The Spectacular Spider-Man: R...

By TheTypingAvocado

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This is my revival series (ROUGH DRAFT) for the show, The Spectacular Spider-Man, written by me, THETYPINGAVO... More

NO-MORE: The Misfortune of Peter B. Parker
FALL-OUT: The Misfortune of Harry Osborn


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By TheTypingAvocado

Daze (Chapter 7)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters.

Trust Issues - Somewhere in New York

Back during a chilly evening in New York, running into someone you used to work with, was kinda awkward, and a tension filled encounter, especially for Felicia Hardy, or the Black Cat.

"Of all the people I thought I'd see today, you're the last person I'd expect," Spider-Man admitted to her.

"Why'd you say that?" Black Cat curiously purred.

"Well, last time... nevermind..."

She remembered what happened last time. Every single second of their team up. But Spidey was in the way of freeing her father, and that's something she couldn't forgive.

"You don't sound very cherry?"

"Being wanted for arrest isn't the best feeling and the fact that I got beat by this green dude with a tail."

"Wait, the green dude with a tail?"

"Yeah... do you know about him?"

"They've dubbed him the Scorpion"

"Well, that name fits him well."

"There's been whispers from Tinkerer about this project, for someone big"

"Wait... you're talking about another Big Man of Crime. How? All the crime lords of New York, from the Master Planner, Tombstone, Silver-Mane to The Goblin, they're all gone!"

"So you've taken out his competition. Now he's bigger than any of those Crime lords, even-"

"Tombstone?! No that's not possible..."

"Spider, he's the biggest of them all. He's the biggest threat to take the city," she emphasized.

"Does this guy have a name?"

"His men have been secretive, but when a cat claws away at the yarn, it unravels..."

"Unravel, how exactly?"

"One of his choked on the yarn and unraveled his name... Kingpin."

"Kingpin? Gotta admit better name than Tombstone. But it'll be fun beating this guy."

"Careful there, Spider. You're just a little spider caught up in a larger web."

"I know this guy is dangerous-"

"No, he's more than that. He has... everyone in his pocket, from the cops to well-trained assassins. And if he ever gets a peek under that mask of yours, he'll come after everyone you've ever cared about."

"That's why those cops are after me?" he asked.

"Mhmm, his influence's spread like wildfire."

"Well... thanks for the info Cat, this helps."

"Don't mention it."

"You know, i-if you ever want to take this guy down together... you know where to-" He turned around to see nobody beside him. She vanished into the night.

"Find me," he muttered to himself.

The Black Cat sneaked away from the wall crawler, barely hanging on the ledge of the building. She remembered the last time she interacted with Spider-man, which wasn't the best memory. But she had this weird connection with Spider-Man, borderline intimate yet knowing nothing about each other.

But she needed him to bite the bait that she'd set.

She discreetly dialed up the man behind the trap, "The trap's set... he's coming for you, Fisk."

"Very Good Ms. Hardy, you've done a noble thing for my operation"

"Yeah whatever, just don't kill him, the Spider means well, Fisk"

"If that were the case, New York would heal, not tearing itself apart because of him... ahem anyway, I promised your father safe passage out of Rykers"

"You gonna get him out?"

"I have my resources in that prison, to make sure that happens, Ms. Hardy," he assured.

"This better be worth it, Fisk, or else, Spider-Man isn't the only one coming for you," she hissed at him and immediately ended the call.

She didn't know what she did, but Fisk promised something that she has been wanting for most of her life, her father. Even though she had her chance, months ago, a spider got in the way, and left Felicia's dad to rot in prison.

But something didn't feel right with Felicia. Working for The Kingpin felt like taking a mud bath with pigs. Doing the dirty work that benefits him. And some of that dirty work would hurt others.

Although she'd certainly benefit from it as well. Nothing mattered to her... all she wanted was her father home with her.

Freaky Friday Night - Midtown Manhattan Magnet High School

Although, during that moment, Black Cat's choice to work for Fisk was in a moral daze. Confusion was the right word to describe how she felt, witnessing panicked children rushing out of the school, because of what they've done.

Was it the guilt that convicted her? Or that she was in highschool, not so long ago, and a situation like this would freak her out! Why not both?

She remembered her highschool experiences were crazy weird, but nothing like this!

Intruders attack at a school, because of a kid, who has dirt on your boss, doesn't sound like a normal homecoming night.

