Tell Me You Need Me [bxb]

By HeartlessVibes

44.8K 1.7K 659

It's senior year. Darren and Eric are happier than they've ever been. No more drama or secrets threatening t... More

TMYNM •/ Role Call
C1: Tell Me Summer's Over.
C2: Tell Me My Past Has Returned.
C3: Tell Me, What Letter?
C4: Tell Me You Knew All Along.
C5: Tell Me He Cared.
C6: Tell Me This Isn't Right.
C7: Tell Me Mother Knows Best.
C8: Tell Me I Cheated?
C9: Tell Me You're Kidding.
C10: Tell Me I'm Trapped.
C11: Tell Me L.J Knows.
C12: Tell Me Everything's Gone to Hell.
C13: Tell Me The Trust Is Broken.
C14: Tell Me We're Friends?
C15: Tell Me Decisions Are Hard.
C16: Tell Me Buttdialing Isn't Real.
C17: Tell Me We're Going To Get The Guy.
C18: Tell Me There's Been No Progress.
C19: Tell Me Avery Has A Situation.
C20: Tell Me What Does Fighting Solve?
C21: Tell Me Shawn Spilt The Beans.
C23: Tell Me I've Done It Again.
C24: Tell Me I'm Hearing This Right.
C25: Tell Me I Want A Break.
C26: Tell Me She Did It.
C27: Tell Me Plans Never Work Out.
C28: Tell Me You Make Me Better.
C29: Tell Me Everyone Has A Limit.
C30: Tell Me Acceptance is Scary.
C31: Tell Me It's Set In Stone.
C32: Tell Me About Room 319.
C33: Tell Me I Know Who I Want.
C34: Tell Me I Need You Guys.
C35: Tell Me We Made It. (END)

C22: Tell Me He's Not Ready.

1.1K 49 16
By HeartlessVibes

. . .

"Holy shit!" Eric said covering his eyes as Logan puked the rest of his insides out into the school toilet.

"I thought he knew! And I was pissed he didn't tell me!" Shawn exclaimed defending himself so he wouldn't get the blame if Logan passed out or something.

Standing up from his manic crouching position Logan walked over to the bathroom sink so he could rinse his mouth and hands.

"Dude, I'm like an uncle now," Shawn said following behind him so he could pat him on the back.

Logan didn't find the situation funny. Shrugging Shawn's hands off of him he shot him a death glare through the mirror. Shawn got the memo and backed off, moving back a few steps.

"Is she keeping it?" Logan asked now looking directly at me. He knows I'm the only one Avery would disclose that information to but I had no good news for him.

I shrugged. "She hasn't decided yet,"

"Fuck!" Logan yelled slamming his hand against the sink with a loud smack.

"Do you think she will?" Eric asked walking over to stand by me but also making Logan look at me again. What am I her brain? I don't know what she's thinking of doing?

"I don't know," I said softly watching as his face dropped once again. "But if she does... you know you have to step up right? Avery's baby can't be fatherless neither of them deserves that,"

"Don't you think I know that?" He sarcastically questioned with the roll of his eyes.

Okay, no need for the attitude. Rude.

"Wait," Shawn said scratching his head. "What are you going to tell L.J?"

Logan groaned as he dropped his head low. "She's going to fucking hate me, man,"

I didn't speak up when he said that. I had no idea how L.J would react to the news. She loves Logan and I didn't know if the baby would change that or not. It wasn't like he stepped out on their relationship and had it.

"What if Darren tells her first? To break the ice?" Eric suggested tilting his head toward me.

"No way," I say quickly. "If it doesn't come from his mouth," I point at Logan. "He doesn't stand a chance in winning her over trust and believe that,"

"Is this what I get for not being gay?" Logan groaned for the millionth time. "You guys are the main boys I hang with and you all happen to be gay. Maybe this is the universe telling me that I should've followed in your footsteps,"

Shawn let out a small crackle but he tried to hide it causing Eric to laugh too. I was the last one to bust a smile since I was trying to be the serious friend but the way Eric turned to hide his laughs got me.

