the new year


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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... Еще



11 3 17

S I X T Y :


Liked by harrisonstiles, zoieghim and 2,483 others

theblueband We'd like to wish our leading lady the biggest Happy Birthday, we love you!

- Al, Charles and Blondie x

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indulgedinself HAPPY BIRTHDAY OAK! X
oak_rivers thank you so much x
harrisonstiles_fans Happy birthday, beautiful. Have the best day ever ♥
oak_rivers thank you so much sweetie, you too x
darnell_hooplant3 Happy Birthday my g, lots of love! xx
oak_rivers thank you darnell! x


Liked by oak_rivers, alexx_jeong and 736 others

charlie.hughh I would like to wish my best friend, Tree, the biggest of happy birthday's. Thank you for being a bloody brilliant dude, love you mate. Have the best day! ❤

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oak_rivers thank you charles, love you too dude! x
oak_rivers thank you crystal, i love you too!!! x


Liked by oak_rivers, daisyhepworth and 826 others

joeseph_marrow Hi, I would like to wish this tree a happy birthday, she's a great person, she likes pickles but we'll excuse that fact cos its her big day. Love you Oak, my guy, I hope you have the best 20th ever, soon x

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oak_rivers thank you joseph, love you too, soon haha. x


Liked by oak_rivers, araywhyte and 763 others

alexx_jeong I could've picked a better photo but this just sums it up. I'd like to wish this giant (you can't see her height in this thankfully, part of the reason I picked it mwhahaha) a humongous HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You're the sweetest person I know, I love you Tree, I hope you have the best birthday ever because you deserve it! ❤x

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oak_rivers at least you didn't break anyone's eyes by ruining your feed haha, love you too al and thank you! x
finn.jeong1 She's still a bloody baby, jesus. Happy Birthday though Oak, enjoy your day! x
oak_rivers hahaah i'll try not to take offence, thank you though finn x
leojeong2002 Big birthday happy, Oak
oak_rivers cheers leo, appreciate it x


Liked by oak_rivers, elias_andino32 and 192 others

harper_daviesnok1 FINALLY YOU'RE 20, YOU ABSOLUTE BFG. Happy Birthday to my bestest friend Oak Imogen Fern Rivers, I love you tonnes and tonnes. I really hope you have a great day today because you really do deserve nothing but (treat yourself will ya?), here's to more serious pictures...   🥰♥

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oak_rivers i forgot about this picture haha i love you too harp, thank you! x
oak_rivers thank you so much ro! x
daviesnok.nicholas Happy Birthday Oak x
oak_rivers thank  you so much nick! x
_sam_daviesnok Happy Birthday Oak, Have A Good Day.
oak_rivers thank you so much sam x


Liked by oak_rivers, charlie.hughh and 102 others

elias_andino32 Well, my love you're now 20, you are now no longer a baby (you are but I'll let you off just this once). May all your wishes come true and all your happiness riot, I love you babes, have the best day! x

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oak_rivers eli, thank you so much, love you too (don't call me love again though) x
self.indulgence.1990 YESSS she's not dating Harrison!!
myethansinclair1 girls we just got confirmation we needed, she's dating this guy and not ours. RESULT.
elias_andino32 we're not dating, she's my best friend haha but if I was straight we would be x
myethansinclair1 OMG I'm so sorry, I didn't realise
elias_andino32 don't worry about it haha, it happens a lot x

So far, on this sunny day Oak had awoke to a tonne of birthday messages online from her friends and texts from her family, which was unnecessary--the online posts, she severely appreciated it but it wasn't needed. Although saying that, they were all soppy bastards when it came to their friends so she wasn't exactly surprised by it and as for the people who lived in the house she was in, that was taking one extreme to the next. She was already awake when her brother and mother knocked on the door, she invited them in, they sung the birthday anthem way too loud and then handed her a tray of breakfast goods. The white wooden tray, that Louise had bought for whatever reason was decorated with a larger plate that had a croissant and some pancakes then there was a bowl that was full with Greek yogurt and berries of all kinds and there were even some smaller bowls that had syrups in them and then finally there was a glass of orange juice but if Oak didn't want a glass of OJ Tom had brought a pot of tea and a mug.

