By MaryEden08

1.2M 42.8K 2.2K

Prowess (ˈpraʊɪs) 1. Outstanding or superior skill or ability. 2. Bravery or fearlessness, esp in battle. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
PLEASE READ - Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Author's Note - What Happens Next

Chapter 67

2.4K 102 23
By MaryEden08

Anastasia POV;

My heart races. A cold hand slithers up my inner thigh sending goosebumps up my arms. Sweat drips down my face. My breathing speeds up and panic ensues when I realize I can't breathe. A hand is covering my mouth. The weight is suffocating. I start hyperventilating. A scream builds in my chest as tears leak down my cheeks. Something wet touch my inner thigh. Fear electrocutes my spine and I bolt awake. My scream is muffled by the hand covering my mouth. Instinctually, I reach for the knife under my pillow with my right hand and switch the bedside light on with my left.

My eyes quickly adjust to the sight of Jones. He puts a finger to his lips around the torch in his hand which he switches off then gestures to the door. I listen, the sound of coughing permeating the air; a light switches on under the door and I strain to hear Mum's hushed tone; "Here, Maine – put your mask back on. Your oxygen tube detached; I've reattached it now. Deep breaths, my darling." The coughing intensity subsides. The light in the hall switches off again.

Jones gently releases his hold over my mouth. "Apologies Ma'am. Your scream would have alarmed the whole house."

"Was it you touching me?" I demand in an angry whisper.

For the first time since meeting him, Jones stony expression assumes a look of horror, as if I'd slapped him. I quickly survey my duvet, pulled up to my chest and my night shirt riddled with sweat. Under the duvet I run my hand up my inner thigh where I'd felt myself touched, only to pull my hand back dripping with sweat. Jones' hadn't touched me. It had been a nightmare.

With a deep, calming breath, I relax my hold on the knife against Jones' throat. His expression of horror morphs into a knitted brow, his eyes accessing me. "Apologies. Bad dream. I didn't mean to accuse you." I tell him.

Getting out of bed, I head to the window and open it, breathing in the cool night breeze as if my life depends on it. My head clears, but the air alone isn't enough. I need freedom. The room is suffocating. Climbing onto the windowsill, I leap off with two legs and land on four.

Shaking out of my night shirt, I take off in a run. I run as far and as fast as my legs can take me, letting my Prowess take control and stretch her muscles. The woody smell of the earth and trees, the feel of moss under my paws coupled with the catharsis of relinquishing my form for another, all cleanses my being. I'm aware during the run that I'm being followed at a distance, but the scent identifies as Jones. I'm grateful he gives me space and keeps his distance.

Sometime later, I return to the house as the sky begins to lighten. My muscles ache, throbbing with fatigue, my breathing labored with exertion. Retrieving my night shirt, I chuck it back on and climb my way up the side of the house, sliding easily back through my bedroom window. I shut it behind me.

Collapsing into bed, I pray my physical exhaustion will see me into a dreamless sleep as I count sheep.


The next morning, I'm woken by Tyron and Kara jumping on my bed, saying my name with every jump. "Woah, woah, woah, I'm awake now okay!" I shout over their giggles. Promptly jumping off my bed, they run off downstairs for breakfast with more energy than I doubt I could muster for the rest of the day.

I hadn't slept much once I'd gotten back to sleep, the feeling of a hand running up my inner thigh continued waking me into the early hours. At around 5am when I'd dropped off back to sleep again, I dreamt of a huge werewolf – much bigger in size than the average Alpha male – pacing territorially. Although unsure of its' initial appearance, its' presence had a calming effect, and for the last two hours, I'd managed to sleep peacefully before Tyron and Kara had woken me up. As a result of frequently broken sleep, I was feeling more sleep deprived than normal with heightened irritability.

Regardless of how I felt, today would be about my siblings. As per tradition, every time I visit, the second day of my visit is always dedicated to spending time with them – it was considerate of the royals to give me an extra day, and only natural that it should go to Tyron and Kara.

Once showered and dressed, I throw on a white sweater, black jeans and converse, leaving my hair down to dry. It felt unnatural to be dressed so casually.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Kara and Tyron are having their breakfast while Mum cooks bacon and eggs at the stove. Unsure about whether to eat or not, I head to the coffee pot.

"Ma'am" addresses Jones emerging from nowhere, making me jump. I curse myself for being so off guard. I cast a dubious look at the coffee hes offering. I take a sip, its been made exactly how I like it. How did Jones' know how I like my coffee?

Mum hands me a plate with all the makings of a full English breakfast. Before I can even hand it back, Mum gives me a stern look for the first time since I'd become Prowess. "Don't even think about it" she begins point her finger at me, "You've lost weight since you were last here, your skin looks dry and irritable, and there's bags under your eyes. Eat the food, Anastasia."

I hate that tone. I kick myself for becoming something else for Mum to worry about when she has enough on her own plate to focus on. Wordlessly, I head to the table where Jones' pulls the seat out for me. "Have you eaten?" I ask Jones' politely.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Annie, wha rrrrrr we gunna ve doing today?" Asks Kara around a mouthful of toast.

"What's Mum told you about speaking with your mouth full?" I lightly scold her, frowning.

"Sorry." She swallows then sticks her tongue out for me to see her mouth is empty. "What are we gonna be doing today?"

"Well once you and Ty are finished with breakfast, we're going to go into the woods to make a den. How does that sound?" I smile as their little faces light up.


