nothing near clarity

Par sofiposie

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a haruto watanabe fanfic (idol au) "i was taught to always put our group first, and think about my fans' hap... Plus

f o r e w o r d
characters' aesthetics
sneak peek (must read)
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
(haruto's pov) 1k special
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
the elite's concept
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
treasure series book 2 โ€ผ๏ธ

chapter 3

1.3K 51 24
Par sofiposie

tw: sexual harassment

새로운 소녀 그룹

It's a normal day for others, but for me, it wasn't. I wore my mask and bid goodbye to Min Jee eonnie and Nari eonnie who are both eating. The others are still asleep since it's only 6 am. We have our practice at 12 pm to 12 am during weekdays because that's the schedule of all the senior trainees in YG entertainment. So, during the day, I go to a nearby seven eleven store to work part time.

I was one of the few trainees in YG entertainment with a part time job because I wasn't like the other trainees who have parents who actually support them.

Despite of coming from a "high class family," I was actually having a hard time achieving my dreams, because my father was against it, while my mother? Well, it's all her plan for all of her children to follow the path she took, but she's long gone. Meaning, aside from my older brother (who I really feel sorry for whenever they'd give me money) I really don't have anyone who can take care of my needs for me. 

Well, being from a 'high class family' is actually the reason why instead of living the life I had grown accustomed- with all the evening parties with other kids inside our circle and those tutorials about almost everything- had become me working a part time job. My father didn't like the idea of any of his children being in this industry since he found it 'cheap' (which angered me so much), that's why when my mum had my older brother, my dad made sure to lessen her works as a model so that little by little she can finally leave this industry. 

But I don't want that to happen to me at all. 

I need to debut and become an idol.  

So here I am working my ass off, just so I could achieve the dream my mother had for me. And I'm telling you, it's never easy to do all this. To be exact, it's so hard.

I only work during Monday, Wednesday and Friday, because I also need to rest and during Saturday, that's when we have our monthly or weekly evaluation so I have to free my day for that because it takes place during the morning.

While today is Sunday, I had to cover up for another employee because her daughter was sick so I have to go and work.

My Sunday is usually spent inside my room with my mic, keyboard and computer with me so I can write songs.

Sundays are our only free day, but today, I had to sacrifice mine. I sighed at that thought, because I'm missing the warmth of my bed already.

When I was about to pass Treasure sunbaenim's dorm, the door flung open, revealing a koala looking guy who's still wearing his koala designed pajamas.

I smiled at the sight of him, while he seemed shocked to see me early in the morning.

"Yah! You almost gave me a heart attack!" he accused while pointing at me, he's holding a trash bag, and it seems like he's going to throw it outside.

"Whatever you say, Junkyu!" I told him before walking pass by him then seconds later, he's already walking beside me.

Of course, with long legs like his, he'll surely catch up to me.

The cold breeze greeted me, the sky also looked so gloomy and I find it satisfying to see. I really love when the weather is like this, gray clouds seriously calm me down. It was as if I was in a classical movie, and it reminds me of one of the mornings where I took my morning walk in one of our visits in London.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you should call me Junkyu oppa?" he asked, irritation was evident in his voice but I just rolled my eyes on him.

No way will I ever call him like that! It's just weird, okay?

"In your dreams," I whispered before walking away, but I was shocked when he stopped me and he suddenly pat my head, and believe me when I say that I felt my heart doing a back flip because of what he did.

"Don't overwork yourself, okay?" he reminded me with a small smile on his face so I just nodded before turning my back on him.

He's the one who's going to give me a heart attack not the freaking other way around!

When I finally reached the store, I immediately went in and it was no fancy store to be exact, just the normal seven eleven you'll see in your neighborhood. It's just that the only difference was the person who I work for. Speaking of the devil...

I was greeted by my manager, he's almost the same age as my grandfather, yet sometimes, he acts as if he's like a flirty young lad whenever he's around me.

"Good morning, sir." I greeted before going to my place in the counter. He smiled before standing infront of the counter and giving me another look, he was staring up and down, and all I want to do is go and hude under the counter.

