Reconciled hearts: a season9(...

By jdizzle500

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As Ninjago city fall into ruins in the hands of Emperor Garmadon, the resistance and the SOG would have to fo... More

Chapter1: captured
Chapter2: announcement
Chapter3: Sudden contact
Chapter4: What he deserves
Chapter5: the next morning
Chapter6: The mischievous notebook
Chapter 7: Beginning to forgiveness
Chapter 8: Help needed
Chapter9: Recovery
Chapter10: Ultimate Violet
Chapter11: meeting the star
Chapter12: Hide and run
Chapter 13: Preparations on the bounty
Chapter14: Chapter 14: What goes up always goes down
Chapter 15: A trick or two
Chapter 16: A sentimental talk
Chapter 17: Second morning
Chapter 18: Never again
Chapter19: The truth is all I want
End of arc1
Chapter 20: A rock colossus and a hard place
Chapter 21: One for all
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: Hospitality
Chapter 24: Final days
Chapter 25: All day's a bunch of fun
Chapter26: To wake up a master
Chapter 27: Clear weather after rain
Chapter 28: Independence
Chapter 29: Resistance against the inevitable
Chapter30: Trapped
Chapter31: Prison break
Chapter32 Conflicted minds
Chaptet33: back to good
Chapter 34: Fake faces hiding everywhere
Chapter35: Revelation
Chapter36: Time
Chapter37: Tea of truth
Chapter 38: Monarchy
Chapter 39: Royal reveal
Chapter40: Demons of the past
Chapter41: The darkness continues
Chapter 42: No, I'm not kidding
Chapter 43: Lloyd and Garmadon
Chapter 44: Shuttered silent one
Chapter 45: Oni masks acquired
Chapter 46: Break away
Chapter 47: The echoes in a memory
Chapter48: lloyd's storytime
Chapter 49: Oni mask plan activated
Chapter50: the party
Chapter51: party fowl
Chapter 52: Absence of the mind
Chapter53: The end of the resistance
Chapter54: hurricane
Chapter55: the resistance reuinted but not fully
Chapter 56: Clear skies and no sun
Chapter 57: The resistance never quits?
Chapter 58: The right path
Chapter59: leaving ninjago, and giving up
Chapter 60: Harumi's gratitude
Chapter61: an unhappy day
Important A/N New character plz read if you want a chance to name a character
Chapter 62: Winter Arriving
Chapter63: Bad decisions and getting captured
Chapter64: clouded christmas
Chapter65: Never gone, always there
Chapter 66: Eyes don't lie
Chapter67: Ninja rules broken
Chapter 68: Cold streams
Chapter 69: Being discovered
Chapter 70: Save the last battle to me
Chapter 71: Low point
Chapter72: In a strange young world
Chapter73: all hope lost again
Chapter74: The nightmare begins
Chapter75: Secrets revealed
Chapter76: Revisited childhood
Chapter77: saying goodbye to an old friend
End of hunted Arc2:
Chapter 78: Can't forgive the past
Chapter79: shattered relationships
Chapter:80 Friend or enemy?
Chapter 81: The choices appear
Chapter 82: what the heart wants
Chapter 83: Surrounded Confusion
Chapter: 84 The kiss
Chapter 85: Collision
Chapter 86: Bad night
Chapter 87: Hit the target
Blooper reel#2: Lloyd messing up the shots
Chapter88: New threat
Chapter 89: Hiding from the mist
Chapter90: Does Lloyd have daddy issues?
Chapter 91: Outrunning trouble
