The Day I Called You Mine{Spi...

By i-have-one-braincell

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A love story between Danny Rand and Peter Parker. They figure out their powers and responsibilities as teen h... More

Chapter 1 "The Beginning"
Chapter 2 "Journey of the Iron Fist"
Chapter 3 "Jennifer"
Chapter 4 "Knightress and Purple Man"
Chapter 5 "Jessica Jones"
Chapter 6 "Visitor"
Chapter 7 "On the run"
Chapter 8 "Its Over"
Chapter 9 "It's not your fault"
Chapter 10 "Forgive yourself"
Chapter 11 "I can never renounce my Spiderman identity"
Chapter 12 "Reminder from the past"
Chapter 13"A Bad Morning"
Chapter 14 "Should we help him?"
Chapter 15 "Shopping + New Character"
Chapter 16 "Hothead"
Chapter 17 "Thursday"
Chapter 18 "Don't you trust us?
Chapter 19 "Harry's Back"
Chapter 20 "Double Date"
Chapter 21 "Getting Party ready"
Chapter 22 "The Party Part 1"
Chapter 23 "The Party Part 2"
Chapter 24 "The date"
Chapter 25 "The New Goblin"
Chapter 26 "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 27 "I Don't Deserve Them"
Chapter 28 "He's So Stubborn"
Chapter 29 "You're Cleary Not Good For Him"
Chapter 30 "What a Great Boyfriend..."
Chapter 31 "Promise Me We Won't Keep Secrets From Each Other"
Chapter 32 "Breathe. Grow. Live Again"
Chapter 33 "I'll Always Be Here To Support You"
Chapter 34 "I'm So Scared..."
Chapter 35 "At least I'm trying..."
Chapter 36 "I'll Deal With It"
Chapter 37 "Confessions"
Chapter 38 "Back Home"
Chapter 39 "Just Kill Me Already"
Chapter 40 "No One Can Tell You What's Right or Wrong"
Chapter 41 "Don't Be Attached"
Chapter 42 "You Can Trust Me"
Chapter 43 "You Didn't Tell Him?"
Chapter 44 "I Can Handle Myself"
Chapter 45 "I'll Protect You"
Chapter 47 "Compassion"
Chapter 48 "Damn you..."
Chapter 49 "Hatred"
Chapter 50 "Babysitter"
Chapter 51 "12 Years Old"
Chapter 52 "Am I Selfish?"
Chapter 53 "Questions"
Chapter 54 "Like A Child"
Chapter 55 "Worrisome"
Chapter 56 "Prom Ready"
Chapter 57 "Are You Okay With This?"
Chapter 58 "Cold"
Chapter 59 "Equinox"
Chapter 60 "Why?"
Chapter 61 "I Envy You"
Chapter 62 "It's His Fault, Isn't It?"
Chapter 63 "Blush"
Chapter 64 "Candle"
Chapter 65 "Sleepover"
Chapter 66 "Does He Scare You?"
Chapter 67 "Move On"
Chapter 68 "Closer"
Chapter 69 "Withdrawal"
Chapter 70 "We Know"
Chapter 71 "Want To Help"
Chapter 72 "Protection"
Chapter 73 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 74 "What Are You Planning?"
Chapter 75 "Winter"
Chapter 76 "It's Your Fault"
Chapter 77 "A Tiger's Death"
Chapter 78 "Warehouse"
Chapter 79 "Bruises"
Chapter 80 "Choice"
Chapter 81 "Left Alone"
Chapter 82 "Reflection"
Chapter 83 "Seperation"
Chapter 84 "Reaction"
Chapter 85 "Imposter"
Chapter 86 "Life"
Part 87 "Loss"
Chapter 88 "Stay"
Chapter 89 "Welcome Home Danny"
Chapter 90 "Involve"
Chapter 91 "Camera Footage"
Chapter 92 "Restruant"
Chapter 93 "For Him"
Chapter 94 "Idiot"
Chapter 95 "Consequence"
Chapter 96 "I love ya, you destructive dummy"
Chapter 97 "Scared?"
Chapter 98 "I'm Sorry For Not Giving Up"
Chapter 99 "Old Man"
Chapter 100 "Nothing's New"
Author's Note + What's To Come
Chapter 1 "It's What Friends Do" (EDITED VERS.)

Chapter 46 "Peaceful Morning"

280 9 4
By i-have-one-braincell


Peter had pulled an all nighter working on an invention on his desk without realizing that it was already Tuesday morning and the day of his finals. He heard his alarm clock ring near his bed then he shoots out his webbing from his wrist towards it, making it silent again and stuck against the wall. He stretched his arms out and yawned as he stood up from his chair, he began to sweat and touched his forehead feeling hot but he just shrugged it off, he yelped as he sees Danny sleeping on his bed. Peter shook his head and had walked towards Danny to wake him up, after getting no response to Peter repeatedly calling his name and lightly shaking him, he had pinched his cheeks very tightly and pulls it making him give a response by covering his entire body into the blanket.

Peter:Danny wake up already, I know you're awake

Danny:Let me sleep for ten more minutes...

Peter:When did you even get into my room? I didn't hear you come in

Danny:Did you forget already?
*he quickly sat up and stared at Peter with his bed hair looking a bit shocked*

Peter:Forget what?

