The Outlaw's Return

By SouthernBellexoxo

79.7K 2K 126

After leaving West Wood, and arriving at Sunset Ridge, Cassidy Smith is faced with new problems. The love of... More

A Woman Must Be Married
There's No Place Like Home
Baby Movement
The Secret Slips
The Letter
Labor Pains
Adultery is Punishable By Hanging
Ghost From the Past
Old Ways Die Hard
The Barn
The Calm Before the Storm
Dark Clouds
The Winds Are Picking Up
Distant Lightning
The Thunder Rolls
Meetin' the Family
Marriage, A Dream Come True
The Outlaw's Son - Prologue

Grudges Don't Make Friends

2K 61 0
By SouthernBellexoxo

CHAPTER 23 - Grudges Don't Make Friends

It was early morning when I heard Abigail's voice in the living room. She was trying to sound calm, but it wasn't working. I heard a man's voice and realized it was John. I quietly slipped out of bed and walked down the hall. I could see John sitting on the couch and he looked exhausted. He caught a glimpse of me and stood when he realized who I was. He looked like the same old John. The one that I had built a life with in Sunset Ridge.

"Miss Cassidy, I'm so sorry." He began to apologize. I hugged him and motioned for him to sit down. I sat next to him and looked into his eyes to make sure this was the John I knew. I was.

"I'm so happy you are okay."

"Cassidy, I don't know what happened. One second I was outside of the barn, waitin' on you to come back and then next thing I knew I woke up next to an empty wagon with no memory at all." I knew my face was sympathetic, and I really felt sorry for him, but I was still mentally and physically exhausted from the night before. But I was glad that he was okay and had his memory back.

"It's okay. Everythin' is fine." I said while smiling. Abigail looked at me for a moment and then told me about her and John's conversation.

"Cassidy, John has been tellin' me about the farm you got goin' all by yourself in Sunset Ridge. I must say, I've never met a girl like you. It takes a lot of time to do somethin' like that and you did it while you were pregnant! I'm impressed!"

"Oh, Mrs. Mason -" She cut me off to correct me.

"Honey, either call me Abigail or Maw. Mrs. Mason was Zachary's mother and was not someone I was fond of." I smiled at her and corrected myself out loud.

"Maw.... I had a lot of help from John and his cousin, Landon. I couldn't have done it without them. I couldn't even buy a house until I ran into John." I thought about the day I ran into him at the diner. I let the scene play over in my head, all the way til we bought the house.

"Well I think you are a fine young man, Mr. Britt. Cassidy, I assume you named the baby after him?"

"Yes ma'am. I thought it would be a great way to thank him for all he's done for me and for Britt."

John smiled at me and I knew for sure that the man I'd lived with was back in his body and in his right mind. I just didn't know how Cole was going to take it. John had become a best friend to me, I didn't want things to end badly. John's facial expression turned serious, almost like he could read my mind. "I need to talk to Cole when he wakes up. It's important." I nodded slowly and wondered what he would say, what Cole would say.

"Let me get breakfast cookin'." Abigail said as she went into the kitchen. John and I stared at each other for about a minute before he broke the silence.

"I'm real sorry, Cassie. I know I caused a lot of trouble last night." He had the saddest expression in his deep blue eyes and it made me feel quilty.

"It wasn't your fault, you didn't know and Catherine took advantage of you. I'm not mad, I promise." After I said the last part I gave him a wide smile. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

After breakfast, Elizabeth pulled me to the side and her question surprised me. "Cassidy, tell me more about this man." I knew exactly why she wanted to know when I saw the smitten look in her eyes. I giggled and she covered my mouth. That only made it worse. He and Cole had stepped outside so she didn't need to be so secretive. "Cassie! Shhh!"

"He is a very kind and gentle man with a big heart and he would do anythin' for anybody. He's a hard worker and he is quite funny." I said with a dramatic voice. Elizabeth smiled and grabbed my hand.

"He's also quite handsome." She added to my statement, mimicking my dramatic tone. We both giggled and I felt like a school girl gossiping with her best friend.

"Would you like for me to pass on the word?" I asked with a sly grin. She nodded eagerly. "I will, as soon as he comes in."

"Thank you, Cassidy!" Elizabeth squealed in a way that reminded me of Autumn. I laughed and walked to the door, peeking outside to see where the two men where. I closed the door a little when I could hear them talking. I looked over to see them next to the house, but made sure I was hidden.

"I understand." I heard John say to Cole in a serious voice. "I would have felt the same way, but our friendship was too good to let it go over somethin' that was just a misunderstandin'."

"You're right." Cole said. "And... I wanna thank you for takin' care of Cassidy when I wasn't there. I owe you."