Chapter92: overprotective pup
Chapter 93: The realm crystal
Chapter94: a plan to rescue a friend, and new love
Chapter 95: Dawnbreaker
chapter96: who's to blame?
Chapter97: Illusions are torn
Chapter 98: Special gift
Chapter 99: Respond to the call
Chapter100: Discovering the plans of the noodle truck
Chapter 101: Head in the clouds
Chapter 102: truth revealed
Chapter 103: You should (never) feel alone
Chapter104: A warlords search Part one: Investigation
Chapter105: Losing the sun's light
Chapter106: a warlord's search, part two: where could they have gone?
Chapter107: Zenith
Chapter108: Requiem
Chapter109: Origins of white lie
Chapter110: the white haired girl's end?
Chapter111: Zackey's tower
Chapter112: childhood memory
Chapter113: Choice of the demon
Chapter114: it starts
Chapter115: Wild Ones
Chapter16: Framed
Chapter117: The Copycat is a Bad girl
Chapter118: Two harumi's= double the fun
Chapter119: An Oath to the Empress
Chapter120: Here in the garden
Chapter121: Let's play a game
Chapter122: The hunt for The Empress
Chapter123: All these voices in her head
Chapter124: A letter from me to you
Chapter125: Gambatte
Chapter 126: Mr. Spellcaster
Chapter127: The mischievous Cloud
Chapter128: Red Rum
Chapter129: Flicker
Chapter130: Racer's On Your Marks
Chapter131: Witch's farce
Chapter132: Tail game
Chapter133: Your nightmares are your only friends
Chapter134: Relinquish
Chapter 135: Winner's prize
Chapter136: We're going on trip
Chapter 137: Your Blood
Chapter138: Stars, shining Bright above you
Chapter 139: Spellbounded
Bonus chapter: Lunacy
Chapter140: Choice's
Chapter141: Showdown up in flames
Chapter142: fierce competition
Chapter 143: Young blood's resurrection
Chapter144: Battle of wits
Chapter 145: A faint blue glimmer
Chapter146: Hopelessness
Recondiled Hearts, Ch. 147
Chapter148: Sadness
Chapter. 149: Crazy Old Women
Chapter 150: Debate
Chapter 151: Leap
Chapter 152: Squabbling
Chapter 153:
Chapter154: Father Vs Son part1
Chapter155: The dead's End
Chapter156: Words, Have the Biggest Impact Of all
Chapter157: Free
Chapter158: Guilt
Chapter159: The Search
Chapter160: She's Alive?!
Chapter 161: Promise
Chapter 162: All for Nothing
Chapter 163: Bad Liar
Chapter 164: Meeting Jade And Lilla
Chapter 165: Echo
Chapter166: Lovers Quarrel
Chapter 167: Vision
Chapter 168: Making a Plan
Chapter 169: Unforgotten
Chapter 170: Sorcerer's Just wanna Have Fun
Chapter 171: The Orginal
Chapter 172: rallying
Chapter 173: Warrior
Chapter 174: OutBursts
Chapter 175: Earthquake
Chapter176: Oni powers
Chapter 177: Archangel
Chapter 178: Secrets
Chapter 179: Secret- Part2
Chapter 180: object
Chapter 181: The Crystal
Chapter 182: Harumi's been turned into Seven versions Of herself!
Chapter 183: Night Changes
Chapter 184: The Search For child Harumi
Chapter 185: disbute
Chapter 186: Tha Bars Between Us
Chapter 187: Halloween Special: Part one: Zephry's Plan
Chapter 188: Halloween Special, Matias Finds Love?
Chapter 189: Saved by a girl
Chapter 190: Child
Chapter 191: I quit
Chapter 192: Christmastime (part one)
Chapter 193: Christmas Special Part Two
Final chapter of BOOK 1

