the new year

بواسطة seashoredrift

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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... المزيد



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بواسطة seashoredrift

S I X T Y - F O U R :

"Oak come on lad, Harrison's waiting for you!"Charlie teased his friend from the other side of the bedroom door. Today, they were due to do a practice shot in character with their character's clothing that the stylist had full control over, for one location that the band had thought would look cool. Oak was ready, she was just having one of those mornings where she picked at every flaw she had, which was one of the many reasons she hated her brain.

She'd tried to make herself feel more confident by wearing a summery top that she'd brought with her because the heat here was much warmer than the heat back in Manchester, like a lot warmer. It was almost bloody scolding, which was a massive contrast to the last time they were here when they were all wearing jumpers and thick coats. She was also in a mass of jumbled thoughts, what Harrison had said about him liking her was swirling through her mind like when you have a bottle of water that's about half full and you start shaking it about, that was her mind about that statement.

She didn't know why it was bothering her so much because it wasn't like he said those three words but she just couldn't decipher if he meant as friends or as something more, either would be fine, she was just confused. Deep down though she hoped when he said it he meant the latter because she meant the latter, she was just scared to admit it to people in case the words threw a massive ice block in her face.

The last three days the group of thirteen hadn't really been doing much other than talking and developing their knowledge on each other. They'd all had a brilliant time with each other, it was weird because upon first glance they'd doubted they'd have much in common but they were all very wrong about that, they all the same beliefs in regards to politics, which wasn't really surprising in all honesty.

Also in the three days, it had been very mind boggling for both Oak and Harrison because they'd both gotten closer in the respect that they'd now just kiss each other randomly, neither of them had any complaints though so that was good. They would spend time sitting next to each other cuddling and no one questioned it, these things just fell into place naturally, nothing was forced, it was like their bodies were telling them to just get on with it and be a fucking couple. The mind boggling part was that both of them wanted the same thing, each other, they just were holding back because they didn't know if the other wanted what they wanted, which probably means they should talk to each other but they were both far too nervous to bring it up in case of rejection.

Eventually, Oak had decided on some white and black stripy trousers that were loose for air and a black vest top that she tucked in. She'd also put on a short black denim jacket, which wasn't needed and Charlie had told her that as he and all of her band mates were wearing shorts and appropriate attire for this weather. Oak had just shrugged and grabbed her rucksack and everything she needed, coming to think of it she doesn't know a time where she hasn't left the house without her trusted rucksack, she brought it also so that she could help carry other people's things if they ever needed her to.

The general site for meetings with the cast was just across the road from the cast's accommodation, it was always very easy for the crew, if the cast were late to just bang on their front door and if they didn't answer then they had a key so they could wake them up; it was pretty harsh but it did the trick so they knew to never be late again.

Right now, it was only five in the morning so the chance of there being many people on the beach was very slim, that's where Oak's sense in wearing a jacket came into save her, the early mornings are usually colder than throughout the days. The crew had gotten permission to film on the beach from the authorities, which was good because the last thing they all needed was to get arrested.

The test shots that they were planning on doing were the romance-esque ones on the beach, where Steven had said Oak and Harrison would be all cosy, obviously they didn't have a say but had no objections. They also knew that it wasn't his idea and that everyone else had something to do with it; they always did. She wasn't mad when she found out because she was one quarter of the reason it was a thing, the whole cosy romantic thing, it was a cosy song so, of course, there was going to be cosiness, a lot of cosiness.

She was just a very awkward person in general especially when it came to publicising romance, she was always told by Callum not to show it off too much, so it was something she'd kind of grown accustomed to, which was pretty sad really, all things considered. The test shot that they were doing today was the one where Harrison and Oak were going to be sitting on the beach front with his arm around her and her head on his shoulder and then everyone else runs out disrupting them from their moment and they all go in the sea, which they weren't going to practice at this hour because the water would probably be freezing.

Steven had told Oak and Harrison that when they were to film the final shot it would be filmed so that nobody could see who it was, to protect their real relationship that they weren't in but it sure as hell looked like it to everyone else--the director just assumed that they were together because he'd noticed their closeness and chemistry. He knew what social media was like and how toxic it could be to people in the public eye who got into a relationship like last time when Harrison was rumoured to be in a relationship with this other girl who treated him like shit, she got a load of hate fired her way for no reason. She was an absolute bitch though but Oak wasn't and the last thing any of them wanted was her getting hate for no other reason than being in love with someone--if it was love, nobody really knew what their 'relationship' was because they, themselves, didn't know.

