zodiac house ver2

By kyu_mi911

9.7K 123 32

cancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to e... More

the pool
the party
the "after"party
truth or dare pt1
Truth or Dare pt2
Who are you?
Explain, Now
A Long Drive pt1
A/N: I Found A Glitch
Long Drive pt2
Camping Pt1
Camping pt2
Camping pt3
ROS:#1 Scorpio X Aries
ROS:#2 Virgo X Cancer
Movie Night
What is Orion up to?
3 Confessions, 3 Outcomes
Thanks I Guess
Shopping pt1
Shopping pt2
Implications ;)
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt1
ROS:#3 Virgo x Pisces
Lovey Dovey Disater pt2
Random #Pride
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt3
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt4
ROS:#4 Capricorn x Aquarius
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt5
ROS #5:Cancer x Leo
To Japan
Random #Pride 2
A Long Flight
A Surprising Pick-up
Random #Pride 3
Childhood Home

Kyu's Birthday

141 3 4
By kyu_mi911

Kyu woke up in his standard get up, a shirt, shorts and an unzipped jacket. He stretched his arms and got off the couch, making his way to the bathroom to go through his morning routine. He checked his messages and notifications while he brushed his teeth,"Ah, need to finish that chapter. 5am, yeah should be enough time.

He walked out the bathroom and went straight into the writer's room. Kyu flicked on the lights which flickered on to reveal a messy room littered with papers and snack wrappers. He sighed as he sat by the desk, turning on the laptop.

He continued to write the chapter he had been working on for days and wanted to publish it soon. He reached out for one of his many cups of various drinks. He had grabbed a cup of now lukewarm tea that was from the day before.

He chugged the whole cup and carried on writing. He nodded off a couple of times but refused to stop. Kyu picked up his studying glasses, wearing them before going back to his story.

Kyu didn't mind wearing the glasses since they made it less painful to look at the screen. He was tired though and was highly likely making many grammatical and vocabularical mistakes that he just didn't care about at the moment.

Kyu decided since it was a rare off day from school for him, he would commit the whole day to writing. He did not plan for what was to come.


Sagittarius had woken up. He went to the bathroom passing by Virgo and Gemini. He did his morning routine and put on some decent clothes. Sagittarius got out and went to the living room where the other zodiacs had gathered. Scorpio and Aquarous were being a stereotypical couple, cuddling on the couch.

Aries and Leo were talking about some sports stuff he didn't quite understand. Taurus, Libra and Virgo were discussing about what they would do for the day. He also noticed Pisces who was watching anime with Capricorn who seemed bored and confused. He heard Cancer's voice,"Hey Sagittarius, I got your pancakes on the counter!"

Sagittarius instanly sprinted to the kitchen counter amd snatched the plate of pancakes before running back to the living room. He plopped himself onto a couch next to Taurus and started to eat.

They were just talking before they heard a knovk on the door. Cancer walked out of the kitchen cleaning his hands with a towel asking,"Anyone order a package?"

They all looked at each other before shaking their head no. Capricorn said,"Then it must be Kyu's."

He stood up and walked over to the door thanking the lord that he could escape from watching the japanese cartoon. He opened the door to reveal a white haired girl around maybe 15 years of age.

She was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans. She asked,"Hey is Kyu here Or whatever he's called around here?"

Aquarius piped up,"We haven't seen him all day, he should be in the writer's room though."

The girl sighed,"Jeez why today out of all days. I swear this boy gives me a headache."

The girl poked her head in,"Wow, nice place yall got though. He outdid himself this time. Can I come in?"

They let the girl in and Pisces offered to guide her to the writer's room. The girl politely declined stating she was sure she would be able to find it. The girl walked up the stairs and went straight to the writer's room.

The door was locked and Kyu heard the rattle of the door handle. He asked,"Who is it?"

"Kyu! Why are you writing stories on your birthday!?"

Kyu went wide eyed and said in a different voice,"Um, Kyu isn't here now! Try again later!"

The girl sighed and pulled a bobby pin from her hair and easily unlocked the door to see Kyu hiding behind his desk. The girl said,"Now Kyu, I'm going to celebrate your birthday and your gonna love it!"

Kyu awkwardly said,"Um, Anne why don't you celebrate my birthday, um, without me?"

Anne facepalmed,"Gosh Kyu."

She walked up to him and grabbed him by his jacket hood. She dragged him out of the room but not without a struggle. Kyu tried to claw at the doorframe and bite her hand trying to free himself.

Anne dragged Kyu all the way to his room in the house and let go of him, his body flopping to the ground. She threw him a fresh set of clothes and said,"Change, we're going out. And take those glasses off."

She took the glasses of his lifeless face. He groaned as he trudged to the bathroom with her following close behind,"Ugh, I just want to finish the chapter!"

"Nope, come on now."