"I'm glad this is fucking funny to you assholes," Logan shook his head but seeing us struggle to keep in our giggles made him smile too. It made him mad that we were able to crack him so he got back into his angry mindset quick.

"It's not funny," Shawn said as his laughs turned into a fake cough. "Wait it is funny, imagining you trying to be gay is the joke of the year. You don't even know how to flirt with women let alone guys,"

Slightly offended Logan flicked Shawn off.

"No, you could totally pull any guy," Eric cheesed letting it be known he was joking.

"Haha," Logan flicked him off too. "Got anything to add Wheeler? I've got enough middle finger to go around,"

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "They're the ones making fun of you and I get called by my last name? What did I do?"

"Lowe and Palaski are jokes within themselves. They have to live with that," Logan shrugged.

"Lowe isn't bad," Eric shot back. "Palaski on the other hand..."

"At least I didn't get my ex-girlfriend knocked up," Shawn said turning the conversation grim. He didn't regret it either, I guess when under attack you strike with anything you've got.

"Look, I can't tell you not to talk to Avery, but please don't try to influence her decision because it is hers to make," I say offering him a bit of friendly advice.

"She's not having the baby," Logan said and the room went silent. "I'm not ready to be a dad and I know she's not ready to be a single mother,"

"I thought you understood that you had to step up, what the hell?" I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion. He did a full 180 right before my eyes and I couldn't comprehend it and neither could Eric and Shawn by the look on their faces.

"Are you going to push her down the stairs or something?" Shawn asked concerned.

Looking at him like he was dumb Logan shook his head. "No, you dummy. I'm going to talk to her and explain how neither of us are fit to be parents right now. We still depend on our parents what sense would it make to bring a child into the world? Besides, she and the baby deserve a dad who loves the mom unconditionally. You know all that happy household crap,"

"I feel like it's wrong to tell her what to do with her body," I butt in not liking what he was saying at all. "Despite all the bad factors, you should let her come to those conclusions on her own,"

"If she could come to these conclusions on her own she would've told you she wasn't keeping it already," Logan said unimpressed with me being on her side. Why wouldn't I? Logan, isn't the one this is going to fuck with mentally now is it? I'm just trying to look out for my best friend.

"I agree with Darren," Eric put in his two cents. "Feels wrong time do that,"

"Of course you agree with him. That's all you ever do from the start of the relationship. Even if you don't want to admit it," Logan said annoyed at the both of us.

"Don't get mad at us okay? What? Am I not supposed to agree with my boyfriend?" He said not letting Logan get to him. "It's kind of how you get relationships to work right?"

I can't lie and say my heart didn't flip a few beats from Eric calling me his boyfriend. The way I've even missed that.

"Kiss my ass," Logan said lifting himself up from his leaning stance on the sink and made his way toward the door. "Nobody tells L.J anything, I will after I go talk to Avery,"

"Oh, we weren't planning on talking to L.J," Shawn informed Logan with another cheeky smile. This was not the time to get on his brother's nerves but Shawn didn't care. He was going to take this situation and run with it as far as he could. He was on the track team after all.

"Now when you wake up with two black eyes I want you to know you had it coming," Logan threatened Shawn which only made him laugh more.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket and upon taking it out I saw Avery's name on the screen.

"It's her!" I say loudly before Logan could leave. I answered her call and made sure to put in on the speaker.

"Darren where the hell are you?" She sounded angry like she wanted to yell but couldn't. She was probably around too many people and didn't want to blow her cover. "I'm going to slaughter you and your little boyfriend too. Why is Emily congratulating me on my pregnancy?"

"You seriously need to get that girl a muzzle," Shawn spoke to Eric forgetting that Avery could hear him too.

"Is that SHAWN?!" Avery finally found the voice to yell regardless of where she was. "He knows too? I swear to the heavens above where are you guys? I bet Eric's there too I can kill three birds with one stone. Listen, if any of you tell Logan I will make it my life's mission to destroy you,"

We all awkwardly glanced at Logan, who didn't know if he should speak up or not.