Danny:When I came back from work, I came to check in your room if you were alright and asleep but instead I saw you working on something. I wanted to scold at you for not sleeping but instead you saw how tired I was from working late and had allowed me to sleep in your bed again

Peter:Really? I don't remember that...

Danny:You were also begging me to sleep in your bed, saying how you didn't want to be alone

Peter:Now I know that you're lying

Danny:I'm not, have I ever lied to you before?

Peter:You kept things from me, does that count?

Danny:What were you working on anyway? You looked so focused on it

Peter:It's a little upgrade for my suit

Danny:You wanted to work on it over night?

Peter:What's wrong with that?

Danny:Nothing, but why were just making an upgrade now?

Peter:It came to me when I was in bed, I couldn't sleep properly if I didn't sketch it out and make it

Danny:Oh...where did you get the equipment?

Peter:Why are you so full of questions lately?

Danny:Sorry...I just want to know more about you, I didn't know that you make your own gadgets

Peter:I do, I made my own suit, webbing, and everything else

Danny:The bike was from SHIELD...

Peter:I-I know that! I haven't rode it after some genius decided to crash it towards Jessica
*he walked back towards his desk and looks at the small scraps of metal and tools, along with a magnifying glass, his suit, and one of his web shooters*

Danny:Are you feeling better from yesterday? After you threw up?

Peter:I'm feeling better, how was your talk with Emma and Ward?

Danny:Me and Emma are in normal terms, she's still pressuring me to marry her, in which I said no to...again

Peter:She walk out on you again?

Danny:She did, and I didn't brought up about the hidden camera in my office

Peter:Why not?

Danny:Ward told me not to, he's thinking of hiring a private investigator and handle things from there

Peter:Handle things? What things? You don't need an investigator to deal with blackmail, you need a lawyer

Danny:Yes I know, but from Ward's point of view we need an investigator to find out about the blackmail and some other matter...

Peter:How is the investigator handling the blackmail? Don't tell me that you and Ward agreed to find leverage on the Frost family to blackmail them back

Danny:I didn't really agree to it...but I have to do it

Peter:Danny, you do realize that it's a crime right? If the public finds out then you handle trial

Danny:I know, but what other choice do I have? If the Frost family knows about us then I have to take action and protect you from getting hurt by them

Peter:You'll do a crime for me?
*he asks with red on his cheeks, Danny paused and his face turned red as he shyly shook his head as he looked down*
Well you better have fun in jail if you get caught

Danny:Peter don't be like'll bail me out if I do get arrested will you?
*he laid back down on Peter's bed, covering his body with Peter's blanket as he kept his head out*

Peter:Do you want me to be behind bars with you?

Danny:It's better than being by myself...

Peter:Probably not, you have your fancy lawyer, she'll bail you out the second they throw you in jail

Danny:I rather get out by you...

Peter:Then what's the point of having a lawyer?
*the door had let out a knock catching their attention, Peter groaned in annoyance as Sam's voice spoke out from behind the door, telling them to hurry up for them to eat breakfast. Then right after he spoke, they heard him quickly run down the stairs*
I bet that idiot just started studying for finals will you go to your room for me to change?

Danny:Let me sleep for five more minutes...I won't look
*he dug his head inside the blanket returning back to sleep, Peter smiled softly as he heads towards his closet to grab his clothes before he and Danny heads down to breakfast*


As everyone were in the dining room eating breakfast, Ava turns to Sam who was eating nervously as he kept his attention to his notebook of notes and worksheets

Ava:Sam didn't you study yesterday with Jessica and MJ?

Sam:I didn't...I was too distracted by Jessica and MJ, they talk a lot

Luke:Don't blame others for you not being able to study, you knew the final was today and decided to study last minute again

Sam:That's not true! I did study yesterday!
*he defended himself as Ava just rolled her eyes, Aunt May had sat in the dining room with her mug of coffee in hand. Peter had walked down the stair steps and they instantly turned to his direction as he let out a sneeze*

Peter:Hey...what's up guys?
*he asked as he walked towards them and had sat beside Ava*

Ava:Sam is studying last minute again

Peter:I can't say I'm not surprised

Sam:S-shut up! Did you even study when you went to a certain someone's place?
*Peter just responded with a glare telling Sam to shut up but Sam just rolled his eyes and kicked Peter's foot from under the table, then he continued to study*

Aunt May:Is Danny going to eat late again?

Peter:He came home late and I let him sleep for a few more minutes, he'll come down in a minute

Aunt May:It's great to know that you two are close, I can tell that you two depend on each other a lot
*she spoke calmly, as she took a sip from her mug. The teenagers looks at May then look back at Peter who was avoiding their gazes and Sam's glare*

Peter:W-what makes you say that?
*he spoke nervously as he tend to hold back his blush*

Aunt May:You two are together a lot aren't you? It's a relief to know that Danny can take care of you whenever you visit his company, and trusted him enough to sleep in his room for a couple nights when Mary Jane was over

Peter:We're just really good friends!

Aunt May:I can tell! Danny had lend you his sweater so I can tell you two are close, but make sure you aren't that close for people to get the wrong idea
*Peter had folded his arms and laid back on the chair avoiding the green sweater he was wearing, he kept his head down as he felt his face heat up and his heart beating loudly*
But I'm glad you two are close, but as long as Danny's generosity pays the bills then I'm fine with it...

Peter:(what is that supposed to mean?! Does that mean that she knows?!)