"Don't worry 'bout it. Let's just pick up where we left off." I could hear a smile in John's voice and when I looked at the two men I saw they were both smiling as they shook hands. I felt a weight of anxiety lift from my shoulders and I breathed a sigh of relief before slowly, quietly shutting the door. I bounced away from the door with a smile and decided it was time to tend to my little boy.

Elizabeth helped me pull down the wrapping long enough to breast feed Britt and she helped pull it up again and tie it as tight as it was before. Britt was ready for a nap and I patted his back until he fell asleep. Elizabeth and I were walking into the living room when Cole and John were coming inside. I placed Britt in his cradle and looked at the two men.

Cole smiled at me at the same time John did and I couldn't hold back the happiness I felt inside. "Got my best friend back." John said as he slapped Cole on the back. I giggled when Cole punched him and Abigail intervened.

"It's too early in the day for rough housin'! Ya'll cut that out." She turned back to her knitting and I remembered what Elizabeth had asked me to do. Cole went into the kitchen were Seth was and I thought this was a perfect ime.

"John, I need to talk to you." He walked over to the cradle and stopped in front of me. "Elizabeth, Cole and Seth's sister, thinks you to be quite the catch." I said with a wink. He smiled.

"She sure is pretty." He said with a light smile. That was all I needed to jump for joy. I excused myself to tell Elizabeth the good news. She was ecstatic.

I had done just about everything there was to do so far, adding match maker to my list was refreshing and I couldn't wait to see how things played out. They seemed like a good match to me and Autumn was already in love with John. Elizabeth and I peeked down the hall and could see John in the living room with Autumn. She was handing him her dolls and they were playing pretend. I smiled involuntarily at the sight.

"I'll have him call on you tonight, wear somethin' nice." I said in a formal tone before leaving Elizabeth's bedroom. I plopped on the couch next to John. He smiled at me awkwardly as he played with Autumn.

"What did she say?" He finally asked after Autumn took her dolls away to put them to sleep.

"You are to call on her tonight." I grinned. He did the same and nodded. Cole met me in the hallway while I was making my way back to Elizabeth's room. He stopped me and looked at me funny. It was then I realized I was wearing a big, cheesy grin.

"What are you up to?" He asked with his crooked grin.

"Oh, nothin'." I tried to get past him, but he wouldn't let me. "Cole! Stop it. I need to talk to Elizabeth." She popped her head out of her doorway and looked at me. I nodded dramatically and she giggled.

"Alright, what's goin' on?" Cole asked as he looked between Elizabeth and I. I wasn't going to tell. He knew I wouldn't, so he turned to his sister. She tried to shut her door before he could grab her. It was no use. Cole pushed his shoulder into her door just before she could lock it and swung it open. She laughed and ran around her bed to get away from him. "Tell me what ya'll are so damn giddy about!" He demanded. When she didn't answer, he lunged at her and they both fell to the floor.

I laughed at the two wrestling around. Cole finally pinned her down and threatened to tickle her until she pee'd if she didn't tell him. She finally just blurted it out. "I wanted Cassidy to find out if John liked me!" Cole stopped tickling her, but still kept her pinned.

"Why is that a reason to be so damn happy and giddy?"

"'Cause he does!" Cole leaned back and sat on the floor. "He's goin' to call on me tonight. Do not mess it up, Cole and you better tell Seth the same!" She pointed her finger at him when she said the last sentence.

"And this is why ya'll have been gigglin' all mornin'?" He looked at us in disbelief. He didn't take this as seriously as Elizabeth and I did. We nodded at him in unison and he shook his head. He stood and walked for the door. He stopped in the door way and looked back at us. "Women." He said with a grin. He walked out and Elizabeth shut the door. She had pulled out all her dresses and had them laying across the bed.

"Help me decide, and I need you to do my hair pretty if you don't mind?" I nodded and looked over the dresses. I decided on a pale pink dress with flower detail. It looked fancy and I wondered why she had it, but I didn't ask. She put the rest away and I hung the one I had picked over the chair next to her vanity. "I need to wash up, I'll start gettin' ready when I'm finished."

"Alright." I gave her a smile and she flew out the door. Their wash room was out back and I figured she would be a while, so I went into the kitchen and sat at the table. Abigail was still knitting and Zach was dozing off in with his head propped in his hand. John and Cole were gone and I noticed Seth and Jack missing as well. I decided to take this time to lie down for a little while. I opened the door to the bedroom Cole and I had slept in and pulled back the covers. Once I was warm and comfortable I relaxed. I let myself rest before I had to help Elizabeth get ready for her first outting with John. I hoped it would go well. She needed a good man and I knew John would be perfect for her. I cleared my thoughts and fell into a light nap.

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