My Misadventures

By callsignfelix

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Skylar is just a regular college kid... a college kid with superpowers. He does the same thing all students... More

Character sheet- Skylar Murdock
Chapters 1: An intro of sorts
Chapter 2: The Visit
Chapter 3: Roll with it
Chapter 4: Special Move
Chapter 5: Informant
Chapter 6: Just Be Chill, You'll Fit Right In
Chapter 7: Dancin' Queen
Chapter 7.5: Hero Up
Chapter 8: Sunday Night
Chapter 9: Eldridge
Chapter 10: Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
11: Half-naked and Half-afraid
12: Halsey Take The Wheel
13: Armored McDingus Face
14: Arielle
15: Elevate... get it?
16: Fancy Appointment.
17: doubts
18: Just When I Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse...
20: Shut up, Skylar. Don't ruin this.
21: Halloween Gets A Little Bit Spooky
21.5 Halloween part 2
22: Secret Identity Revealed!
23: Tent Night
24: Where Am I?
25: Haphazard Happenings
26: I'm A Lightweight
27: A Smack In The Face
28: The Saturday From Hell
29: I Make A Mess
30: A Moment Of Rest
31: A Dreaded Phone Call
32: A New Face and An Old Fart
Some Photos of The Cast
33: Thanksgiving With A Very Good Friend
33.5: Thanksgiving Pt 2
34: I'm a Bad Kisser
35: Bridge Watch
36: I'm Not a Physics Expert
37: I Die
38: Just Us
39: Christmas is a win
40: Lovey Dovey Shit
41: MORE Lovey Dovey Shit
Trans Day Of Visibility
42: Forgetting
43: Welcome Home, Skylar
44: Memory Exercises
45: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

19: I lived lol

204 17 11
By callsignfelix

Lmao sorry my posting is really inconsistent and random. It's fine tho only like two people ever read this so YEET HOW ARE U GUYS DOING

Song: promises (nils frahm version) by the presets. Don't play until I tell you to :)

When I open my eyes, the room is empty. I'm wearing a hospital gown, and I can see my suit hanging on a hanger- freshly laundered. There are a couple different monitors showing my vitals.

A tall woman with blue glasses enters with a clipboard. "Good morning, Mr. Spider-man. I hope you're feelings better."

"Loads better, thank you." I say. It's true. Not only my physical wounds, but my mental state as well -thank god.

"You recovered quickly, but you're not at 100% yet." She informs me. "Unfortunately, the law only allows you one overnight stay per moth, so you'll have to finish your recovery at home."

"I understand." I nod. It's a drag, and it seems pretty unfair, but... I don't actually have to pay a dime for this stay. That's the deal with hero's insurance. It has some perks, but if there were too many good things about heroism, people would start faking it in order to get free hospital stays.

"It's recommended that you walk only with assistance, and hold off from hero work for about 2 or 3 days to give your body time to heal all the way."

I nod again. "I have a cane back home, I'll use that."

"Good to hear." She scribbles on her clipboard. "I assume you you can handle buying painkillers on your own, but I wrote you an order just in case." She hands me the purple slip. "Just show this to your pharmacist, and they won't ask any questions."

I take it with another nod. "And I'll call an Uber."

She begins to turn off the monitors, pulling out little tubes and peeling off tape from my arms. Once those things are out, I can finally breathe at ease knowing that they're gone.

"Sorry we can't provide transportation, it's-"

"Another precaution to protect my identity." I nod again. "I know."

"Ah, so you're a regular. A troublemaker, I assume?" She chuckles. "Well, I'm done with my spiel, so you're free to go. There's a new change of clothes in the closet, but don't expect anything of quality."

"Thanks." I say as she leaves, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

I slowly stand, trying not to lose my balance. God, I'm a wreck. I use the rolling stool to guide myself over to the closet, taking slow steps. My legs hurt a lot, it must be the after affects of that battle with Drifter. Luckily it looks like I slept through the worst of it.

My phone buzzes on the seat next to my suit, and I make my way over to check it. Shit. That was my alarm to wake up and head to class. I slept all night.

There's a text from Clarissa, sent at 11:56 pm: "Dude the craziest thing just happened."

Oh no, that was right after she rescued me. How many people is she going to tell? Word is going to get around... Maybe Drifter will track her down for information too. My mind grazes over the night that he visited me... He hasn't come since, but I have a feeling our business trade isn't quite at a close yet.

"Tell meeeee" I text her, putting my phone back and making my way over to the closet again. The nurse was right, there are a couple pajama pants and a t-shirt or two... they look like donations. They are both big on me, but I'm glad I don't have to go out in public wearing only a hospital gown.

I put my phone in my pocket after ordering an Uber, put my suit in a grocery bag, then slowly make my way down to the lobby. The hallways are quiet, and smell faintly of sterilizing cleaners. The lobby is quiet as well, the only people being receptionists, and a couple people scattered around lounging in chairs.

My Uber arrives, and I make my way out to the car. I give them my address, and we chat about life. They don't ask about my black eye, nor my hospital visit, and for that I'm grateful.

Sooner than soon I'm thanking them, and bidding farewell. I carefully walk to the elevator and ride it up to the 4th floor. I don't have time to trek up the stairs.

I change into school clothes, put on a bit of that concealer to cover up my black eye, and grab my cane. I'm already starting to feel better, and I predict that I'll be able to walk on my own by tonight, and be able to run by tomorrow.


