distance๐Ÿ–ค - mattia polibio

By astromanii

389K 8.8K 4.5K

mattia is invited to your school as an exchange student and you're picked to be his guide for the month in wh... More

"hey im y/n"
"not everyone's an asshole"
"no no , i want to"
"mattia what the hell"
"where are we going?"
"i didn't want to believe it"
"we overslept stfu"
"say something please"
"as long as you don't distract me"
" i think we make a good trio"
"i'm always going to be here"
"are you okay?"
"DONT ever touch her again"
"i love you"
"you wanna go?"
"where the fuck is mattia?"
"wait i forgot"
"move bitch it's our turn"
"how do you notice these things?"
"shh it's okay"
"YOU were ignoring me"
"soulmate telepathy"
"i have one more present for you"
"you never turn the comments off"
"mattia, truth or dare?"
"how do we tell them?"
"jokes on you , this is your home now"
"say it"
"nope. we're going to the park"
"what were you thinking!?"
"why did we have to stopp"
"mm i dont think so"
"i love every inch of you"
"okay shrimp dick"
"i promise it will happen"
"stop it"
"i'll be with you the whole time"
"you said you wanted to be alone"
"i don't want tonight to be ruined"
"give me an answer"
"i love him too"
"i'll see how i feel"
"watch the movie, weirdo"
"are you off the live?"
"im gonna steal them from you"
"no one's allowed to hit my man"
"i can help fix that"
"best friends?"
"he's so stupid ong"
"i don't think i will"
"she was right though"
"maybe 2 hours"
character filler
"we can make it work right"
"same for you dino"
"i can't forget that"
"i wasn't trying to start anything"
"gotta be safe"
"i hate this so much"
"i'll drive"
"another time baby"
"no idea"
"just go away"
"neither did you"
"i want us to fix this"
"stop playing"
"but it's been so long"
"happy new year!"
"yeah, if you want to"
"no, were they cute?"
"but how do you know that?"
"this is why i love you"
"then why are you here?"
"i have to go"
"leave to go where?"
"you open it"
"hey buddy"
"why are you still here?"
"now we gotta test it"
"well, uh"
"yall hear sum??"
"okay, open"
"let it go to voicemail"
"good to know"
"i need you with me"
"what if i leave and he wakes up?"
"what did i say"
"complete control"
"close your eyes"
"i love you y/n polibio"
"wait is this real-"
"what did you do?"
"say yours first"
"she's perfect"
"what about my kiss?"
"i'm so lucky"
"daddy can you help me?"
new book

"he kissed me"

3.3K 78 39
By astromanii


I woke up and looked over and saw mattia come out of the bathroom.

"morning baby" he said coming over to kiss me.

"morning tia" i replied as i got up and made the bed. i went to the bathroom and showered and shaved for the party and changed into some joggers and a baggy t shirt. I came out and mattia was on the bed pulling on his hoodie. We went downstairs and made some waffles for breakfast and then jemma came down and made us coffee and we ate together and talked.

"what are you wearing for the party?" i asked jemma.

"actually i ordered a new dress and it came yesterday and i literally love it" she said.

"angel or demon?" i asked.

"demon" she replied smirking at me.

"that's hot" i said and mattia elbowed me and we started laughing.

"mattia are you going to be a demon" jem asked.


"that's good ! you won't need to find a costume then" she said and he flipped her off and we laughed.

After we ate , we went upstairs and me and mattia watched some netflix and jemma went to her room and face timed kai and help him put an outfit together. 

We kept ourselves busy until around 5pm and me and jemma decided to start getting ready in her room. We did our make up and got dressed.



We face timed naomi because she was getting ready at ale's house and this is what she was wearing:

I walked back into my room to get my perfume and i opened the door and my jaw dropped when i saw mattia. don't get me wrong , he always looks good but today he looked extra good.

"holy shit" we say at the same time as our eyes study each other.

"you're so fucking beautiful oh my god" he said as his hands reached for my waist. he rubbed my sides gently and i gave him a kiss.

"you're hot" i said and he smiled. he was wearing black jeans and a red button down shirt , with the first 2 buttons undone. 

