Transmigration: Face slap th...

By Chil_lexx

345K 8.8K 666

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... More

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

Coffee to go- 3.19

4.6K 150 16
By Chil_lexx

Under update from Friday till next week. Be patient my lovelies ♡! !


Part one (1): Unravel

Christopher sets aside his wine glass standing to his feet the studious old matriarch adjusts his bright red bow tie approaching the entwined lovers he clears his throat patting Carter's shoulder, "..Can I have this dance?-" his eyes switched to the swollen lip Cheng Bi Yu who seemed taken back she rapidly nods her voice all high-pitched and hyper she pulled back, "Of course. Surely!-" she turned back to Carter, "Eh em! Your hand-" she slightly lowered her eyes her wingtip mascara crumble a bit Carter loosened up his grip Cheng Bi Yu departs an unwilling supporting male lead.

Cheng Bi Yu placed her palm in Christopher's the old matriarch led her just near the sidelines he carefully wrapped his hand around her waist keeping respectful distance she spoke looking forward sympathetic, "...Because of the rush of everything I hadn't been able to ask, how are you holding up?-"

Christopher's lip thinned his sharp eyes lowered he released a dry laugh, "..I never thought I'd see the day my
eldest son's been slapped with racketeering, drug smuggling, prostitution and the murder of his own brother-" his saddened eyes dart up, "..To be honest I don't know how I'm supposed to feel?!-"

Cheng Bi Yu comforting pats his shoulder, "..It's a tough pill to shallow at your age but we've all got you so don't think for a split second you're alone in this-" this time the old matriarch wholeheartedly laughs his chest plate vibrating volumes, "..I'm glad to have all your support. Then how about my grandchild?-"

"..Certainly killing his mother with morning sickness-" Cheng Bi Yu dramatically huffed the island's mayor chuckled, "..I'm sure it'll stop soon. Isn't that right my grandchild?-" he had slightly lowered his head looking down at her premature bump.

"..It's raining buckets!-" Cheng Bi Yu pushed open the room switching on the lights she lowered the her hand from over her head, "..Tell me something I don't know-" Carter brushed past quickly stripping his soaked attire, "..Change quick before you catch a cold-"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu nods stripping ever article of clothing she pulled a towel from the closet wrapping it securely around her nude body she also grabs a plain white t-shirt and checkered pajama pants sliding the closet door she heads towards the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later the door whips open revealing a fully clothed Cheng Bi Yu drawing her short wet strands with a towel and a toothbrush at the corner of her mouth she slowly approached the nightstand picking up her switched off phone from the other night.

She switched it back on the screen came back to life and started generating feed it displayed hidden content:

Cheng Bi Yu's screen


13 Miss Calls

6 unread massages

2 missed WeChat video calls

"Huh! 13 miss calls?-" curious Cheng Bi Yu views the stats her voiced held surprise, "..Teddy?-" she paused drying her hair resting the towel on her shoulder she also removed the toothbrush from the corner of her mouth, "..Why's he calling?-" Cheng Bi Yu pressed his number bringing the mobile to her ear, "..Come on pick up-"

The automatic monotone machine voice came rolling in,"...The number you have dialed is unavailable please leave a message after the beep-" Cheng Bi Yu dialed again impatiently tapping her feet as the phone just rang on the other end a tired voice was heard, "Emerson?-" Teddy sounded lowdown exhausted, "Un. It's me what's happened?-"

Teddy sighed rubbing his eyes, "..Priyanka's in jail-" Cheng Bi Yu paused her movements alarmed she gripped the phone,"Wait! What? When!-" Teddy released a dry cough slumping back against his cold couch, "...Y-yesterday o-outside of t-the Cafe. I've just gotten back but I can't sleep-"

"For what?! Why was she arrested?!-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed rather frustrated Teddy's voice began to distort Cheng Bi Yu only heard cracks, "Wait Teddy you're cracking up-" she looks at her bars the signal was weak, "...Hold on just a sec-" she exclaimed elevating the phone she moved trying to get a better signal, "Huh.." hearing his voice a tad clearly she lowered her palm bringing her mobile back to her ear, "..Teddy you hearing me? Hello! Teddy?-" his voice kept distorting then blip the line was silent.

"I'm coming you here me? I'm coming on the first flight back,"Cheng Bi Yu piercing eyes glared at her screen,"-Dammit dropped signal!-" her hand dropped to her side she grips the sides of her phone glaring outside the window at the rainstorm.

<<Day of the arrest, afternoon about 3 pm>>

[AN: Events is detailed by Priyanka's accounts/perspective but in 3rd person]

Priyanka who had just cleared a table and was cleaning another of their sidewalk displays paused eyeing the executively dressed man and a petite low cut haired woman seemingly of Korean decent, "...Ms. Priyanka Chopra?-" Priyanka straightened appalled that these white collared
people she has never met knew her by name but nods nonetheless knowing they weren't ordinary, "Yes?-"

The woman pulled out a badge from her sleek black jacket, "I'm Detective Oh-" she gestures to the man he also pulled out a similar badge, "...And this is my partner Detective Kim,"

