the new year

Por seashoredrift

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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... Más



9 3 16
Por seashoredrift

S I X T Y - T W O :

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When the friends and sister caught wing of what was going on they all cheered ecstatically and in shock because of their reaction everyone's attention was on the two twenty-year-old's kissing on the dance floor. Ajay was over the moon because he too could see just from Instagram comments that they were made for each other and cheered a yes bro. Tom, Oaks brother was not in the slightest bit happy about what he was seeing, the last thing he wanted to witness was his fucking baby sister snogging some guy but he didn't act on his instinct to go over there and pull them apart because if she was happy then that was his top priority.

Louise was fairly confused because her daughter hadn't mentioned her having a boyfriend so to see her kiss someone, like how the two were, very passionately, was quite the shock to the system. She was very glad that most parents of her family didn't allow anyone below sixteen come her tonight because it wasn't a very child friendly sight. Sure, they weren't actually doing anything inappropriate but it was the last thing she wanted to see, it was the last thing anyone wanted to see yet everyone was fixated on the two people kissing, it was like they were watching a play or film; it was quite the show.

The red disco lights that were all over the ceiling flashed to the rhythm of the music adding to the overall atmosphere, they kept changing colour every so often. "There's no fucking way they're gonna be able to stay apart for the rest of the night now, I'm surprised their lips aren't glued together," Tom's Australian accent spoke to the people he was around as they too watched what was going on. He felt happy and proud of his friend for finally growing some balls and making a move on the girl who he'd been underlyingly flirting with since the day they met on social media even if it wasn't obvious.

The full of Harrison's cast members were all rooting for him and were overjoyed by the fact that he'd come to realisation that he did want what everyone could see, with Oak.

They were all also due to go to New York in four days from this day to begin the music video for The Blue's song 'Whisper' that was going to be used as part of the third series of Self-Indulgence; this was a massive publicity thing for the band, the show was huge, globally. They all felt so honoured to be given an opportunity like this one, it didn't even feel real.

The band had sent their ideas to the crew of the show so they could get the locations sorted for what they wanted, they already had permission to use a lot of the places that The Blue had hoped to use, they'd wrote 'if possible' to every single idea they had jotted down, which amused the crew, anything was possible in their eyes if one put their mind to it. Their ideas were also very cool and would probably look really good, on the first few days of their return to New York the cast would be looking over what their characters had to do, they too were all very excited, it was nice to do something different yet the same, none of them had ever filmed a music video with their prime characters attributes so it was going to be fun.

With hesitance Oak pulled away from the kiss slightly, she could still taste the small amount of alcohol he'd consumed on her tongue and the feeling of his lips lingered on her own. She'd kept her hands on his shoulders and he kept his in place as they looked into each others eyes, she swallowed the lump in her throat, her insecurities kicking her in the arse again "Are you sure you wanna kiss me?" She asked, feeling very aware of the amount of eyes that were now looking at them, she wishes she didn't feel the way she felt because she enjoyed the feeling of his lips against hers but she wasn't a natural in PDA.

Her main insecurities kick started with PDA was because of Callum who would never show her affection in public because he said that he felt weird about doing it with her even though he'd done it with his previous girlfriends; she didn't see an issue with it a first, PDA wasn't for everyone but what made her feel like shit was when she hugged him goodbye and he shoved her away saying don't do that fucking shit its weird. She could understand if he didn't like it but it was just a friendly hug that wasn't around nobody, it was literally in her house before he left to go home, that was why she felt conscious of Harrison kissing her.

His brown eyes flickered down her face to see the worry written on it and he instantly felt guilty, did he do something wrong? "Why wouldn't I?" He asked back, feeling confused as to why she'd ask that, he'd kissed her twice before and enjoyed every second of it, same with this time.

"I don't know-I mean so publicly, are you not worried about people seeing you with someone like me?" She responded nervously, still feeling very apprehensive about it, she loved it, the kiss, she just didn't want him to do something especially when he was so well known that he'd regret in the future.

