline and after being screamed at Caroline pushed her off the bed. I laugh, but then am attacked by a ball of Caroline tackling to the ground.

"We have to find them! Now!" Caroline yells hitting my chest in excitement over and over again. Tears are streaming down her face. "You can find them. You can find them. Please find them...." She trails off into sobs and falls onto my chest. I let her calm herself while I run her back. It also helps that I can detect my mates scent on her which calms me and my wolf. Not long later she gets off of me shooting me a sheepish smile. "Sorry." She mumbles. I lightly punch her shoulder while looking excitedly at the group. "Let's go find them." I announce excitement dripping off every word in the short sentence.

***Craig's Point of View***

I was woken up by William ranting about Allison being Brandon's mate and I wasn't fully woken up to Elizabeth was screaming. Brandon was Allison's mate? We could find them now. We have a direct link to finding my little girl. We can find Landon for Caroline. Both my girls will be safe. It was like a huge weight was taken off of my shoulders. I came back to the present to see Caroline sobbing on top of Brandon and Elizabeth crying tears of happiness between Kale and William.

***Caroline's Point of View***

We are going to find them. We are going to find Landon and Allison. We will all be together again. They won't remember us, but we can find a way around that. Surely we can find a way around this. It's not like every bad thing has to happen to me. I mean I did get a non-rhyming prophecy. This whole thing is the prophecy's fault. If the stupid thing had just rhymed none of this would have happened. It was a miracle for Landon to love me one time. For it to happen twice we would need three rhyming prophecy's a virgin sacrificed. Maybe three virgins if we are being honest. Who am I kidding? He will never... "Hey stop being melodramatic." A voice interrupted my inner dialogue and a berry hit me in between my eyes. My eyes snapped up to two smirking guys leaned against a boulder across from me. "I don't know what you are talking about I shot back at them. Brandon snorted and William rolled his eyes. "I could practically hear what you were seeing just from your facial expressions." William scoffed while popping a berry into his mouth. "Can we start again yet?" I begged trying to change the subject. "Look I am just excited as you are Caroline, but we don't have the luxury of just floating along. We have to run to them." Brandon explained for the tenth time in the last half an hour. "I cannot wait to see my mate, but I want to have some energy when I find her. I don't want to be dead on my feet." He justified. I knew he was right, but I just wanted to get to Landon and Allison so bad. "How much farther do you think?" I question while forcing myself to eat some granola. "Two days if we stay at this pace. They are moving as well, but we are traveling three times as fast as them so we will easily catch up to them." He explained. I nod in understanding. I know I must be bother him with so many questions, but I just can't help it.

"Hey Brandon let's play a game." William taunts smirking at me. I narrow my eyes at him waiting for the punch line of his soon to be joke. "Let's see who can guess what Caroline is thinking and was thinking before I nailed her with a berry." He suggest while they both laugh and the blush flares up on my cheeks. "I am leaning towards something about a non-rhyming prophecy sense she just can't seem to let that go." Brandon supplies while laughing as my blush deepens confirming he was right. "Oh yes, I agree there. I also think she was having the ridiculous thought that she couldn't make him love her again." William states his voice growing serious at the end of the remark. I sigh while pushing myself to my feet. "It may sound ridiculous to you, but it isn't to me. I took away all his memories of his life. Even if I can make him love me again he will most likely be angry that I did that. He has every right to be angry with me." I confessed trying to keep he tears at bay that were begging to escape.

William was suddenly holding me against him and I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I leaned against him and let the tears and sobs make their way out of my body. I don't know how long I cried, but when I finally cried all my eyes would allow I pulled a few inches away to examine Williams tear stained shirt and realized that at some point we had sat down and I was on his lap. "Sorry." I croak while wiping my nose and trying to hide the fact that I had wiped away some snot. "It's not a problem my snot nosed friend." He told me while playfully shoving me off his lap. I fell onto my back with a loud over dramatic huff.

***I'm so sorry it has taken so long to update!!! My laptop was broken and took forever to get fixed then I may have spilled hot chocolate on it and had to get a whole new keyboard which took over a week!! I am sooooooo sorry!! But I'm back now and will update on a regular basis. Most likley Monday's Wednesday's Fridays and Sundays. I will try my best to stay to this schedule!!!

So if you liked this chapter vote!!! Please tell me what you are thinking by commenting!!!*** Booknerd1203

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