Sam:She's right though Pete, it's great that you gotten real close with him
*he spoke in a cold voice as he kept his glare at Peter*
You're not trying to make us jealous are you?

Peter:U-uh no no! Danny's like a dog, he just follows me around!

Ava:Sure...we should wake Danny up shouldn't we? Jessica might be on her way already to pick us up

Luke:I'll go wake him up
*he was about to stand up from his chair but Peter quickly rose up instead*

Peter:Actually I'll go! I'm the one who wakes him up the fastest right?
*they watched Peter quickly run up the stairs nervously, they sighed and shook their heads in annoyance, while May had a small soft smile of catching the hints of Peter's and Danny's relationship*


Jessica sat in the driver's seat of her car as she had her phone in hand, parked outside of Peter's house waiting for them to come out. She stood straight as she heard MJ's voice call out her name as she ran towards her, Jessica forms a smile as she sees MJ stop by the window of the driver's seat as she wore her black glasses again. She rests her arms onto the wheel leaning forward, as she spoke to MJ

Jessica:Wearing glasses again?

MJ:I woke up late again...

Jessica:You can get in already, the other slowpokes aren't here yet
*MJ quickly nods nervously, as she grips onto the straps of her backpack. She steps inside the car sitting beside Jessica with her bag on her lap, waiting silently and awkwardly for the others to arrive. She glances at Jessica in the corner of her eye and sees Jessica resting her chin over her forearms that was on the wheel, looking troubled*

MJ:Is something wrong Jessica?

Jessica:Hm? Oh, no's just about my friend. He's involved in some shady shit and didn't call me last night or this morning, I'm starting to get a bit worried

MJ:Is it the friend you were talking with yesterday?

Jessica:Yes...was I talking too loud yesterday?

MJ:N-no! You weren't, I left the door a bit open and I might have...listened in much did you hear?

MJ:You arguing with you friend about...hurting others, for their own benefit...and of a crime boss
*she tightened her grip on one of the straps of her backpack as she spoke with her head down, Jessica became silent as she let out a sigh as she faces forward*

Jessica:I was arguing with my friend about that...

MJ:Are...are you involved with the gang fights recently...? And of the kids that were brutally murdered and beaten from Harlem...?

Jessica:What if I was? Do you see me as a bad person?

MJ:N-no I don't! I know you're not that type of person...

Jessica:How can you be sure? You saw me throw a grown man to the ground...

MJ:They were harassing you, like what you said...

Jessica:And you believe me? You shouldn't believe to everything people say, you know that right?

MJ:I know, I don't know why I believe you but I know that you wouldn't kill someone...

Jessica:Really? Then how about I tell you how I killed them...?


Jessica:Do you believe me when I tell you that it was easy to snap a guys neck after he's been punched against the wall multiple times? Or when I tossed a guy against the wall, head first, making them die instantly? Do you believe me Mary?
*she turns to MJ who looked quiet but kept her head down, shaking not knowing what to say*
(Maybe this will make her to stay away from this tornado I'm involved in now...)


Sam:Hey Jessie! Sorry we took long
*he called out interrupting them, Sam leans down to MJ's side window as he forms a smile*
Were you two talking about something?
*Jessica glances to MJ who had her head up, but was avoiding Jessica's gaze*

Jessica:It's nothing
*she looks past Sam and her eyes became dull as she sees Peter talking to Danny who had a half sleeping and half awake face, still forming a soft smile to Peter as he talked. She sighed and looks back to Sam*
Get on already, I don't have all day...
*she and MJ sat in silence as Luke and Ava had gotten on, Sam looks at the last empty seat in the car and back at Peter and Danny*

Sam:Erm sorry guys...there's only one spot in the car

Luke:Then do we have to get off too?

Jessica:No. There's some space in the trunk, since Sam is the smallest out of all of us, he'll fit perfectly

Sam:No I won't! I'm not going to be inside your smelly trunk for the lovebirds!

Jessica:It's not smelly at all, I had it clean for you in case you do get inside

Sam:No! I'm getting in!
*he sat in the empty spot in the car as he kept his arms crossed, leaving Peter and Danny outside*

Jessica:Jesus Sam, the trunk is spacious and clean, you can fit inside, don't act like a brat

Peter:It's fine Jessica, me and Danny can just walk to school

Jessica:Are you sure? I can tie Sam up and put him in the trunk

Peter:Yes well even if you do that, where will I sit?

Jessica:You can just sit on Danny's lap, it's not big deal
*Peter then turns red as Jessica spoke, Sam then glares at Peter as he kept his arms folded, Danny glances at him then he places his hand on Peter's shoulder and pulled him close and forms a smile*

Danny:We'll be fine, we'll just meet you at school Jessica

Sam:I'm walking to school too!

Jessica:What the hell? Didn't you complain that you wanted me to pick you up yesterday?

Sam:I want to stretch my legs!

Jessica:If you want to grow taller then drink more milk before you go to sleep

Danny:We'll be fine guys, you don't have to fight. So if you're worried about Peter, Sam, you shouldn't, I'm his boyfriend after all and I can protect him, we'll meet up at school
*he spoke in an icy tone as he closes the door from Sam's side, still forming a smile as he gave an icy glare at Sam. Sam glared back then had turned forward*

*Jessica glanced at Sam from her front rear window and had turned forward and starts the car. She drove the car down the road leaving Danny and Peter together, then Ava glances at Sam who still looked pissed and she moves closer to Luke and had whispered to him*

Ava:Do you think Sam and Danny is getting into some conflict?