Oak had told them that she couldn't possibly eat all of that unless she really wanted to gain forty stone, which she didn't and she most definitely didn't need, she told them to get themselves some plates and bowls if they wanted any of the yogurt, she shared it between them all as they sat on Oak's bed talking. Louise told her that whenever she was ready to come downstairs that she could open her presents, which Oak had said wasn't necessary but none of them listened and ended up getting her a bunch of things. Oak had told them she was going to get a shower then she'd join them downstairs.

"Before I go, remember we're going for a meal tonight so don't make any plans," Louise told her daughter who was still sat under the covers feeling somewhat overwhelmed by what had happened so far and it was only half past nine. Louise was obviously lying about the meal, there was no meal, it was part of her and Oak's friends' devious plan.

"Okay, thank you for breakfast, it was lovely," Oak said unsure at first, it was news to her about the meal, she wasn't complaining though, it'd be nice to go out with her family for a bit. The food she'd just digested though suggested that maybe a meal wasn't such a good idea, she was full to the brim with what her mother and brother had handmade. Louise smiled before leaving promptly, she was to have a discussion with Tom about the whole plan that they'd been thinking of for months, Seb was due to come here within the next hour to see his sister for her birthday and he would be baring gifts even though she said not to.

Eventually, Oak took the covers off of herself and stretched her body out, pulling all the muscles she could to feel less tension from her sleep. She had decided that she was going for a shower with her speaker--obviously, on the bathroom cabinet away from the water, she wasn't that stupid. Birthday's weren't that big of a deal to her, she enjoyed them but it didn't really bother her as much now as it did when she was a kid, she'd rather just treat it like a normal day because it was for nearly everybody else, that and she also hated people making a fuss of her, it was unnecessary.

The hot steamy water pelted down on her back as she stood there waiting for the water to soak her hair, she always managed to get deja-vu on this day, especially because of how she'd spent it on her seventeenth with her ex wanker of a boyfriend who told her that she shouldn't eat the cake she'd gotten because it'd make her fatter and how he had tried to stop her from going to see her friends--he was a dick, which was probably why her dad liked him so much. Callum wasn't abusive like her dad he just made her feel like shit a lot of the time with his words.

She shook her head to rid herself from those thoughts, she was going to vow to not let anything ruin her day today; she was going to enjoy it to the highest extent she could with her family and maybe with her friends. They had been around the previous day to drop off their gifts for her, which she scolded them for but they stayed stubborn and handed them to Louise to not be in sight of temptation even though Oak could always wait until the day she was supposed to wait until, unlike Tom who was always ready to open things before he was meant to.

Of course, she was excited to see what she'd gotten but then again she wasn't bothered, she'd always felt weird by people being overly nice to you, giving you what you want just because it was the day, however many years ago, you popped out of a vagina--always a nice image to have.

Gently, her hands massaged the coconut scented shampoo into her shoulder length locks, for once in her older birthday's life she didn't feel tense, she felt relaxed and overjoyed, she was looking forward to what they day had to bring. Her voice repeated the words that were being sung from her jet black speaker as the steam still enveloped her like a warm blanket, in all honesty it was a bit much considering it had been a warm night and looked as though it was to be the same during the day, it was pretty suffocating actually.

For the day she'd decided to wear a plain white, ruffled off-the-shoulder t-shirt with some khaki green loose fitted trousers--it was possibly the most summery thing she could wear, she owned dresses but they were predominantly for more formal wear and weren't going to make her not sweat twelve buckets, what she had on was the best she could do to not feel self-conscious as fuck.

Now that she was ready for the day she made her way down her carpeted stairs to be greeted by her brother stood there with a large Birthday bag and a obnoxious helium balloon that was silver and had blue 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' letters. When Seb had noticed the birthday girl he smiled and then shoved the balloon in her direction "Happy Birthday you dog," He said to her and pulled her into a hug, he called her dog because when she was younger she loved dogs and he used that to insult her, which it didn't because she took it as a compliment--dogs were fucking adorable.

"You know that makes me cry. . ." Oak joked acting mock offended by her brothers old nickname for her. She always felt very lucky in the respects that she had a good relationship with her siblings, they were all very similar but different at the same time. Out of all three of them Oak looked the least alike, hell she'd even been confused for their girlfriend multiple times and they all almost vomited, that was not what they wanted their sibling to be referred to.

