Just Your Average Girl. (One...

By ElmoAge

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An average girl named Lilly, finds out she had a wild night with One Direction, slapped Harry, Why? What will... More

Just Your Average Girl. (One Direction Fanfic)
Fresh Start..?
Fresh Start...? (Part Two)
Ribbons Unfold.
Aim. Then Shoot..
The Plan.
Tongue Tied.
Just A Gift..
Together Again.
I'm Sorry All Creativity Has Run Out..
The Morning After.
Kitties, Carrots, And Spoons Ohmy.
Never Leave Your Laptop Open.
Maybe Im just a dreamer
You get this kind of rush
I need a what now?!
I will hunt you down Styles.
Our own hide out

Save You Tonight.

260 3 0
By ElmoAge

Hmm I wonder what this could be about.. Enjoy(;



Lilly's P.O.V.

"Oh Niall.."I whispered, he took me to my favorite place, the Eiffel Tower, i've always wanted to go, and well now im here. A tear rolled down my cheek, not a sad one but a happy one i gave Niall another massive hug."Anything for you.."he whispered in my ear, hugging me back.I smiled as i hugged him then stopped, remembering Harry. Stupid complicated me. Niall grabbed my hand and headed inside the Eiffel Tower, all the way to the top where table was set, and had of course, i giggled, Nando's on it.

He pulled out a chair for me and i sat down, "so..?"He asked i smiled and said "Niall you're amazing, thank you so much!" he blushed and we began eating, then talking about our lives, mostly me.

"It isnt over yet you know, we have one more stop." He smirked and brought me back to the car telling the driver something so fast i couldnt understand. When the car stopped again we were at the Seine River, the sun just beginning to rise, and i noticed a boat waiting for us."Niall, how much was all of this?" I looked up at him as if he had three heads. "Dont worry, its fine."He said and smiled at me. 

Niall slowly grabbed my hand and walked me to the dock where the boat was waiting at the end, he helped me onto the boat after my first unsuccessful try and saved me from falling in the water. Stupid clumsy feet,i thought as finally we both were on the boat and he led me to the room under the deck, "I've left you some clothes just in case you'd like to get some sun, or something."He mumbled quietly leaving me to get changed.

I spun around the room like a three year old whom just got their first puppy, this was soo perfect i've got no clue how Nialler has done this, but i love it! I slipped into the shower wanting to loosen the tension in my muscles from the past couple of days and started to get changed. Im so mean i thought to myself as i put on my green color cordinated outfit, which was supported by a green two-peice, green Vans, green stud style earrings and jean shorts with a white tee, i smirked getting a kick out of what his face would look like.

I walked up the stairs waiting for his response to my outfit, he at first narrowed his eyes at me catching on to my  joke, i winked at him giving a big smile, he finally let out a laugh. "Wow. It's so beautiful Nialler, how did you..?" i whispered.

"I'm magic"he chuckled giving me a wink and shrugging, i blushed, severely red. "Tell mee Mr.Leperchaun!" i said jokingly, "Mr.Leperchaun? Seriously, where do you come up with that?" He guffawed at me, i started to pout like a five year old, pretending to be hurt at his comment. His face fell stopping his joke as he came to my side, "Im sorry love, ididntmeanto.." he said the last part quickly, i began laughing at his worried reaction "Gotchya!" I giggled.

A grin spread across his face as he shook his head, he tackled me tickling me until i said sorry. "Hahaha Meanie!"I stuck out my tongue, and giggled.

We sat and chatted until the sun fully rised and Niall started to take me home. "Im knackered" I randomly bursted out, and layed my head against the window of the car, i fell asleep shortly after then felt a pair of arms carrying me to my bed, i mumbled something that even i couldnt understand, i felt a pair of lips on my forehead before i just blacked out. 


"Lilly..! Lillllllly! LILLER!" I heard as well as a shaking feeling, "Mmgoawayjerkface" i mumbled putting out a hand as if to push away whomever it is, and regretted it as they took ahold of my hand and pulled me out of my comfy bed, "Noooooooo!" i said trying to clasp myself to my bed, but being carried to the front room instead. "PUMMEE DOWN!" I yelled as loud as i could seeing it was Lou who was carrying me, and started to wiggle and flail my limbs, grumbling he sat me on my couch fixing his shirt. 

"What are you doing heere?" I pout at the fact that is 7am, toooo early dammit. "Well the boys are going out for breakfast and the boys want you and your friend to come to Liller," He says matter-of-factly. I groan and agree not noticing his little nickname for me."Leave so i can get dressed and call Katie.." I point to the kitchen where he can wait. I sigh as i basically crawl to my room, and yawn.

I wore threw on something simple, a pair of tan shorts, blue shirt and pink cardigan with blue TOMS, i just brushed my hair not doing anything fancy and headed out to the kitchen, "Lets go." i said walking to my front door and walking out with Lou following me, i was still pouting as we got in the car.

