Transmigration: Face slap th...

By Chil_lexx

330K 8.7K 660

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... More

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

Coffee to go- 3.11

3.8K 117 4
By Chil_lexx

Esther circles the table she walked past Cheng Bi Yu pretending to trip she spilt the mildly hot tea in Cheng Bi Yu's lap staining her dress.

Cheng Bi Yu instinctively jolts grabbing napkins she wiped the stained area. The girls except Esther grabbed napkins helping her, "..This won't work," Cheng Bi Yu placed the damp napkins on the table the girls vigorous hands stilled, "It's okay. I'll just go back and get changed," she stood, "..Continue without me. I'll be back in a jiffy," she made her way back up the pebble path.

Watching Cheng Bi Yu's the girls turned glaring at the smirking Esther who arched her brows, "What?-" she arrogantly flipped her hair to the side.

"..You did that on purpose didn't you?-" Elene grits her teeth her fist banged against the table, "..So what if I did? What are you going to do about it?-" Esther challenged narrowing her sharp eyes.

Elene's face turned red. Esther smirked leaning back, "..What? You want to pick a fight?-"

"..That's it!-" Elene flew up grabbing Esther's collar, "..Do you dare? A weakling like you!-" Esther taunts. "..Calm down Elene," Celine and Melina held her back, "..She's not worth it," both exclaimed.

Elene released her pushing her back. The dimpled face girl deeply inhaled then exhaled sitting back down. "You're really a bitch! You know that?.." Celine sneered scrawling at the insolent Esther, "..You need to chill your shit down! And stop making trouble for Emerson!-" she spoke in a warning tone.

"..What if I don't want to are you going to fight me too," even though directed her words at Celine. Elene knew she referred to her, "-I won't easily back down. Carter was mine first and he'll continue to be mine until I say otherwise," she slammed her fist against the table.


Meanwhile back in Christopher's study Carter impatiently paced back and forth his keen ears were alerted when the door creaked he halts his movements. Christopher waltz in, "..You're here," the old matriarch firmly sat on his desk, "..I'm going to ask you something and It's important you answer honestly,"

"..What do you truly think about Esther? Do you still perhaps love her?-" his a questions reached Carter's ears the youth peered up at his grandfather's face, "Why are you asking this?.." he wrinkled his brows.

Christopher sighed, "..Just answer," Carter exhaled, "..My love for her has long faded. There's nothing left between us," Christopher nods, "..That's good if not everything would be complicated," he hands him an envelope.

"..What's this?-" Carter's slender fingers opened the seal pulling out a fail, "..What am I looking at?-" his blue eyes narrowed perplexed. Christopher spoke pointing towards the file, "..That's Ominous's toxicology report,"

Carter eyes focused scanned the file, "..Are you telling me that someone drugged the horse?-" the old matriarch raised his index finger he clicked his tongue, "-Not someone. Esther,"

"..Could she really do such a thing," Carter pondered in disbelief Christopher further explained, "..Her fingerprints were found on the empty bottle of insulin. What are the chances of her fingerprints ending up at the scene on the bottle, If she's not the suspect?-"

Carter gripped the report beyond furious, "..That vile woman! Emerson could've been killed and she still didn't care then! How could I have fallen for such a woman in the past?-" he tossed the report, "..Just wait she'll have me to deal with!.."

Christopher tries to calm him down, "...Calm down there son there's nothing to get worked up about I've already warned her-" Carter interjects, "..You should've called the police! Why didn't you call them?-" Christopher sighed frustratedly, "..Don't you think I wanted to but I couldn't when I thought about my friend-"

"..Well your friends daughter almost killed an innocent woman," Carter fumed, "..If she had died would you take responsibility?-" Christopher gulped at his fierceness, "..Would you take responsibility?!-" he barked banging on the shelf.

Christopher sighed, "..I know that you're angry but being angry is not going to help the situation. I've already warned Esther," Carter darkened, "..Do you think a small warning is going to stop her? What if she does something again huh?-"

Carter angrily fisted his hair, "..I'm livid right now! I'm going to kill her!-" Carter storms out slamming the door making angry strides, "..Don't be an ignorant fool!-" Christopher shouts standing at the doorframe.

Carter halts turning to face him he walks closer, "..Then what should I do stand around and watch her get hurt? Or should I become her bodyguard watching her 24/7?-"

Christopher rubs his chin, "-That's not a bad idea. Just to be safe try to be at her side as possible it could lessen the chances of Esther harming her," Carter had a reluctant look in his eyes, "..But will this really work?-"

"..We'll just have to wait and see," Christopher said lowering his hand from his chin, "..I'll do it! But if Esther crosses the line I'll be the one the deal with her," Christopher nods in agreement.

Carter satisfied strides off. He was going to make his way down to the garden when he collided with Emerson on the stairs, "..Be careful!.." he gripped her waist whilst firmly gripping the stairs frame which stabled his balance the two stared into each others eyes.