"I got you a present-" Seb started lifting the matching silver bag up and Oak just looked at him as if to say no shit and why, the bag was like the size of her full upper body--what the hell had he got her? "I know you said not to but I thought you'd like them--they're not spectacular or anything but yeah," Seb continued, he felt a bit awkward about giving her a gift even though she was his sister, he'd always found it hard to buy presents for people because he always wanted them to have a deeper meaning but that was more difficult than first anticipated.

"I'm disappointed but thank you," Oak said jokingly at first, she really didn't want to be bombarded with gifts, she didn't need anything more, she already had everything she needed by just being with friends and family. Although it was nice to get gifted, she much preferred giving than receiving.

"Hurry up and get in here!" Louise called excitedly at her daughter who was still stood in the corridor that held everyone's shoes and coats. Oak rolled her eyes playfully but followed Seb into the living room where Tom and her mother were sat, the walls were danced in birthday banners and there were balloons floating all over the place, it felt homely and cute but was very over the top, which was basically her mother summed up in three words.

Oak scanned her eyes across the room taking in every decoration that was scattered around, she'd noticed that Tom had replaced all the family pictures with one of Oak when she was eleven going through her hardcore goth phase and it made her cringe. Her hair was terrible--she'd cut it herself, which was self explanatory really and god her makeup was atrocious, there was a reason she hid that at the very bottom of the photos pile, thankfully it didn't make it into the family album.

She narrowed her eyes at Tom who stood at the far corner acting as innocent as pie but when he saw his sisters expression he burst into a fit of laughter that he'd obviously been holding in for however long. Luckily, Oak too saw the funny side to it, she was glad that she no longer dressed or looked like that otherwise it would truly be travesty of justice if she did, now she looks back she can see why she was bullied in year seven and eight more severely.

Louise had forced Oak to sit on the sofa so that everyone could watch her reactions intently, you see, even if she didn't necessarily like everything she got upon first glance, she did because it was the thought that counted more than anything and it'd grow on her in time, that's natural. Seb hoisted the bag into Oak's arms and urged her quickly to open it, his own nerves growing at the long awaited unravelling of the polka dotted covered gifts that he had a nightmare wrapping.

Oak had first opened all of her cards that she'd got from family and friends because that's what she's done since she was kid; she'd gotten more than usual, probably because of the age she was turning, she gotten one from each of her friends, from Mattia and the work crew, Miles along with a box of chocolates that he said he couldn't find any wrapping paper for, Josh who said he hadn't a clue what to get her because she seemed to have everything, he got her a thirty pound Amazon voucher so she could get whatever she wanted, some from her mum's friends, one from Tom individually, Seb individually, all of her mum's siblings, her grandparents and some neighbours. She was very overwhelmed and was especially shocked by the card she'd opened and said it was from her dad, Katherine and her two sons Elijah and Isaiah, she could more than one hundred percent guarantee that it was Katherine who made him send the card and put twenty pounds in--she was actually nice unlike Satan himself.

Seb insisted that Oak open her presents from him first because he was growing more and more impatient by the second, Oak said she was alright but was joking and ended up opening the ones her older brother had gotten her and honestly they were beautiful, they were so well thought out. She'd gotten a burgundy The Cross hoodie, he said it was to add a little colour to her hoodie collection, which was basically all black. He'd also gotten her a pack of custom made guitar picks, which was so sweet, they were all tie-dye with her initials on them, he'd gotten her some candle sets because he knew she liked candles especially scented ones and finally a new black and silver engraved 'songs' notebook. Every single gift Seb had bought, despite him feeling anxious about it, she bloody loved, it was the cutest little gift bag she'd ever got and she thanked him continuously until Tom stopped her by giving her his little bag full of presents.

Tom had only manged to wrap the main gifts in some left over Christmas paper that he'd found in the back of his wardrobe, he'd apologised about it but Oak just found it sweet more than anything; the presents that weren't wrapped up was a box of Quality Street chocolates, a bottle of peach scented room spritzer that he knew she liked and a large rolled up poster map of the world that she'd mentioned she wanted a while back. For his main gifts he had gotten her a silver thick skull ring that she was in awe of, it wasn't her usual taste but it was gorgeous and surprisingly fit her well, she'd asked him how he knew her ring size and he said when she was at work he went into her room and looked at one of her rings that was left on her bedside table and finally he'd gotten her an LED neon custom light that could go on her wall or wherever she wanted, it was a set that you could make your own sign, he'd explained that his initial idea for buying was so she could use it for when the band filmed covers in the background. She was also so grateful for what Tom had gotten her, obviously, they too were so well thought out that she could cry from how sweet the gifts from her brothers were, she didn't expect them to be so heartfelt with them.

