My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

The Begining Of The End

67 4 0
By TarableTaralynn

 Dean leaned against the car door and kept his eye on his Raven, while Keeper drove, and Kira rested in the backseat slowly regaining her strength back. Sitting there quietly, he could feel his powers flowing through him, smiling he began clenching and unclenching his fists. He sighed heavily, he wanted to, he needed to fight; it was like an itch you couldn't quite reach. Of course, there were no Vamps around yet to take his frustration out on, so he closed his eyes and mindlinked with his Raven to see if he could find any Vamps near them. Finding none, he broke the link and ran his hands over his face, a few minutes later, his Raven cried out alerting him that he had found something. He quickly mindlinked with his Raven again, smiling he saw a small group of three Vamps around the corner, hiding near the road in the tall grass. It was obvious that the pathetic group's only job was to ambush them; it was a foolish play by Vassago, but it was exactly what he needed right now to temporarily scratch his itch until he could get his hands on Vassago. He broke the link and smiling he grabbed his machetes from their holsters; Keeper saw him and confused spoke.

 "What are you doing with your machetes out?"

 "I'm getting ready to have some fun." Dean replied still smiling.

 "What?" Kira asked confused. "We're nowhere near the nest yet."

 "I know." Dean replied. "I never said anything about the nest."

 "Alright, big man, I understand that you have all these super-charged Vamp powers and that's cool and all, but we can't see the shit you can. So, can you do us a favor and tell us what the hell you're talking about?" Kira said confused.

 "I'll dumb it down for you." Dean said sighing, Kira and Keeper rolled their eyes at his comment, but said nothing. "Around the next corner coming up, we've got company. Vassago sent a group of three Vamps to ambush us."

 "What?" Keeper said shocked. "How the hell did they find us?"

 "Relax, Keeper, they didn't." Dean stated sighing.

 "Want to explain that?" Kira asked.

 "This is the way to the nest by road, so Vassago knowing we'd go this way sent them here to ambush us and slow us down." Dean explained.

 "Okay, so what are we going to do about them?" Kira questioned.

 "That's cute, sweetheart, but we aren't doing anything, I'm going to have some fun."

 "What?" Keeper and Kira said together confused.

 "You don't need to worry about me, just keep driving to the nest, I'm getting out. After I'm done taking them out, I'll catch up with you at the nest."

 "How the hell are you going to find us?" Kira asked.

 "By using my Raven."

 "We're nearing the turn, are you ready, Dean?" Keeper asked smiling.

 "I'm always ready, Keeper." Dean answered smiling too.

 Dean then mindlinked with his Raven and ordered it to stay with Keeper, lead them to Vassago and wait for his return. He then broke the link and opened his eyes still smiling. As they came to the turn, Dean holding his machetes opened the door and jumped. After hitting the ground he did a somersault, rolling a couple of times before he finally landed in a crouch position holding his machetes out to his sides in a T formation still smiling. Staying crouched in that position, he lifted his head and lowered his arms, as he slowly looked around.

 "Come out, come out wherever you are." Dean said quietly still smiling, as he sniffed the air looking for them. "Aha, there you are." He added standing, as he picked up their scent.

 He stood with his back to the Vamps; Dean waited smiling, his fingers twitching around his machetes, the anticipation getting to him. He never moved or spoke, as the Vamps came out from their hiding place and stood behind him together. They smiled at each other, thinking that they had the upper hand on him.

 "Hello, brother." One of the Vamps said smirking.

 "Hello, brothers." Dean replied smiling, as he turned around to face them.

 "What's with the machetes, Deano?"

 "Oh, you mean these?" Dean asked smiling, as he held them up, the Vamp nodded. "These are just"

 "Security? What's the matter, Deano, are you afraid of us?"

 "Scared of you three?" Dean asked, the Vamp nodded again. "Nope, not even a little."

 "Then what's with the machetes?"

 Instead of saying anything in response, still smiling Dean threw both of his machetes away.

 "Like I said, I don't need them." Dean said smiling. "Now, unlike you, Reed, I'm not afraid and came alone...unarmed." He added, as he held his hands up.

 "I' am not afraid of you, Dean." Reed said bitterly.

 "Then why bring West and Grayson?" Dean pointed out smiling, as he crossed his arms.

 "They aren't here by my choice; Vassago ordered them to come with me. I don't need them to finish you." Reed replied with disgust.

 "Prove it." Dean said smiling.