So there they were, Oak and Harrison, sat on the beach in the correct position, looking ahead of them. Harrison was in Cameron's signature attire but more summered, beach readied up, he wasn't going to smile because that was his characters persona, he was going to be as stoic as ever but would still be joining in on the sea fun with his 'class mates'. The camera would pan in on each person and that's when it'd be a flashback sort of clip of the character and their love whether it be with friends, family, pets or things, things that the characters maybe didn't understand themselves. The showing of love clips wasn't going to be done for the bands characters because they didn't have a role in the show so it was pretty pointless to do so and the video wasn't going to be that long, they already had nine stories to captivate within the space of a few minutes so that in itself was going to bump the video up a bit.

It was a bit chilly outside right now because of how early in the morning it was so the stylist had said that she wouldn't dress everyone in their swimming gear just yet considering they were only practice shots. It was everyone else that was going to come out of the beach house that Evan's family owned in the show and run down to the sea coaxing both Harrison and Oak with them, they were going to have a conversation as well for the start about how they were surprised that half of them even came to Zach's beach party.

The sun had just properly rose so the sky had some pink and orange undertones, it was a very pristine aesthetic and the view was so pretty. The girl who had the mans arm around her felt very awkward purely down to the fact that this was something she wasn't used to and because it was odd, doing this sort of thing on camera was probably a norm for Harrison considering it was his job. Oak, on the other hand, had never really done any acting filming except for the small appearance she'd done for the show in February. It was also odd for her because there was something between Harrison and herself so having it on record for a music video for her band was strange for her and probably him too. She was glad by the fact that the film crew weren't going to focus on their faces so nobody knew who it was; although, saying that fans would probably be able to tell.

"It'll be okay you know," Harrison told her as he looked down at her head that was positioned on his broad shoulder, they were aware that the practice shot was being filmed right away so they were going to make it as natural as possible. He said what he had said because he'd noticed the expression on her face, one of which read that she was very unsure and looked very uneasy, which was what he felt guilty about, he hoped that it wasn't because of him that she felt that way.

"I know, it's just new to me," She responded locking her eyes with his the best she could from the position they were in, his hand that on her upper arm gently rubbed it in a soothing gesture. It wasn't so much that she minded being in this position with him, it was actually pretty comforting.

The whole it's just new to me speech that she had said referred to more than one thing; one being exactly what it was, the acting, the second thing being this sort of comfort from a romantic interest, which wasn't really a confirmed thing. She thought she'd never feel this way about another being again but Harrison had stolen that away from her completely, he was the kindest soul she'd ever met and she was forever grateful for bashing into him on New Year's Eve because this was hopefully the very start to something beautiful--yes, it was cringey but she felt so carefree and confident these days for many reasons; her friends and immediate family being the prime reason and now him.

Feelings were fucking weird things.

——— ••• ———


Liked by charlie.hughh, simatias and 836,258 others

araywhyte I hope you're all ready for the third season it's coming on July 24  and we've done a  v special project ✨

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julianballou I'm so fuckin ready bro
araywhyte Dude I warned you about that language
oak_rivers i am very excited!
araywhyte Girl, me too they're gonna love it
ilovemisswhyte MFING QUEEN!! Also what's expected for Brook this season?
araywhyte thank u baby and ur just gonna have to wait and see 🥰✨
harrisonstiles Of course, they're not ready Ray, we're not even ready 🤔
araywhyte faxx no 🖨


Liked by oak_rivers, harrisonstiles and 834,777 others

jullianballou can finally confirm that SI will be with ya on July 24th, let's fuckin go!!!!!