Priyanka smiled tossing the cloth to the side,"What can I do for you detective's? I'm not finished with my shift yet can this wait?-" she wiped her hands in her apron. Detective Oh put away her badge, "I'm afraid not. Ms. Chopra we have a warrant for your arrest. Come with us-"

Priyanka's eyes bulged she gawks flabbergasted, "What! What for?! This must be a mistake!-" she retreats back clutching the steel gray chair, "..We would appreciate your cooperation-" Priyanka grits her teeth, "..You can't take me! I'm a model citizen I've done nothing wrong-"

"Please don't resist-" Priyanka who tried bolts arms are snatched, "Get off me!-" she barks the pushed her against the hood of the car then tightly cuffs her wrist, "..Priyanka Chopra you are under arrest for the involvement in the missing person case of Emily Chao-" the lifted her off the hood, "Watch your head-" they pushed her in the backseat slamming the door, "...Detective Oh was it you seem like a good person-" Priyanka tries to make small talk to clear the suspicious air, "Is that so?-" the flattered Detective Oh smiled glancing at the shuffling Priyanka through the rear view mirror, "..I'm being honest here I'm innocent I didn't even know Emily was missing-"

Detective Oh's lips hooked up, "..Then no problem you should be out in twenty-four hours-" she adjusts the rear view glass, "..Sit back and relax we're in for a bumpy ride-" Priyanka frustratedly sighed leaning from the divider slumping back she helpless glanced out the window.

"..Can I get a call?-" Priyanka impatiently shifted in the stiff precinct chair, "Sure go ahead you're going to be here awhile probably even all night-" Detective Oh had leaned back kicking up her feet on her desk legs crossed, "Go ahead-" she gestured towards the boring carbon brown telephone Priyanka's slight trembling fingers picked up the phone she dials bringing the antique telephone to her ear she patiently waits at the other end twirling the cord around her fingers, "...The number you've dialed is unavailable please leave a message after the beep!-" the dreadful monotone machine voice came rolling in from the other end of the line.

The flustered Priyanka fastly dials again the other end kept ringing Priyanka grips the phone her desperate voice mumbled, "-Come on pick up..Pick up!-" she nervously tapped her feet their was a pregnant silence, "Hello-" Teddy's gruff voice was heard from the other end.

Priyanka almost jolts from relief she exhaled, "..Teddy?-" she released the cord stressed she reached back combing her fingers through her hair her voice hoarse as her throat burned, "It's me, Priyanka. I need you to come get me I'm down at the station. I'm in deep!...I need you to get down here right now-" her voice dropped she momentarily closed her eyes, "..And Teddy don't tell Em, she doesn't need to get involved in this-"

"..Three minutes princess-" Priyanka narrowed her eyes at the oppressive snot nosed senior detective she scuffed before talking back into the phone, "Shin&Park Police Station that's my location bring money for bail if necessary. I love you-" she hung up.

Detective Kim exclaimed leaning back he glance over to his partner of eight years, "..Awe! Young love don't you just hate it the easy it comes to easy it goes-" the arrogant brute cocked his head back, "...It won't last especially when one's going to prison for the rest of her sorry life-"

Priyanka livid grips the table she barks lunging forward, "..Easy Miss India settle down." Detective Kim smirked, "...You wouldn't want to add another murder to your sheet?!-"

"..For the last time I didn't kill anyone!-" Priyanka snarls tightly gripping her fist her nails scrapping against her palm, "And If I was to kill anyone it'll be you!-" she menacingly banged her fist on his desk his beady eyes narrowed he leaned forward he flipped through his notepad to a fresh page he grabbed his pen from the pencil holder, "..Threatening a officer another office to add-" his eyes peered up at her.

Detective Oh fend up with her partner's smacks his chest, "Enough! Stop railing her up!-" her eyes turned focusing ahead, "..And you sit down," Priyanka reluctantly sits holding Detective Kim's gaze. Detective Oh stood to her feet, "-Look can I get you anything? Water? Some coffee?-" Priyanka folds her arms turning her head to the side she averts her attention, "Water is alright-"

Detective Oh points an accusing finger, "You two behave-" she narrowed her violet eyes at her partner she smacks the back of his head, "...Especially you Kim Soo Jun!-" she brushed past Kim Soo Jun grabbed the lower half of her suit jacket, "..Get me half caf in a mug will yuh?-" Oh Eun Ryu roughly tugged her jacket, "..Get it yourself you lazy bastard!-" she walks off heading towards the break room, "Damn that bitch she dares treat her senior this way!-" he tossed his pen, "..What are you look at?!-" Kim Soo Jun barks catching Priyanka's stare.

Priyanka pierced her eyes, "A fucking bastard!-" she spoke in korean, "..What did you just say you bitch,-" Priyanka's lip creased, "Fucking bastard! What you don't understand Korean? Huh?!-" she continues to mock him in Korean tilts her head to the side Detective Kim, Kim Soo Jun's face reddened abruptly stood, "You bitch!-"

"Sit down you old fucker!-" Detective Oh, Oh Eun Soo smacks him harshly on the back of his head sliding the coffee across his desk, "Here you go chump-"

"..You bitch stop hitting me!-" he roars roughly poking her shoulder the female detective lips creased, "So what if I did you crazy prick huh?!-"

Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Huh!-" Smack! "...What are you going to do about it you crazy dog?!-" she cools her reddened palms Kim Soo Jun roughly tugs her collar violently shaking her, "..You fucking bitch!-"

A folder delivers a powerful smack to the back of his head Kim Soo Jun turned, " You're dead you fucking bastard!-" his eyes widened mortified his voice trembled, "..C-captain y-you?.." he released his partner.