And everything was in a smokey daze, that rushed into the hallways, and reached, inevitably, the gym. Unfortunately, those gym doors were wide open, so there was nothing to stop the spread. And they could see nothing, only hear the dreadful blasts from the Shocker. But with the Black Cat's goggles, it enhanced her sight, seeing through the smoke. But what she saw was utter chaos.

Students in the gym were running left and right when they heard the two intruders attacking their school. But they had no clue where they're going, with all that smoke in their eyes.

Then the sound of Shocker's blast rang throughout the gym. His reckless blasts caused ceiling speakers to tremble and fall.

And all hell broke loose.

Pieces of the ceiling thunderously fell on the gym floor.

The ceiling lights became unwired and detached, and enormous pieces of the scoreboard dropped on the students.

Large speakers hurled down to the floor.

Lights flickered.

Large white beams collapsed to the floor. And unfortunately, there were students in the impact zone. And the debris abruptly fell on several kids. It felt like asteroids were crashing on the earth's surface. Large objects falling from the sky, crushing the souls of the innocent, sounds like an asteroid shower.

Actually, that's a stretch, hormonal teenagers are not innocent.

But they can act like helpless infants, when large equipment falls on top of them. It's understandable why they are frightened, scared to death, cause they might actually die.

Then one student clumsily tripped in front of her, face hitting the floor. Then when he saw her, standing in front of him, felt trapped. So he covered his head, and curled into a fetus, like a turtle, hiding in their shell. He didn't fit the description of Hobie Brown, but he was in major trouble. Debris fell from the sky, and that kid felt trapped, scared to move. But the silver haired individual held out her hand, reaching out to the boy.

The boy looked up at her forest green eyes, frightened at first glance. But her hand reached out for him, with no intent to hurt him.
"It's okay, handsome... I'm not gonna bite. Promise."

The kid took her word for it and held onto her hand and rose from the ground. He immediately darted for the exit without a single thought.

"C'mon Montana, let's go... catching Brown is a lost cause. Kingpin's not gonna like the news's attention," she commented. Shocker agreed, and they fled, running up the stairs.

'Oh boy, the big man's not gonna like this'

Then Peter zoned out for a hot second once he heard a familiar feline voice echo in the hallway. It sounded like a familiar feline he occasionally worked with... and ran into many instances, The Black Cat.

"What! Why is Cat here? S-she never worked with Shocker before or any of Fisk's goons before," he murmured to himself.

Then the sound of students screaming interrupted his train of thought.

"PLEASE HELP US! HELP US! HELP! ANYONE!" several students screamed from underneath the fallen debris. They breathed heavily as the debris felt heavier on them every second that passed by.

'T-they need my help... THEY NEED MY HELP!' He hurried over through the embers and gripped the heavy debris that was on top of the students. The geek mustered up all his strength.

"AHHH!!!" Peter exclaimed as he tried to get a grip on the debris. It took a while to budge, but he finally got a grip on it and threw it off to the side.

The students' jaws dropped when they saw the kid who saved them from their imminent demise, was the king of the geek squad. They never thought Peter Parker had strength like that. Who wouldn't be surprised? The geek of highschool may have saved their lives based on shear strength.

"WHOA PARKER! That's you?" Flash exclaimed.

"Uh yeah... I-uh work out, once or twice a week"

"No time for talking dude, Sally's hurt... gotta get her outta here"

"Oh right, make sure you get her to medical attention"

"Thanks Parker, owe you one big time," Flash thanked. Peter helped them get up from the rubble, so they could rush outta the building.

'Oh crap! What did I just do!'

'C'mon Parker, you did what you had to do to save Sally... even though she may not like you, you'd no other choice except doing the right thing... Right?'

"C'mon, Petey, let's get outta here!" Liz hurriedly grabbed his hand and rushed him out the doors.

'Gotta say, this wasn't how I envisioned my Friday night going,' Peter mentioned to himself.

Paranoia - Midtown Police Precinct

10 minutes earlier...

It was already a hectic day at the precinct. So many officers going in and out of the building, patrolling throughout the crime-loaded streets of New York, especially the Hell's Kitchen Neighborhood.

Earlier in the month, several local tenants reported of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, saving them from muggers at night. And also reporting that he beat the ever crap out of those muggers, which definitely left a brutal mark. So the police wanted to look out for the vigilante and arrest him, any chance they get. Even though, for some cops, they thought he was making their jobs easier.

