Make It Rain (Sons of Anarchy...

By youngblood2354

90.8K 1.6K 105

She just wanted to leave, to disappear. She didn't want to be in the same place anymore. She loved her father... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five *3rd POV*
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine *3rd POV*
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six *3rd POV*
Chapter Twenty Seven *3rd POV*
Chapter Twenty Eight *3rd POV*
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Fourteen

2K 38 0
By youngblood2354

"I wanna heal. I wanna feel, like I'm close to something real. I wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long. Somewhere I belong."
-Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park

        Once I arrived back at my house, I brought Jax's clothes into the bathroom and laid them on the counter top. I then went back to my room, and placed my face in my hands. I couldn't believe I was so stupid, to believe Jax actually had any type of attraction towards me besides a quick fuck. I hated it and I hated myself. He was the first guy in a long time that I felt some sort of attraction towards that I didn't just want a one night stand with. I could practically see my Dad saying "I told you so," as I ran back home in shame and despair.

As I was sulking to myself, I heard Jax's phone ring. Since he was in the shower, I was just going to let it ring through, but then I realized it could've been Gemma or something else important. By the time I stood up and walked over to the phone the ringing had stopped, so I sighed and just shook my head. Almost instantly my phone started ringing, causing my heart to race. Instead of freaking out over it though, I answered the phone and slowly lifted it to my ear.

L - Hello?

G - Thank God you answered, I was about to drive to Jax's house and beat the shit out of him.

L - Sorry, I was going to answer his phone but I didn't catch it in time.

G - Oh, so he's with you?

L - Uh, um, yeah...

G - Great! Okay, you and Jax need to come down to TM. Doc called and said Abel is out of the tank and will be able to come home soon. I'd like for you and him to go down there and see what's up.

L - Gemma, Jax and I have some discussing to do before we come down there, but we'll be there soon.

G - Good, and don't be too hard on yourself, Lakota. I hear it in your voice. Tell Jax whatever you need to get off your chest. He needs to hear it, no matter what it is.

L - Thank you, Gem.

G - No problem, darlin'. Now hurry up, I want news on my grandbaby and they'll only release the information to his parents.

L - Gem---

G - Gotta go. Talk to Jax.

     Before I could correct her or even comment, she had hung up the phone on me. By the time I was off the phone, I heard the shower had been turned off. Looking up at the door, I seen Jax standing in the doorway without a shirt on and with dripping wet hair.

"There was something you wanted to talk about." He commented, causing me to sigh.

"Yeah, uh, I need you to be completely honest with me right now." I stated, causing him to nod.

    I didn't know how to approach the subject, not as well as I would've if it had been some other guy I had been with before. Jax was different, which honestly scared me and drew me in all at the same time.

"Is there more than just me?" I asked, blurting the question out quickly.

"What?" He asked, causing me to frown.

"Is there more than just me? Am I the only girl or another girl?" I asked, as he sighed.

"You're the only girl. Why would you think-" He began, before I cut him off.

"There was a girl's clothes in your closet." I stated, and almost instantly I could see the look of realization in his eyes.

"Oh! Those are Wendy's clothes. She's just not come and got them yet apparently." Jax replied, as if his answer wasn't that big of a deal.

"Who's Wendy?" I asked, now curious of the girl who had gotten so close to Jax.

"She's my ex-wife. She and I got together a long time ago, mostly because I was lonely. She got into drugs, we separated. She said she was clean, we tried to reconcile but she dropped dirty again, so I filed for divorce. A few months later I found out she was pregnant. She overdosed and almost killed Abel, that's why he's in the tank." Jax stated, causing me to sigh.

"Jesus, Jax. I'm so sorry. Are you sure you and Wendy aren't getting back together for Abel?" I asked, making him shake his head.

"Hell no, I'm not dealing with her shit again. You and me, that's all there is. We will raise Abel, and she'll have nothing to do with any of this. She'll have no authority in it or anything whatsoever. There'll be no one else in this relationship but you, me and Abel." Jax said, causing me to nod.

      Jax finished getting ready, as I fixed my makeup for the day. I was now content with whatever type of relationship we had right now. I didn't want anymore doubts about it, so I just let myself be happy for once. After finishing my makeup, I turned around to see Jax slipping on his Sons of Anarchy kutte.

"Your Mom called." I stated, standing from my vanity.

"Yeah, what'd she want?" He asked, sitting down to slip on his shoes.

"Said she tried calling you, which by the way I totally missed the call 'cause I didn't get to your phone fast enough. Anyhow, she told me Abel's out of the tank and he should be coming home soon. She wants us down at TM before going to the hospital though. Said something about the hospital not letting her know as much as the parents. Now, I tried to correct her and say only you-" I started, before he cut me off.

"Darlin', you might as well get use to it. You'll be there every step of the way. You're a mom now, rather you like it or not." He commented, pulling me down next to him on the bed.

     He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my neck. A mom, I didn't see that happening, not now, not really ever for me. Maybe they were just what I really needed...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she found out about Wendy. Do you guys think she'll doubt Jax now that she knows he was married to Wendy and has a kid with her, or will she put faith into Jax's words?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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