"Yes me!-" Captain Han, Han Do Wan head of the precinct #9 scuffed, "..You're going to kill me huh?! Come here to you fucking incompetent shit!-"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The brazen no nonsense Captain Han repeatedly beat him with his folder calming down he straightened his suit he repeatedly smacks Kim Soo Jun's cheek three times, "...This is a police station not some underground nightclub! Get your shit together or you're off the case!-"

Captain Han focuses his attention behind Kim Soo Jun at a tad rattled Oh Eun Ryu he brushed past him roughly bumping his shoulder, "..Keep him in line-" Oh Eun Ryu was quick to salute, "Yes Captain!-" Captain Had nods slipping his cap back over his head.

Oh Eun Ryu ignored her partner she heads over to Priyanka, "Here crystal water-" she outstretched her palm leaning back against her desk, "..Thanks-" she showed her appreciation her throat really did burn she scuffed at Kim Soo Jun who openly glared her way, "..Serves you right!-" she croaked back the battle.

Oh Eun Ryu's eyebrows arched in surprise, "You know korean?-" Priyanka firmly gripped the bottle in her hand, "..Don't you?-" she crossed her legs, "...Your partner's getting rusty maybe you can tutor him on your breaks-"

<<Back to the present>>

The thunder roared like a lion scaring everything below the lightening flashed against trees electrocuting their drowned leaves.

Cheng Bi Yu huffed turning her back irritated she angrily call out, "Poppy? Hey Poppy wake up!-" her eyes scattering across the room as if her system would appear any minute.

[[System rebooting....]]

[[System loading 77%...]]

[[System on line]]

"Nice of you to show up. Why didn't you tell me we've reached that point in the plot?-" she folds her arm.

Poppy imaginary sighs.

[[Must I remind Host of her task every time]]

Cheng Bi Yu bites down on her lip she calmed exhaling,"You're right. I'm sorry it's my fault I was too preoccupied not realizing it was nearing the timeline-" she tossed her towel on the bed, "..I'm still clueless on how Priyanka was framed and by whom-" she combed her hand through her hair, "...If only I could see her right now-"

[[I can help with that]]

"How?-" Cheng Bi Yu kicked her feet back and forth.

[[Transparency pill it'll allow Host to enter Priyanka's mind-]]

A light bulb clicked, "..Then I can figure out who's the suspicious person-" she abruptly stood resting her hands on her hip, "..That's a darn good idea Poppy my brain will go muddled without you truly you're the best!-" she praised beaming like a kindergarten student who received a sticker from their favorite teacher.


[[Transparency pills (one use only)- 15,0000. Does Host which to purchase? [Yes/No]]]

"Yep bring it on!-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed enthusiastically fist bumping the air awkward she toned down clearing her throat she dry coughs, "..Un." She replied nonchalant.


[[Transaction complete- Transparency Pills (one time use only) 105,0000-15,0000/ recent points ((90,0000))]]

Her right palm glowed two bean shaped white pills appeared from the light even after a minute they still glowed a pink light.

[[Host will need three item(s) along with that you'll need to follow these clear instructions.]]

[AN: This (P) will refer to Poppy/ System for this sequence]

(a) First, you'll need a pool of water

Cheng Bi Yu filled the bathtub she feels her hand around testing the temperature she quickly retracts her palm, "Is the temperature suppose to be this freezing?-"
(P): "-Absolutely! The temperature has to be freezing like this for this experiment to work. Stop whining and get your ass stepping-"

(b) Second, gather red ten candles and surround the tub

"-Twelve candles it feels like I'm preparing for a mass-" Cheng Bi Yu chewed the corner of her mouth carefully lighting the candles just three candles away from being lit and the power goes out, "-Well isn't this dandy goes out at the worst time!-" she bit her tongue squinting her eyes a bit she managed to light the remaining candles, "Hah! Gotcha-" she diffused the matches stick.
(P): -"Very well done though a idiot would've had them lit in less than five seconds. No judgment. Still love you Host-" Poppy sent invisible air kisses in her direction.


(c) Third, You'll need an item (s) of the said person eg. A picture etc

Cheng Bi Yu sprints back into the room using her flashlight she rummaged through her draw, "..Her scarf, would this do? She gave me before I left-" she slammed the draw shut heading back into the bathroom.
(P): "..Not ideal but as long as the possession has an attachment to the previous owner then it's alright to go ahead. Got those pills?-"

Cheng Bi Yu nods, "Un." she slides them out her pocket.

(P): "-One pill that's all we need taking two one time could be dangerous-"

Cheng Bi Yu fills the cup half full resting a pill on the counter she slides the other down her throat tilting her head she gulps down water she straightened wiping her mouth with her back palm she rests the glass down on the counter beside the left over pill.

"I'm ready!-" she slipped off her slippers sliding into the bath she shifts grabbing the scarf she forgot at the edge of the counter.