Blooper Reel #1: "The importance of a script"

115 5 9
By jdizzle500

About 2:30PM in the afternoon, two girls were seen walking on Ninjago South East-Boulevard. One was blonde and the other had short curly black hair.

"Why do you think the directors called us so early, usually we start about thirty minutes earlier." The latter pointed out whilst unbuttoning her leather jacket.
The two girls had a pretty carefree expression on their faces as they were approaching a rather large building in the distance.

It was what people familiar with the "Reconciled Hearts" series called "Borg tower". Except if wasn't much of a tower. In fact a rather short one, about 4 stories tall. The secret with it however, is that for each floor, the cast changed up the decorations. There was no such thing as an eight and ninth floor.

"I haven't read the script for episode 62 yet. I don't know, must be a really exciting recording session today." exclaimed the blonde who was accompanying her friend.
Now this was Harumi Jade, the real deal. Yes, the main heroine of the series along with a supporting character: Vivianne Violet, the one who plays the role of Ultra.

Violet pulled the door opened for Rumi and the two women walked inside to be greeted by a few cast members. There was Nya, Lloyd and of course, someone that Harumi and Violet weren't too familiar with but knew exactly what role they were going to play. Snickering and hanging her coat against a chair, Harumi bent down and smiled at the overjoyed puppy.

"Heya Alpine! How are you doing?" Rumi giggled as the puppy ran circles around her. Violet took a seat next to Nya and Lloyd on the couches and happily watched as the blonde played around with the new recruit. This was Alpine the Pomeranian, she's still technically a puppy but the directors thought that she'd fit the role perfectly as: "Cloud".

"Aren't you excited? We'll finally play around on set, just me and you! You're coming in the next two episodes!" Harumi playfully grabbed Alpine's paws and shook them gently. The puppy barked and rolled onto her stomach, it was clear that Harumi and Alpine had a pretty good bond out of set, which was certainly a good thing for the directors!

"Slow down, Rumi. You might get called soon," Lloyd chuckled, standing up the couch and lowered himself at knee-level. He wrapped his arms from her back, intending to hug her—only to make Harumi chuckle and roll her eyes teasingly. Interactions like these were normal between the two, hence why Harumi was so calm about it.

Truth be told, Nya and the other cast members suspects that there's an interest picking up between the two actors. Again, no one confirmed anything.

"Ah right, that is true!" She pauses apologetically to the excited puppy.
Harumi stood you from the ground and walked over to Nya, who suggested that she helps her with her wig. "I'm sorry Alpine, we'll play again next week." She called out, thus making a promise between the two. Afterwards, the actress fled out of the entrance room into her personal dressing room.

Now, Harumi has had several struggles with her wig because of the amount of hair stands in it. It is quite unique in its own ways and Harumi personally enjoys wearing it—thus giving her a different look...more like different aura. Unfortunately, the previous wig she used from the beginning of the series had been burned by accident when getting too close to Kai's props.

But the directors managed to find the exact model by the same company, no one has noticed any difference ever since!
The white haired girl sat down on a high chair, glancing from the clock to the mirror in front of her. Nya grabbed the prized wig and walked towards the girl.

She lifted a brow as she noticed the current hairstyle applied to it. "A bun again?" She questioned, starting to place the wig onto Rumi's head then pushed her actual hair's strands inside. Like said before, the wig acted as what it was supposed to be. Sometimes it would be down hence that's the same wig Rumi used during chapters 1-8 of Reconciled Hearts.

"Guess so, I didn't read the script yet." She reminded the girl again as she had told Violet. Nya's fingers pressed against the bun, adding a little more puff into it before stepping away from the actress.
"You haven't? You should go ahead and do so before actually going on set." She advised quietly. Well it was true, the scripts were her reliable source on what her job consisted off.

As she stood up from the chair to grab the papers on her vanity, her dresser's door opened abruptly. "Harumi? Directors want you on the fourth floor." It was the sound of Lloyd, calm and composed as ever. Her lips curled into a smile as she quickly snatched her lines from the vanity, gave an appreciative nod to Nya and headed out. "Okay,"

Now the fourth floor was the last floor of the so called studio. There's a massive skylight as the ceiling so the directors often used it to record scenes on the 'rooftop'. Again, there's no so called rooftop In Reconciled Hearts. They used a slightly elevated concrete platform as the ground and added makeshift railings to make it seem like an actual rooftop.

Arriving on scene, Harumi looked around, astonished with the blue lights everywhere. The team was very reliable on spotlights and effects for different scenes in the series, she had realized that much. However, to fit the right effect for this one scene that they'd record right now, it is the first time she believes that they used ceiling lights. Would it mess up with a certain effect from the camera if they didn't use them?

"Ah, Rumi, hello there." a familiar voice greeted her from the front. The actress snapped out of her thoughts to be met with a four-armed man; Garmadon the oni lord. She had noticed that his costume was already worn and his face paint was applied along with his devilish red contacts. She smiled a little, "Truth be told, I haven't read my lines." She admitted to the older actor.