By someone like her did she mean the most beautiful person he'd ever met inside and out? By someone like her did she mean someone that made his stomach act like he was on a roller-coaster every second she was around him? By someone like her did she mean someone he'd like to be with? Because if that was the case, then yes, he was more than ten thousand percent sure.

"Oak, I don't care what people think, okay? I kissed you because I wanted to, I'd let the whole fucking world see if I could," He told her truthfully, joking at the end although he wasn't really. She let out a small chuckle at the end of his sentence and then smiled, a small but genuine smile. She really did feel something for him because those words ignited a flame within her that only actual fire could cause. "But we can stop if you want to, I don't want to make you uncomfortable," He added, it was the last thing he wanted to make her feel, he wanted her to be relaxed around him not tense and he wasn't going to do something that she didn't want.

"I don't wanna," She admitted and that was all he needed for them to reconnect their lips again, the feeling of pure bliss and another feeling that was hard to pitch flooded every sense they had, it was only them in the room, nobody else and now, neither of them cared about who was watching, let them.

——— ••• ———

"You could've said you had a boyfriend," Tom spoke aloofly referring to the earlier events when his sister had her tongue down some guys throat and he the same. It just seemed so sudden in his eyes; he was trying so hard not to be overprotective but he couldn't help it especially because of how damaged she got when that wanker of an ex boyfriend did and said what he did, he would not stand for it again. Sure, he didn't know the guy she was kissing but he still felt like he had to keep this protective shield over his sister.

Oak looked at him, one eyebrow higher than the other and her lips flat then she let out a laugh that made her brother have the same expression, it was no laughing matter. Their cousins from Australia were around them, speaking to the birthday girl, they hadn't seen each other in person for about two years so it was nice to see them again, for a good celebration. Declan was twenty- three looked a lot like his dad with his dark curly hair and hazel eyes, was apparently a massive heartthrob around his neighbourhood according to his mum, which embarrassed him more than he'd like to admit and then his younger brother who was nineteen, Elliott who looked more like his mum with a lighter brown hair and standard brown eyes, he too was apparently a heartthrob because everyone was infatuated with the fact that he was a lifeguard on the beach near where they lived, allegedly people would pretend to drown just so Elliott would touch them, it was borderline weird but i was what it was.

"Come on Tom mate, leave her be," Declan spoke up for his cousin who looked uncomfortable but couldn't stop laughing, it was very bold of him to assume that she had a boyfriend, very bold indeed because it was so far from the truth. What her and Harrison were wasn't really anything like her brother assumed, hell, she didn't even know what they were, they were friends that kissed like lovers, it made no sense really so she didn't really know what to say.

"I'm just asking her, she didn't mention anything about it," Tom shrugged speaking in reply to Declan's words. He wasn't bothered, well, not really, his sisters happiness was the prime thing that he worried about and if she was happy that was all he needed to know, he just wishes if she was going out with that lad she kissed she'd have said something even though he knows it's none of his business.

"She doesn't really have to tell you though man, maybe they're not a couple, they might just be banging," Declan shrugged too at his response taking a swig from the glass bottle he had in his hands. Tom snapped his head in his shorter cousin's direction and glared at him like he wanted to set fire to him, that image was not something he wanted to think about. Declan didn't have an issue, like most people in Oak's life, with talking openly about stuff like that hence how he just spilled out that, Tom didn't want to think about that.

"Declan's right-" Oak started to which her brother's eyes just widened like he'd just seen a ghost, he did not need to know that. Oak shook her head to correct herself, maybe that wasn't the best start to what she wanted to say "I mean he's right about us not being a couple, we're not really anything other than friends," Oak cleared the air, Tom feeling more relief now, he was glad--it was terrible that he didn't want her to go out with anyone, he knows, he just didn't want to see her hurt like last time, it was so shitty and he didn't want her to end up like him, broken and possibly irreparable.