"are you ready to leave?" he asked and i nodded and got my stuff and we all went to the car to pick everyone else up. this time jemma sat in kai's lap because they were past the innocent stage of their relationship but mattia's a good driver so there wasn't much sudden movement unlike when ale drives. We pulled up to jaden's house and mattia took my hand and we walked inside. There was about 20 people and we made our way to the living room when a girl came running over to us. she was really pretty , she had long brown hair and bright green eyes and small dimples. 

"hi mattia!" she said hugging him.

"hey , dani this is my girlfriend y/n , y/n this is my friend danielle." he introduced us and she smiled at me.

"hi danielle , it's nice to meet you" i said , smiling back at her. We spoke for a couple minutes until i went to find naomi and jemma in the kitchen.

"want a drink?" naomi asked me.

"no i'm good , i think i'm going to find jaden" i told them and i went out into the garden and found him with jason.

"hey guys" i said and jaden pulled me into a hug and jason smiled at me.

"hey you look nice" jaden said.

"thank you , i wanted to represent the angel community well." i said and he laughed.

"has ava showed up?" i asked and he shook his head.

"i don't think she will be. we broke up" he told me and i sighed.

"oh no, i'm sorry. today's to celebrate your success , don't think about her"  

We sat and talked for a while until we went into the living room and everyone was starting the countdown. 











"YAAAAYYYY" everyone screamed as the song started playing and we saw all the views and likes going up. I gave jaden a long hug and smiled at him.

"i'm proud of you j" i said.

"it means a lot . thank you" he replied and we started to singing to the song.









We were having so much fun screaming the lyrics and dancing and everyone was vibing to his song. it was magical. i felt a pair of hands spin me around and i saw mattia and he smiled and pulled me into a kiss.

"you're such a cute rockstar" he said and i laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me into a warm hug. We were just singing together when ava came over. 

"hey mattia , do you wanna hang out with me outside , it's too loud in here" she said.

"i'm okay here with y/n right now" he said and she just looked at him.

"i thought you weren't coming" i said , politely.

"i didn't come for jaden , i came to see my other friends. kenzie was meant to come too but she had another party to go to" she said , faking a smile. "anyway mattia , i'll be waiting for you outside" she said , playing with her hair.

"stay waiting" he said and he kissed me right in front of her and she scoffed and walked off. i smiled at him and we carried on dancing and singing until we got thirsty and decided to get a drink. I poured some lemonade and mattia poured some fanta for himself but ava came and aCIdENtLy walked into him and spilt it so i turned away from my drink and helped him clean up the counter. We took our drinks outside and i drank mine and felt funny but i ignored it because it wasn't anything to worry about. I started feeling really hot so i told mattia i was going to the bathroom to cool off. 

"do you want me to come" he asked and i started feeling dizzy so i didn't have time to answer his question. i ran into the house and i wasn't really aware of where i was going but i managed to find a quiet room to sit down. I was sweating a lot at this point and everything was a bunch of bright colours and nothing seemed right. the door opened and i saw a figure walking towards me.

"mattia?" i asked and the guy stopped.

"uh yeah , are you okay" he sounded different but i was too lost to completely notice.

"i feel dizzy , can you help me up" i asked and he came and put his jacket on the bed and sat next to me.



"can u help me to the bathroom" i repeated. my palms were extremely sweaty at this point and i could barely breathe consistently.

"no but i can do this" he said and i felt his lips on mine and i was confused because i was clearly not okay but he was kissing me. 

"what are you doing , i don't feel good" i said pulling away from him.

"just trust me" he said and his lips were back on mine and his hand was rubbing my leg, but it wasn't nice. this kiss was felt weird so i pulled away again.

"stop pulling away and kiss me" he said angrily. By now i was so close to passing out and him getting mad at me wasn't helping. i still couldn't see his face and my breathing was increasing. i heard someone shout my name from down the corridor but i couldn't make out who it was. he heard it as well and ran out the room , leaving me alone and scared. i laid my head down on the sofa next to me , trying my best to keep myself awake. All of a sudden the door flew open and the light turned on and 6 people were surrounding me , but i couldn't make out who was who.

