Courier Six Wild Adventures I...

By epicscott1

90.9K 1.6K 360

Courier Six gets transported to the DC Universe by an experiment that went wrong from the Think Tank. Now Six... More

Old Courier Six
Wasteland No more
The scene of the crime
Come fly with me
Your A Dummy
New ID
A Red hood and A Bat
Royal Blood
Royal Blood Part 2
Back To Gotham
A chaotic night
Seeing more of the world
A Golden Hero
Relaxing in Texas
Blackbeard Sword
Red Hood vs. Courier Six Round 2
A New Job
Good cop and Bad cop
Magic and a whole lots of bullets
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 2
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 3
Happy 10th Anniversary Fallout New Vegas
Blood, Snow, and tests
Blood, Snow, and tests part 2
Final Author Note
It's here

UFO and More Lizards

2.6K 56 6
By epicscott1

Courier six, Vixen, Booster Gold, and Skeet are making their way to the down UFO by going back down the sewers where most of the lizardmen came from. They had to fight through only for a short break where the wave of lizardmen had stopped Booster gold asks Six.

"So where did you learn to shoot like that?" said Booster gold

"I learn from watching too much television and action movies as a kid," said Six sarcastically.

"I'm serious,"

"And my real and serious answer is none of your business,"

"Why do I even care where he learns to shoot?" said Vixen getting some scale off her glove

"I'm just curious as all with him popping up in a couple of places," said Booster gold

"That because usually, I show up to a situation where I'm the right men for the wrong time," said Six, who then see his laser pistol recharge

"Let's get an important task at hand, and that is the down UFO," said Vixen

"Yes, please,"

"All right, most of these lizard alien came from the UFO, and someone set them free and let loose to the city," said Booster gold

"And how do you know this?"

"Um, Skeet scan the alien brain and got the knowledge of the UFO from it,"

"Yes, and we're just a few miles away from it," said Skeet

"That sounds shady. Something up with this guy," Six thought, then he asks Vixen, "so how did he rope you into this,"

"I was near the city, and Booster Gold came to me about the city about to be attacked. At first, I didn't believe him and then happened, so I had to help," said Vixen

"Huh, doesn't this seem weird to you?"

"Hey, I've been a superhero for years. Something like this doesn't surprise me anymore," then Vixen shrugs and keeps walking.

The four made their way into the sewer as they reached a massive tunnel and went through it, only getting stopped by a large Lizardmen with a large pipe in his hands.

"Oh boy," said Skeet

The large Lizardmen swings his pipe at the heroes, and they dodge the swinging pipe, Six shoots at the Lizardmen, but it barely makes a dent to it, and the alien kicks him in the stomach and falls back. Then Vixen leaps in the air like a frog and punches the lizard as hard as a bull elephant making the alien stagger. Booster Gold makes a couple of energy blasts at the Lizard Man's face. The alien is still standing.

"How is this thing still standing?" said Booster Gold

"Not for long," Booster Gold turned to see Six with a Shoulder mounted machine gun and had a smirk on his face.

Six unload on the large Lizardmen and managed to get the creature down but not dead and moaning in pain "not so tough now are you,"

"Where did you get that gun? And where did it come from? I never saw any gun like that?" said Vixen.

Six points to his Pip-boy, "this fine dingy tech," Six walks over the alien and turn back to Booster Gold, Skeeter, and Vixen, "come on, let finished this thing,"

"Thank god I went back in time to recruit him. Maybe half of the city won't explode," Booster Gold thought.

The four heroes make their way to the end of the tunnel that leads to a riverbank that has the down UFO and a self-made throne in front of it. A human man is sitting on it with the Lizardmen crowd around the men. The men wore tattered clothing that used to be lab assistant clothes. However, the men's main standout was a silver and yellow circular head device that looks like a crown, and it sets on his head.

"What is going on here," said Vixen

"It seems that guy with the weird crown is in charge," said Six

"And probably the one who started this,"

"So, what do you want to do?"

"We need to be smart about this and," Vixen gets cutoff by Booster Gold and Skeeter flying off and floats in front of the men, "and not do anything stupid," Vixen then groans.

"So your the one causing this carnage," said Booster Gold

"And who are you?" said the men

"I'm Booster Gold, you know, the famous hero and the member of Justice League,"

"Oh yes, the Justice League,"

"Yes, I'm with the Justice League surrender now,"

"Peacefully," said Skeet

"How about no, and that's why I got this guy to handle any superhero," the man snapped his finger.

Then coming out of the ship was Codename: Assassin with a minigun.

"I'm going to enjoy this," said Codename: Assassin

"I hope this time goes better before I went back," Booster Gold thought.

Then Someone fired a gun, and Codename: Assassin dropped his minigun as his hands were shot.

"Shit, where did it come from," said Codename: Assassin

Booster Gold looks back to see Six with the Ratslayer; Vixen leaps in the air and slams down on the ground knocking some of the Lizardmen down on the ground.

"My subject killed these heroes!" said the men who try to escape but Booster stop in his way

Six comes out of the tunnel and helps Vixen take down the Lizardmen, and the two take all of them down with ease, then Skeeter gets Booster Gold's attention.

"We should take care of the bomb," said Skeeter

"Your right," said Booster Gold.

"How did you know about the bomb," said the men

"It's a secret,"

Booster gold goes into the UFO and grabs a large bomb device, then flies to space for a moment and chuck into the sun, destroying the bomb. Booster gold comes back down to earth, with the two villains being watched by Six and Vixen.

"Well, look what Idiot come back down to earth," said Six

"What were you thinking going head-on like that," said Vixen.

"I had a plan, and I knew the two of you would take down those Lizardmen,"

"Which were getting controlled by this device on this guy's head," said Six holding the crown.

"It all so perfect," said the men

"And who are you, and why did you do all of this?"

"My name is Alex Wesley, and I wanted revenge on the Justice League,"

"For what?" said Vixen

"For ruining my life for years I work with Lex Corps, and I had a good life until Lex wanted me and a couple of other scientists to build a device to destroy Superman, and of course you heroes stopped him, and everyone involved with project got the ax and sent to jail,"

"I don't see how the UFO come to this?" said Six

"I'm getting to that after jail. I've come to Atlanta for a job search, but I discovered this spaceship, and the creatures inhabited the ship,"

"Then you built the device to control then hire a mercenary in case someone finds out and wanted to use the creature to take revenge on the Justice League, am I right?" said Booster Gold


"Whelp seeing how the day is saved. I'll be on my way out now," said Six digitize his Ratslayer

"Don't want you to want to stay for the cameras," said Booster Gold

"No," Six started to walk back to the tunnel.

"I'll help you to get these two to the police," said Vixen

"Thanks," Booster Gold then thought, "we'll meet again, Six, and when we do, I hope you get some of your memories back,"

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