Kyu walked into the bathroom and closed the door only to notice Anne chilling on the toilet bowl nochalontly checking her nails. Kyu felt his eye twitch as he asked,"Anne, why the fuck are you in here?"

Anne said,"Well I have to keep an eye on you. We did this when we were kids it's fine!"

Kyu grabbed her wrist, opened the door and pulled her out the room. She was confused before he stated,"We aren't kids anymore and that is borderline illegal."

He went in and slammed the door close. Anne sighed and shook her head,"Jeez, what's with him?"

She looked back at the stairwell where the zodiacs had congregated and were watching them from afar.

Leo asked,"So it's Kyu's birthday?"

"Yeah, I'm the one that has to make sure he enjoys it."

Pegasus piped in,"Well we can help, what do you want us to do?"

Anne thought about it for a second,"Well you guys could just set up a huge feast with cake. The dude's a glutton!"

Aries said,"Easy!"

Suddenly the door slammed open and Kyu came out with a fresh set of clothes, a pink shirt, grey shorts and a white jacket that he left unzipped, and he held his old set of clothes in his hands. He still had a towel over his wet hair and he quietly mumbled,"Oh yeah I'm the glutton..."

Kyu walked down the steps past the zodiacs. He threw his dirty clothes into the laundry basket and Anne was behind him smiling. He sighed,"Okay look. I know your not gonna budge so we are going out, eating lunch. Maybe we can hang out for a while and if god knows how we are out late we can have dinner together okay?"

Anne jokingly said,"Ohh, what a lovely date idea. I guess I could be your girlfriend as a birthday gift."

Kyu shook his head and threw the wet towel from his head into the laundry basket as well. He and Anne made their way to the door and just before they stepped out Kyu yelled,"AND IF YOU HUYS DO ANYTHING STUPID WHILE I'M GONE IMMA KILL ALL OF YOU!!!"

Anne jumped back from shock. Kyu pulled his hood over his head amd calmly said,"Well then, let's go."

Kyu and Anne made their way to the mall. Kyu was asked,"So where to?"

Kyu scratched,"How about back to the house. I rather finish the damn chapter and sleep."

Anne slapped his back playfully,"Oh you! Come on you don't even want a bite with your buddy?"

Kyu said,"No I don-"

They both heard a low growl emminate from Kyu's stomach. He tried to play it off,"I am not hungry at all."

Anne shook her head,"Skipping breakfast again?"

"You know I don't have any appetite when I wake up!" Kyu reasoned.

Anne giggled,"Okay you dummy let's get a bite."

Anne grabbed a hold of his hand and they made their way to the foodcourt. Kyu was hungry so he followed along without much of a struggle.

They sat down at a table for two where they sat opposite each other. Anne asked him,"So what do you want?"

"For you to let go of my hand." Anne still had a solid grip on Kyu's hand amd she let go immediately after being told to. "Sorry, force of habit I guess."

Kyu stood up,"I'll buy the food, you sit here and watch the table."

Kyu walked off and Anne sat there patiently waiting, twindling her thumbs idly. Kyu soon returned with a tray of food, one burger, a bowl of ramen, a plate of cheese fries and a couple sodas.

Kyu smiled,"You still like burgers right?"

Anne dramatically put the back of her hand to her forehead,"Oh my, did the dense Kyu finally remember something other than to sleep? I'm flattered, how sweet of you."

Kyu chuckled,"Nice to see you putting your drama knowlege to good use."

They ate and talked for a while, both dicussing about life, how each other were doing and what they were planning.

-Back with the Zodiacs-

Cancer and Taurus were in the kitchen making the food while the rest were setting up. Gemini asked,"Hey guys, should we be doing this?"

Scorpio said,"Why? There's nothing wrong with it."

Gemini said,"Well Kyu said not to do anything stupid while he was gone..."

Orion assured him,"Look he will love it, who doesn't want to just hang out with his friends on his birthday."

Gemini now feeling assured they carried on with the preperations. Libra suddenly yelled,"GUYS LOOK AT THIS!"

They all dropped what they were doing and ran to Libra in a panic. They saw him carrying an old, dusty box. They all gathered around Libra amd he put the box on the ground.

The box had writing on the top. Pisces read,"Kyu's memory box, guys I don't think-"

Sagittarius had already opened it,"Pisces you were saying?"


Leo looked inside,"Hey there are photos. Is that Kyu!?"

She held up a photo with Kyu in it. His hair was black instead of his now blue hair but he looked almost identical. He was smiling brightly with four other people. He almost looked like a different person.

Cancer asked,"Are those his friends?"

Capricorn said,"Obviously, he seemed so full of joy back then."

Scorpio took the photo and checked the back,"This was from two years ago."

Aries said,"Hey let's look through more of these photos!"

Gemini felt guilty,"Aries we shouldn't, ot's his personal belongings."

Aquarius asked him,"But aren't you curious?"

Gemini shyly said,"Well, a little."

