For better or for worse (Chan...

Kieshanna द्वारा

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Chapter 45: We did good. The chapter y'all finally been waiting for London & Chris finally have their baby. अधिक

For better or for worst (Changed Man sequel)
01: Mrs. & Mr. Brown
02: Rio
03: Can you handle it?
04: Ice Cream
05: No petty shit
06: Can't be life pt. 1
07: Can't be life pt. 2
08: Damage pt. 1
09: Damage pt.2
10: Love & War (1)
11: Serious
12: They don't know pt.1
Merry Early Christmas
13: Wowzers
14: Night out
15: Late night meeting.
16: Christmas morning
17: Did someone say baby (part 1)
18: Unknown
19: Blast from the past
20: You got some nerve
21: Where I'm coming from
22: What has to be done
23: High school
24: Good or nah?
25: What really happened
26: What really happened pt.2
27: What's the end pt.3
28: Jammed up
29: Trading places
30: Trading places pt.2
31: For the fathers pt.1
32: The Worst pt.2
33: New New part.3
34: Together
35: Tell Me
36: 4/20
37: Where did it go wrong? (pt.1)
38: Where did it go wrong (pt.2)
39: Where to go
40: Leaving.
41:Don't cry (pt.1)
42: Where do you sleep?
43: How I feel
44: How do you feel pt.1
Good read
I'm back!

45: We did good

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Kieshanna द्वारा

*Christopher Brown

Brooklyn, New York

June 26, 2015 Friday 6:00 pm

"For real though Tae, I think she needs to talk to you." I said into the transmitter of my phone.

After everything that happened yesterday I felt like I needed to have a talk with Tae about our daughter.

"It was that bad? Where is she now?" She asked

"I just dropped them off at school." I mumbled as I was cruising down the street.

"I feel so bad Chris." She said softly

"Yeah, you and me both. We always use to make a vowel not even argue in front of her and to think that she's affected by all this shit really pisses me off." I clenched my jaw

"Well you're not perfect, you're doing the best you can as her father." She said making me feel a little better.I always try to do the best by all my kids, so I'm taking this way harder than I probably need to. I'm worrying enough for her too...

"And I think talking to her mom will maybe help her, I think you should fly out here, I'll get you a ticket." I offered

"You sure? Would I be stepping on any toes?" She hesitated

"No, I think you need to talk to her period." I replied

"What about London? Is she fine with this?" She asked making me suck my teeth

"I don't know, but like I said I think you, Mariah's mother needs to talk to her." I rephrased my words

London is the love of my life, but some battles she can't fight and when it comes to Riah and Tae that's a battle she can't fight. No matter how I feel towards Tae, she is my first born's mother and I can't keep her away. I think Riah seeing her can maybe help her, maybe let me know where I went wrong in the first place. I of course think London isn't gonna take it that way, she's gonna take it way left field, but like I said she can't fight this fight. It's not hers.

"...Okay then I'm game just let me-" Hearing a beeping sound I pulled my phone away from my ear to see I was getting an incoming call from the devil herself.

"Shit, hold on Tae, London calling me." I said clicking over

"Wassup baby." I spoke into the phone

"C-Chris my water just broke." She breathed out

"WHAT?" I said speeding up

"M-My water just-" I cut her off

"I heard you baby, I'm coming to get you. Try to stay calm for me alright? I'm on my way." I rushed out

"Okay babe. Hurry up." She whined before hanging up Shit. Here go part two.

*Nipsey Hussle

Los Angeles, California

June 26, 2015 Friday 3:00 pm

"Daddy what we gonna do this weekend?" P asked as I opened up the back car door for her.

"I don't know kiddo, what do you want to do?" I asked helping her in

"Uh I don't know I kinda want to see Inside out daddy." She said buckling up. Jogging to the other side of the car I got in myself.

"Inside Out? What's that about big head?" I asked starting the car.

Ever since I got home, Keyshia P's mama and I agreed that I'll keep her during the week and most of the time; and I'm cool with that cause I been taking care of her since she was born.

"It's about how feelings have feelings." She laughed

"You're so silly." I laughed too looking at her through the rear view mirror as I backed out her school parking lot.

Cruising down the street I got a phone call from a 347, knowing that it was a New York I answered it. I always have good business up there.

"Hello." I spoke up

"Yo is Nipsey?" I heard the voice. It sounded familiar.

"Yeah who this?" I asked turning the radio down so that my singing child could get the hint to turn down too.