(P): "-Once you submerge underwater and drift into your subconscious you'll be in a comatose state. There are twelve candles you have to be out before the last candle outs if not you'll not only drown but you'll be trapped in your subconscious. Got it-"

"Got it but how frightening!-" Cheng Bi Yu holds her breath submerging underwater she tightly braced Priyanka's scarf against her chest she blinked then tightly shut her eyes her body fell limp.

Cheng Bi Yu opens her eyes to find herself in a pitch black hallway with both sides filled with colourful doors they opened violently banging against each other causing a turbulence in pressure Cheng Bi Yu grits her teeth holding her ears she stayed glued in place despite the tremor underneath her.

Cheng Bi Yu hears Priyanka's voice she straightened walking towards her voice her nose scrunched at the strong scent of rosemary oilshe stumbles upon a closed red door with light poking through the creases she grips the freezing cold gold doorknob, "Here goes nothing!-" though reluctant she flung open the door she's hit with a cloud wall of rosemary. Priyanka sits slightly bent rocking back and forth whilst gripping the side of the steel bed.

Cheng Bi Yu walks in carefully walking over she outstretched her palm touching her shoulder, "..Priyanka?-" her voice echoed through the transparent walls Priyanka jolts her neck snaps in her direction her eyebrows creased while she seemingly mumbling something.

A enormous memory bubble appears Priyanka outstretched her arm pointing spurting gibberish she trembled rocking back and forth. Cheng Bi Yu brushed past the crunched over fake Priyanka she slowly approached the blob she stuck her head through she squirmed feelings some wetness, "..What the heck!-" calming her nerves she exhaled, "Come on Bi Yu you've already come this far-" Cheng Bi Yu steps in whole she's brought to Priyanka's interrogation playback.

She leaned against the wall arms crossed peering over at the table in the center and the individuals seated around it but was more interested in the dull faced Priyanka clothed in the usually prison blue jumpsuit.

Detective Oh sled some photos taken by forensics of Emily's apartment layout mostly the living room, kitchen and bathroom where they seemed to have been some kind of struggle Priyanka's rattled eyes scanned the photos her finger lightly brushed against one Detective Oh, Oh Eun Ryu leaned back, "..You claimed earlier that you were no where near victim's apartment correct?-"

Priyanka lowers her hands she nods in response Detective Oh sled forth another photo she points repeatedly tapping, "..Then can you explain to me why your bloody fingerprint was found under the bathroom sink of the apartment you weren't anywhere near?-" Priyanka froze but remained unresponsive as she averted her eyes, "You haven't yet told me how you got that cut on your hand?-" Priyanka instinctively covers the scrap in question.

Detective Oh, Oh Eun Ryu frustratedly  sighs leaning back, "..I'm trying to help you here just take to me. Tell me what happened?!-" Priyanka peered up her gaze lining with the detective she bit her tongue, "..The blood it's  the cat's-" she rested her cuffed hands on the table the mental cuffs made a Pang! sound.

<<Priyanka recounts that night's events>>

Priyanka pushed open it creeks flipping open it gently bangs against the wall the apartment was eerie silent a raw scent danced in the air. Priyanka pulls out her mobile to utilize it's flashlight, "Emily?.." she slightly calls out stepping further she slips landing on her butt her entire face wrinkled as she cringed, "Ouch!-" she lifts her hand holding it up to the light she looks on horrified at her palms stained red, "Blood! What the!-" her phone slips from her grasps she leans picking it up momentarily it shone on something in which she didn't get a good glimpse of, "..What's that?-"

Priyanka peeked by curiosity follows the slightly dried blood trail behind the kitchen counter her knees weakened with a trembling hand she grips the phone and the other the counter which kept her from tumbling over she looks on mortified and the scattered parts of a dismembered cat the head was positioned on top of a blender, it's jaw was slit from ear to ear in reminiscence of the infamous black dahlia it's eyes gouged out and stuffed in it's mouth.

"Oh God!-" Priyanka gasps the frightened woman grips the counter even tighter as she fell back against its edge hyperventilating her muffled breaths echoed in the abyss she had fallen she almost faints she lowers the light unable to stomach anymore she rushed almost tripping over her feet attempting to locate the bathroom she switched on the light she hunched over desperately gasping gripping the sink.

She looks at herself in the mirror hurriedly sliding her smartphone in her gray jeans pocket Priyanka turns on the tape she placed her blooded palms under the rushing water ferociously scrubbing both sides of her palm drawing blood.

Turning off the tap she bolts out of the apartment spooked her terrified face his picked up on the security camera pointed directly towards Emily's door.