After breakfast, we head into the woods with Kara and Tyron each holding one of my hands. "Now, the first rule of making a den is to find the perfect support, so this can either be a stick held up by two trees so we can stack other sticks against it. Or you want a tree that is sort of bent over that we can stack around. So, keep your eyes open for a good stick stacking tree, okay?" They sing their agreement then both run off in front looking for a good den making tree. Assured that I could still see them, I note Jones' has fallen into step with me. Guilt worms its way into my stomach.

"I'm sorry, about last night." I say after a while and with much difficulty. He nods. "What happened? The other day, after the party." I ask tentatively. Part of me resents having to ask, but the other more vulnerable part needs to know. That part wanted Kellen and needed to know his involvement.

"What do you remember?" I don't respond. What would he, and the Royals (since he'd probably report all this back to them) think of me if they knew – assuming they didn't already – how close I'd come to being sexually assaulted? I shudder at the thought.

"Annie! Annie! Annie! We found one!" shout Kara and Tyron bounding up to us, each grabbing one of our hands and dragging us to the tree they've found.

The next hour is spent collecting various sizes of sticks; Jones and I collect the biggest ones we can find, while Tyron and Kara bring as many sticks and twigs as they carry, varying in sizes. Instructing as I go and with occasional assistance from Jones', we create the skeleton structure for the den. With the go ahead, the kids beginning stacking up twigs against the bigger sticks, filling in the structure. "Right, now we have to collect some ferns to weave all around the outside to make it waterproof." I smile as they excitedly run off, racing each other to see who could collect the most.

A headache hits me right between the eyes, making my head throb so much my eyes water. I sink to the ground clutching my head between my hands, screwing my eyes up against the pain. A hand under my arm brings me to my feet and guides me to a nearby fallen tree.

When the throbbing subsides to a manageable level of pain, I open my eyes to a bottle of water, pain relief and some moisturizing cream. Goodness knows where Jones' kept them, but I take them gratefully. The rash on the inside of my wrist had started bleeding again.

The kids return, camouflaged by the huge piles of ferns they were carrying. "Come on kids, Anastasia's just having a rest" directs Jones. I appreciated him taking charge.

"When you're finished, I'll test if it's waterproof by getting you to sit in it, and if it's not, guess who's getting wet?" I tell them cheekily.

By the time they have finished waterproofing the den, the pain relief has kicked in. They'd done a fantastic job, and they both manage to stay dry when I tip water over it, all in all a proven success.

The sun sets as we make our way back. Stepping into the house a wave of fatigue bowls me over, buckling my knees. I see stars – Jones' catches me. I sense Mum's concern; forcing my eyes open, I plaster on a smile. "I tripped. Nice reflexes." I muster a smirk as Jones', adjusting my position so I'm clapping him on the back. He keeps a firm hand on my waist. "Mum, I'm going to bed early. Busy day tomorrow." Gripping the banisters like my life depend on the, I slowly pull my way upstairs.

Reaching the top of the stair is an effort. I manage to undress and throw on my night shirt before my legs give up and I fall into bed. A knock sounds at the door, and Jones' enters with a tray of food.

"Trust is earned." I tell him tiredly, assessing his expression as he places the food. He doesn't give much away – a man after my own heart. Since he's assigned to be my shadow and my protection for the rest of the week, it seemed counter-productive to assume he's untrustworthy. I'd have to take the plunge and trust him; he's already doing a good job of protecting me from myself.

"As it should be" He makes to leave.

"I remember heading to do a perimeter. I just reached the trees when I was hit from behind. Something – I'm assuming silver – was injected into my neck. I kept blacking out after that. One of the times when I came to there was a... a man on top of me... running his-" Bile rises up my throat as the images appear behind my eyes. "Running his hand up the inside of my thigh. I lost consciousness after that, the next time I woke up I was in the medical center and - " I whisper the last bit, almost hoping he doesn't hear me, "and I realized I wasn't wearing any underwear."

"Please try to eat something Ma'am." He says, uncharacteristically gentle. Shutting the door, he takes a seat on a small stool in the corner. "The Prince was called by your wolf to protect you in your vulnerable state. The scent trail was very fresh when we reached you. No more than ten minutes. Three male scents. The scent on your dress matched the scent of the blood at the scene."

"I see. Did Kellen chase off my attackers?"

"We don't think so. If your attackers had crossed paths with the Prince, they'd all be dead." The thought gives me butterflies.

"And Kellen's amnesia?" I internally curse myself for sounding hopeful.

"Unchanged Ma'am. The wolf instinct to protect a mate is unassailable. In extreme cases if a mate is in acute distress, the wolf will overpower their human form to utilize all instincts and senses to find and protect their mate."

I nod. Kellen was there because his wolf overpowered him to protect me. None of which changed Kellen's amnesia.

"Eat," says Jones' eying the untouched food. I didn't feel hungry, I felt physically and emotionally exhausted. I wanted to sleep but was afraid of what I'd meet in my sleep. I manage to finish the smoothie Jones' brought, ignoring the plate of pasta despite its delicious smell. Wordlessly, Jones' take the tray and leaves my room, shutting the light off as he goes.

Steeling myself for tomorrow's busy day of Royal duties, I shut my eyes and pray I sleep without issue. 


Hey guys! 

Like I said, I am COMMITTED to getting this finished and giving you guys a least one chapter a week. This week, you've had three! 

I'm back at work this coming week so, we'll see how productive I can be inbetween. 

Next upload will either be Thursday or Sunday, maybe even both if I'm on top form ;) No guarantees though! <3 

Much love <3 COMMENTS & VOTES please! I do read everything you guys write, even if I don't reply, it all makes my day and keeps me motivated <3

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