"Now Elliott and I are going to do some karaoke, I'll take any other takers if you want to sing with me later," Oak said ending the conversation there. Elliott hadn't actually agreed to sing with her but he guesses he was now, they used to do it a lot when they were kids as a performance for their parents whenever they were in each other's countries, it was never very good but it was always tonnes of fun even though he was tone deaf.

The five-foot-ten girl and her six-foot cousin made their way to the far centre of the hall where they'd be singing one of their usual songs that most definitely pissed their parents off to the max when they'd sing it about six times during the duration they were holidaying with each other, it was nostalgic for them though.

The song was actually the first song that Oak learnt to play on the guitar so it held a lot of sentiment to her, unfortunately she didn't have her guitar with her right this second otherwise they could've had a jamming session. Right at this very second, their Nana, Vi or Violet, formally was singing Ella Fitzgerald's 'These Foolish Things', she was the cutest thing ever and had a beautiful voice.

Almost everyone was tipsy even the people who weren't meant to be like the sixteen-year-old's but their parents were being lenient about it considering it was time for celebration, they were making sure that they didn't get absolutely obliterated by the drink but they were letting them have few alchopops and fruity, low vol drinks.

It wasn't long before Oak and Elliott were climbing up on the small elevated stage with the machine to the side and a pair of wired microphones, Oak quickly typed in the song and pressed play on the song "I want you all moshing, no excuses!" Oak said into the microphone quickly before the song began, making people chuckle and Elliott by her left shake his head, it was a good thing he didn't get stage fright.

"Go on," She said quietly to Elliott who wasn't sure what order they were doing it in, when they were younger they always took it in turns who sang the first verse, Elliott nodded and raised the microphone closer to his mouth and started singing the second the writing got highlighted in blue.

Near enough everyone was watching everyone who did a song because it was all good fun, the spotlights shone down on Oak and Elliott brightly, it was almost blinding. Charlie was stood near Aray and Harrison who were both fixated greatly on what the two people were doing, Charlie saw Harrison's eyes watching his friend and he couldn't help himself by nudging him and saying "It's her cousin don't worry," He had said it quietly, jokingly to which Harrison's cheeks just tinged as red as the lights that shone down on the crowd, he didn't know what to say to what Charlie had told him, he wasn't worried, he had no reason to be considering himself and Oak weren't in a relationship but he was glad of the clarification, he thinks?

Isabelle couldn't even fathom how it was possible that Oak could sing literally anything, any genre and still sound angelic, she swears she could sing opera and Isabelle would have it straight on her playlist, she was starting to think that she had a woman crush because she was literally incredible, she now knows how her brother feels.

"You know that I could use somebody, someone like you!" Oak sang the chorus with Elliott and like Oak told the people they all began jumping when the guitar solos came in, which made the two on the stage laugh. She didn't actually expect them to do it, but everyone was having the time of their lives. Louise was trying to sneakily take photos of everyone with Oak's Polaroid camera, she obviously asked their permission beforehand and everyone was willing.  Louise had planned on making a photo album with all the picture from the night for her daughter so she could look back at it, she'd taken a fairly good one of her and Elliott, if she did say so herself that really categorised their relationship, they'd always got on so well.

The second the music stopped the hall's lights shut off completely, making everyone in the room baffled, Oak and Elliott were still on the stage looking on the ground to see if they'd pulled out a wire by accident when they were singing and dancing. Nobody understood what had happened until a figure with small glowing lights appeared from the back of the room singing happy birthday. The plan was to do the cake at some point in the evening but nobody knew that Seb was going to shut the whole lighting system off like he did. At first thought, the man thought that it was a good idea, it'd add to the tension but now he's walking with the large cake in his hands, trying his best to guide himself gracefully to the stage where his sister was stood, with red cheeks no doubt, she hated the song and this part of birthday's, to be honest most people did from his knowledge.