Detective Oh completely straightened flicking her wrist, "..So the other blood type found at the scene was feline," Priyanka arched her brows her shoulders stiffened she stuttered, "-What d-do you m-mean other b-blood type?-"

Detective Oh's lips thinned as she points towards a blood sheet, "..See the contrast between patterns?-" Priyanka's confused eyes scanned the sheet Detective Oh further explains, "..You won't know since you don't work in forensics. Human blood reacts to luminal it turns purple once it comes in contact. And let me tell you, there was tons found at the scene that blood sample was sent to the lab and it's dna components tested," she lamented, "...The dna was tested against Mrs. Chao's dna and came back a match so the blood's confirmed to be Emily's-"

Detective Oh, Oh Eun Ryu leaned back hoisting her arm on the chair head her eyes slanted, "..Your co-workers said that you loathed Emily but you're not the only one isn't it? Emily's estranged twin Emerson she distain her too?-" she arched her brows repeated tapping on the photo, "You obviously weren't friends nor acquaintances. So would you explain to me why you were at your foes apartment approximate time 1 in the morning?-"

Priyanka remained tight lipped, "..Your friend, where is she?-" Detective Oh pressed to hoping to hit a nerve which seemed to work, "..Leave her out of this!-" she roars banging her fist she leans back sour faced, "..I want my lawyer!-" she grits her teeth, "..I won't say anything else without my lawyer!-"

"..Alrighty then!-" Detective Oh stacks the photos putting them away she stands, "..You sure you don't want to confess now once I leave there's no turning back-" the spitfire detective attempts to pull her leg she was hit by a brick of silence and malicious glare.

Oh Eun Ryu clears her throat, "..I guess we're done here-" Priyanka remained stone faced until the latter exits the interrogation room. Priyanka frustratedly sighed slumping her head faced down on the metal table.

"Oh Priyanka-" Cheng Bi Yu mumbles seeing Priyanka's drastic state she steps forward to comfort the clone but paused upon hearing a familiar voice she turned her eyes glued to the parallel that appears.

Cheng Bi Yu wrinkled her brows at the memory bubble, "Nick? What's he doing in here?-" she approached, "...I better find out-" she reached forward her hand Cheng Bi Yu finds being sucked into the parallel like a vacuum.

"Emily's missing?-" Nick gawks leaning back he sweats nervously, "...Why do you seem surprised?-" Detective Kim, Kim Soo Jun took a sat on his stool, "...When was the last time you saw her? Did you two argue? Did you hurt her?-" he bombarded the male lead with questions.

Detective Kim uses another tactic and eyes him sympathetically, "..Come on you can tell me. You two argued didn't you maybe you two exchanged heated words and one thing led to another then maybe you smacked her around a bit then..."

Nick vigorously shook his head, "...I didn't hurt I couldn't I loved her-" Kim Soo Jun reached forth his palm resting it on his shoulder he lightly squeezed, "...Then what about your wife?-"

Nick arched his brows his phoenix eyes narrowed his lips flattened, "..What does my wife have to do with this?-" Kim Soo Jun removed his palm, "..I understand that your ex-girlfriend  is pregnant which newly wedded bride could stomach such a thing. She'd what Emily out of the picture maybe she did something-"

Nick sneered grabbing his collar, "..You bastard! You leave her out of this!-" Kim Soo Jun tugs away from his grasps, "..Such fire-" his lips tucked, "..She did it and you're protecting her aren't you?-"

Nick leaned back his lips sealed. The door burst open, "..Hey I'm not finished yet!-" Kim Soo Jun turned towards the intruder his eyes narrowed his face displays distain he bites his tongue, "..Attorney Mu, what a pleasant surprise,"

Attorney Mu's lip remained thin her eyes locked ahead, "Detective Kim it's always a pleasure to be in my presence but yours I'll have to fast track-" Kim Soo Jun dryly laughed, "..Same boring jokes something to always expect from you white collared dogs the brooms too far up your self-righteous asses-"

Attorney Mu's eyes slanted her lips slightly curved, "..I'm perfectly okay having a perfectly sized broom up my ass every night-" she lifts her ring finger a bit, "You getting it up lately? I heard you're on your third divorce you drunkard-" Kim Soo Jun angered remained tight lipped silently fuming.

Attorney Mu pulls out a slip, "..I'm afraid this vagabond interrogation you got here is over my client will not answer anymore question as he's not a suspect and if you continue to detain my client you'll be sued for unjust detention-"

Kim Soo Jun snatched the slip reading over its content, "Nick let's go-" Detective Kim scuffed crumbling the slip in his grasps, "..Guess mommy comes to your rescue again! A grown man being constantly bailed by his mother do you have no self respect?!-"

"..Kim Soo Jun!-" Attorney Mu snaps turning back to the gruff detective, "We're done here! My client will not listen to your taunts if you wish to continue this we can meet at court-"

"...What you going to sue me for hurting his feelings. Go ahead sue!-" Kim Soo Jun cocked his head back, "..I can have you arrested for drug possession. Drop this case and you'll have ten more years till retirement-"

Attorney Mu's hand rested on the doorframe, "You have something on there under your nose. You should learn how to snort better-" she leaves Kim Soo Jun hurriedly wipes off the white powder, "Bitch!-" he cursed slapped the slip against the table.

Powerful warning alarms went off the room vibrates around her the scene begins the deteriorate Cheng Bi Yu jumps through the parallel she runs passing the ferocious slamming doors on each side, "Shit where's the exit?!-"

A door appears out of thin air at the end of the hall it flew open with blurring eerie red light and heavy smoke hiding what's behind her eyes fixated forward she hurriedly sprints everything crumbling behind her she lunged forward slipping into the deep end.

With one huge gasps, "Aahhh!-" Cheng Bi Yu emerged from underneath the water she violently coughs steadying her heart she wipes her face then she flings her arm over the tube supporting her head she glanced to her right the last candle momentarily blew out the lights came back on.