But lately this week, no reports of him... which left officers to search for other cases.

And lucky for them, since the red-blue suit hero retired, nightly crimes have risen three times the normal rate, leaving police to chase all over the city for those criminals. And running all over the place was exhausting, so of course they need a break, especially the likes of Captain George Stacy. However, right as he finally sat down, he received another alert, "Captain Stacy, we have a situation."

"Where?" He urgently asked and rose from his seat.

"Midtown Manhattan Magnet High is under attack!"

"Goodness, Gwen, she's there for the dance. C'mon let's move, Carter, Dewolff, you're with me," he commanded and motioned them to their cars.

"Wait, Midtown? My sons are there as well," an officer mentioned.

"You want to come along, Officer?..."

"Davis. Jefferson Davis, sir"

"New here... well then, you and me, Officer Davis. Carter, Dewolff in another car. Let's get to it!"

They rushed into their patrol cars and raced to the school, bursting past all the traffic lights and civilian cars. Especially Captain Stacy's car... no parent wants to hear that their kid's school was under attack by some megalomaniacs. And Jefferson Davis wasn't too ecstatic to hear that it could hurt his son because of this attack.

"Officer, Davis... is it? When'd you transfer to the Manhattan's district?"

"I-I was in Brooklyn's district for a while, then over the summer, I transferred down here."

"You like it down here?"

"I-I'm not sure at the moment, Cap"

"I've been in this situation before, Officer... but my best advice to calm down"

"How'd I do that?! If both my sons are in danger, nothing's going to keep me calm"

"Davis, it's going to be alright. Your son's going to be safe"

"You sure about that, Captain Stacy"

"Those words calm me down and keep me focused. And the worst thing to do on the force is to panic... leads to stupid decisions, which leads to recklessness... then later you know it, we got another casualty on our hands. Got it, Davis"

"Got it," he lowly uttered.

That felt like the fastest drive once they finally arrived at the school. Other patrol cars followed and immediately rushed out of their cars and into the school. From their view, it appeared as if the school was untouched. But once they saw injured kids come through those doors, they knew the situation was serious.

Kids' faces, covered with sweat, dirt and tears falling from their face. Their coughing went to a point where it hurt, straining their throats.

Some kids limped out of there alone, while others needed someone to hold on to. They're petrified, traumatized by the sight of the attacker.

Although, months earlier, Venom attacked the school, they were never the primary targets... but this attack felt different. Felt like a reckless act of violence.

Captain George Stacy panicked, shivers sent down his spine and all... knowing to try his best to suppress it. He helped any student he could, while his eyes searched for Gwen.


The police captain kept seeing grim images of injured and panicked high-schoolers rushing past him.

"DAD?!" These images of children spiked his worries, till he heard his daughter call for him. She left Mary Jane's and Glory's side and rushed over to him and embraced him as tight as she could, probably squeezing a rib or two.

"Gwen! Honey, you're alright!"

"I'm fine, dad, but everyone else needs help"

"I'll get everyone else help, young lady, you go in the car"

"Captain, please help me find my sons," Jefferson pleaded.
"Okay, Officer Davis... I'll help, but I also need to help these kids"

Then more students came out of the school, especially the likes of Sally, Flash, Sha Shan, and Rand. Moments after, Peter and Liz made it out of the building, and a couple more students escaped. Then no one came out.

More police officers raided through the doors of the school to see if there's any survivors left behind.

"Kids, have you seen my sons?!"



"Saw Miles earlier, but I didn't see him leave," one student mentioned.

Right before he ran inside the school, he heard a familiar voice, "Dad?!"

Jefferson turned to see his son, Miles appear in front of him, "Oh Miles, you're here... where's Hobie."

"Don't dad, I tried finding him, but kids said that he was getting chased by the attackers"

"Oh goodness, Hobie. Where could've he gone?"
Liz's attention diverted when she witnessed Sally's body laid on that retched stretcher. She never imagined in all her life that she'd see her best friend being on a stretcher. Heck, they only thought that this could be possible when they eventually perished, seconds apart, as they hoped. But Liz grew worried for her friend, seeing her being wheeled into the ambulance haunted her.

What if she didn't make it out? What if she could never say goodbye to Sally? What if ?...