"y/n baby listen to me " i recognised the voice and my heart sunk. i felt myself being sat up and someone was holding a water bottle to my lips and i sipped the water and after a few minutes i felt my vision slowly coming back. i opened my eyes and squinted due to the sudden light.

"hey hey she's waking up" i heard a girls voice say. i looked and saw mattia , jemma , naomi , danielle , ale and kairi all looking at me. 

"baby come here" mattia said pulling me into his arms and i buried my head in his chest and stroked my hair and calmed me down. Danielle gave me more water and jemma was rubbing my back.

"i'm so so sorry i took so long , you said you were going to the bathroom so i went after you but you weren't in any of the bathrooms." he said and all i could think about was who the guy was that came in because it definitely wasn't mattia. we were kissing. i felt sick at the realisation that it wasn't mattia. 

"you're shivering , wear this" mattia said giving me the hoodie he bought with him. i hadn't realised that all the heat i was feeling had turned into cold until he said it. 

"dani said she saw ava spike your drink when you were helping me clean up the spill" he told me , that makes sense.

"thank you" i said to her , giving her a smile.

"i'm sorry i didn't realise it was your drink she put it in until mattia said you felt weird after you drank it"

"hey don't worry about it , im feeling better now" i replied and she smiled back at me and gave me more water.

"how is she guys" jaden said , walking into the room with some food and another bottle of water.

"better" naomi said and he came and sat next to them.

"whose jacket is this?" jaden said picking up a black jacket from the bed. i shuddered as i remembered there was another unknown person who was in the room with me. who kissed me. They all turned to look at me and i took a deep breath.

"someone came in here .. when i was starting to feel dizzy but i couldn't see who he was" i said quietly and i felt mattia tense slightly at the 'he'.

"did he say anything to you?" ale asked. my palms started sweating again which was strange because i was still really cold. i didn't know what to say. 

"can i um talk to jemma" i asked and they all got up and mattia kissed my head before they all left the room.

"what happened?" she asked , and i broke down into tears. i don't usually cry so it was a little shock to her but she instantly hugged me and i cried into her shoulder until i needed to catch my breath. i felt so guilty but it wasn't even my fault. 

"take your time , im here" she said , while wiping my eyes.

"the guy who came in... he told me he was mattia.. and i- i believed him" i said stuttering and shaking.

"y/n breathe it's going to be okay. what did he do?"

"i asked him to take me to the bathroom because i could barely stand and i couldn't see anything..and he...he kissed me" i said and her eyes went wide.

"oh shit , then what happened?" 

"i pulled away because it felt weird but then he started rubbing my leg and he kissed me again and i pulled away because i was confused as to why he was kissing me when i just asked him to help m to the bathroom and he got angry at me" 

"did he hurt you?!"

"no but he heard you guys calling my name and then he ran out the room" i told her and she hugged me.

"im sorry that happened y/n. do we have any idea who he was?" 

"i can't remember anything apart from he was a terrible kisser" i said and she let out a small laugh.

"you know you have to tell mattia right"

"i know but i don't want him to hate me" i said and she shook her head.

"that boy is too in love with you to ever hate you , he'll know it wasn't your fault" she said , which reassured me a little. 

"i think i'll tell him tomorrow. i can't deal with all of that right now" i said and she agreed.

"i'll ask jaden if he knew any weird guys that came" she said and i nodded.

We got up and went to find the group and saw them all sitting in the living room , everyone else had gone home. mattia sat up when he saw me and pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. We decided to go home and jemma spoke to jaden without the others knowing but i would just wait till tomorrow to know what he said. We got home and mattia helped me take off my make up and got me comfy clothes to wear and i fell asleep straight away.

A/N- well that was an interesting chapter to write 👀 i hope you guys liked it. also ive seen a couple people asking me to make mattia cheat but i really dont think it would work in the story because I've made him against cheating from the begining so i don't think it would make sense for me to make him cheat. Also I've read a lot of stories where he cheats which are great stories but i just wouldn't want to do that in my story. I hope you guys can see where im coming from. love you all 💞

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