Free as a Bird

By Forrelz

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~Book 2~ (completed) The war ended, with the good getting the upper hand. Grindelwald's reign of terror ends... More

Small Update!


321 13 37
By Forrelz

A few weeks passed and soon enough, it was Christmas. Newt was aghast. He didn't know a whole year went by within a flash. They had accomplished so much during the course of a few months that Newt was sad to see the year pass by. However, he had a much bigger task at hand.

The wedding, of course!

Newt and Tina decided to get married on New Year's Eve,right on the 31st of December. They had booked a church for the celebration. Tina had already selected her posse of bridesmaids with Queenie being an active frontrunner. She had also dragged Dakota into it, much to her displeasure.  Weddings weren't really her thing.

It was three days before Christmas. Tina, Queenie and Dakota went to get Tina's wedding dress and their bridesmaid gowns. Queenie was getting quite used to being pregnant. It was going to be a couple of months before she'd go into labor. Dakota, meanwhile, helped as much as she could to make sure Queenie's pregnancy and Tina's wedding goes smoothly.

"Why are we even in a boutique?" Dakota rolled her eyes, "I hate them so much".

"No offense, D, but you can't wear a leather jacket to the wedding" Queenie shrugged, "You're going to need to get some gowns! Really pretty ones, too!"

"I'm going to try something simple" Tina decided, "I don't want something bedazzling and having me parched in the wedding".

"Tina, what even is a simple wedding?" Queenie chided, "You're getting married, damn it! You're going to go all out ! And I'll be in charge of that!"

"Oh no" Tina groaned. Like Dakota, she didn't like dresses so much, especially gowns. She was fine with maybe a knee length skirt and a blouse. All she wanted was simplicity. It didn't matter about the number of diamonds or jewels in her fabric. All that mattered was she was getting married to the love of her life.  Nevertheless, she was stuck with Queenie. Hence she is obligated to go all out.

They entered the boutique, feeling overwhelmed by the gorgeous gowns all around them. Luckily Queenie knew exactly where to look. Dakota wandered around, aimlessly, looking for something more her taste. Tina followed Queenie, examining the wedding dresses.

There was a promenade kind of dress, colored with the same tint as sour cream and it had a very close-fitting bodice. It had no sleeves and Tina felt quite insecure about it. She knew she'd look ridiculous in a dress, for a woman who had worn a shirt and a pair of pants all her life. She sighed as she looked at another dress, with a much loose bodice compared to the other dress. It was stitched in an off-shoulder kind of manner and was colored with the shade of vanilla ice cream and it had no designs at all.

Ugh, it'd look like I've wrapped around a bedsheet. Tina thought and skipped to the next dress. Most of them were glittery and shimmery or they had no intricate designs at all. She sighed deeply. This was supposed to be one of the best boutiques in London! How could they mess a simple thing such as a wedding dress?

"Teenie! Come here! Try this on!" Queenie called from the other side of the shop. The blonde sister showed her elder sibling a green tinted white dress. It had short sleeves, but they were quite transparent, since they were mostly adorned with intricate patterns. It had a perfect bodice, not too tight and not too loose. The dress almost went until her toes and spread out, like gossamer gown. 

"Do you like it?" Queenie asked.

"It's--" Tina was shook, "I don't think I'll look good in this. I mean, this is too over the top!"

"Nonsense, try it!" Dakota joined  them shortly, "You'll look good in anything. Just give it a shot. If not, I have lots of leather jackets to spare. You can make a statement".

"D!" Queenie snorted, not amused to the slightest, "Come on Teen, try it on! There's no harm in that! If not, we'll look for something else. We've got tons of options!"

"You should, Mademoiselle!" the owner of the shop, a smart French lady, encouraged, "Ze dress will be perfakt!"

"Thanks" Tina said as she went to the trying room to change into the wedding dress. She didn't want to unbutton her shirt down and hence, decided to wear it on top of her clothes. She emerged out of the room, a moment's later and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Ah!" the owner of the shop clapped as Tina gave them a weak smile, "Vous êtes magnifique! It is perfakt! You should get ze dress!"

"Woah" Dakota gaped, "It's gorgeous, Tina!"

"It is?"

"You look like a princess!" Queenie laughed, unable to control her excitement.

Tina looked at herself in the mirror. She twirled around, examining the entire dress. There was a chance that she could trip over while walking down the aisle, but Tina eliminated the probability. She felt a new surge of confidence from the dress, but gave her all the more reasons to feel insecure. What if her veil falls down? What if her dress tears up?

"Tina, Tina" Queenie read her mind swiftly, "You'll be fine. This dress is extremely pretty and you'll look amazing in it! You don't have to worry about tripping down at all or your veil".