Carter violently shakes the door knob knocking on the door, "...Emerson! Open up! You okay in there?!-"

"I'm alright-" Carter sighed in relief hearing her enchanting voice, "...You scared me. You've been in there for sometime so I was worried. Won't you open the door for me-"

Cheng Bi Yu emerged from the tub grasping the scarf tightly she slowly  strides towards the door side stepping the candles she reached for the handle.

Swinging it open she comes face to face with Carter who gawks at her state, "..Geez Em did you take a bath in your clothes?! Come here-" he grasped her wrist leading her towards the closet, "Hand's up-" she obediently obliged as he proceeds to strip her soaking wet clothes he then rubs her down with a towel then pulls his oversized shirt over her frame then tenderly dries her head, "..What were you thinking? You should take better care of yourself and the baby not going around taking baths in clothes-"

Momentarily Cheng Bi Yu cutely sneezed, "Achoo!-" he pursed his lips, "...What am I going to do with you?-"
Cheng Bi Yu smiles, "Love me and love me some more," she did a cute aegyo.

"..Do I have a choice?-" Carter exclaimed gently squeezing her nose, "You'll be the death of me someday-"

Part two (2): Unravel

"...Achoo!-" Cheng Bi Yu quietly sneezed into a tissue her red nose tingled, "...Look at you. You're sure you're up for today?-" Carter glanced over at her, "..I'm fine-" she sniffles pushing away his outstretched palm holding the tissue box.

Cheng Bi Yu tugged a strand of hair behind her ear breathing in the fresh air she rests her palms in her pocket she walks into the station. "..Teddy-" she approached the loyal boyfriend, "..Emerson-" Teddy pulls her into a bone crushing hug refreshed he retracts peering at her face,"...I'm glad you're here-" Cheng Bi Yu folds her arm, "...What did the lawyer say?-" Teddy sighs once her question reached his ear he slumped his shoulders, "-He says the case against her isn't solid but based on the fact that they found her bloodied fingerprints at the scene they can go ahead with the case-"

A elder Tamil speaking couple entered the station their eyes frantically scanning around as they walked further spotting the two youths they approached hugging them both Teddy's eyes widened in surprise at the strange action of Priyanka's parents.

Sadhita Chopra pulled away,
"..Where is my daughter?-" Cheng Bi Yu eyed her confused not able to understand the tamil speaking elder, "..Don't just remain silent child speak-" she tremendously squeezed her arm Cheng Bi Yu cringed from the pressure.

Carter who remained silent standing on the sidelines approached tugging Cheng Bi Yu back from Sadhita's unpleasant hold protectively shielding her.

Cheng Bi Yu gets an idea, "..Poppy help me out here!-"

[[Language speaking skills [Tamil]- (5,0000) does Host wish to obtain [Yes/No]

"..Give it to me-"

[[Transaction complete!- Original score points 90,0000 deducted (5,0000)/ recent points ((85,0000))]]

Teddy was quick to respond assuming perfectly well the latter didn't understand tamil, "...Priyanka's been going through a lot these past few days. I'm sure she'll be overjoyed seeing that you're here-"

"....What happened son?-" a distraught Sadhita turns to her husband finding solace in his warm embrace, "...I mean how did this even happen Khorshed?-" she moans against his chest, "-My daughter would never commit such an evil deed. Never! So why is she being punished? Why my daughter? Why!-" Khorshed comforts his shattered wife.

"...We should go see her now. This way-" everyone followed behind Carter tightly grips Cheng Bi Yu's wrist lightly pulling her behind. Priyanka had just been released from her cell her head was lowered her disheveled hair hid her face her eyes focused on the concrete ground, "..P-priyanka-" hearing the familiar shaken voice Priyanka's neck whipped up her dull soulless moistened her breath got caught in her throat she gasps, "..Mummy-ji,"

Sadhita nods holding back her tears the attendant guard clears her throat her eyes shifted from individual to individual her sharp eyes signaled to her junior, "-Take her inside," her raspy voice sounds through the room the junior guard nods releasing Priyanka from her cuffs she tightly grasps her arm tugging, "..Move!-" she stays rooted in her spot the junior guard sneered forcibly pulling a reluctant Priyanka along, "..Move it!-"

"..Just wait a minute-" Priyanka wrestles against her glancing back every chance she gets with pleading eyes. The senior guard, Sr. Dang clicks her tongue smacking her baton against her callous palm,  "...The prisoner is allowed one visitor each meeting. So who will it be?-"

Cheng Bi Yu grabbed Carter's arm shifting he glances at her she retreats in front, "..If it's okay with you. Let me go in-" Teddy, Carter and Priyanka's parents were taken aback by her perfect tamil.

Sadhita leans off her husband, "..The heck it is I haven't slept in two days worrying about my daughter. I'm her mother I have more rights to see her-" Khorshed holds back his wife, "..Calm down Sadhita this is not the time or place to be quarreling-" Khorshed eyes peered over at Cheng Bi Yu who quickly apologizes to Sadhita, "...I'm sorry if I made you upset it was selfish of me to request such a thing-"

Khorshed shakes his head, "Go ahead don't mind Sadhita. You're Priyanka's best friend you understand her more than anyone else. Just tell her we're here to support her in her difficult time-"

Cheng Bi Yu nods, "..Thank you-" senior guard Dang lowers her baton she scrunched her nose, "..Let's go little miss sunshine-" she obediently follows behind glancing at everyone left behind.

