Finding Severus (A Severus Sn...

By cocoalubber

26.9K 904 192

***COMPLETE*** Can the man who walked the thin line between Good and Evil find his place, and himself, in a P... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

846 33 14
By cocoalubber

 Severus spent the afternoon sitting alone in his library at Prince House. He took comfort in the smell of books and the glass of firewhiskey that dangled from his fingertips. Severus rested his head on his hand stretching out his long legs as he gazed into the empty fireplace. He had perfunctorily agreed to give the MI-6 offer consideration. Minister Dearlove was insistent that he at least think about the matter. Severus didn't want to be a spy anymore. He didn't want to have to appease a mark to gain 'intel', as the minister put it. He served the greater good. He sacrificed. He thought he had given enough. Now someone was trying to enlist him to do it again, against a different evil. Why couldn't he just do his part and be left to live in peace. That was all he ever asked. That was all he was asking now. Severus took a long sip of firewhiskey.

The clock chimed 5 when Neder popped in with a tray, "Sir did not want lunch so Neder has brought tea. Sir's favorite sandwiches and cakes." 

Severus looked up from his firewhiskey, "Thank you, Neder." 

A slight smile crossed his face, "I see you are back to your old self." 

Neder set the tray on a side table, "Yes, Sir. Neder prefers being Master's elf." 

Severus acknowledged the devotion with a half smile. 

Neder asked, "Is Sir alright?" 

A deep sigh escaped Severus' lungs, "I don't know, Neder. I thought I was finished with spying, deception, evil despots. Apparently there are plenty to go around in the world." 

As he stacked the wood in the fireplace for the evening fire Neder offered, "Sir has fought bravely and at great cost to himself. Sir does not have to fight everyone's war. Sir can not save the whole world, only his little piece of it." 

"May Neder make a suggestion, Sir?", the elf put forward the question timidly, "Perhaps Sir would benefit from a night out? Perhaps dinner with a nice lady?" 

A quizzical expression crossed over Severus' face, then realization, "Neder, are you trying to play matchmaker?" 

Neder lifted his shoulders innocently, "The Miss Primrose seems like a nice lady.

Severus narrowed his eyes and smirked, "She probably has a boyfriend. And I'm hardly what any woman has ever considered 'a catch'." 

Neder protested firmly, "Sir is a brave and loyal man. Sir is tall and strong and regal. Sir is magnificent!" 

Severus laughed, "Ok, ok, I'll ask Miss Primrose to dinner tomorrow evening." 

Neder pushed the quill and ink well closer to Severus. Severus  raised his brow, smirked and shook his head in acquiescence. He wrote out an invitation in his best script,

'Dear Daphne,

Would you do me the honour of dining with me tomorrow evening, Prince House at 8?

Sincerely Yours, Severus

Folding the parchment he handed it to Neder, "There you go, Neder."

Severus spent the rest of the evening reading by the fire occasionally drifting off into thoughts of a possible evening with Daphne. "A beautiful intelligent woman like that surely has a boyfriend. Probably some big hulking rugby star. No, she's too sophisticated for rugby. Probably another  sophisticated handsome solicitor," Severus mumbled to himself. 

He closed his book and drank the last drop of firewhiskey in his glass before heading upstairs to his chambers. A good soak in a hot bath would do him well.  Severus found his bath ready and waiting so he disrobed and slipped into the calming waters. He leant his head back against the rim of the tub. Calling on his old Occlumency skills, he tried to push any and all thoughts from the front of his mind. He was a little rusty but for his immediate purposes it was working, his mind was soon clear...for the most part. 

Severus was readying for bed when he heard a familiar 'pop'. Neder was at the fireplace stacking the logs for the night's fire. The elf handed Severus a piece of parchment, trying for all he was worth to appear nonchalant, "This just arrived by owl for Sir." Severus took the note and sat in his chair, 

'Dear Severus

I would be happy to dine with you tomorrow evening. Until we meet at 8, Prince House

Yours Sincerely, Daphne'

Severus held the letter in his lap and gave Neder a smirk. The elf smiled triumphantly and with a 'pop' was gone. 

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