 "Did I stutter?" Dean said still smiling. "I said prove it. You and me fight it out; show me you're not afraid of me."

 Reed wasted no time in charging at Dean, wanting to give him a sense of false strength, Dean let Reed connect with him. Suddenly, the other two Vamps tried to join in the fight, but Reed angrily stopped them. The fight continued with Dean still playing possum, letting Reed believe he could beat him. Reed punched Dean in the face knocking him to the ground onto his knees; he then punched Dean again knocking him onto his stomach. Smiling, Reed then kicked him in the ribs knocking him onto his back.

 "This is the all-powerful Chosen One?" Reed mocked smiling, as he crouched beside him. "Look at him boys, this is our Chosen One." He added, as all three laughed. "I'm going to do what no one else has done before...kill the Chosen One."

 Still smiling, Reed stood up and went to kick Dean again, but before his foot could connect, Dean grabbed it and knocked him to the ground on his back. He then put a hand under Reed's knee and using his other hand he grabbed Reed's lower leg and quickly snapped his leg upwards breaking it at the knee. He then rolled on top of Reed and began beating him up, realizing what was happening, West and Grayson rushed to help. Without even looking away from Reed, Dean held up one hand and flicked his wrist causing the two Vamps to fly backward. He then used his other hand to summon his machetes to him, once they were in his hand he smiled, as he spoke.

 "I told you I didn't need my machetes to take you down, but I do need them to do this." Dean said, before he cut off Reed's head.

 Before he could get up he knew the other two Vamps were now charging at him from behind. Waiting for the right moment, Dean quickly stood and turned around smiling swinging his machetes as he did and cut off both of their heads at the same time. Once they were all dead, he wiped his machetes off, before he put them away. He looked around at the carnage he had created and couldn't stop smiling. This was what he needed, but it wasn't enough, no, it would only be enough when Vassago was dead by his hands. He began walking towards the road, kicking Reed's head out of his path as he did, before he stopped and closed his eyes mindlinking with his Raven to find out where they were. Finding them easily, he smiled as he broke the connection and took one final look at the carnage, before he took off running at full Vamp speed to where they waited for him. After joining them again, he noticed that they were standing by the edge of another damn forest.

 "Why the hell are we here?" Dean demanded frustrated.

 "We're at the nest." Kira answered.

 "What?" Dean asked confused.

 "We're at..."

 "I heard you, dammit." Dean said annoyed, cutting her off. "I meant why are we at a damn forest? Where's the nest?"

 "Well, we're here because the nest is hidden in the very center of the forest."

 "Why would Vassago want the nest to be here?"

 "This forest is like a maze, you'd have to know your way in and out of the forest to be able to find it." Keeper explained.

 "Or,you could be the Chosen One and figure it out like this." Dean said smiling, as he looked at his Raven who sat silently on the roof of the car watching them. "Take to the sky, find the nest and circle it, then wait for my next command." He ordered, his Raven did as it was told and flew off.

 "Now what do we do?" Kira asked annoyed at having to do more waiting.

 "We wait." Dean answered sighing. "Get comfortable, sweetheart, we'll be here for a while." He added, as he sat down on a rock.


 After getting their instructions from Dean, Roman and the others took off into the woods after the Vamps. Remembering everything that Dean had told them, they circled around the Vamps, something felt off to Roman about the way Dean had acted, but they had a job to do and he didn't have time to think about anything, but it. They kept to the tall grass and watched as the Vamps stood together in the middle of the clearing talking angrily about not knowing what to do or where to go. None of them knew how to go about attacking the Vamps, should they wait for Dean and Keeper? Or should they just go ahead and kill them by themselves? Roman nervously looked around for any sign of the two missing Vamps, knowing that without Dean around he'd have to take charge. Not knowing what else to do, Roman signaled Zander to come to him. They then moved back away from the clearing to talk without risking the chance that the Vamps could overhear them.

 "So, what should we do?" Zander questioned.

 "We have no choice, but to get rid of them even without Dean and Keeper with us." Roman replied sighing.

 "Alright, how are we going to do it?"

 "We should divide and conquer." Roman replied. "There are six of them and five of us, so it only makes sense."

 "Good idea, how do you want to do this?"

 "Okay, we'll split up and each of us will take a Vamp out."

 "I'll take two, it's the safest option." Zander said. "Alright, I'll tell the others, then once you guys are in position I will use my limited powers to send the Vamps to you."

 "Good luck, Zander."