"This Chris man." He replied sounding like he was breathing hard

"Oh my fault, I gotta lock ya number in man. Wassup, what can I do for you?" I asked licking my lips

This man almost never calls me so whatever he need I'm gonna try to help.

"Oh man London just went in labor, and I think it will mean a lot to both of us to have you here. You was there when Morgan was born and I know you couldn't be here for ya son when he was it would mean a lot to me if you be here." He said

Then it really hit me. This shit is not a drill, this is real life. That's real.

"Damn..." I mumbled

"Yeah I know it's a lot, and it's kinda short notice, but I know it would mean a lot for you and P to be here even though she too stubborn to say it." He chuckled

"Aye I appreciate you thinking of us. You know I'm down. I'll be there. Give me a couple hours and I'll let you know wassup, ard?" I replied slowing down on the road

"Ard fasho." He said before hanging up

"You okay daddy?" P asked as soon as I sat my phone down in the cup holder

"Yeah I'm fine luh baby. You wanna go to New York to see London and your sister and brother?" I asked looking at her face through the rear view mirror

Watching her face light up I smiled to myself.

"YEEEEEES!" She screamed

laughing at my over dramatic child I looked back at the road.

"Alright then we need to hurry come because she's about to have a baby." I said

"A baby?" She asked excitedly

"Yes." I replied

"I'm gonna have a brother or sister?" She asked

"Yeah but you know that's not me and her baby right P?" I asked

"Yeah, but Mariah, Morgan and King are all my brother and sisters." She smiled sitting back giving me something to think about, teaching me an important lesson.

*London Brown

New York Methodist Hospital

June 26, 2015 8:00 pm

Wiping my forehead I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. The pain was beyond describable and we haven't even started yet. And I already wanted it to be over with and see my baby.

"You okay baby?" Chris asked holding King

"Yeah. Bring my baby to me." I replied reaching out for my Teddy Ruxpin.

Reaching out for me, I brought King close to me kissing his cheek softly repeated calmed me down more.

"Where are the girls?" I asked once I noticed the sassy twins weren't making any noise.

"Ya mom took them to get something to eat." Chris replied licking his lips slowly.

"Oh okay. I love you bae." I whined as I gripped the side of the bed

"I love you too baby girl." He said walking over to me from the sofa they had in the suit for us

"I just wanna see my baby." I said softly closing my eyes

"Me and you both." He mumbled stroking my head

"Baby!" King replied making both of us look at him

"Yeah baby like you fat man." Chris laughed poking at him

"Baby!" He yelled smiling

"You so goofy baby." I smiled weakly kissing his forehead

Hearing the door open all three of our attention turned to Mariah, Morgan, and my mama as they stood in the doorway.

"Are you okay darling?" My mama asked pushing the girls in

"Yeah I'm fine mommy. What's in the bag?" I asked

Yes I'm hungry.

"Nothing for you child." She laughed

"Whatever. Hi my girls. Can mommy get a hug?" I asked

I'm very emotional and want all the love I can get.

Both of them ran to me as fast as their little get could carry them until they reached the opposite side of the bed their dad was standing on.

"You get ready to bring the baby?" Morgan asked barely being able to be seen over the hospital bed

"Come on and get up here." I said grabbing her hand meanwhile her sister pushed her butt on the bed

"Mommy is the baby coming?" She asked once she was situated next to King Hayden.

"Yes princess the baby is coming. Are y'all excited?" I asked as Riah sat on the bed

"YES!" Riah sung

Looking at her sister Morgan then replied "YES" in the same tone making everyone laugh.

She was so in love with her big sisters. She was even like that with P.

"BABY!" King yelled again

My kids we're all works of art.

Feeling another sharp pain shoot through my stomach I let out an inhuman sound.

"Alright let's give mommy some space. Come eat." Chris said helping Mariah down and scooping King and Morgan up leading them to the table that had their food sat out for them.

"You doing good bae." Chris mumbled by my ear

" Baaae." I dragged out

"You doing good kid." He laughed softly

"Is anybody else coming? Where mama J?" I asked

"Mama not gone be able to make it, her and aunty Christine went on vacation." He recalled

"Aw good for them." I mumbled

"But I called Nip...I felt like he could be a good help in calming you down. Now don't you go getting worked up." He warned before I could even reply.