Garmadon patted her on the shoulder and snickered. "As expected, luckily we'll only do a practice round for today. The team didn't receive the correct props for this scene so we'll need to wait a while longer." He explained more in a tone to reassure her. She raised a brow and her eyes widened slightly. "What do you mean the correct props?"

In Winter Arriving, there would be a scene where Garmadon and Harumi played in the snow on the rooftop. Because it was technically autumn as this was being recorded, there was no such thing as snow, then again, the directors weren't foolish enough to bring in actual snow in here. Therefore, they relied on fake snow.

"They said it's fine if you mess up your lines for today, now come on, they want us up." Garmadon gently pulled her by the arm and brought them both over to the front of the platform where minimal effort was used to climb on top of it. Harumi, who shook a little when standing on the platform, let out a low gasp.

"Woah, this thing got shaky, I don't know if I'll be confident enough to run on this thing!" She admitted, merely joking around. Each step she took meant the platform would tremble a little, it scared her a bit but Garmadon laughed alongside her. "Hey, you're moving too much!" He called out. Truly, even if they weren't related, he did a good job on giving out a "fatherly" impression. Both Lloyd and Harumi could count on him as the "father" of the group.

"We'll get it fixed when the actual fake snow comes in." called one of the camera men from a distance away. Harumi and Garmadon blinked, looking forward and waiting for their action from the script to be called out. "Alright, now lay down, let's try some snow angels. Drop in the cotton balls."

Harumi's eyes widened a little bit as she processed what those words meant.
"Wait cotton balls?" She asked, a bit nervously. Would they really use cotton balls as a makeshift of fake snow? How would that work out? Her train of thoughts were interrupted by a small tap on her shoulder by Garmadon. She turned over to the taller and older man as he pointed above them both.

"Look above you." He advised. The actress did just that and she couldn't help but step away a bit.

There was a net filled with massive cotton balls waiting to be dropped above the two actors. "Oh, you've really done it this time! How did you even afford all of these?!" The white haired actress screeched and waited for the both of them to be crushed in cotton balls.
With cheater 62's practice shot being recorded and editors working already on fixing any mistakes or changing up any scenes, Harumi was called in the office by one of the directors.

She sat down and was looking through a few storyboards along with a very undetailed excuse of a draft for chapter 70's script. "Save the last battle to me, what kind of name is that?" The white haired girl flipped through the storyboard's pages, observing the badly sketched out drawings on the pieces of paper.

One of the directors shrugged and a faint blush formed on their cheeks. "Ooh, okay, I just thought it was iconic, alright? Plus it's from another book I'm reading so-" they cut themselves short, not wanting to explain any further. Point of today, was that the directors were showing the heroine what was up ahead for her and her stunt-works.

Harumi flipped to the last page and spotted a scene where it seems to be her with a sword and on the rooftop's zip line.
Her eyes slightly widened once more and she put away the paper back on the top of the desk. "You want me to cut the rope, but what if I actually fall?" She questioned.

One of the two directors reassured her that it'll be alright, they'll find a way to perform the scene better for her. Perhaps by placing a mattress below them as her and Alpine fell away from Garmadon's grasp? "Seriously though, and I get turned into a baby, Harumi needs a break." Rumi started to chuckle.

One of the directors stood up from the chair and shook their heads. "Oh but you shouldn't say too much, you're being filmed." They informed her unfortunately.

Harumi gasped and she turned around from her chair. "I'm being wha-?!"

The sound of a camera shutting off could be heard as the screen goes black.
A/N: Hiya, Lilla here and this is just an extra non canonical chapter for Reconciled Hearts that me and Jdizzle agreed to do for today! I really hope you enjoyed the small skit, haha!

I am also officially 15! It still feels weird though for some reason because I get the thought sometimes: "Hey, what if the readers are actually older than me, then what?" haha! But quite honestly, the support you guys have given the both of us has been surreal for the past year and we thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts!

Anyways, that is my author's note finished, I'll see you all in the next chapter, cya!^^

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