 "You too, Roman." Zander said smiling, before they hugged.

 Zander left Roman and told the others the plan, once everyone had left and gotten into position, Zander then closed his eyes and one by one he mindlinked with each Vamp. He was only able to do it long enough to put the thought in their heads to go to the spots where a member of his family was waiting to ambush them. Once he was finished he watched and waited as the Vamps argued about going to the spot each of them had seen in their heads. Unable to agree, they separated, smiling, Zander waited until both of the Vamps he was stalking were alone and distracted. He then silently snuck up on the closest one with his machete raised and before the Vamp knew what was happening, he cut off his head.

 "If it isn't our long lost brother, Zander." The Vamp said smiling, as they turned to face him, disgust all over his face. "Turned on our kind to side with a group of pathetic mortals, huh?"

 "Well, I have to say I'm flattered that I'm so well known by the family that even insignificant, little Vamps like you know me. Sorry, I can't say the same for you though." Zander said smirking.

 "My name is Markus and I'm going to kill you."

 "Bring it on, brother." Zander said smiling, as he prepared himself to fight.

 The Vamp charged at Zander connecting hard with him knocking them both backward. Both Vamps gave and received hits, during the fight Zander lost his machete. Zander wasn't sure how the others were doing, but he hoped they were doing okay. He lost focus for only a second thinking about his family and Markus took advantage of it and kicked him in the stomach. He was knocked backward by the kick, before he was punched in the face knocking him to the ground onto his stomach, while Markus paced smiling beside him and spoke.

 Of course, Zander wasn't listening to him though; he was probably just saying the same boring, recycled bullshit that they've all heard so many damn times from different Vamps. Instead of listening, he was looking around for his machete. Finally, he saw it on the ground in front of him; he looked at Markus and realized that he was facing away from him. So, he silently got to his feet and rushed to where his machete was, he dove for it, grabbed it with one hand and did a somersault, before he got back to his feet. He then ran toward Markus and reached him just as he turned around and smiling Zander cut off his head. As soon as he was dead, Zander went looking for the others, hoping they were all alright. After searching and calling their names, he finally found them, after hugging and checking each other out for injuries, they talked about what happened.

 "What the hell happened to Dean and Keeper?" Seth demanded angrily.

 "I...I don't know." Roman said upset. "He said he was right behind us with Keeper."

 "Why would he lie to us?" Paige asked confused.

 "I don't know, let's go back to the monastery and find out." Zander said.

**Back With Dean**:

 "Dammit, Ambrose, I told you that we could have taken you to the nest." Kira said frustrated, as she paced.

 "And I told you two that I don't trust either of you and I'm in charge, so we do things my way, sweetheart." Dean said sighing, as he leaned back against the tree he was leaning on.

 "How can you not trust us?" Keeper questioned shocked. "How can you not trust me after everything I've done for you?"

 "Quit being so butt-hurt, Keeper." Dean said sighing again. "Look, if you were me would you be so trusting?"

 "Good point." Keeper agreed.

 "I'm not doing this because I don't trust you; I don't completely, I'd be stupid to, but there is another reason. By sending my Raven I can not only find the nest, but I can scout everything out at the same time."

 "Alright, are we done with cuddle time with wittle Keeper?" Kira asked sarcastically. "I mean, come on, you two sound like a couple of teenage girls."

 "Maybe, I should cut your vile tongue out of your damn mouth, you little..."

 "Keeper, that's enough, and Kira, quit antagonizing him, don't make me regret agreeing to let you help us." Dean said annoyed, as he ran his hands over his face. "You two are supposed to be violent, feared Vampires, but right now, both of you are acting like damn children. Let me remind you both that I don't need either of you to do this, remember that. So, if you don't want me to end your miserable, pathetic lives, I'd shut the hell up." He warned them angrily, as he stood. "We good?" He asked Keeper, who nodded silently. "What about you?" He questioned, as he turned to look at Kira, she held her hands up in surrender and nodded silently.

 Before Dean could say anything else, he heard his Raven cry out, alerting him that it had found something. Smiling, Dean closed his eyes and mindlinked with his Raven who was still circling the nest. As soon as he did he instantly could see through its eyes, seeing everything it saw. Looking around, he could see a few Vamps on guard scattered around the grounds of the nest in different spots; they were hidden in the tall grass unseen from the ground, but very visible from the air. After scouting the outside, Dean then ordered his Raven to silently find a way to observe the inside. A few seconds later, the Raven had found its way silently and unseen into the nest. It explored the entire house completely invisible to the oblivious Vamps inside; since Vassago's connection to the Raven had been broken, he couldn't sense the Raven at all. After gathering all the information he needed, he ordered his Raven to return to him. Once it made it safely out of the nest, Dean broke his connection and rolling his shoulders he spoke smiling.