Luke:Maybe...I gotten chills just by hearing Danny sound a bit mad...


Peter and Danny walked side by side down the road. Peter let out a yawn and stretches his arms up. Danny softly chuckles and had spoke

Danny:Peter, you should have slept last night instead of staying up, how are you going to stay awake for the finals today?

Peter:I'll manage, I pulled a lot of all nighters back then and I'm still fine

Danny:Yes but either way, what if you get sick from not getting enough sleep, you did throw up in my office yesterday

Peter:I won't get sick, and I don't know why I threw up, but it was right after Emma touched my shoulder like she wanted to ask me something

Danny:Your spider sense didn't go off before she touched you?

Peter:No, it did ring a bit when she actually touched me, but I responded by falling onto my knees and throwing up...
*he turns his head at Danny and sees the chain of the gold necklace peaking out from the collar of his jacket*
I've seen you with that gold necklace since yesterday, was it a gift?

Danny:It was my mom's, when she died she only had the necklace on her so I kept it with me

Peter:How come you weren't wearing it before?

Danny:Some friends of mine from K'un L'un had hid the necklace in one of the gardens as a joke, I couldn't find it before I had to leave to New York and my brother had actually found it for me when I went back for Ava's amulet

Peter:If your friends have hid something precious to you left by your mom, then they aren't your friends

Danny:I know that...

Peter:Well it's a pretty necklace, your mom had good tastes

Danny:She did...

Peter:And is the necklace a locket? Does it have a picture of you as a baby?
*he asks excitedly causing Danny to blush*

Danny:No...just a photo of my mom. She added a photo of me, her, and my dad before, but she removed it and added her own before she died


Danny:...I don't know, her and dad had problems with their marriage, I don't remember much but I knew that mom wasn't happy with the marriage, since she would cry in her room after dad leaves after yelling at I guess it's better that I don't remember much about that
*Peter looks sadly towards Danny then he bumps his shoulder with Danny's*

Peter:I'm sure your mom was a great person, that's probably why you're also a good person, you must have gotten her traits other than your dad, other than good looks
*Danny smiled again with a small laugh*

Danny:Well not really, you're more of a good person like my even have her eyes

Peter:*he felt his cheeks burn then her turns away*
Gross dude, you see me as your mom? That's weird...

Danny:You know that's not what I mean love

Peter:It's weird if you say it out loud! Am I just a replacement for your mom? That's harsh...

Danny:What about your parents? You don't talk about them

Peter:I don't really remember my mom or dad, they died when I started preschool. Uncle Ben and Aunt May told me that they died in a plane crash as they were handling a mission since they were CIA agents, and Aunt May and Uncle Ben took care of me since

Danny:So you don't know what they looked like?

Peter:There were photos of them but I can't seem to remember them...and unlike you, Aunt May had placed my parent's belongings in the attic and can't open it without the key

Danny:Can't say that I'm surprised that your parents were agents and you're also an agent of SHIELD, it must run in the blood...

Peter:Maybe...but we'll see how it goes...

Danny:I didn't ask of how you got your powers...did you get them from a car crash?

Peter:A bug bite from a field trip in a year ago, lame isn't it?

Danny:It's not, how did the bug bite give you powers?

Peter:It was filled with radiation as a test subject in Oscorp, I just happened to be the unlucky one to get bitten

Danny:You're not unlucky, if you didn't get bit then I wouldn't have met you

Peter:Don't say things you don't mean Danny

Danny:I'm not~ you don't believe anything I say...
*they continued to talk, getting to know one another as they were slowly walking towards the school with Jessica and the others already waiting and standing at the school gates*


Jessica:Where the hell are they? We came twenty minutes ago

MJ:Maybe they came across something...

Ava:Whatever they're dealing with, they must be taking their sweet time to get here

Luke:We can wait for them inside, it must be cold out here

Sam:And I need to study for the final today

Jessica:You just started studying? We told you to study yesterday when we were at Mary's place

Sam:You and her were talking so loud, I couldn't concentrate

Jessica:Don't blame us for your laziness!

MJ:Oh, there's Danny and Peter...
*she waved her arm towards Peter with a bright smile, but Peter and Danny kept talking, ignoring her, then MJ lowered her arm*

Luke:What's taking them so long? They're slower than a snail

Sam:Who cares? Look at Danny! He looks so intrigued in what Peter is saying

MJ:I wonder what they're talking about now that I think about it...

Jessica:I'm guessing from Peter's mad expression and Danny smiling like an idiot, he must be making fun about Sam

Sam:Are you asking for a death wish Jess?

Peter:Can you believe that Daredevil is such an asshole? Like I tried to help him but instead he was acting like a jerk and was bullying me! He kept calling me an idiot and was dealing with the Punisher alone, can you believe it? I can't believe that I was a fan of his...

Danny:I heard Daredevil works alone, and since you're young, he probably sees you as a burden to him

Peter:So what if I'm young? I can throw a few punches, and I could had Frank if his new girlfriend didn't come in and took him away. Now thanks to them I've gotten shot in my shoulder again

Danny:Well you should stop being reckless, how many times in a week did you have to get stitches on your wounds?

