ѕ w e e т p e a ONE - SHOTS...

By Lexinator04

23.7K 733 177

DO YOU WATCH RIVERDALE? DO YOU LIKE SWEET PEA? If so here's a book for you! I know you all love Riverdale! S... More

"I love... you,"
★ "Runaway," ★
"ⓜⓞⓝⓔⓨ ⓟⓡⓞⓑⓛⓔⓜⓢ,"
"Oᕼ ᗷᖇOTᕼEᖇ!"
"S H O T S F I R E D,"
"I don't want you to leave,"
"I don't want you to leave," P A R T T W O
"T h i s i s l i f e,"
"Cheater," Part Two
"thє вrєαk up,"
"ƒɑԵҽ íՏ մղՏԵօԹԹɑҍӀҽ"
"Rath of G & G,"
"The Monsters Within,"
"The Monster Within," PART TWO
"The Monsters Within," PART THREE
"The Monsters Within," FINAL PART!
"D⃠r⃠u⃠n⃠k⃠," ★ PART ONE
"D⃠r⃠u⃠n⃠k⃠" ★ PART TWO
"R o A d T r i p,"
"Unknown love,"
"Unknown love," PART TWO
"тнe вreaĸ υp,"
"A r E w E tHe BaD gUyS?"
"A r E w E tHe BaD gUyS?" PART TWO!
"We might just die here,"
"We might just die here," PART TWO!
"The hits just keep on coming,"
"ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ʙᴀʀs,"
"Harms way,"
"FiGhT fOr Me,"
"FIgHt fOr Me," Part Two
"T H E D E A L,"

"Mate?" PART TWO

366 9 2
By Lexinator04

"He's going to fucking die..." Sweet Pea whispered to himself thinking that Y/N wouldn't be able to hear him however she had. As the raven-haired man began to storm over to the car his mate leaped in the way of the door.

"Please... Don't," She pleaded never meeting his eyes out of utter fear... She had barely known this guy, she knew that she shouldn't have gone this far with a stranger. Though there was an invisible bond pulling them together she knew that she was stupid to trust him. Hell, he was half her size he could take her down in-

"Omega move," He growled trying to reach for the car door although he stopped as she grabbed his hand and pushed it away... Though after she pushed it away she was unable to let go, he stared at her shockingly then glanced down at their hands. Finally, that's when Y/N let go and Sweet Pea began to become nervous. "I have to protect my mate,"

"Don't do this please," Y/N pleaded the tears leaking her eyes before you know it.

"Shit... No, omega no please don't cry I didn't mean to make you cry I was doing what I thought was right I'm sorry I-" Suddenly before he could finish rambling on Y/N cut him off with a kiss, one that he didn't hesitate to return.

"You talk too much Alpha," She mumbled shyly through a blush trying to avoid his gaze. "Just, please... Please don't,"

"Isn't that what I'm supposed to do protect my mate?" He questioned pulling her deeper into his arms his chin resting atop her head.

"Yes but-"

"Omega why would you want this why would-"

"Please just promise me," She pleaded through a few tears.

"I promise," He whispered finally pulling away and looking his mate in the eyes and whipping her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "Just please don't cry I hate it when you cry,"

"Alright, I won't... Can you take me home now- I'm going to be late for curfew,"

"Yeah," On the long yet short car ride to Y/N's house they learned many things about each other, like their favorite color, what they did for fun, what they did for a living... Sweet Pea scared the living hell out of Y/N.

He worked at a damn bar, wore leather jackets, was tall as hell- taller than the jolly green giant she thought and had a wild tattoo. He smelled like fire, man shampoo, and cinnamon... I mean who has fucking fires?

"Thanks for driving me all the way out here Sweet Pea I know it's far from where we met," Y/N mumbled not liking the thirty-five-minute distance between him and her.

"I would drive thirty-five minutes for you any day," He reassured causing her to blush as she gave his hand a squeeze before letting go. She went to go get out of the car however stopped and glanced back at Sweet Pea.

"When can I see you next?"

"When do you want to see me next?"

"I don't... I don't know..." Suddenly Sweet Pea was fishing out a sharpie from the middle compartment of his car he then took her arm gently and wrote his number across it.

"That's my phone number- If you ever need anything little omega I'll be there,"

"Thank you," She whispered through a smile. "I'll see you soon Sweet Pea,"

"Sleep tight Y/N/N," And that's when Y/N got out of the car and gave a small wave before walking up the front steps of her home and stepping inside.

Y/N was a college student still living with her family since dorms were hella expensive. She worked at the local Mc Donalds in order to get some of the money to pay for her college expenses. She was going to be a dentist, always loved brushing her teeth as a kid, and bragging to all her cousins and friends how she had never had a cavity.

Y/N went inside slipped off her shoes and went to hang up her jacket yet froze. "Shit," She whispered watching as she hung up Sweet Peas jacket. Her parents would obviously know now that she had been hanging out with a boy. His sent was all over her, and that's when she saw the symbols on the back of his jacket and realized one thing that he was in a fucking gang oh shit-

"Shit," Y/N whispered as she turned around and saw her parents standing there awaiting an explanation.

"You're home ten minutes early... We're not impressed,"

"Hey I made it before curfew," Y/N tried to reason trying to hide the jacket behind her though to no avail.

"What's that you got there?" Her father questioned trying to get a good look at it.

She knew that they could smell a strong sent on her, though, she was at a bar and sents do tend to cling sometimes it was obvious that wasn't the case.

"Nothing..." She mumbled mentally face-palming herself for not coming up with something better. "I really should get to bed I'm really tired-"

"Y/N I have something to show you in the kitchen," Her father spoke up causing her eyes to widen.

"Can't you show me it tomorrow-"

"It'll only take a second," He reassured and that's when she was coaxed into the kitchen.

"What did you-" however right as she was in the kitchen he turned around and snatched the jacket out of her hands. "Ah, so you were with a serpent huh,"

"No?" Though it came out more like a question.

"Come here you-" Suddenly the doorbell rang and Y/N smiled. Her father frowned leaving the kitchen. He went to go answer the door as Y/N followed a safe distance behind, out of eyesight but not ear way.

"Oh, my jacket I forgot that too-"

"Sweet Pea," Y/N grinned unable to help to come into view.

"I came back because you left your phone in my car," He mumbled handing it to her.

"The two of you know each other?" Her father questioned staring Sweet Pea up and down.

"He's my friends... Uh brother... He gave us a ride home since he was the only one who hadn't been drinking," Y/N smirked glancing toward Sweet Pea.

"Alright..." Her father mumbled leaving and going right back into the kitchen... She knew exactly what that meant.

"I feel like something is wrong Y/N/N do you want to get out of here?" He questioned as that's when she nodded through a grin.

As he grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. 

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