"Well alright baby." I replied not even arguing

"And Leah and Mijo said they're on their way." He said

"Okay good. Any more surprises I should know about Mr.Brown?" I asked cause you never know with my husband

"Tae might come." He said scratching the back of his neck

"WHAT?!...OUCH!" I winced in pain gripping my stomach

"Aye see calm down baby." He said softly holding my hand

"What do you mean she's coming Christopher?" I asked

"We were talking bout Mariah before you called me and we we're talking bout her making a trip out here to see she might be here I'm not sure." He answered me

"Okay." I rolled my eyes resting my back

"Forget about that, it's about you, and our baby." He said raising a good point

"You right. I'm good." I said closing my eyes

"Good." He said kissing my lips softly

*Christopher Brown

New York Methodist Hospital

June 27th, 1:30 am

There were about 5 people in the room currently besides the doctor with their eyes glued on London. The kids we're in the hallway with Seiko including Payton. Her and Nip got here about an hour ago and it went smooth, just as I hoped it would go.

I don't know how to feel that another man can give my wife the same feelings I give her. I don't know how to feel about how having both of us here calms her down. I don't know how to feel that she denies her love for him...and furthermore I don't know how I feel that I know it, and don't know what to do about it.

Pushing my own feelings aside I looked at my beautiful wife as she fixed her eyes on me just in time and smiled weakly at me

"This the last and final time." She giggled softly

"I hear you this time." I agreed bring her tiny hand up to kiss

"Alright London I'm gonna need you to give me a big push." The doctor instructed and I swear like all the other time during this part I feel sick to my stomach.

All the blood, the yelling, the pain I know she feeling, the pain in my hand that she's squeezing to death, and lastly the loud cried of a tiny human. All of it makes my stomach do a flip.

you would think I would be use to it, but I'm not.

While the doctor walked London through the pushing friends and family gathered to encourage her meanwhile I spoke softly into her ear to calm her heart. After a long time, and yelling and cursing we all finial heard cried fill the big room and the doctor reach down to pull a small baby out covered in blood and whatever else.

"Good job London, you're baby boy is here and healthy." The doctor announced wrapping our baby up.

We didn't want to know the sex of the baby until it got here.

Another boy. My boy.

Looking at London I wiped her curly hair out her face to see tears in her eyes.

"You did good baby." I said kissing them away

"We did good." She smiled

"Someone bring my babies in here." Mommy said while Leah came to comfort London. She looks like she bout to pop.

Filing in the kids came in. Standing by her dad P watched with wide eyes.

Helping the kids onto the bed London looked around for her.

"Come on over her pretty girl, I don't bite." London waved her over. Looking at her dad for approval she ran over to the bed.

Walking over to Nip we both watch everyone interact with each other. I know this is really his first time seeing King for real for real.

"Wanna go outside?" I asked

"Yeah let's go." He replied following me out

"I just wanted to thank you for being here. it means a lot to me." I started

"Fasho. But why?" He asked

"Honestly cause you looked out for me. And I know what it's like to feel like you starting over. And I just wanna extend my hand cause you took care of my family when I didn't, so I feel like you always gonna be apart of our family." I explained

It was the truth. As much as I don't wanna like Nip, it's hard for me not to because real recognize real, and I respect him. He never disrespected me blatantly, so we all good.

"I respect that." He said holding out his hand to dap me up

"I want you in ya kids life just like I know London do too." I said

"Fasho. You a good dude Chris." He replied

I try to be.

Heading back into the suit I seen everyone crowded around London.

"He got your head." She smiled at me

Walking over to the bed I took a look at my baby boy.

"He got a full head of hair.'" I said rubbing it softly

"What should we name him?" She asked me

"What about Chris?" I suggested

"No!" London, mommy, and Leah replied leaving the rest of us to laugh

"What about Barry?" Mijo asked

"We are not naming my son after you Mijo have a seat right there." She pointed to the closest chair

"What about Nick?" London threw out after a moment of thinking

"Hell naw." I replied making her giggle

"Any suggestion anyone?" She asked

Everybody started throwing out simple names like Christian, and Drew, none of that.

"What about Maddox?" Nip suggested

"I kind of like that." London and I both said at the same time

"Maddox Brown, someone ink that." I yelled making everyone laugh

Taking one last look at my family I looked at London, "We did good." I leaned in for a kiss

"Indeed we did Mr.Brown." She replied giggling.


Author's note:

I know it took a long time for me to update, but I'm back into the swing of things. Comment below and let me know what y'all wanna see next. Any suggestions for new stories would be nice too. Anything y'all wanna read let me know. Let me know what y'all think of Maddox (he's also in the side bar) , and this whole chapter.

Thank y'all for sticking with me with this story. This is one of the most important things I've ever did in my life, so thank you for all the love y'all been showing. It doesn't goes unnoticed.

-Love Kieshanna.

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