Peter:It's no big deal Danny, they get healed in a couple days

Danny:Yes but don't they leave scars?

Peter:Well yeah sometimes, I still have a huge scar from when Harry impaled me

Danny:I'm checking it when we get home

Peter:Y-you don't have to Danny, you should worry more about work and the Frosts
*he spoke as he blushes with a smile*

Danny:I'm more worried about you Peter, you've been in near death experiences like five times already

Peter:You're exaggerating, it wasn't five times, it was about four


Peter:Well sorry for doing my job Danny, but you shouldn't worry, like Ava said, I'm too stubborn to die
*he spoke as he kept his smile reassuring Danny who had a sad expression like a puppy, still not believing him and had looked down. Peter noticed this then he moved his hand behind Danny's back and lightly pats it catching his attention to turn towards him as his face heated up*
I get why you're worried but you really shouldn't, the stress might give you wrinkles on your pretty face in a year or so, so stop worrying about me like an overprotective mother...I can protect myself
*Danny still remained silent and turned away from Peter, Peter pouts and had stood and stopped in front of Danny, causing him to stop and look at Peter confused*
Do you still don't believe me when I said you shouldn't worry?
*he asked, expecting an answer but Danny remained quiet, still being uncertain*
Danny, you shouldn't be worn down of me in the costume, I have my own worries too and it's about the city and protecting it from Osborn and Doc Ock, and other threats out there...I rather not waste my energy on you constantly worrying me for doing my job, so stop...I'll be fine...I promise
*Danny stared at him, and sees Peter still form his reassuring smile to Danny then they looked over to the gate behind Peter as they heard a voice sounding like Flash*

"Hey! Are you going to get married or what?!"

He asked mockingly in front of the gang, as Liz was beside MJ with her hand on her hip with a slight chuckle. Danny glared at Flash's direction and had stepped forward as if he was going to approach him, but Peter stopped him by placing his hand on his chest causing him to stop. Peter just shook his head as he kept his small smile, telling Danny to not give Flash any attention

Peter:It's not a big deal Danny, I'm used to it...just let it go, we have to keep our relationship in the low in public remember?
*Danny slowly nodded as they heard Flash's obnoxious laughter from the gate, Peter kept his face forward ignoring Flash and his friends laughing. He then quickly turned around in surprise as he heard Jessica's voice talk to Flash in a defensive tone*

Jessica:Do you ever stop acting a dick Flash? Didn't I broke your jaw last time and broke your tooth or something?

Flash:Oh Coma Girl, sure you did, I was acting a bit reckless back then and allowed you to hit me, like a good gentleman

Jessica:Then make sure your reckless ass, stop talking about Peter and picking on him

Flash:Don't tell me you didn't hear the rumors Coma Girl? There's been rumors of him ever since middle school, Rand is a great guy and should be warned of Parker
*Danny stepped forward again having a cold and ruthless expression but was still stopped by Peter with his hand on his chest, then they heard Sam's voice yell out to Flash catching everyone's attention with shocked expressions*

Sam:Listen asshole! If you have a problem with Peter then go through us! You keep bothering him for stupid ass reasons, if you have a problem with him then just ignore him! You don't have to go as far to waste time to bother him and make him feel bad about himself! Stupid bastard!

Jessica:Damn Sam...

Sam:I bet you aren't even loved by your parents and that's why you attract attention and bully others to make you feel good for yourself and be loved! Sad ass bitch!
*Flash's eyes began to water as he clenched his fist in anger leaving Peter and Danny surprised, Ava just shook her head in disappointment while MJ just remained quiet*

Luke:Jesus Sam, you don't have to say that...

Liz:How dare you say that to Flash! Do you have to act like you know everything?!

Sam:Are you saying that you know everything about him slut?!

Jessica:Damn...I wanted to say that
*Luke just rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, Liz looked at him in shock with a faint gasp*

Peter:Sam! Don't yell at other people in anger!

Sam:Shut up Parker! God you're so annoying! Make a choice already!

*he breathed out as Danny glances at him in confusion, he then looked away silent*

MJ:S-Sam calm down're attracting attention...
*she spoke in worry as Sam lowered his temper as he sees students looking at him as they walked past and some standing looking at him*

Sam:Argh! Fuck this shit!
*he yelled in frustration as he stormed away, towards the school doors walking past students and walks inside. The team watched in silence still filled with shock, then Jessica spoke out*

Jessica:I might have misjudged him, that was pretty badass...
*Ava glared at her as Luke did the same, MJ let out a small giggle to her response. Danny looks at Peter who ran from him, thinking he was going to head to the team or follow Sam but instead runs towards Flash. He places his hand on Flash's shoulder making him flinch and step away from Peter who looked concerned*

Peter:You okay Flash? He might have said some harmful words to you...

Flash:Don't try to act sorry for me nerd, you must have known that your crazy friend would slander me!

Jessica:Get some brain cells dumbass, he's asking if you're fine

Liz:He's not a dumbass!

Jessica:I didn't ask if he was, it's obvious that he is

Liz:You bi-!