Carter lifts her up, "..I was just about to look for you," his peculiar blue eyes then dart down to her stained dress, "..What happened to your dress?-"

Cheng Bi Yu snaps out of her daze, "..The tea it spilt so the plan was to change and head back down," they both walked back up the stairs,".. Then you should hurry and get changed then we'll head down together,"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu brushed past Carter closing the door behind he leans against the wall patiently waiting.

Cheng Bi Yu slipped the dress over her head tossing it in the hamper then rummage through the closet, "..This should do," she slipped on a tight black dress.

The door swings open startling the closed eyed Carter, "Let's go," Carter nods leaning off the wall Cheng Bi Yu walked ahead, "..You look-"

"Um?-" she glanced back, "Nothing-" Carter's breath got caught in his throat, "Let's hurry!.." Cheng Bi Yu paced faster almost tripping over her feet, "Woah!.." Carter grabbed her arm, "..You okay?-"

Cheng Bi Yu nods, "Un." Straightening, "..I think these pebbles are out to get me," she joked, "Come on-" she brushed past him but not before grabbing his hand pulling him behind.

"..Finally we're here," Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed letting go of his hand once they reached the clearing.

"What a surprise I didn't expect to see you here Carter!" Esther exclaims indeed surprised spotting Carter. Carter lips thinned he placed both hands in his pockets inhaling the sweet air, "..From now on I'll be always by her side. The last incident got me all scared so I'm here to ensure nothing of that sort happens again,"

Carter narrowed his sharp eyes, "..And I surely hope the culprit will be caught-" his cold tone reached her ear, "..Don't you Esther?-" she bit her tongue, "Of course but didn't the horse just go crazy making accusations like this aren't you being daring?-"

Feeling the tension Celine interrupted, "..Do you know what happened that day?.." she directs her question to Carter, "It's still under investigation," he replied his eyes not leaving Esther, ".. Oh. Then let me know once you find out,"

Carter intertwined his and Cheng Bi Yu's hands bring the back of her palm to his lips he planted a ghost kiss, "..My angel was hurt the last time and I promise not to stop till I find out the truth." He lowers their hands.

Stepping forward he pulls out a chair, "..Thank you-" Cheng Bi Yu released his hand sitting down Celine had shifted so that Carter could sit beside Cheng Bi Yu, "..I had instructed the chefs to prepare something special," Celine informs she then beamed displaying an excited smile, "-Look here they come now,"

Carter cuts the tender caviar stabbing a piece on his fork he brought it to Cheng Bi Yu's mouth. Cheng Bi Yu's teeth slowly sled the caviar off the silver fork.

Cheng Bi Yu chews finished she licks her lip, "..Mhmm!-" she mumbled. Cheng Bi Yu puzzled at way Carter was staring at her asked, "-What's wrong? Is there something on my face?.." Cheng Bi Yu hurriedly brings her hand towards her face Carter snatched her wrist halting her movements.

Carter outstretched his thumb towards her lips wiping the brown smudge from the corner of her mouth he brings the same thumb to his lips Cheng Bi Yu gulped,  "..Tasty-" he comments releasing her wrist.

Cheng Bi Yu quickly averts her eyes looking down at her plate trying to hide her flushed cheeks, "..Ehem-" Celine interjects, "..You're seriously making us eat dog food right now." Elene gets in on it, "-Have some mercy on this single dog," she teased gripping her chest.

Cheng Bi Yu lowered her head even more as the redness spread to her ears and necks. Carter gulps down his glass of grade (A) red wine.

Cheng Bi Yu cuts a piece of her strawberry and chocolate cake bringing it to her lips. She takes off the strawberry on top and brings to Carter's mouth, "..For you honey," her eyes glanced over at Esther.

Carter bites down on the strawberry slowly chewing. Cheng Bi Yu retracts her fingers bringing the left half to her lips, "Dog food alert! I can't take it anymore," Elene dramatically exclaimed.

Melina pinched her side, "..Stop taking," she stuffed a piece of cake in Elene's mouth. Elene pouted leaning back Melina pulled her towards her the cute dimpled girl leaned resting her head on her shoulder.

"..Who's feeding us dog food now?.." Celine teased the two girls Elene stuck out her tongue.

"..Did you see Esther's face?!-" Cheng Bi Yu hung on to Carter's arm as they walked back the moon illuminated the pebbled path,"..She was like gahhh!!!-" she laughed doing a funny gesture with her hands, "..She looked like she was going to explode any minute," she playfully slapped his shoulders, "..It was so entertaining!-"

"Aww!.." Cheng Bi Yu fell back on the bed landing on her back with a puff she kicked off her heels, "..That was fun. If I'd known it'll be so fun with you around I'd invite you more,"

Carter flung his shirt over his head revealing his rock hard abs he then tugs a tank top over his head. Cheng prompt up on her elbows, "..Where you going?-" slipping off his pants he slips on a black sweatpants, "..I'm going on a late night jug,"

"..Want me to come?-" Cheng Bi Yu asked her eyes focused on his sharp jaw Carter shuffled closing the closet, "It's best you stay here. I jog better along,"

"Okay-" Cheng Bi Yu fell back her eyes focused on the ceiling she heard the door close. Cheng Bi Yu stretched for her phone switching on the screen, "Anything new?-" she scrolled through WeChat.