"Hi Avery, I've never heard you this violent before," Eric said since she already knew that he was here.

"Hypothetically if someone did tell Logan but they thought Logan already knew what would be their consequence?" Shawn asked. "You know, hypothetically,"

"Death," Avery said without hesitation and both Shawn and Eric were left shaken. This was a side of her they've never seen before. Avery was never the kind to blow her top but with her hormones going crazy she was bound to get a little edgy.

"I'm so serious guys, Logan or L.J can't know about this," Avery added her voice becoming soft. "I don't want to be the end of their relationship,"

"Avery," Logan finally announced his presence and Avery's line went dead silence like she fainted or something. "Can you come to the basement level bathroom? We're all down here,"

The phone call ended. She hung up on me. Why was everyone being so rude? What did I do?

We all knew Avery was going to come down here. We all kind of stood there in a circle waiting for the other to talk. The anticipation was killing me. Did Logan want us to stay for their conversation? I couldn't promise I wouldn't jump in if he said some off the wall crap. But, standing here with all three of them was a tad bit weird. Now that I think of it the four of us rarely ever hung out as just the boys. It's sad that this is the circumstance that lead us here.

Leaning my head on Eric's shoulder I felt like we've been touching each other this whole time. Whether it was a handhold or a shoulder grace we were always in contact. The best way to be.

Storming inside the boy's bathroom without concern Avery was clearly mad. The way she stared us down was enough to make me squirm. It was like she was solely focusing on me though, why did everyone want to take their anger out on me today? She was the one who told Eric in the first place then they could blame Emily for everyone else knowing.

I'm surprised L.J doesn't know yet.

"Tell Emily to keep her mouth shut," I whisper to Eric who gave me a quick head nod before pulling out his phone to text her.

"Avery," Logan said calmly walking toward her. "Can we talk?"

"Go ahead, talk," She threw her hands up in exasperation. "It's not like they're not going to find out once it's over so we might as well air it all out in the public,"

"Yo, I'll be right back I just have to take a piss!" A random boy yelled as he walked into the bathroom to see us.

We all turned to look at him and he was stuck in place. Wondering why the hell was there a girl in the boy's bathroom. Also, I realized how sketchy we looked, why was she the only girl with a group of boys in here? It looks like the start of a badly acted porno if you ask me.

"Get the fuck out," Logan spat not willing to let the poor guy use the restroom. "Now,"

Eric stepped out toward the guy, he knew people saw him as more intimidating so he used that to his advantage. The guy nodded his head slowly before backing out of the bathroom. Hopefully, he'll act as none of this happened.

"You guys are funny," Shawn laughed before twirling his fingers toward Logan and Avery. "But, go ahead continue,"

Logan rolled his eyes at his brother. "Avery, why didn't you tell me?"

"Why would I do that? We aren't together I don't owe you that. I was going to inform you when I made the final decision," She shrugged and I could tell the rest of us being here was making her uneasy. Yet, she didn't want us to leave so she could stand her point.

"What is your decision?" Logan asked tired of beating around the bush.

At a loss for words, Avery couldn't give him an answer she didn't even know herself.

Letting out a loud groan Logan ran his hands down his face. "Don't be dumb Avery. I know you're not dumb. Having a baby right now would be a nightmare,"

"Says who?" She questioned not digging his attitude.

"Says me!" He shot back without hesitation. "Avery we're not ready to be parents and you know that. What? Are you only doing this to break up me and L.J? Are you that obsessed?"

"Hold on now," I say trying to step in between the two but Avery held her palm up to me. I didn't need to come to her rescue even though I really wanted to.

"The last thing I want is for you and L.J to end because of me. That's why I didn't want either of you to know in the first place. Are you that dense? What's to be obsessed about? You're an egotistical jerk," Avery told him off making the rest of us drop our jaws in surprise.

Chuckling at the pain so he could play off his hurt in front of us Logan cocked his head to the side. "Could you possibly think of one case where having a baby right now would be a good idea?"

Climbing on top of the countertop to relax during this confrontation Shawn really was enjoying himself.