Cheng Bi Yu makes her way near the window where Priyanka was seated her elbows on the table, "..Emerson?-" she sounded surprised when she sat down before her Priyanka looks past Cheng Bi Yu at the locked door her parents peeked through. Her lips curves, "..I begged them to let me see you first-"

"Oh-" Priyanka mumbled Cheng Bi Yu clasps her palms resting them in her lap she lays all her cards on the table, "..I know everything except the main outline," she leaned in, "...Tell me honestly why were you at her apartment?-"

Priyanka loudly exhaled she aggressively runs her fingers through her hair gripping it tight, "...That afternoon I got a weird call saying if I didn't show they'd kill her-"

"Who?!-" Cheng Bi Yu arched her eyebrows, "...I don't know-" she lowers her hands Cheng Bi Yu pressed, "..This caller, was it a man or a woman?-" Priyanka bit her lip she flicks her head back, "It sounded like a man but it could be easily be a woman the background noise was grundy-"

Priyanka picks her ear, "Ayo! Who has the balls to screw me over like this?!-" she smacks her palm smack against her forehead, "I'm royally fucked Em. They told me they found my blood stained clothes earlier today-"

<<<Priyanka recounts the events after she fled the apartment>>>

"Shit! Fuck! You're screwed!-" Priyanka repeatedly cursed pacing back and forth her mind distorted, "..What am I going to do?!-" she harshly smacks herself, "Think! Think! Come on think-" she stops in her tracks, "Wash it out! That's it I'll just wash it out!-" she hysterically laughs stripping.

"...Come out already-" Priyanka madly scrubs her blooded clothes with detergent and bleach the fabric caves in from the vicious attack of brush but the stains and foul smell still rendered, "Fuck this isn't working!-" she angrily smacks the brush against the water creating a splash.

Priyanka rinses out the soaked clothes tossing them into a black plastic bag securely tying the knot she heads out and tossed the bag in the garbage bin on the curb knowing the truck will collect it in the morning taking it to the dump and far away from here.

Priyanka enters the apartment she jolts frightened her eyes bulged like a deer caught in headlights, "..What's with you? You look like you've seen a ghost-" Teddy keenly eyes his disheveled girlfriend he clicks his tongue, "...Did something happen?-"

The cold beads of sweat on her back shizzle Priyanka gulps, "...It's nothing!-" she exclaimed all high-pitched she brushes past him Teddy swiftly grabs her wrist he notes her trembling hand, "You sure?-"

Priyanka paced her breathing less nervous she exclaims, "I'm going to bed now don't disturb me-" she snatched away her wrist walking off. Teddy shrugged his shoulders opening the refrigerator he pursed his lips pulling out a carton of orange juice, "Something's definitely wrong with her I'll just find out more in the morning-" he dunks the carton to his head.


Cheng Bi Yu grasps Priyanka's hand gently rubbing she faintly smiled,"Hang in there. I've got you!-" she peered up her gaze focused ahead, "..I won't quit trying to get you out of here-" Priyanka genuinely smiles resting her other palm on top of her's lightly squeezing, "..Don't take too long I'll be waiting for that day to come-"

"...Times up!-" Senior guard Dang announced approaching she tugs Priyanka to her feet, "-Don't let me down Em!-" she exclaimed while being forcibly dragged away, "-I won't!-" Cheng Bi Yu folds her palm.

"...Here for your cold-" Carter hands her a small white plastic bag with cough medicines her lips thinned,"..Thanks love," she rested them to the side, "You seem distracted? Something happened with Priyanka?-" he asked concerned because his girlfriend spaced out she bit her lip, "...It's nothing she said. It's what she didn't say-"

Before Carter could even comprehend Cheng Bi Yu blurts out,
"Stop here!-" Carter abruptly pressed the brakes coming to a halt Cheng Bi Yu flings off her seatbelt getting out she leaned over, "There's something I need to do meet you back at the apartment," Cheng Bi Yu departs from Carter who looks on at her retreating figure appalled.

"I need to see your video recordings on the first floor," Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed leaning against the front desk the manager looks at her apalled, "...We can't do that miss. I'm sure you're aware of our confidentiality policy-" The poised yet overly ignorant Lee Tai-hua adjusts his badge a plastic smile displayed on his thin lips, "If you wish to overwrite then you'll need a warrant without said warrant I'm afraid I can't participate in your investigation-"

"..Thanks you've been a complete help," Cheng Bi Yu sarcastically remarks dissatisfied by the hotel manager's uncooperativeness, "..It's a pleasure to be of assistance if you'll excuse me-" Lee Tai-hua walks off answering his mobile.

"..Assistance my foot-" she huffed stomping her feet Cheng Bi Yu then rammage through her purse searching for her mobile she dials a familiar number she brings it to her ear the other line opens, "...I need a favour-" she rushed she smirks glancing over to the arrogant Lee Tai-hua, "..Something I'm sure you'll easily manage-"

Lee Tai-hua looked on mortified once he spots four very familiar faces, "Mr. Lee long time no see-" Gang Wei Yuan exclaims puffing his cigarette, "...This place looks good no-" he drops the cigarette stepping on the bud Lee Tai-hua cringed at his action his right eye twitched.