But Liz snapped out of those possibilities. She didn't want to picture any of that in her head, it's too painful. She turned to Peter, and softly requested, "Petey, come with me to Manhattan General, please? I need to check on Sally and... I know you two don't have the best relationship and-"

"Alright, I'll go with you! Plus, I don't think it's safe to walk alone, especially after tonight," he agreed with her request, leading to a small smile on her face.

Fisk Community Center

As the guests were having a good time at the party, drinking away with the champagne, business was inevitable, especially during a busy Friday night.

His buzzing phone interrupted Fisk's associate, James Wesley's fun night. He excused himself and discretely answered the phone.

"What is it?"

"We have here a problem!" Shocker admitted on the call.

"Did you handle Brown?"

"Nah. He kept moving like crazy, now we got witnesses"

Wesley took a deep breath to ease his frustrations with the two. He didn't want to let his calm demeanor down because of a mishap.

"We said, keep it under the radar," Wesley emphasized.

"It's too late for that, ain't it?"

"Any law enforcement coming?"

"Not sure... wouldn't doubt it. Gotta get us outta here, Wesley"

"Alright then, we'll send a copter to pick both of you up... we'll deal with you later," he infuriatingly ended the call. He knew his boss wouldn't like that they didn't finish the job. Then he sought for Wilson through the crowds of guests, and pulled Wilson aside from any of his guests, "Sir, we have a situation."

Fisk sounded concerned, "What is it?"

His associate explained, "It looks like Black Cat and Shocker have drawn too much attention to themselves and officers are on the way."

"That's unfortunate, but did they at least get Brown?"

"No, sir"

Immediately Fisk got infuriated by the news he's told. He gave those two hooligans only one job, and they still screwed up.

"Get them out of there now! Tell officers, if they see Mr. Brown, put a bullet in him," the Kingpin ordered.

"On it, sir." Wesley immediately went to action, pulling some strings to do what the situation needed.

A few moments later, the helicopter that was sent, landed on top of the rough turf of the football field.

"There's our ticket out! C'mon Cat, let's get going outta here. Wait-"

Montana turned around to see no snow-haired woman beside him, which confused him. He took a moment to search around for his accomplice, till he heard more of the thunderous police sirens, roaring down the streets.

"Gotta go... without her, I guess. Man, Fisk ain't gonna like this," he mentioned as he climbed the ladder as the helicopter flew above the burning school.

Manhattan General Hospital

Everything felt like chaos once Peter entered through those automatic doors. Many medical workers rushed past him, wheeling his classmates into the hospital. So many of them, rushing back and forth, back and forth, and the cycle continued. Everything around him went so fast. People rushing left and right. It was all a hectic blur, making him nauseous. Then he saw some of those students, unconscious, barely holding on to dear life, while nurses checked other students like Rand, and Flash, to ensure that there weren't more external injuries.

Don't know what intensified Peter's headache more, the exposure to thick smoke and dust, or the exposure to the guilt he put upon himself, by witnessing all these hurt people and their worried families.

'None of this would've happened if Spider-Man was there. Midtown would've been safe, and Shocker and Black Cat would be in a cell. He could've had a fun night, with his friends, with Liz... but it didn't happen.

Sometimes you wish you could change the past, prevent yourself from making that very mistake, but you can't, unfortunately-

NO NO NO! I'm happy with the life I'm living right now!

I'm finally happy, for once! And I'm happy with my choice!' It felt like his thoughts were arguing with each other, like an old married couple.

He had to sit down, or else his head would explode.

Everything was a daze... a muddled pool of right, wrong, and swirled in there was guilt. Doesn't sound like the greatest drink in the world. But it was all confusing and irritating.

Why can't he have what he wanted?

Suddenly, Liz softly called out to him, "Petey." She sat down next to him, with tears in her eyes as she leaned her head on Peter's shoulder.

"This wasn't the way I thought this night would go, Petey"

"Feelings mutual"

"Like Sally's going to surgery right now, Flash and Rand's arms broke... and our gym's destroyed... everything's ruined today"

Immediately, Peter went to comfort her, wrapping his arms around her. He held her close as her tears fell from her face. She felt like the world ended that night, with hellfire reigning from the sky.

"You know Petey, when I saw the school from afar, it looked like nothing happened. But inside, it was like Mark torched the place," her chin rested on his shoulder.