 It took me a while to notice it wasn't just me and Lou in the car but the others as well, i must've seemed like an idiot to them. I blushed "Oh, er hey.." i gave a small wave to the boys who smiled and said together "Hello Love" in the same tone, creepy but alright.

I yawned still not fully awake, dont get me wrong im so happy im sitting in a car with One Direction but at 7am, im not going to be the happiest camper. Harry caught my pouting and gave me a hug then whispered "Morning babe" in my ear, i spot Niall rolling his eyes, and moved away from Harry not wanting to make a scene in the car as we headed to Katie's.

Katie hopped in the car and went straight to next to Zayn, maybe i was right about them becoming a couple...

Louis' P.O.V.

It was so clear that Niall was mad at Harry for liking Liller, i mean could the kid get any more obvious. I don't see how Harry can choose her over me, i mean not that i care or anything because i don't, but why her. I'm funny and the swagmaster of Doncaster whats not to love? Err, i mean like..  I realize im staring at Harry and the boys are looking at me funny, maybe i should look out the window, just for a bit..

Lilly's P.O.V.

As the car parks in front of the diner im being dragged out by Harry, who obviously is really hungry, where as Niall and the other boys are already inside. I get stuck sitting between Niall and Liam, which isnt that bad.. until the food comes. Pigs. I frown and put my fork down unable to eat when Niall is shoving his eggs and bacon down his throat not taking a pause. Liam isnt that bad, i'll admit.

We finish our food, well they do, i lost my appetite and gave the rest of mine to Niall, and then we walk down the street to all the shops, i pick this cute floral, vintage place with Katie, the boys heading to Jack Wills. A couple of minutes later as me and Katie were trying on clothing we hear loud screaming and the boys, oh boy, what now?

My phone vibrates in my pocket and the song Obsession by Orion Experience goes off rather loudly as i get a text from Harry


Fans have us cornered, might be here for a while.. Sorry!


"Well...You what this is time for? Superhero time!!!!" I shout to Katie who rolls her eyes at me and whispers "Twit", i flick the back of her head and put down our clothes and pull her out the door heading for the boys, who were easy to see amongst the crowd of girls, seeing as they were on top of the car. "Do we have tooo?" Katie whined, i nodded at her and started to make my way in the crowd, Katie at my heels making sure she doesn't loose me in the crowd. 

"BOYS! Ahoy there mates, were here to the rescue!" I yell as they see us, and giggle at my bad pirate imitation.   I see theres a ally close behind them, the five must've been busy trying to keep their clothes from being ripped off, "Follow mee!" I smirk at them and head for the ally shoving my way through the screaming girls who are trying to strip the boys of their clothes, they jump off the car and run for the ally pulling me and Katie along, then shut the door so fans cant get in.   

I smile at them for saving their arses from being stripped, literally. "i'll call Paul," Liam says quietly, clearly stressed from todays event. The boys all agree nodding their heads, and Katie shrugs wanting to meet Paul anyway.  


"Thanks by the way for earlier.." Liam says smiling at me sitting on their couch, i nod smiling back "Happy to help.." Paul walks into the room after discussing, well yelling really, with the rest of the boys about being more careful. "Girls."Paul says looking at us frowning, "We've got a small problem.." He rubs his eyes looking for a way to say this "They've found out where your house is and im afraid you'll have to stay with the boys until the fans clear out, its too risky to go back right now."  

Me and Katie look at each other, then at the boys who looked  a bit excited for our response, an obvious hell yes! Paul was waiting, say yes, say it! "Er yeah, sure.." I said quietly, so quiet the boys had to lean in to hear. Harry broke out into a grin, so did Zayn but it was aimed at Katie.   Oh boy, spending the night with One Direction, my life is, complete. Paul looked relieved as he walked out the door talking to someone on his phone. "So boys...Where are we sleeping?" I asked pointing to me and Katie awkwardly.The boys started to think about it for a bit and gave me a jump when Harry broke the silence saying we could have his room and he'd take the couch. "Oh! And Katie can have mine! I'll take the lounge.." Katie smiled at him, blushing. I sighed at her knowing she wasn't going to tell him she likes him.  

I agreed to the sleeping arrangements, and before i knew it i was being led to the room by Harry, Katie being led to Zayn's and winked at me as she passed. "Well here it is,"He said smiling, i gave him a hug "Thanks Hazza" I smirked and looked around, messy but hey what else would i be expecting from a teenage boy. "Oh hey, where's the bathroom?" I ask awkwardly, " I need to, you know shower...but i err, don't have clothes so..?"    He nodded and pointed down the hallway and handed me one of his Famous Jack Wills hoodie's, i thanked him and rushed to the bathroom, as soon as the door shut i started fangirling. IM STAYING WITH THE BOYS! ONE DIRECTION! AHHH! JACK WILLS HOODIE! I'M GOING TO DIE! AHH! I took some deep breaths trying to calm down, and started to strip then hopped in the scolding hot shower.  