Carter plugs in his ear pods securely in his ears closing his eyes for a mere three seconds he inhaled. Exhaling his eyes flew open the athletic youth begins his jog not even five minutes in a figure jumped from behind a stub.

Carter paused glaring, "..What do you want now Esther?.." he frustratedly exhaled Esther smiles folding her arms below her chest lifting her boobs. "..It's just so the night was so wonderful I decided to take a jug-"

She boldly reached her hand out caressing his jaw he slaps her hand away, "..And you expect me to believe that?-" Carter plugged in back his ear pods, "..Just stay out of my way-" he brushed past her Esther smirked watching his retreating figure, "..You can't escape from me Carter. No matter how hard you try," she jogged behind.

When Carter got back to the room it was already one. Stripping his clothes he takes a early morning shower. Cheng Bi Yu shifted in bed hearing the running pipe.

When Cheng Bi Yu woke up everything was somewhat gloomy, "Good morning-" she stretched seeing the blurry figure Carter remained stiff he left without a reply, "-What's gotten into him?.." she rubbed her eyes.

"Hey there.." she spots Carter's back before she could reach him he walked away. Still not able to communicate with Carter despite her numerous attempts Cheng Bi Yu just wonders around she stumbles upon a oak brown door that was ajar.

"Hello?.." she called pushing the door forward she peeked her head in before fully entering she looked around, "..This must be Christopher's study," Cheng Bi Yu moves towards the bookshelf her fingers gliding against the spins of various books her finger paused on a green covered book she pulls it from the shelf flipping through the pages.

Cheng Bi Yu puts it down moving towards Carter's desk she lazily sat on his chair leaning back, "..This feels so comfortable," straightening her hands pulled opened a draw.

A picture frame was turned down Cheng Bi Yu picks it up slowly turning it around it was the picture for a three membered family a strikingly dressed man a beautifully dressed in black woman and their cutely suit attired son.

Her fingers glides over the glass stopping at the little boy, "..Carter," she mouths.

"..I didn't expect a visitor, " Cheng Bi Yu jolts being caught, "..T-that I," she scrambled to her feet, "..Sorry the door was open and I-"

A wholesome laugher was heard, "..It's alright no need to act so panicked. What are you looking at?.." Christopher closed the door stepping forward Cheng Bi Yu embarrassed hands Christopher the picture frame.

"..So this is what you're looking at-" his hand glides over the frame, "..Beautiful isn't it, the photo?-"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu replied, "..It's a beautiful portrait,"

Christopher paused his lips thinned,  "..They we're a beautiful family," he placed the picture frame down on the table, "..Were?-" his words sparked her curiosity.

Cheng Bi Yu stepped aside Christopher sat down at his desk, "Sit-" he gestures, "..This was the last picture they ever took together who knew two days later they'd be dead,"

Christopher sighed and went on to tell the sad tale that still haunts him and forever scared his grandson, "..Carter was just six when they died he couldn't recall much of what happened but that day the day my heart was shattered haunts me,"

Christopher rests his clasped hands on the desk, "...They died in a car crash that day when I arrived on the scene Carter was being tightly cradled in his dead mother's arm as she breath her last breath my son had died on impact,"

Cheng Bi Yu's eyes moistened, "..That's horrible to hear. I'm so sorry," she apologetically bowed, "..I'm so sorry for letting you relive that memory," Christopher's eyes were moist.

"..There's no need to apologize. It wasn't your fault," he hands her his handkerchief, "-Here have this,"

"..Thank you-" Cheng Bi Yu accepts wiping her eyes, "..Today's their memorial. Please excuse Carter's behavior it's difficult for him,"

Cheng Bi Yu placed her palm on Christopher's, "-Don't worry I know how difficult this must be for him. I'll take good care of him," she exclaimed assuring the old matriarch.

Christopher genuinely smiles, "..Carter is blessed to have you by his side. I'm really glad you're together,"

Cheng Bi Yu unexpectedly received a notification.

[[Bonus mission unlocked!]]

[[Bonus mission: Find out the true conspiracy behind the second male lead's parents death]]

'-So the bonus mission was related to him after all...' Cheng Bi Yu shifted in her seat.


Cheng Bi Yu is brought back to reality when Christopher's calm voice reached her ear, "..I better go get ready. You should too I'm sure Carter will appreciate it very much if you're by his side,"

Cheng Bi Yu nods heading back to her room Cheng Bi Yu finds a off the shoulder sleek black dress laying on hung on the edge of the mirror she takes it down, "-Huh this wasn't here before?.."

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