Rolling my eyes at him I focused my attention back to Avery to see what she'd say next.

"Having a baby right now would be a good idea because it's my baby. This child didn't ask to be born and truly you don't have to be in its life," Avery said her eyes becoming a bit watery.

"I don't have to be in its life?" Logan asked stopping in his tracks. "What does that mean Avery?"

Gulping loudly her eyes panned the room like she was afraid to say her next sentence.

Quickly dapping at her eyes she put then down by her side before responding. "I'm keeping my baby. I knew since I first found out I don't know why I even thought abortion would be an option. When I first saw that positive sign I knew I'd be the best mommy ever regardless of the support I get,"

Walking over to her I instantly pulled her into a hug. She was on the verge of having a breakdown right in front of everyone.

"I love you," I whisper into her hair so that she could only hear. "I'm with you,"

"I'm going to be a great mom. Do you hear that Logan? And this baby never has to know you I promise you that," she said her voice cracking mid-sentence.

Rubbing her back in a comforting manner I glared at Logan who still hadn't said anything.

"So I don't care," Avery shrugged. "You do you. Have your relationship with L.J and go off to college and start your football career and I wish you the fucking best, I do. But, don't you ever think you're going to come find me years later trying to be in my child's life," she said sternly and we all knew she meant every word.

"Say, something idiot," Eric said shoving Logan by the shoulder.

Logan took a deep breath. "I'm not ready to be a father," were his only words before rushing out of the bathroom leaving the rest of us to soak in Avery's anger.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked Avery as he hopped down from his countertop seat realizing this was serious. "I can go talk some sense into him,"

Shaking her head Avery fought back her tears. "No, you can't convince him he's ready to be a dad if he's already convinced himself that he isn't,"

"How are you going to tell your parents?" I ask finally releasing her from my hug.

"I don't know yet," She said truthfully. "But I will, anyway I've got to get to class I'll see you all later,"

She didn't even give us time to say goodbye before she spun the bathroom corner and was out of our sight.

"Wow," Eric huffed stretching his limbs like he had been in the conversation. "That was intense,"

"This is going to play out really bad," I groan looking at the two of them. We were all in for a whirlwind of trouble and it looked unavoidable.

"I think she'll be a great mom," Shawn said softly looking between us both. "Even if Logan doesn't step up I swear I'll be a darn good uncle. I don't care about anyone else,"

"What do you mean?" I say with a fake gasp. "You're looking at the godparents right here," I smile pointing at Eric and me.

"I've been taking care of Henry since he was in diapers and he hasn't failed me yet so I think I'd make a great god dad," Eric agreed as all three of us solidified our places in Avery's baby's life. She wasn't going to do this alone, ever. Even if I had to come back from college every weekend, I'd be there.

"When do you think he's going to tell L.J?" Eric asked when making our way out of the bathroom. Shawn followed right behind us tapping away on his phone.

"Soon, everybody's in the loop except her. He's got no reason to not tell her what's going on," I say sternly. He wasn't going to hold this from my sister no matter what. She deserves to know just like the rest of us.

"I don't want to be around when he breaks that news," Shawn said looking up from his phone but walked in the opposite direction of Eric and me.

"You going somewhere?" I ask trying to be nosy.

"Class," He shot back with a grin before waving us off to go about his business.

"Hey, maybe we should do that too," Eric said bending down to connect our lips for a split second. I wanted more.

"Can you come over tonight?" I ask batting my eyelashes at him so he could get the hint.

A cheeky grin covered his face as he kissed me again.

"I don't know," He shrugged not able to keep the smile off of his face. "I'll think about it,"

"You won't regret it," I poke at his stomach.

Moving my hair from my forehead he placed one last kiss there. "Eh, if I feel like it,"

Playfully hitting his chest I faked hurt. "Now when I revoke the offer you'll be upset,"

"No, no," he laughed grabbing my wrists stopping me from being able to hit him more. "I'll see you there,"

"See you then," I wink pulling away from him and making my escape up the steps.

Looking back before turning the corner all I saw was Eric's smile and it made me smile too.

. . .

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