Peter:Hey! Stop causing another fight, do you want to attract the principal?
*Liz just puffed her cheeks in anger, she tightly grabs Flash's hand and pulls him away as Jessica just let out a sigh with a small grin*

Jessica:She's so easily angered, it's hilarious

MJ:Don't say that...she's been through a lot in her life that had led her like this

Luke:What about Sam? He just began blowing up out of no where

Jessica:Thank god he did, or else Flash would have ended up with a broke rib instead of a cracked jaw

Ava:Do you always have to respond with violence Jessica? Your choices are affecting Sam's behavior

Jessica:Why are you blaming me? It's not my fault that Sam brought himself up in my fight with spider wannabe

Peter:Don't start arguing again please...I just wanted today to be peaceful since it's final week...
*he then felt a hand on his shoulder from behind, his face then brightens up as he sees Danny beside him who had a small smile*

Danny:Do you want to get inside Peter? You might actually get a cold if you keep staying out here...

(Why does he have such a handsome face...?)

Luke:We're cold too, can you take us inside as well Danny? My best friend?
*he asked in a cold tern as he glared at Peter, Peter turned away from Luke's glare feeling awkward*

Peter:(can't I at least have a day of peace?)
*as he walked towards the doors with his friends, he felt his head trigger his spider sense and he quickly stops and turns around, he sees students walking in through the gate and cars passing through the street. In a distance he sees a black car parked in front of an apartment building, he stepped forward to approach it but stops as he heard Danny call his name and he turns around looking at him*

Danny:Hey, what's wrong Peter?
*he asked, voice full of concern as the others watched from the staircase in confusion*

Peter:U-uh, nothing...lets just go inside...
*he walks past Danny and walks to the staircase, Danny looks towards the direction Peter was looking and sees the parked black car from the distance. He let out a small sigh and walks up the stairs with the others as he took his phone out from his pocket and began to send a text message*


Peter and the others walked inside their first class and had walked to their seats. Other students were also walking inside getting to their seats as the teacher was sitting at their desk. The team looks up to the door as they see Sam walk in and sit his seat beside Ava, looking grumpy from earlier. Jessica looks at him as she rests her chin on her hand then she looks at Luke sitting beside her and had whispered

Jessica:Hey, why did Darth Vader over there began blowing up like a balloon?

Luke:I don't know...he looked fine this morning

Jessica:What does Ava think?

Luke:I can tell that she looks disappointed but not surprised, we kind of knew he's sometimes a bit short tempered, he's been like that when he first joined our team...

Jessica:What about Peter? He yelled back at him to make a choice?

Luke:I don't know Jess...I don't know what's going on between them

Jessica:Do you think blondie know?

Danny:Are you talking about me?
*he asked as he turned his body sideways, as he was sitting in front of them*

Jessica:You heard us?

Danny:I sit in front of you, of course I heard you two

Jessica:What do you think of Sam's outrage? Since you're a bit chill and mellow, maybe you can give him some quiet time


Jessica:Isn't that what you do? Giving others some quiet time like meditating and all that?

Danny:I don't ask others if they want to have meditation

Luke:What about Peter?

Danny:He asked, so who am I to take down his offer?

Jessica:Man, I bet it was during your crush on him

Danny:...yeah it was long have you liked him...? Without telling me? Your best friend?

Danny:Long enough, but we're not talking about that now Luke...

Luke:I'm disappointed that you haven't told me

Jessica:Can we get to our topic with Samzilla over there?

Danny:Yes, well I can't really help him, unless he asks me

Jessica:Really? It's like asking a stabbed person if they need an ambulance

Danny:Jessica, I can't push a person to do something they don't want to do, so I can't tell Sam to calm his mind, it'll just make him more angry

Jessica:Well it was worth a shot...did Peter tell you anything about him and Sam?

Danny:Him and Peter?

Luke:Yeah man, you clearly heard Sam yell at him to make a choice about something, aren't you curious as his boyfriend?

Danny:Yes I am, but I can't pressure him into telling me...I don't want to be on his bad side again

Jessica:If you didn't know money bags, communication is key in a relationship, you should start asking him of what Sam meant by what he said

Danny:I did ask him of his relationship with Sam yesterday, but he said he doesn't want to tell me I don't want to force him

Jessica:Isn't that more suspicious of their relationship?

Luke:Yeah it's a bit weird...mostly since Sam began acting up lately because of you and Peter, maybe he's really jealous of you two or something

Jessica:He's jealous of them? Did he told you?

Luke:Me and Ava just assumed that he was for acting like a dick the other day to Peter and Danny for being the third wheel of their relationship

Jessica:Really? That's stupid...
*she spoke before the bell rang, everyone sat properly and quietly in front of the teacher as they stood up with a stack of papers*

"Remember class, you have two hours to complete your final. When you're done you can put it at the corner of your desk face down, you can either put your head down or work on something from another class and stay quiet for others still finishing their final"


"Mrs.Frost, you have a call"

Adrienne:Give it here
*she reached her hand to the female makeup artist to hand over her phone, she sat on a black chair as she had a blue shoulder-less dress that was long to cover her feet. She grabs her phone that was ringing faintly from a blocked number as the makeup artist had walked away giving her privacy*

"I found the boy you wanted me to tail, do you want me to enter inside the school and find him?"

Adrienne:Are you an idiot? No, of course not. You wait for them to come out, you followed them since they walked out of their house didn't you?

"Yes, I have some of my men outside of the house like you requested"

Adrienne:Good...don't forget to send me those pictures you took, father would love to get his hands on them...

"Yes Mrs.Fros-, hey who the hell are you?! What are you doing?! Stop! Help m-!"