"I don't think Mark would-"

"I've seen him throw lava balls at you, anything's possible. And I haven't been able to call in prison, cause of behavioral issues," Liz sadly explained. She pulled away from his embrace and rested her head on his shoulder. His date sniffled and breathed stagnantly, while her head laid on the shoulder.

'This is all your fault, Parker! Wait, no!

You made your choice, to live your own life... gotta deal with the consequences.


That's a horrible thing to say!

Well, it's true, right?' All these thoughts rushed into his head, like they were guilting him.

Then his phone buzzed in his pocket, so he wiggled it out of it, and saw a text message from his Aunt.

'Peter, are you alright? I saw on the news what happened. Please come home.' - Aunt May

'CRAP! She's getting worried, and I kept her waiting. Wait, it's only 8:49, I can stay a little longer, Liz needs me... no wait, Aunt May needs me home... C'mon Parker, DECIDE!'

But how could he leave his date, Ms. Liz Allan? He knew it would be an awful choice if he'd leave her in her current state of worry. She's especially frantic and anxiety ridden for her best friend, Sally Avril.

But he also knew he needed to make it home, or else his Aunt would start worrying. HECK! She's probably worried already by watching the news.

Peter's in a bind that he didn't know the best way to get out of. 'Neither way, I'm screwed!'

"Uh-Liz," he softly called for her attention. Her large, amber eyes turned to him, and gave him the 'puppy eyes.' Dammit!

It was like a weakness to Peter, especially if it's a fairly attractive woman. It was paralyzing... especially for a hormonal teenager.

"Liz, I-I um, gotta go... my Aunt's gonna kill me i-if I'm late..." his words stammered.

"Petey! Please... stay. I need you right now. Please," she reached for his hand as she pleaded.

His eyes and his speech stammered, "I-I uh... ahem. I can't. My Aunt will worry." He rose off his seat. "You don't deserve this," he added.

"Petey..." she softly mouthed as he left.

He headed for the exits of Manhattan General, with the guilt chasing after him.

'Great! She's gonna hate me again!' he sighed to himself.

Parker's Residence

A worried Aunt May paced around the living room and fidgeted with her fingers. The news was in the background, informing about any developments of the school attack.

'DING DONG' the doorbell sounded.

She quickly opened the front door, to see her nephew. He appeared unkempt and smelled like he's been smoking. But that's none of her concerns at that moment. He was home, and that's all that mattered.

"Oh my, are you alright, Dear? I heard what happened on the news," His Aunt pulled him into a warm hug, relieved that he's okay.
"I'm fine, Aunt May... probably just a bruise, that's all"

"A BRUISE?! We must put ice on that"

"No need to panic, Aunt May, it's minor"

"Well, what about your classmates? Oh my, is your date okay?"

"She's... fine. She's just waiting for her friend in the hospital"

"Oh my! I can't believe lunatics would attack a school dance? Who would do such an act?"

Peter sat there, silent, knowing exactly who did such an act.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Spider-Man could've stopped these... people from destroying the school. But we drove him away," she added.

"He couldn't stop them, Aunt May"

"I believe that man could. I've seen him take on 6 men at once"

"Don't think it's that easy," he murmured.

"How would you know about that, Dear?"

"Well- um- I... used to take pictures of him. He's not that strong in person"

"Oh, I nearly forgot that you worked in the Bugle, with that Mr. Jameson. And that you've had your experiences with Spider-Man"

"Yeah, he's quite the personality," Peter snarky mentioned.

"Who? Mr. Jameson or Spider-Man?"

"Both," he smiled at her.

She turned away for a minute to give Peter a snack, assuming that he didn't have the best meal.

"Uh-Aunt May... weird question. Um- do you think Spider-Man's a hero?" he abruptly asked.
"Dear, I don't know what to think about him. At first, he's a masked vigilante running around our streets. Usually men who wear masks have something to hide... but something about him is different. His mask inspires these people to do good... his mask represents something I can't describe... but it's something good."


"Did that answer your question, honey?"

"Uh-um... yeah. Yes, it did"

"Good. It's getting late dear, time to go to bed, especially after the night you had"

"Yeah... alright. Goodnight, Aunt May. Love you!"

"Goodnight, Peter. I love you too."

He ran up the stairs and went into his room. 'This wasn't the way I thought my night would go,' Peter thought as he got ready for the night.