(Play song)

Hauling my sore ass to campus was probably the worst decision I've ever made. The smell on the bus made my head ache, and there were teenagers ruffing around the whole time. Loud and obnoxious, I am embarrasses to think i was a teenager once. At least I had the decency to be quiet on public transportation.

Luckily i had a distraction, Clarissa was telling me all about her adventure with Spider-Man. She left out a lot of the finer details, like where and when, and made sure not to mention any major injuries she saw. She was smart about how much she told me, so I can safely assume she had the same sense of secrecy with whoever else she told.

Using my cane, I make my way across campus. Too bad there is only one bus stop and it's a mile away from my English class. The good news is, I made it half an hour early because I knew it would take a long time to get there.

I arrive quicker than I had anticipated, so I rest on a sunny bench in the lobby of the Fine Arts building. This is my favorite building. It's got a tall ceiling, and a cool visual art project commissioned by one of the students. Her plaque hangs on the wall not too far away, telling the story of her inspiration and journey of creation. The glass artwork casts refracted rainbows onto the white walls, further brightening the spacious room. It's warm, and clean, and brings a feeling of peace that I have been missing.

I rub my thumb across my cane, gazing at my warped reflection. The dark mark around my eye is still prominent, even beneath the makeup. I'd even tried Sophie's hickey trick, and used green concealer beneath the toned one... Don't ask why I have green concealer. Wait, why does Sophie know that trick in the first place?

"Yo, Skylar!" I hear Tyson call.

I look up and give a wave. "Hey man, what's up?"

We high-five-shake, and he sits next to me. "So, laser tag tomorrow night? How we feeling?"

"Bet." I agree. "You'd better be at the top of your game, I'm not going to hold back."

"Of course I'll be at the top of my game, it's you I'm worried about." He nudges my cane with his foot. "You sure you'll be okay?"

"I'll be in great condition tomorrow." I wave it off. "I got in a fight."

"A fight? Dude you're like, a real ruffian, or something." He jokes. "Was it someone you know?"

I shake my head. "Just some rando tryna steal my wallet."

"Damn, you got this beat up from one dude?"

"Hey, you should see the other guy." I laugh, but stop when I start to feel light headed.

"That's crazy, dude."

"What's crazy?" A familiar voice says behind me. I turn to see Caleb walking toward us. Suddenly my heart rate picks up, and I become self conscious of the black eye.

"Skylar got in a fight." Tyson brags, nudging me with his elbow.

"With who?" He sits down next to me.

"It doesn't matter." I look away.

"I think it does." Caleb grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. He tilts my head so he can get a good look at the dark spot on my face. "You got in a fight?"

"And he won." Tyson informs. I wish he would shut up, I don't want them to worry about me.

"And you won?" Caleb looks me up and down. "I'd hate to see the guy who lost."

Tyson's watch beeps. "Shit, gotta go. See you goons later!" He picks up and jogs down the hallway, disappearing around the corner.

Caleb looks back at me, hand still on my face. He moves his hand, brushing his fingers over the scars on my neck for a moment. "I'm worried about you, Sky."

My stomach flutters at his touch. I blink. "It really- it was nothing. Not a big deal."

He pulls his hand back, maybe realizing that he's been *cough* stroking my face while gazing into my eyes *cough*. "I get it, you don't wanna talk about it. That's fine, I won't push."

"Thanks." I look away, eyes catching the artwork hanging from the ceiling.

"Hey, um... I'm gonna be working on the truck today, actually scrubbing the bed and putting in the tent." He starts. Looking at his hands. "Do you want to come? You can just watch, I won't make you do anything to strain your arm-"

"Of course I'll come." I smile. "And no, I won't be watching, I want to help."

"I want you to go easy on your arm, and your legs, I... it's really okay if you just relax." He insists.

I put my good hand over his. "I'll be there. My class gets out in like an hour anyway, so maybe I could... catch a ride back to your place? And we could do it there?"

He smiles. "Sounds good to me. I actually just got out of class, so I'll just hang around campus for a while to wait. Is it okay... can I walk you to class?"

I laugh. "Yeah. It's not too far from here."

He helps me stand, and he's patient when I have to wait for my vision to clear. He carries my backpack for me, which I am infinitely grateful for. We chat while we walk, and he never once complains about the pace or volume.

He drops me off at class, and bids farewell. My mood has significantly improved, and it's nice. I feel awake, and I can focus better. Today is gonna be a good day.


Surprisingly, nobody brought up my battle wounds. Even with my arm in a sling, and my silver walking cane clattering with every step, nobody said a word. That's college for you, I guess.

When class is done, I make my way slowly down the hall, heart pounding. I enter the Fine Arts building again, and that's when I see him.

Caleb sits on the same sunny bench as before, hair shining in the light. Tiny rainbows dance along his arms and chest, and his face shows a tired smile. He has his head against the window, and he simply rests his eyes. I wish I could take a picture, just so I could see him like this again someday.

I shake my head, and approach him. He looks up when he hears me coming, and gives me a small wave. He stands, and takes my backpack from me. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." I nod.

Greater things are coming, but I want this next part to have it's own chapter. I'm so excited you have no idea.

What was your favorite part of this chapter?

As always, thanks for reading!!

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