Adrienne:*raises her brow in confusion as the call went silent, then the call had disconnected with a click and had went back to the phone's normal screen*


Meanwhile, in The Snow Valley School For Girls, students were walking to their class as they talked happily. Mr.Kendall was at the doorway greeting his students as they walked in his classroom, Emma was slowly walking down the hallway, slowly approaching her classroom. She stared blankly to the floor as she was a dead corpse with black bangs under her eyes, her eyes were red and puffy from her crying the night before. She held tightly to her textbooks in her arms, as if she was hugging it, she then gotten purposefully bumped against the wall by Matilda's shoulder walking beside her.

Matilda:Watch where you're walking Frost
*she spoke was disgust in her voice, she looks down to Emma who was resting her shoulder against the wall with her head down*
Haven't they taught you to look up to others who are talking?
*she moves Emma's head up by her hand on her forehead, she sees Emma's condition then she let out a small laugh and she removes her hand as Emma looks down*
Ew, were you crying? Is it because of your lack for daddy's attention?
*she laughed again*
I seem to have underestimated Mr.Rand after his stunt at the dance, makes me wonder what type your family is for you to marry a jerk, but he does seem like your type after you slapped him. Is that how your family handle situations like that? Well like husband like wife I suppose...
*she let out a small giggle as she walks towards her class leaving Emma behind*

Emma had turned her body where her back was against the wall. She let out a deep breathe as she places her hand over her eyes as tears began to form in her eyes. As then began to slid down to the floor catching Mr.Kendall's attention and the rest of the female students, her head began to form a headache into a migraine. She removed her hand from her eyes letting tears roll down her cheeks as she notices blood dripping to her skirt from her nose, she covers her eyes with her hands as she heard the whispers that was from her female classmates, the voices were overlapping each other as more tears began to roll down her cheeks. She let out breathless pleads for help as the voices continued to overlap each other, then her eyes slightly widened as she began to rewatch glimpses of Peter's memories not knowing that Mr.Kendall was running towards her as he called her name

Emma:Make them stop! Stop it!
*she pleaded in an uncontrollable sob as her vision began to turn blurry as every female student watched in shock from a distance*
(Why won't it...stop...? I hate this...)
*she had closes her eyes falling into unconsciousness as her arms fell down and her body had slid to the side landing on the floor as Mr.Kendall helped her head up. Emma had opened her eyes and sees the headmistress of the school and the nurse looking down to her talking about her condition, she then slowly sat up and looks around. She realizes that she was in the nurse's office then looks up to the headmistress and nurse and asked 'What happened' then the nurse answered*

"You've fainted in the hallway Emma, you were unconscious for a few minutes"

Emma:Really...? I don't remember anything...

"Do you at least know why you might have fainted? Is it those migraines that you've been having?"'s nothing, I just haven't been able to sleep well lately...

"Problems at home?"

Emma:No...just drama with my friend...

"It must be serious since you have black under your eyes, we already called your father. His driver is picking you up in a few minutes, so we'll give you some privacy and make sure to get some rest"

Emma:W-what about the finals?

"It's rescheduled for tomorrow, as the headmistress of the school, I believe it's the best decision since the girls are still shaken up about it"

(Yeah right. They're so traumatized)

She said to herself as she sees students cheering in excitement down the hallway. She had her uniform on as she had her pink bag, she turned around as she heard Matilda call her name with her squad approaching her

Matilda:So you managed to postpone the final with a killer performance of fainting, looks like someone needed an extra day to study. How desperate and pathetic of you Frost, you might have needed more time to study but some of us didn't...
*Emma turns away from her as Emma and her friends walked past her giving her glances, Emma looked down to the floor*

Emma:(what do I do...should I just...tell him the truth that I know everything...)


As two hours have passed in Midtown High, ending first period. The teens had walked out of their classroom and stood in the hallway. Jessica had stretched her arms into the air as she let out a loud yawn with MJ, Luke, and Ava around her.

Jessica:That was boring as hell! Thank god we have ten minutes for break

Ava:Don't start celebrating Jessica, we have another final after break

MJ:Do you think you guys did good on the final?

Luke:Probably not, I just randomly put answers in the test and only marked the ones I know

Jessica:I know I failed
*she had turned her head towards the door and sees Sam walk out awkwardly with his head down, not wanting to make contact with her*
Hey Sammy, you look like you're not mad anymore. Come here with us, they're your friends too
*she spoke as she wraps her arm around his neck and dragged him into the group, he still kept his head down from meeting Ava's glare*

Sam:Sorry for...acting like that earlier, I shouldn't have yelled

Luke:It's cool man, but knowing how you have guts to yell at Flash and his girl is a bit badass


Jessica:He's right chipmunk, you also did me a favor for me not attacking Flash and landing him in the hospital along with his friend, so I owe you

Ava:He should still take responsibility for his actions Jessica

Jessica:What responsibility? For slandering Flash back for bullying Peter? Hell no, he deserved it, an eye for an eye

Ava:He also slandered Liz who was only trying to defend her boyfriend

Jessica:Why are you defending a slut and not Peter? He's been targeted for years by Flash and Liz just let him attack him

MJ:Jessica...Liz and Peter are good friends, the three of us still are, it was just a small joke

Jessica:Small joke? You're kidding aren't you Mary? You're just going to allow Liz to poke fun at Peter?