"It's nice that you're here, but sad 'cause I won't be able to see your pretty face because of that mask," he disappointedly pointed out, before looking all over my face once more before finally leaving me alone.

I let out a deep breath that I was holding in for a long time now. Good thing he finally went inside his room. I'll just be hoping that he wouldn't go out and just stay there until my shift is over.

I never liked the idea of him being the one
who owns this store, but I couldn't do anything about it. I needed the job, I needed the money for myself.

This was the only store that allowed me to work though I'm still not in the legal age, also we had an agreement to keep it a secret, my salary was also not that big so that they would keep their promise. It's the main reason why I have to keep this job no matter what.

My manager and the CEO didn't even knew that the owner of this store was like him-acting like a pervert sometimes, I didn't want them to worry about me, also, my brothers didn't know about this, because I'm afraid they would take me back to Australia or to Scotland where they'll send me back to my boarding school, once they know that I'm working instead of resting.

But what I'm really angry about is the fact that he knew I'm a minor, but him despite being the owner of this store, still kept on hitting on me. As if I'll even bite back, when in fact, I'm really afraid and disgusted of him.

It's sad that every woman needs to go through this. It's hard because I know what I'm dealing with isn't as terrible as the others, but my point is, whatever your experience is, if it affects you, then it's still the same. It's all wrong. When will the day come when women don't need to hide from perverts?

"Good morning!" Eunji eonnie greeted me when she finally entered the store. She's already a college student, and she also needs a part time job to help herself.

"Oh! You're here today! Where's Rina eonnie?" she asked when she noticed that I was the one here instead of Rina eonnie.

"Her baby's sick so I have to work instead of her," I told her so she nodded before proceeding to do her work.

There was still no sign of costumers so I just sat down while using my phone. We were allowed to use our phones as long as there's no costumers yet.

I was also kind of sleepy because I only got 3 hours of sleep, so I just decided to play some lively music so that my spirit can be more alive and the gloomy vibe the store is giving.

I chose Winner sunbaenim's Really Really, and the catchy song started playing throughout the corners of the store.

While waiting for some costumers, I decided to just back reading some of my members' messages in our group chat, then suddenly the small bell that's attached near the store's door rang, a sign that someone came in. I put my phone inside my pocket and I was shocked when I saw who the new comers were.

It was Nari together with the other Japanese members of Treasure. She waved her hand at me and even told the others to do the same so even though I was kind of embarrassed, I just waved my hand too.

I remembered that they were Yoshi sunbaenim, Asahi sunbaenim, Mashiho sunbaenim and Haruto sunbaenim who's the same age as me.

Nari then told them to go while she walked towards me.

"What brings you here?" I asked her with furrowed brows. She should be careful not to catch a cold because her health comes first, Nari has a very weak immune system so she needs to be very careful.

"They asked me if I can accompany them here because they want to meet you. They're all curious about you," she replied before wriggling her eyebrows at me.

"What on earth? Leave me alone, okay?" I told her and she just laughed but stopped when the Japanese members were now near us.

They bought some gummy bears, hotdogs, turtle chips, and ice cream. I punched the food and told them how much it was.

"彼女はあなたにはかわいすぎる、ハルト(she's too pretty for you, Haruto)" Asahi sunbaenim suddenly said while looking at his phone. I didn't understand them because it looks like they were speaking in Japanese, but I heard them laughing so I just let them be.

Nari eonnie can understand them because she grew up in Japan despite being a Korean, she's even close to them because like them, she's also from YG Japan.

"彼女も本当に背が高いです。他の人があなたを彼女とからかうのが好きなのも不思議ではありません (she's also really tall, no wonder the others like to tease you with her)" Mashiho sunbaenim said that made Haruto cover his face and made the others laugh again.

Okay, they really need to go because I really can't understand them.

"どちらもまだ若いので、まずはキャリアに集中するべきです。(but both of them are still young so you should just focus on your career first)" Yoshi sunbaenim said in a serious tone and that made them stop laughing before agreeing to whatever Yoshi sunbaenim just told them.