Everyone else was singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl who did have red cheeks and her ring-cladded hands were pressed to them, this was the worst thing to happen tonight, awful. Granted, the cake was way too big, it was three storeys high and was especially made for people who couldn't eat dairy but still tasted bloody delicious, the planners had a taste test to make sure. It was more or less a wedding cake with two black glittered candles in the shape of a two and a zero on the very top and sat by them was a small figurine that was supposed to be Oak.

The planners had opted for just getting a plain vanilla and jam cake because they knew Oak wasn't a massive fan of chocolate cake, it was still a fucking solid cake though, the bakers did a great job. Oak, in her head, said that it was the most over the top thing she'd seen today and that was saying something, she appreciated it nevertheless and would most likely want it all to herself.

Oak had now cut the cake and given everyone a slice who wanted one as her mum and friends were taking pictures and videos of the actions, nearly everyone wanted a slice and there was still loads left, she didn't see why they'd go all out with a cake, she'd be happy with a single muffin or nothing. Seb had insisted that it wouldn't really be birthday if there wasn't a cake, Oak didn't bother arguing back, she saw no point.

She had now danced with nearly everybody possible since she'd got here, she was also very drunk like nearly everybody else here was and she felt no shame, she'd done a group dance with the guys from STRINGS and she'd started a conga for no other reason than she wanted to, it was fun and everyone joined in, which she didn't really expect considering most would say it was a stupid idea for a twenty-year-old to want to do.

As of right now though, she was talking with Joe and Oscar with a can of dark fruits in her hand, the conversation most certainly probably didn't make sense, all it was was words and drunken slurs. Oak had told Oscar that she'd go and get him another drink because she needed to go to the toilet anyway, surprisingly, she'd had a fucking brilliant night so far and she was enjoying seeing all of her family and friends again. She wasn't even sure why she was so surprised that she'd had a good time, the people in her life were amazing and obviously knew how to throw a killer party.

After she'd relieved herself she made her way out of the little corridor from the bathroom to the hall where people were still as lively as they were nearly two hours ago, her hand reached up to rub at her eye as a little yawn escaped her mouth and her walk became slightly staggered. The twenty-year-old was glad she was tall because she got away with not wearing high-heels and would always--well, that was very much down to the night, get away with making herself get back to safety on her feet without the worry of breaking an ankle or neck.

"There you are," That spine-chilling voice said in a tone of recognition like he'd been waiting to get her alone all night, she hadn't even noticed his presence all night "Thought I'd stop by to wish my daughter a happy birthday," He said with venom rolling off of his tongue as his eyes scanned down her attire and he let out short, sarcastic breathy laugh "Still as fat as ever I see," He commented as his eyes remained on her stomach, she knew she wasn't thin and she knew that her stomach wasn't flat and that you could see the bump of it through the dress but this very day, she didn't care.

Oak smiled "Thank you for the birthday wish, I hope you enjoy the rest of the party," Oak thanked him genuinely, she wasn't going to lower herself to his insulting level because that in itself would be insulting. Still with a small smile on her face she moved around where he was stood and walked away back to the party hall, she was done with him controlling how she saw herself, she was done with him in general. If he wanted to kick the shit out of her today he could do it with an audience so everyone who treasures him in her family would see the real him and what she'd been dealing with since she was a kid. It started at it's worst when she started Secondary School because David saw it as she was old enough to endure more pain, nobody at any age should go through what she had, she hated that she hadn't gone to the police yet but she was scared, scared that they wouldn't believe her, scared of him, she was scared of her own father.

Like expected he followed her out of corridor, rage filling his every ounce, he hated when she spoke to him like that, he hated when she walked away from him. Oak went to the bar to get Oscar his drink, like she said she would, with her father on her tail, like she also expected him to be, he would do anything he could to control every aspect of her life. David had his own twisted logic, if he could convince her that she was as little as an ant then she'd leave the family for good and he could be happy with Katherine and his two sons that just so happened to be his daughters brothers.

"The dress you're wearing makes you look even fatter by the way," He countered, his nostrils flared as he continued to follow her, she had the can of Stella Artois in her hand and her dad continued to tail her steps towards Joe and Oscar who were still in the same place.