MJ:Of course not, but it was just a small joke and we shouldn't overreact over small things like that...

Ava:I agree with her

Sam:Where's Peter anyway? And Danny?

Jessica:Probably making out in class

Luke:Hey man, what's with Peter?
*he spoke as he turned to the door of the classroom where Danny began walking out as he holds Peter's arm, he walks towards them as he kept his worried expression to Peter. MJ had walked towards Peter as she had her concerned expression*

MJ:Peter what's wrong?

Peter:I don't know...I just feel like passing out
*MJ had placed the back of her hand on Peter's hot forehead*

MJ:Your forehead is burning up...

Danny:So you did have a fever Peter?
*he asked in which Peter kept silent*

Peter:I'm fine...I'm not like yesterday Danny

Jessica:What happened yesterday?

Danny:Peter threw up...

MJ:He threw up? And you didn't check to see if he was food poisoned or sick?

Danny:I did, but his temperature was fine yesterday...but then again he stayed up the whole night

Peter:Danny, you don't have to sound ashamed of me

MJ:Peter, why did you stay up all night? Were you reading a book all night again?

Peter:N-no! It was something else...

MJ:I told you multiple times to not stay up late for reading and doing your little experiments in your room! And yet you keep doing it and you end up sick

*Danny looks at MJ and Peter blankly as Jessica let out a 'pfft' as she watched MJ scolding Peter. Then Peter let out a cough which he covered with his arm, then he quickly covered his mouth as he felt vomit going up his throat, making his face turn green. He coughed again letting vomit land to the floor making the others quickly step back from him expect for Danny who stood beside him and kept holding his arm from falling forward*

Sam:Jeez Pete! What did you eat?

Ava:The same thing as us idiot

Sam:Yeah but that's a lot!

Peter:Shut up Sam...

Jessica:I'll call over the janitor, come with me Sam
*she drags Sam away as he was still wrapped around by her arm, he then turns around and sees Danny and MJ talking to Peter with worried looks on their faces. He then turns back forward in annoyance*

Danny:I'm taking you to the bathroom Peter...
*Peter slowly nodded, then MJ spoke out*

MJ:I'll contact May to pick you up Peter

Peter:Y-you don't have to! I just threw up, nothing big

Ava:Don't ignore that you have a huge fever Peter, and we wouldn't want you throwing up again on your final paper next period

Peter:But what about finals? I can't skip out on them

Luke:It'll be fine Pete, you can take them another day

Danny:Come Peter...
*Peter nodded again as Danny helped walk him towards the boys restroom*

Luke:How is he suddenly sick now? He was fine yesterday, even after he threw up with Danny

Ava:Luke...he was badly injured and cold last week with the situation with Harry, and yesterday was cold too and had a thin sweater and jacket including staying up all night
*she whispered to Luke as MJ had her phone out sending a message to Aunt May*

Luke:Oh that's right...but he looked fine this morning

MJ:I texted Aunt May, she said she might arrive in a few minutes

Ava:Have you dealt with this before? You look calm after Peter nearly threw up on your shoes

MJ:Yeah it happens, I dealt with it while growing up. He always stay up late to read a book or do his little experiments and ends up getting a fever

Luke:Do you think Danny might baby Peter now that he's sick?

Ava:Knowing him, he would, what about you MJ?

MJ:I'll help him take care of Peter...

Jessica:Sup' guys, we didn't took long didn't we?

Ava:No, Danny and Peter just left to the bathroom...

Jessica:Will Peter go to the nurse?

MJ:I texted his aunt, she should be here soon...

Sam:Is he going have to skip the final today?

Luke:Yeah, he looked horrible and it's better if he leaves home early

Sam:But he looked fine this morning

Luke:That's what I said, but according to MJ, it happens a lot

Jessica:That's a shame, I'll drop by your house and see him

Ava:By dropping by, do you mean you're staying for dinner again?

Jessica:I'm just stopping by to see a sick friend Ava, and you can't stop me's not that I care that you rather take our house as your own home

Danny stood by Peter as Peter was washing his mouth with the water from the sink. Peter dried his mouth with a towel as he let out a final cough, he looks at the mirror and notices Danny's cold and quiet expression giving him a look

Peter:Danny...don't look at me like that

Danny:Did you know you were sick Peter?

Peter:Yeah a bit...I just didn't want to worry you more

Danny:Well now I am more worried about you...I'll go home straight after school

Peter:You don't have to do that Danny, I know that MJ will be taking care of me and so is Aunt May, just go to work and don't skip out again just to baby me and I don't want to get you sick


Peter:Thanks Danny...
*he gives Danny a soft smile making him instantly blush and turn away*

Danny:S-sure but don't continue working on your suit upgrades, got it?

Peter:You act like a mom...

Danny:N-no I don't

Peter:Yes you do mom, and you say that I remind you as your mother

Danny:I just said that you two have the same eyes

Peter:Still, it's weird that you see your boyfriend as your mom

Danny:And you saying that I act like a mom isn't?

*he sees Danny hug him from behind and dig his head beside his neck*
Danny, do you want me to throw up on you?

Danny:I just want to stay like this...

Peter:Danny, you idiot, someone might walk in

Danny:I don't care...those two hours in class was infuriating, I just want a hug...

Peter:*he slightly tried to move Danny's hands but just let it be as blush forms in his cheeks*
Fine...just for a while before you have to go to class...

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