Taurus then said,"Well then let's dig deeper."

She grabbed another photo of Kyu. This one was him next to what seemed like a younger Anne. He had red hair and was wearing a old maroon hoodie.

She showed the others the photo and they stared at it for a second. It was in front of a mansion, but nit the one they currently lived in. They didn't pay any mind to it though. This time libra pulled one out. He was shocked. "Guys! Who are these people!?"

He showed them the picture of Kyu with his red hair, he was surrounded by 13 other people with names labelled above their head.

Kyu had a big smile and seemed like a different person to the Kyu they knew. Virgo read out the names,"Gwen, Gavin, Yx, Nw, Jaron, Anthony, Naven, Ian, Jovan, Vianne, Tanner, Scarlett and Landon."

Orion suggested,"Read the back, maybe we'll find out."

Libra read,"2019, The start for my Zodiacs. I just finished the first chapter...hope it goes well. Should be fun."

Everyone was quiet,"Zodiacs?".

-Back with Kyu and Anne-

Kyu and Anne walked side by side out the mall. Anne was laughing at something Kyu said and he had his usual tired face. He pulled out his phone in hopes of being able to finish the chapter.

Anne looked to her side to catch Kyu furiously typing on his phone. She swiftly cofiscated the phone and said,"Kyu! Come on take a break from that."

Kyu ttied to take back his phone but Anne was able to dodge all his advances. He eventually gave up and they kept walking. He sighed as he looked at the sky. Anne noticed this and asked,"Something happen?"

"Do you think there's a god?"

Anne was taken aback,"What!? Um, maybe. Who knows?"

Kyu shook his head,"Everything in this world, the stuff going on right now. If god really did exist and he or she is as powerful as people believe, does he just not care?"

Anne was confused,"What the hell man, why bring your crazy opinions up now!?"

"Because, I have said things that are backed up by logic and people use faith to counter it. I have done things that make sense yet though it works people scold me for not telling them what I was doing. Hell I tell crazy stories that happened along with random facts and people think I'm weird. So in my mind, god has some form of control, but yet it pretty minimal." Kyu ranted.

Anne saw a nearby playground and pulled Kyu towards it. Kyu didn't fight, he seemed deep in thought. They both sat down on a set of swings and Anne asked,"Are you okay?"

"Remember the last time I did this?" "Did what?"

Kyu gestured to everything around them,"All this, made the world, wrote the characters. It did not go well."

Anne sighed,"Yeah, but they're fine right?" "Anne, I haven't seen them in a while. I'm too scared, they probably hate me!"

Kyuslowly stared pushing himself on the swing. Anne shook her head,"Kyu, you need to chill." "I can't mess another group of people again! I just can't just pull a-"

Anne stared at Kyu as he seemed to be unable to say anything else. He was choked up. He suddenly coughed and said,"I can't do to them what they did to me, it's not right!"

Anne put a hand to his shoulder,"Look you need to relax, I'm sure you'll be fine."

Kyu shook his head,"That's why I wanted to finish that chapter." "Well then let's go back."

Kyu looked back at her in shock,"What?" "Let's go back if you really want to."

Kyu smiled as he jumped off the swing,"Okay! Let's go then!"

He grabbed Anne's sleeve and dragged her along as he sprinted to the house.

-Back at the house-

"But that can't be right!" Gemini yelled as he laid on the couch. The zodiacs had finished all the preparations and were now discussing what they had just saw.

Everyone was shocked but they were slowly trying to piece together the story. Though they made little progress. Suddenly the doors swung open and Kyu burst through the door with a sudden change in his usual tired personality. He had Anne behind hin as he dragged her up the stair into the writer's room.

Anne yelled and they heard Kyu scream in pain before they slowly walked back down the stairs. Kyu then noticed the decorations and the food and asked,"You guys..."

He then started to crack his knuckles which scared the zodiacs,"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT NOTHING STUPID!?"

Orion awkwardly said,"Well it was your birthday so we thought you wanted to have some fun."

Kyu sighed and said,"Well all the food is made and decorations are up...haiz yall wasted so much energy. Fine then let's have dinner."

Everyone was relieved that Lyu did not pull out his phone and they all sat at the dinner table. Kyu was grateful but slightly annoyed since they could have done anything else. Kyu smiled to himself,"Huh, they remind me of-"

"Oh Kyu?"

Kyu looked up at the earth sign sitting nearby,"Yes Taurus?"

"Should we have invited the "first" zodiacs?"

Kyu tensed up immediately and he broke out into a cold sweat. He felt all the memories flood back into him as he asked,"What do you mean Taurus?"

A/N:Okay I had this weird idea and I decided to run with it, there will probably be a part 2. Also these are gonna be seperate from the main story, like the random one shot series. Anyhow sorry for the lack of updates the past few weeks. But school is getting busier so yeah...anyways hope yall have a great day and, SEEYA!

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