V as in Vampire

By ishaebalampu

42.3K 2.5K 155

"That's ridiculous," I laugh "vampires don't exist" Melody is so close to finally finishing high school when... More

New boy
Study date
Ice cream
Bloody shirt
Fun fair
Broken turst
Safety precautions
College girls
Big deal.
Come with me
Over a week
"Shit Melody"
The loft
Navy blue
Glory days
Trian station
Three days
Love notes
Forget me not.
Authors note.


658 42 2
By ishaebalampu

~chapter twenty four~


I get out and open the back door and start looking in between the seats, how on earth can I forget where I put something?

I hear a knock at the front door and my head spins towards it, that was fast. I get up leaving my car as it is and go answer the door.

I open it to Karter. His eyes are no longer gold brown but the normal red, I can't believe I've missed him so much. His straight hair hangs over his forehead as his eyes pierce mine.

I get swapped with butterflies and look away, he still make me kinda nervous. He steps inside and closes the door behind him, I walk away towards the garage and turn slightly to insure he's following.

I close my backseat door and open the hood, I start to run my finger through the smooth material feeling for a dent or a bump. My eyes shift to Karter who's watching me.

I keep going until I reach the side of my car, I reach a rip in the carpet and reach to rip it off revealing a duffel bag.

"Somethings not adding up" I tell Karter and he steps forwards me, he looks over my shoulder to the bag "I remember packing this but I don't recall why."

I unzip the bag and start looking through it, it's packed with clothes and small products almost like I was running away. "I don't want to seem like a psychopath but I'm not an emotional person," I look up a Karter.

"When Tiago mentioned my mom I got really upset for some reason, I was going somewhere but then I didn't. Then your brother started catcalling me and that trigger me for some reason, the first place I came was here."

"My dad took my keys away when mom died because I was drunk driving, but I don't remember much just short vivid memories. I've never questioned it because," I pause looking back at him "I don't know"

"Sound like compulsion at its finest" he says getting my attention.


"When a vampire compels you to do or forget something"

"I know what compulsion is. Why would I get compelled?" I ask.

"Who ever did it isn't well trained, if he was you wouldn't be getting all these hints and triggers." Karter tells me.

"Can't you un do it?" I ask him.

"It's and excruciating pain one that you can't handle as a human"

"Okay then, help me remember."

"You sure you want to get into this? It's a dangerous game."

"Good thing I'm not a team player" I close the bag and shut the hood, I move to the passenger door and get in. I start smoothing my hands around and under the dashboard.

"Maybe the person who compelled you to forget had a good reason behind it" he moved around to the drivers seat, I only see the bottom half of him until he sits in the seat next to me.

"You don't have to help me." I say getting a little frustrated, I feel his gaze on me but I don't look up to meet his eyes. "I'm just confused"

"What's confusing you?" He asks and I look up at him, I can't help but want him even more. My body urges for me to fight my feelings and to act with my head and not my emotions.

My eyes shift to his pink lips that have kissed me only once, I can only imagine myself kissing him again. I have morals and strict standards that I have set for myself, kissing guys that are not my boyfriend is breaking one.

I swallow the urge and avoid his question and keep on looking. "Who's Presus?" I ask changing the subject.

"A dangerous vampire that my brother pissed off" he reply's.

"What did he do?" I ask "your brother"

"He slept with Presus' sister"

"What happened exactly?"

"Well in England our last name has more meaning to it then it does here, we're very popular and powerful business men. Harry took advantage of that by sleeping with one our trusted business partners sister." He explains.

"I'm guessing that's not good for business" I say.

"No it isn't" he says.

"What does that have to do with you?"

"He's my brother."

"Right." I get out the car and he does the same, I shut the door then lock the car. My phone rings on the way back to my house. "Hello?" I answer my phone and wait for a response but the other line is dead quite.

"Hello?" I repeat but still get nothing, I look over at Karter then hang up. "You can go home you know."

"I know." He say firmly.

"Or you can stay, your choice" I move towards the kitchen. I go to the fridge getting out some leftover lasagna that I made and start heating it up, I hear Karter's steady footsteps grown louder until I see him in the doorframe.

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