"Thank you, I quite like the dress though to be honest," Oak responded with a light shrug keeping her eyes ahead of her. She was trying to act as if his words didn't affect her as much as they did, she wishes they didn't but it wasn't as easy as that when she'd been told it her whole life. Her kindness was making him angrier by the second, why was she being nice to him? He also had a thing where if she'd respond to him, he'd have an excuse for what he does to her, he was a sick and twisted individual.

Oak had handed Oscar his new drink with a smile, trying to completely disregard her father's presence the best she could "Well you shouldn't," He raised his voice slightly catching the attention of her blonde friend, who was originally facing away from him, Oak had prayed that he didn't notice him or hadn't heard him over the music but that hope was shattered when he clocked on to his being and the acidity he carried with him.

"We didn't invite him," Joe told his friend in a sense to reassure her, his teeth were gritted, the audacity of him to just show up, he was such a wanker--God, he was so much more than that but the blonde was trying to control his temper for his friends' sake.

"I know you didn't," Oak smiled at him, of course, she knew, they're not stupid they know what he's done to her and wouldn't even think about inviting such a beast, he had his own mind though and would do anything to ruin any ounce of happiness his daughter would have.

"Look, dad, if I'm being completely honest, I really don't give a shit what you think I should and shouldn't wear, it's my life, my body, I do what I want, okay?" Oak directed her speech to her father who was only about a metre away from where she was stood, his fury only tenfolding at her response, she had no right to speak to him in that manner, she was such a rude little bitch.

"Don't speak to me like that, I'm the one who created your life, you should be grateful," David snarled, his teeth held that tightly together, Oak was surprised they didn't all snap. Oak just smiled and nodded, stepping away from Joe and Oscar, who were both unsure of what to do, although Joe was aware of what David did to her, he'd never actually witnessed it happen and he was praying with everything in him that he wouldn't have to because it would break his heart. Oscar was confused as fuck, he hadn't the foggiest idea, he'd only met Oak once before this so didn't know her all that well, he could tell that her dad was a bit of a dick though just based on this interaction.

"Or what?" Oak responded, she couldn't tell if it was the drink that had given her this sudden boost of confidence or if she'd actually just had e-fucking-nough of him. Honestly, she didn't want to make this a public thing really but if that's what it took, her having witnesses to be able to send him down for good, then so be it, she was tired of being tired of it. This was ending tonight. "You are part of the reason I'm alive, not the full reason, you didn't carry me for nine months, did you?" Oak countered in addition to her question.

She'd had the support of all of her friends since the very first time it happened and she'd been encouraged to go to the police but she was always so terrified of doing that because her worst nightmare and biggest fear was someone who helped spawn her and that in itself was a awful thing to feel because she loved him even after everything he'd done, she couldn't help it.

David stepped towards her, Joe had ran off to go and get Alex and Charlie to help if anything broke out, he didn't want to involve Oscar because he didn't know what was going on and would rather not have him engrossed in something like this, he didn't deserve it. "I'm your father, treat me with some respect," He said raising his voice so that more people would hear, he added a hint of faux hurt to act like Oak was saying something in the wrong, his eyes darting around the room to see if anyone had heard.

"I will when you treat me like your daughter and not a fucking punchbag," Oak responded her arms crossing over her chest, she was fucking done with this, she needed it to be over, she really did because with every waking second it was shattering her. She wishes she didn't say that and she wishes she'd just be her usual cowering self but she was really at the end of her tether, she wanted from now on, to just be her and not have to constantly worry about slipping up and then get a beating for it, she just wanted to fucking live a life without the fear she has for him.

"You're a rude little bitch!" He spat back at her comment making the girl flinch slightly and when he noticed that evil smirk reached his face.

"David, you weren't invited," Charlie's voice spoke the second he arrived with a bitter tone from behind the man who was leaning over his best friend in an aggressive manner.