Then he was about to get changed into his warm pajamas and get ready for bed, till he heard a faint vibration come from his phone.

Peter thought nothing of it at first, till he heard more buzzing from the phone which he checked on it. He got a text message from Hobie Brown. He'd never expect for him to text him in the middle of the night, so something must be up.

'Peter, can we meet up at the law firm tomorrow? We need to talk.' - Hobie

'About?' - Peter

'We'll talk about it there, please just meet me there' - Hobie

'What does he need to talk about that's so serious? Now I seriously didn't see this coming... at all tonight!' Peter thought as he facepalmed, trying to wrap his head around what happened that night.

To Be Continued...

To address the comments from the previous chapters. (2/23/21)

JohnJuanRamboJr35: It's good to see that your still posting and your doing good through this crisis

Of course, what else am I going to do with my time? Joking aside, I hoped these fic are actually helping during this time of despair. - TheTypingAvocado

Guest: Amazing. I like to point out Black cat isn't the type of character to do something like in the series as she's dubbed as an anti-hero unless you intend to make her realize it's wrong. And to answer your question about Otto it's unclear whether he ended up in prison or went back to doctor Kafka for therapy. If the focus of the story is the corruption of New York, then I recommend at least make it similar to the second half of insomniac spider man PS4 where spider mans enemies are running lose and taking advantage of his absence. But overall keep it up.

Ah thanks mate! I didn't know what exactly happened to Doc Ock. But the corruption will run wild. Now the other gangs and enemies of Spider-Man are being held in Rykers, although they'd be aware of Spidey's retirement. But the thing about this is that the Kingpin won't allow them to be free, and he has resources to make that happen. He will take out anything that gets in his way of restructuring New York. - TheTypingAvocado

The Codister: Oooooooooooo boy, looks like Peter Parker is gonna come out of retirement early. And man you actually got me with that almost kiss between Liz and Pete there.

AHAHA, I hoped it didn't throw you off! That's Parker luck for you, wrong place or wrong time. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! - TheTypingAvocado

Guest: Awesome. I guess Harry's resentment towards Pete is gonna intensify and according to the creators, harry develop a hatred towards spider man after normans apparent demise as part of his personality in season 3 though you should do a flashback of Gwen breaking up with harry. Kingpin must be up to something if he invited tombstone to his party or just to gloat and tombstones operations are crippled for the time being. In my opinion Pete and Liz do have a lot of chemistry together and make a cute couple.

I believe Kingpin invited Tombstone to gloat, and to show how flawed Tombstone's plan for a criminal empire was. And yes, Gwen & Harry's breakup will be addressed later! And I agree, I do like Peter & Liz, hopefully I portrayed their relationship well! - TheTypingAvocado

Spidey-Boy21: This chapter was so good! Lets get spidey back tho he's needed!

Appreciate the compliment! And yes, our hero must return! - TheTypingAvocado

Guest: I hope there are a lot of chapters from 30 to 40 or a least you're making a series. I love the spectacular spider man series.

Whoa, that's a lot of chapters! I've only planned 5 more chapters, including this chapter! - TheTypingAvocado

Archive of Our Own:

Guest: Your story is AMAZING! It's gettin' me pumped for Chapter 7. Any plans to introduce Harry as the new Green Goblin or maybe introducing the Hobgoblin?

Well, I'm glad that you're excited for this chapter! My plans for Harry will happen around the end of the fic. I believe it would be too late to introduce a villain, but hopefully there's set up for a villain in a sequel fic. - TheTypingAvocado

AvidWriter14: Wow, love the story so far.

Glad you do mate! Please stay tuned for more chapters! - TheTypingAvocado

Message from the Author, TheTypingAvocado:

If you couldn't recognize the first part of this chapter, this is from chapter 2 of this fic, but from Black Cat's perspective. She's working with Fisk, to get her father free. Now I'm not trying to portray her as a villain (that was never my intent), but she'll do whatever it takes to save her father, even working for Fisk. But she seems conflicted at the end once she abandons Shocker. So hopefully you understand what I'm doing with her character.

Hobie's on the run and contacts Peter, and Peter abandons Liz to make it to not worry his aunt Lot's of things happened in this chapter, and I hoped you enjoyed them.

Please leave constructive criticism in this chapter and future chapters. It helps me a lot. :)

Next Chapter: Chapter 8 

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