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indulgencefans How's Cisco
julliannballou my mans is doing fairly good i think, who knows?
franciscoballou What to expect?????
julianballou a shit ton of shit


Liked by ajcalaso, netflix and 527,245 others

thomasrobinson Hi, it is I. No, I did not die. Yes, I became a poet. Anyway, Self-Indulgence tres is out on the 24th July, be ready. x

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netflix How much are we gonna love it?
thomasrobinson Well, Netlix that highly depends on what you're expecting...
kingston1baker Is Kingston still a stoney
thomasrobinson My guy Kings has that as a middle name


Liked by alexx_jeong, daisyhepworth and 505,999 others

zoieghim I can tell you Self-Indulgence 3 will be out on July 24th, I hope you love it! ❤

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welovezoie FINALLY and what's your favorite episode?
zoieghim They're all awesome but I love 3


Liked by araywhyte, shawnmendes and 717,278 others

evan.cooper Zach Williams will make a return. July 24.

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omgselfindulged I love how the only time every single cast member posts is when they can give us a release date lol ❤
evan.cooper We gotta get the word out, you do not wanna miss it


Liked by elle_scott, evan.cooper and 488,123 others

simatias You heard it babies, Self-Indulgence is coming back on July 24th!

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danceindulged Leia is the most hated character and for what?
simatias There is a reason, more so now...


Liked by jullianballou, alexfitzalan and 909,327 others


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blondeelle Has Gracie had her first fight yet?
elle_scott You know I could tell you but I'd spoil it, she's a bad bitch though so make of it what you wish
sifunnymoments Any new love interests
elle_scott Love, who is she?


Liked by c.syresmith, harrisonstiles and 888,257 others

ajcalaso Oh you heard ab that? July 24, be fucking there :)

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myboyethan is ethan still a good boi
ajcalaso My dude has no bad bones but watch the show and you'll see
franethcisco Are Cisco and Ethan still buddies?
ajcalaso Ah Cisco.


Liked by oak_rivers, finnwolfhardoffcial and 996,821 others

harrisonstiles It does seem, according to all the people I work with, that the show I'm on is making a return on the 24th July, which is great, it really is, I just hope you're all ready.

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oak_rivers is seeing your face really that bad harrison?
harrisonstiles I think that's subject to opinion Oak, you tell me
cameronfinwins Do you have a favourite line from the show's latest series?
harrisonstiles You are the reason I'm not normal, how the f (it's PG13 here)... So on and so forth.
indulgedinself Does Cam find happiness? (Pls say yes.) x
harrisonstiles Yes...
harrymolbeck5 Is it bad that me and the boys love the show?
harrisonstiles Why would it be bad? A TV show is a TV show, watch what you wanna watch, there's no specific target audience for Self-Indulgence, I would say its Universal but that's not true. If yous enjoy it f*ck what people think.
harrymolbeck5 Cheers man, priciate it!

Now that the cast finally confirmed the release date of the show social media was going wild, making predictions on what was going to happen based on what happened at the end of the other series and what the cast had replied to. They were, of course, being as vague as possible because they weren't allowed to give too much away, they liked it to be as secretive as possible just like the crew had instructed them to be. They were scheduled to do a promotions tour starting on the twenty-seventh of July so three days after the show had been released, they'd be doing countless interviews in different cities in different countries for two weeks, relentlessly, with no rest. Well, they would but not as much as they'd been having for the last three months. The interviews would usually start at seven AM and they would end up doing about three a day, some for the same company, some for different with multiple outfit changes throughout the days. It was a lot of fun usually, it was just sometimes a bit too much, the constant asking and answering of the same questions, it was worth it though in the long haul.

Their fans were also trying to carefully analyse their posts to see if there were any possible clues as to what the special project could be that Aray had mentioned in her Instagram post, nobody was even remotely close to what it was, which made it ten times more thrilling for them all. The band had submitted the song to all major streaming platforms two weeks ago to ensure it was ready for the date that was wanted by all of them, a week to two weeks after the initial release of the third series of the show.

For the eightieth time this week, Oak and Harrison were sat next to each other, his arm around the back of the sofa as she sat there comfortably. "Are you gonna take Oak on a date man or are you just gonna sit with her like that for the rest of eternity?" Julian asked as he pulled a white Champion t-shirt on that related with Francisco's vibe as today the crew thought would be good to film his love story type thing as they said the lighting was perfect for their family daily walk that was a regular thing that happened.