David turned around to face him and smirked that malicious smirk again, Charlie wasn't scared of him none of Oak's friends were because they'd do fucking anything for that girl and if that meant kicking her fathers arse to another dimension then that is exactly what they'd do because fuck David. "This has nothing to do with you," He sneered at the man who didn't look the slightest bit phased by David's closeness and attempts to intimidate, Oak wishes she could have some of his courage and confidence.

"Yes it does, don't think we don't know what you've done to her in the past, it has everything to do with us because you're in this fucking room, at a party you weren't invited to," Charlie countered not caring about what he said, David was piece of literal shit.

David got closer to him and squared up to him, Charlie still didn't budge, sure, David was a few inches taller than he was, the full family were giants, Charlie still wasn't scared. David wanted to be feared, he wanted to be this powerful figure to society, he basically wanted to be God and he'd do anything to get that high status because that was all he cared about.

Oak grabbed hold of her fathers arm and tugged him back so he wouldn't do anything to her friend, she didn't want them to get involved in a physical way like her father had wanted. David's arm swung around and connected powerfully with Oak's face "Don't fucking touch me you fat fucking slut!" He bellowed so loudly that the walls could shatter, the sound of his fist hitting his daughters face echoed through the room and they all went manic, how dare he hit her. The force made Oak stumble back and clutch the part he'd hit, she could instantly feel the liquid that was pouring from the wound, David showed no remorse like usual.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Charlie shouted back wanting to kill the guy, everyone in the room was shouting at David in anger and shock, Vi had called the police in hopes they'd get here before the scumbag made a run for it. Louise, Tom and Seb had all stalked over in his direction yelling very incoherent words at him, they couldn't believe what he'd just done to his daughter, the party that was once cheerful and full with teeth was now all rage and saddened expressions.

All Oak could hear was white noise she never really expected her dad to lash out like that publicly and this time she probably did deserve the punch, it was just weird to her that everyone now knew that this was what he was like but now she wished she could un-wish her wish that everyone could see because she now felt guilty. It was her fault, she spoke back to him and she got what she deserved in return and fuck did it hurt.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!" David shouted back at Charlie who was being held back by Joe and Alex from going off of the fucking rails, he's never wanted to beat someone up so much in his life than he did Oak's father but he wasn't going to because then that'd make him just as bad, you can't beat violence with violence, can you?

"Why the fuck did you just hit her?" Tom shouted his voice cracking as he did so, he had no idea, he had no fucking idea that this is what would leave Oak looking so distraught whenever he was around. She had been fucking so fucking frightened of him all of her life and said nothing, she said nothing but there were signs, of course, there were signs and everyone failed her, there weren't differences, his dad was a fucking monster and he was going to kill him.

"She fucking started it!" David responded with the loud decibels that Oak was used to, Tom's eyes were welling with angry tears, how could he do that? Why would he do that? Out of all of his kids Oak was the least problematic, she kept to herself and didn't get into trouble, ever. No bloody wonder if this was the sort of punishment she'd get for being herself, it was breaking his heart.

"Are you okay?" Harrison asked Oak more than concerned as her family were all yelling at each other and all of her friends were shouting at David too, it was a sight and a half that's for sure. Oak didn't know what to do, she was just stood there, clutching her hands to the place that was still bleeding, she was frozen in spot and didn't know how to respond to Harrison's attendance. She just looked at him, blinking slowly and nodded, even though she didn't know how she felt, she just couldn't have one bit of happiness for an extended period, could she?

Harrison had spoken to her softly saying that they should go to the bathroom to get her cleaned up, she agreed and was about to make her way there with Harrison by her side when David's arm flayed out and whacked Harrison dead in the face also busting his lip open, what a fucking night this turned out to be. If Harrison actually wanted anything to do with Oak beforehand, he most definitely wouldn't now, not after tonight, the poor guys face was now all bust up because of her dad, how could she apologise for that?

Well, here's to her twenties, it started off with a. . . Bang.

wrote; saturday 6th june 2020

(partially) edited; sunday 6th december 2020

published; sunday 6th december 2020

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