Her mum had given her all the clothing items first, which were cool graphic t-shirts, patterned trousers that she somehow didn't have already, jumpers and cardigans, multiple people's merchandise and she'd even thrown in a cute jumpsuit that was black and white polka dots. Out of Louise's own curiosity she had also got a shorter than what Oak would usually go for black silky-ish dress that looked like it'd go about end thigh and to be honest Oak was a bit taken aback by it. She'd never really worn anything like that before, not that she found anything wrong with it, she just never thought she'd be able to pull it off. Louise told her that she didn't have to wear it if she didn't want to but she got it to see how it'd look, Oak actually liked it, it was nice and elegant, which was probably the opposite to what she was but she'd try and find the confidence to wear it one day.

Louise then moved onto the more little, random items that consisted of perfume, shower gels and body lotions--what was her mum insinuating, exactly?  Also a cool mug with her name on it,  a framed family photo of when they went to Whitby when Oak was thirteen--it was such a great day, some earrings, necklaces, rings one was silver with a ruby gem in the middle that was surrounded by intricate leaves, it was beautiful beyond imagination.

For the main presents Oak had gotten a Polaroid camera and when Louise had it in mind she instantly thought of the party tonight and was going to secretly bring it with them and she'd gotten Oak an envelope. Naturally, she was confused as fuck, why was an envelope wrapped up?  Oak looked at the white paper sceptically, surely it couldn't be anything weird could it, her mum wasn't like that.

"What is it?" She asked unsure, looking between the paper in her grip and her mum's dark blue eyes, she just looked at her with a small smile silently screaming at her to just open it.

"If you open it you'll find out," Louise said keeping every ounce of her excitement withheld, this was the main gift because it was the gift that'd excite her the most.

Oak was still cautious about what was within the paper but she waited no longer and teared the seal slowly, she had no idea what it could be, no single idea came to her head when she saw the paper. Dubiously, she pulled out the paper from the envelope and looked at her mum and brothers who were watching her intently, the brown-haired girl un-flipped the page and her eyes scanned across it, her mouth dropped to the floor as she frantically looked at her family who were there with smiles.

Hi new mummy,

I am currently only one week old so I can't come home with you just yet but in five weeks I will be able to and I can't wait, I'm so excited to meet you!

See you soon and Happy Birthday!

- woofies x

Oak's face was well and truly one that screamed shock and love, she couldn't believe it, there was no way on hell and earth they were getting a dog. "Are you serious?" Oak asked bewildered, this wasn't real life, there couldn't be a single chance that they were getting a Labradoodle.

"More than," Louise replied with a smile wider than Pennywise's, she knew that Oak had wanted a dog since the day she could walk and it just so happens that one of her work colleagues had just had a litter of puppies, Louise asked if she could buy one off of her but she said that there was no need for payments, the lady trusted her with her life and knew that they'd give the dog a brilliant home. Louise didn't really want to buy from someone they didn't know because of her own fears, she'd wanted a dog too along with Tom and Seb it's just there was never a right time and they never had the right money whenever anyone had puppies near by.

"Thank you so much!" She thanked, her eyes welling with happiness and saturation in pure bliss, she felt so lucky, not just because of the gifts but because her family were really just lovely people and Oak loved them a thousand amounts "All of you, I love everything you've got me even though it's way too much, I love you," Oak gushed, her emotions taking over her like a tidal wave.

The four of them all pulled each other into a hug that Oak had ignited and none of them could feel more content than they did right now, all they wanted from each other was each others happiness, they'd do anything to ensure that all of them had the happiness they deserved.

Little did Oak know, her overwhelm was to tenfold within the next few hours. 

the party is coming, i wonder what'll happen. . .

wrote; tuesday 2nd june 2020

(partially) edited; friday 4th december 2020

published; friday 4th december 2020

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