After that, they told me they'll be leaving, so I just bowed my head and I gestured to Nari that she should explain what they just talked about but she just stuck her tongue out before finally leaving with them.

I was about to sit down again when Eunji came to me, she was even catching her breath while standing in front of the counter.

"That was Treasure, right?" she asked, excitement was seen in her eyes but because I had to follow certain rules from the company I just shook my head before focusing on my phone instead.

I was shocked because Treasure was not that popular yet here in Korea, besides, they didn't debut yet. But I heard that they are very famous internationally so I'm really proud of them.

"Omo! I thought it was really them!" she said before going back to her place.

I just smiled before looking at the screen of my phone. There were only a few people who actually come here because of the corona virus outbreak, but still, I had to work to give myself money.

The new ceo already offered to help me, but I declined because I wanted to survive on my own. I don't want to have debts to anybody.

Eunji suddenly came to me again and told me that she has to go home because an emergency happened and that she already told our manager that she's going home first then be back later so I just told her to be careful, besides, there wasn't that much costumers coming.

"See you later!" she shouted before closing the glass door.

I was just staring at my phone when it suddenly vibrated and the screen flashed his cute face.

I immediately answered the call before looking if there are costumers, when I saw that there's no one, that's when I accepted his request for a facetime.

"Hi!" he greeted, and he's now wearing a blue hoodie, and he's with Jihoon who's busy cooking.

"Your best friend made me cook ramen for him again, also, he told me that you're working, right? We made you lunch!" Jihoon said so I laughed before shaking my head because of disbelief. Junkyu's already a grown man and yet he acts like a kid most of the time.

Also, I am touched at their thoughtfulness. Small gestures like this really melts my heart.

"Thank you so much!" I told them before giving a flying kiss, "So why did you call?" I then asked them because they wouldn't just call me just to tell me what they're doing when I'm at work.

"Hm, Jihoon and I heard that the new CEO would like to create a new girl group, and I heard your name was in it!" he said in a hushed manner so I just shook my head.

"Haven't you told me about this already?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"I told you that Mr. Yang wanted you in the new girl group, but now, even the new CEO wanted you!" he defended himself so I just nodded.

"That's all you can give?" he asked, pertaining to my reaction at his awesome news. I laughed at his cute reaction before giving him a thumbs up.

I was so close to tearing up, but I stopped myself.

"Is it really true?" I asked--almost whispering-- because I've been told the same thing over and over again so it felt as if it's not something new. I don't even expect that I will debut sooner because I've been told about it a lot of times already, but the debut I was wishing for never happened.

"Awe, don't lose hope. We promise that we really heard them," Jihoon said and that's when the tears started falling down. I ended the call before covering my face using both of my hands.

Am I really debuting?

Thoughts were already swirling inside my head, as my heart is beating faster than the usual, and my eyes just kept on making ugly tears because of what I heard.

I know I shouldn't let my hopes up, but I was really desperate to make my debut. I wanted to prove to all of them that I can do it too, that I can also be someone a parent can be proud of.

I stopped my melodrama when the door opened, but I was shocked when I saw who the newcomers were.

It was a panting Junkyu together with Jihoon and Hyunsuk who were both panting too.

But what shocked me more was when they showed me the cute pink lunch box, with the card where the letters of encouragement were displayed.

"congrats, don't ever lose hope!"

I smiled at their sweet gesture before crying again. They laughed at my reaction before Hyunsuk  patted my head.

"You'll make it,"Jihoon said so I nodded before looking at the guy who's looking at me worriedly.

I gave him a smile, before he also gave me a smile, and I felt better after seeing his adorable smiling face.

I just shook my head because of their cute efforts. And I guess I am really lucky to have friends like them.

to be continued. . .

I hope you liked this chapter! Please vote, comment and share! Also, I would really like to read your feedbacks so please comment it down! Wuv u guys! Stay safe!

-Sophia ✨

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