"..What brings you here Mr. Gang-" Lee Tai-hua asked curious at the sudden turn up Gang Wei Yuan casually rested his hands in his blue pants pocket he dramatically exhaled, "Business that's all I seem to do these days. I'm here to collect your debt you've been three months behind on your gambling repayments-"

Lee Tai-hua eyes bulged as he stepped forward, "..But Mr. Kang had given me an extension-" Gang Wei Yuan soulless eyes darkened he puffed a laugh, "You know how boss is he easily changes his mind today he remembered-"

"You can't do this to me!-" Lee Tai-hua shouts causing quite the scene Gang Wei Yuan glared at the onlookers who scrambled away painfully scorched by his demon red lazers turning back to the violently trembling hotel manager he snaps his finger, "Park Qi Ru you sweep out the items of significant value-" the said youth stepped forward.

"Spike, Pinhead ensure that Mr. Lee leads you to his office there's still business we have to discuss-" the two nod cracking their knuckles and creaking their necks, "Yes boss-" they strode forward Lee Tai-hua takes cautioned steps back the men rushed hooking their arms under his arm they effortlessly hoisted him off the ground

The rest of men who tailed along today entered standing behind Gang Wei Yuan, "...The rest of you redecorate I'm sure Mr. Lee will appreciate your efforts-" he cleaned out his nail, "Get cracking!-" he walks off behind Spike and Pinhead.

"You heard him boys!-" Spec smacks his baseball bat against his palm, "Batter up!-" he along with the others released their rampage.

Lee Tai-hua's eyes doubled in size as he watched on mortified, "...You can't do this are you crazy?! This isn't even my hotel! You're going to make me lose my job. Stop already!- he struggles against their hold, "I'll do anything just stop this! Tell your men to back down they're destroying the entire hotel for God sakes!-"

Gang Wei Yuan flicks his wrist gesturing his men Spike and Pinhead dropped Lee Tai-hua the terrified hotel manager hissed rubbing his bum Park Qi Ru swung open the door Cheng Bi Yu casually struts over, "You?-" his face held confusion her lips flattened, "Yep me again-" his complacent eyes dart to Gang Wei Yuan.

Gang Wei Yuan flips the blade in his hand grazing his fingertip, "...Here's the deal Mr. Kang is willing to overlook your snail rate in payments if and only if you cooperate with Ms. Chao-" he turns back to Cheng Bi Yu, "..What do you want?-" she smiled, "Access to your security feed-"

Lee Tai-hua stands, "..Then follow me-" he led them to the sealed off security room, "Look for feeds taken on the between 1 to 5 am-" she instructs Lee Tai-hua busily types away, "And done-" he exclaims the feeds of that morning plays fast forwarding it shows when Priyanka arrived and when she laughed the frightened woman looked up at the camera spooked then it fast forwards again, "Stop! Pause right here-" the image stilled on the black-hooded figure he stood out the door, "..Run the tape-" it fast forwards to when the person exits with a garbage bag in their hand, "And pause-" the feeds image was grainy.

Lee Tai-hua squints his eyes leaning forward, "..By the looks of it this small figure belongs to a woman-" he zoomed in enhancing the hooded figures exposed hand, "...There's no way small hands like that belong to a man-" Cheng Bi Yu silently stares at the still image, "Good job-" she pats his shoulder.

"I'm afraid I'm going to need one more thing-" Lee Tai-hua spins around in his chair, "I'm going to need a room, twelve candles not just any candle, red candles and a fresh change of clothes-"

Lee Tai-hua found her request strangely specific along with the others who dared not wag their tongues Cheng Bi Yu grips his shoulders lightly shaking, "-Don't ask don't think just do-" he nods Cheng Bi Yu then adds, "Send up some sweets too I've got quite the sweet tooth-"

"What are you waiting for! Get to it!-" Gang Wei Yuan barks like a army sergeant Lee Tai-hua alarmed jolts jolts to his feet pulling his phone from his waist.

Gang Wei Yuan's phone rings he fetched it from his inner jacket pocket he brings it to his ear, "It's got you-" he outstretched his palm towards Cheng Bi Yu Monte's raspy voice was heard from the other end, "...I trust everything's going smoothly-"

Cheng Bi Yu smiles, "..Just as expected. Thanks again you've been a real chap-" Monte smirks, "..Why not thank me over dinner?-" Cheng Bi Yu paused she then deeply exhaled, "Dinner between friends or something else?-" Monte softly chuckles, "What do you think?-"

Cheng Bi Yu lips curved, "..I think you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm a happily taken woman besides I'm sure you have many woman at your beck and call. Forget me.This is the last time we do business." Park Qi Ru enters with a bouquet in his hand he outstretched it towards Cheng Bi Yu she clutched the phone,"..Thanks for flowers. Goodbye Monte-" she hung up handing over the mobile back to Gang Wei Yuan she observes the bouquet momentarily before tossing it to Lee Tai-hua who caught it looking back at her surprised, "For your troubles-"

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