 "Damn, I love having all this power." Dean said, as his Raven cried out, before it landed on his shoulder. "Good work." He praised his Raven, as he pet it, before he looked at the others. "It's showtime."

 "About damn time." Kira said smiling.

 "Easy, Kitten, we need you at full strength for this to work." Dean said smirking.

 "So, what is our plan?" Keeper asked annoyed.

 "Vassago has only a few Vamps left, out of the original family; not including Kira, there were only 20 that remained...that I let live. He's only added 20 new members since then; I still have no idea why only that many, so that makes 40." Dean began.

 "Don't forget that he already sent six Vamps to be slaughtered by your mortal pets." Kira reminded him.

 "I haven't forgotten, sweetheart." Dean replied smiling, as he walked towards her and stood in front of her, before he grabbed her hair roughly and yanked her head back causing her to hiss out in pain. "Let me remind you of something, sweetheart. I don't appreciate being corrected or interrupted." He added, before he released her.

 Keeper stood to the side silently watching, a smile on his face, he could feel the change in Dean, this was what he had hoped would happen and it was all thanks to Kira. Having caught the bitch and torturing her at the precise moment his powers were battling for control, helped shift everything to Dean's darkside. Even though she had been the reason for the change, she had never been part of his original plan and she could cost him everything he had worked so damn hard to accomplish. He refused to let her come between him and Dean; if he couldn't be King, then he'd be the King's voice, which was almost as good.

 "Alright, so, as I was saying, there were 40 Vamps in total under Vassago's control. Now, he sent six after my family, which now left only 34. So, he sent 10 to patrol the grounds, leaving 14 inside the nest in various rooms waiting for us." Dean said, as he pet his Raven. "Thanks to my Raven, Letifer, here, we know where each Vamp is positioned."

 "Letifer?" Keeper said confused.

 "Letifer, it means bringer of death in Latin." Dean explained annoyed that he had to explain it to them, especially Keeper.

 "I know what it means; I'm just surprised by the choice."

 "I told you, Keeper, I was waiting for the right name."

 "Uh, guys, we have a war to win." Kira said annoyed.

 "Do you need another reminder about who is in charge around here, Kira?" Keeper said angrily.

 "It's alright, Keeper, she's right though." Dean said sighing.

 "Lead us to victory." Kira said happily.

 "We first need to get rid of the Vamps surrounding the nest. I know exactly where they are, but as an added precaution, I will send my Raven to the sky to keep track of them. Chances are though, once they're alerted they'll attack all at once, so we need to remain invisible. I will tell you where the closest Vamp to you is and you're to take it down as quickly and silently as possible. Once they're gone, we will do the same inside the nest, until Vassago only remains. When it comes to the King, you two can do whatever you want to him in battle, but his death is to be by my hand alone. If either of you tries to kill him or betray me in any way, I will kill you with no hesitation, am I understood?" Dean said, both Vamps nodded. "Good, now I want you, Keeper, to approach from the left, Kira, you are to approach from the right, I will go in from the front. Stay in my sight until we're close to the nest so I can direct you both to your first targets."

 "How will you communicate with us?" Keeper questioned.

 "I will use both my powers and my Raven to do it, don't worry I have my ways." Dean assured them.

 "Alright, let's do this; I love the smell of dead Vamp in the afternoon." Kira said smiling, as Dean laughed.

 "Remember, follow my instructions exactly and we will win this war." Dean said, as he took out his machetes.

 "What about your family?" Keeper asked with disgust in his voice.

 "Don't worry about them; they're distracted getting rid of the others back at the monastery. They won't be a problem." Dean said.

 "They won't be for long, then what?" Kira questioned.

 "Then they're my problem. No matter what happens, neither of you are to lay a hand on any of my family, if you do, I will end you, understand?" Dean warned them, again they both nodded.

 "Alright, let's go." Keeper said.

 "Let's do this, remember the plan and all of us will make it out of this alive." Dean said smiling.

 Dean could feel his powers surging through him, this was it, this was the moment he had been waiting for, dammit, nothing and no one was going to ruin it for him. Tonight, the King dies!


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