I must've been in there for at least twenty minutes, i thought as i got out and started to get dressed when the door popped open and Niall walked in then froze seeing me there with only underwear on, i shrieked and grabbed a towel, then three boys ran in hearing my shriek, Harry grinned, Lou covered his eyes, Liam awkwardly walked out and well Zayn didn't come thank goodness, my eyes widened and i wrapped the towel around me quickly  self conscious and shoved them all out, "AH! LEAVE!!!" i shut the door making sure to lock it this time.  

Well this just made my day worse. Note to self LOCK DOOR! I finished getting dressed in Harry's hoodie and my shorts then bolted for Harry's room, hiding from the boys, whom were waiting for me  to apologize, i palmed my face with my hand. Yay, this is fun.    "So we just want to say, err, sorry..." Liam started, "For walking in on you, you know.." Harry said next, "Changing after your um, shower.." Lou said last looking very uncomfortable.

Niall just nodded his face like an innocent puppy, i wonder what i look like right now.. "Its alright guys just uh give me a second alone..?" I hinted to the door.   They nodded and walked out, Harry giving me a wink. I shut the door and sigh, i wonder what they've got planned now. I take a couple of minutes to clean Harry's bed of his stuff and set it up for when i sleep later then walk downstairs where the boys were sitting in a circle Katie waiting for me.  

"Truuuth or Dareeee! If you don't answer or do it you have to....erm, sleep in Harry's bed with Liller!!" Lou yells, and Harry agrees laughing. Oh no... I sit next to Katie terrified as Lou spins the bottle and it lands on Zayn, "Hmmm, Zayn Truth or Dare..?" Lou asks mischievously. "Truth..?" He replied looking scared... "Zayn, who's the last person you've fantasized about?" Lou asks grinning.    "Um, well, Princess Jasmine, from Aladdin..." He says blushing a deep red, and Katie giggles which earns her a glare from Zayn.

"Weird but alright.." Lou says as Zayn spins the bottle and it lands on Harry. "Truth or Dare?"    "Dare" He grins and Zayn says "Kiss Lilly.." My eyes widen, no fair!  Oh crud, Niall is glaring at Zayn what a stupid game. Harry shrugs and comes over to me and plants his lips against mine, his hands cupping my face moving his lips against mine, fireworks bursting above us (Not literally) as his lips mold against mine.  

He pulls back and smirks at me, then sits again and spins the bottle, landing on Lou. "Dare!" He screams before Harry can even ask and Harry chuckles, "Switch clothes with Niall." Niall sighs and stands up taking off his shirt and begins to strip in front of me, Liam covers both mine and Katie's eyes, Daddy direction.. I chuckle and then can see again, with Niall wearing stripes and red skinny jeans, Lou wearing a red polo and beige jeans..how cute i smirk. Finally it lands on me, my most dreaded moment, and i say "Truth" being the wimp i am.

  "Who's your favorite out of us five?" He point to himself and the boys..not wanting to hurt their feelings i just reply  "Umm I wimp out!" knowing i have to sleep in Harry's bed anyway...so its a win/win situation for me! Lou catching on to my thought says "Fine you get to sleep with the next person who the bottle lands on then." He says happily. I spin the bottle wanting it to land on Katie, but no, it lands on Liam,..   Lou laughs and Harry and Niall both look sad, Liam just blushes and i quietly say "Truth or Dare?" "Dare" He says back, good i have the perfect one. I smirk and say "Use a spoon, for at least...twenty seconds."

He looked horrified as Harry ran off to fetch one, and Liam looked over to me pouting his big brown eyes asking me to change the dare. Lou looked at me like i was a genius for coming up with the obvious, Zayn and Katie giggling with each other.   Harry came back and handed the spoon to Liam, who held it like it was a death trap about to attack, he began to shake as it came around 15 seconds, "You're good" i said and Liam threw the spoon across the room, " Im going to bed" he said, "Dont forget Lilly!" Lou yells at him. Liam looks at me and points to his bedroom door as we both walk silently to it. The other boys heading to their rooms too.   

"So how is this going to, err, work?" I glanced at him, he shrugged  and said "Like you normally sleep, just with me." I gulped as i lie down on the edge of the bed getting under the blankets as Liam did the same on the other side. "Night Lills" he said, "Yep" I said my voice showing clear nervousness.  


Where am i? Oh wait im at Lou's.. In Liams bed...Ahhh! Were cuddling.. how did that happen?! I practically jump out of the bed like a cat that waters just been dumped on. I run out of the room straight into Niall. "Oh err sorry!" i whisper panicked. He chuckles swallowing a pancake, "Its okay love, how was your night?" he said smirking. I shake my head, whisper  "Perv.." and walk to Harry's room to sleep alone.                                          

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