The room they were currently in was the same one that the band were in the first time they met everyone, it was rather nostalgic to think that on that day they didn't know each other and now they were pretty good friends that attended each others birthday parties and that they could all talk with each other freely, it was a nice comfort.

Julian was looking at his brunette cast mate expectantly as he still hadn't answered his previous question, he had his head slightly cocked and his eyebrows raised as if he was urging him with his facial expressions.

Harrison looked at Oak frantically as his cheeks reddened, he didn't know how to respond to that, it's not that he hadn't thought about it multiple times he just wasn't sure how to go about asking her "I-well-I mean," He had started, licking his lips nervously as his free hand scratched the back of his neck in the same manner "I don't know if that's what she wants," He answered then turned to face the girl who was sat thigh-to-thigh with him and looked her in the eyes nervously. "Is that what you want?" He asked her unsure with a hint of anxiousness in his voice, he was never really good with the whole going on dates malarkey and had stopped doing it when everyone he'd been on a date with treated him like an ATM machine.

"I mean-I er-well, if that's what you want," Oak responded just as awkwardly, she too had thought about it but she hadn't at the same time, she'd be completely fine with not going on a date with him, it wasn't the be all and end all of a relationship.

Aray burst into hysterical laughter at that interaction, she couldn't believe how bloody awkward that was, it was adorable but awkward as fuck. They were made for each other, they both had this bumbling aura that made them perfect for each other because maybe they could get each other out of that phase--to be honest, it probably wasn't a phase, considering she'd known Harrison since two thousand and sixteen and he was the exact same then as he was now, maybe he was a bit better but not much. He was still as nervous around people he fancied.

"Ya'll are so awkwardly cute, it's annoying as fuck," Aray complained playfully still laughing at their interaction that had sparked because of Julian. The three of Oak's band mates were in accent training and acting lessons with Felicity, who had said Oak didn't need to go to today's because her accent was already pretty solid, which she thanked her for.

"I don't want to make Oak uncomfortable, that's why I didn't ask, I'm sorry," Harrison said in response to his friends' remark and then turned to the girl by his side again to apologise, she wasn't really that bothered in all honesty, dates weren't always what they were cracked up to be. Her memory of them anyway was always a fast paced load of bloody shite, which was why she somewhat wrote them off. She'd been on dates, set up by her friends, which she never talked about afterwards because all they wanted was to have food and then have sex, so it was a full night of them trying to seduce her, so after the second time it happened she knew how to catch it out. She didn't give up at first because she hoped that not everybody in the north of England was a wanker in that department but seemingly that insult was perfect for what they wanted.

"Just ask her on one dude, go anywhere, a concert or something," Julian added to the conversation he initiated as he was now getting dabbed by a small amount of powder, he shrugged lightly, his friend obviously needed help because he was a mess with romance talk. Harrison still looked as beet-red as he was when Julian had asked him the question, the poor fella had that much red on his cheeks he was surprised that his fellow cast member hadn't ran to a freezer to cool himself down.

"Do you want to go on a date?" Harrison asked the blue-eyed girl hesitantly, he really wasn't sure how to go about this, he wanted everything to be perfect with her because she was the first person he'd felt such a strong connection with since Georgia and he didn't want to throw that away because Oak was the nicest girl he'd ever met in more ways than one.

"Okay," Oak replied and nodded softly, she was trying to act as collected as possible because her stomach had done about eighteen thousand flips since the topic of conversation had been brought up. Harrison felt this huge sense of relief being taken off of his shoulders, he was glad she agreed because he'd feel like a right twat for reading the signals wrong.

"Great. . . That's great, I just don't know what the fuck we'll do," He told her honestly and she just chuckled, she'd honestly not care if he just took her to Five Guys for some fries, it'd be perfect in her eyes, everything he does is immaculate to her and she really couldn't explain it in any way. it was a great feeling, she felt light around him like she was a cloud, he was such a breath of perfect fresh air.

"Why don't we go and get that tattoo you wanted?" The girl suggested, it'd be something to do and she remembers that he said he wanted one, what better time than now?

"Okay. . ." He said unsure again, which just made the girl laugh again. He looked so scared, it was the cutest thing.

wrote; tuesday 9th june 2020

(partially) edited; thursday 10th december 2020

published; thursday 10th december 2020

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