"We've taken the liberty to select you a veil" Dakota handed it. It was coordinating well with the dress. It was simple and the headline was adorned with ornamental flowers. Dakota fitted the veil onto Tina's head and it almost took her breath away. Tina looked so good, like drop dead pretty in that gossamer gown. "I can literally imagine Newt's jaw drop!" Queenie added, "He's going to be so speechless that he'd stutter his way through the vows!"

"What about your bridesmaid dresses?" Tina asked them both, "You do realize that this dress shopping isn't just for me, right?"

"We've taken care of that. We're going to get this lilac dress for the both of us" Queenie pointed to a dress on a hanger. It didn't have sleeves and went until the knees. There was a little bow near the waistline and frills along the bodice . It was perfect, almost as similar to Tina's wedding dress. Dakota merely snorted at her bridesmaid dress.

"I mean, it's cool" she shrugged, "I'm fine with it, even though it has those annoying frills. Damn it".

"Okay ladies we're done here! Time for a well-deserved break at that café over there" Queenie clapped her hands excitedly, "I'm so happy that we all got to enjoy the day!"

"Wonder what the dudes are upto" Dakota said.

"I'm such a fool, Newt".

Meanwhile Newt, Theseus and Jacob were in their own shopping spree for tuxes and suits. Jacob was busy in the tie section, but his eyes darted to Newt, anticipating for a decision on the best man. Jacob really wanted to be the best man, make the speech and make Newt's day even more happy. But with Theseus hogging Newt all day, he didn't have a good chance.

"What happened?" Newt turned to his brother.

"I ruined things with Dakota!" Theseus slammed his fist against the wooden shelves, "I sent her a letter while I was drunk. And hell, it was so embarrassing! I realized it five hours later and I tried to apologize, but I couldn't talk to her for days! She avoided me at work and now, I'm regretting my decisions!"

"You should. Don't write when you're drunk" Newt advised, "Why don't you talk to her when she comes over for the Christmas  party? I'm pretty sure Tina would invite her".

"She wouldn't come, then. She just hates me, I know it" Theseus scoffed.

"Do you like her, as you stated in the letter?" Newt asked.

"I don't know! I was drunk, Newt! How could I ever revisit those feelings?" Theseus protested.

"Theseus, I want you to feel it" Newt advised, "Do you like Dakota? Give me a honest response. Look deep into yourself and ask the same question".

"I. . . "

"Hey, Newt" Jacob interjected, "How about ties, instead? Your bowties seem pretty overrated. Try a tie, maybe".

"I'll be there, Jacob!" Newt followed his best friend to the tie section. Theseus sat down, helplessly. He still had to talk to Newt about his best man choice. He knew that his little brother would pick him, since Newt was supposed to be his best man if Leta and Theseus ever got married. 

Newt selected a simple tuxedo without a bowtie, since he decided to wear his normal bowtie which he was comfortable with. These new bowties seemed pretty uncomfortable and too tight. It almost choked Newt when he was trying them out. He also selected a pair of business shoes, much to Theseus's insists, since he couldn't wait in the altar wearing boots. Theseus and Jacob had picked out their suit-and-ties and their own shoes.

After their shopping spree, all three of them went home for a well deserved break. They had been wandering around the Square, looking for good shops that sold wedding attires and they might need a bucketload of tea and biscuits to regenerate their energy.

"So, Newt, what's your status on the best man?" Theseus brought it up, as the three of them sat in Newt's apartment, feasting on biscuits.

"You know you have to choose between us" Jacob added, drinking some coffee out of a mug, "Whatever you do Newt, I respect your decision. . . if it's in my favor" Jacob added cheekily.

"Yeah, Newt" Theseus said, "Besides, I'll be happy with your choice. I'm not going to be picky at all. You're free to choose, alright? I'm your brother and I'll always love you and be proud of you".

"Okay" Newt said, looking at his brother and best friend, "I pick Jacob, then".

"Yes!" Jacob let out a triumphant cry, before standing up to dance victoriously. Theseus looked a bit aghast and perplexed. Jacob gave Newt a tight hug, before sitting down, again. He hummed a victorious tune and sipped some coffee to rejuvenate his energy.

"I. . ." Theseus began, "That's great, Newt" - he tried hard not to grit his teeth in such a conspicuous manner. He was hurt. He didn't realize Newt would choose friends over his own family. He had sacrificed almost everything for his little brother - even helped him through his travel ban and court procedures. He defended Newt's honor when his colleagues would mock him. What did Jacob have that Theseus didn't? Theseus couldn't understand.

"But you don't have to be sad about it, Theseus, since you're going to be one among the groomsmen! It's a very prestigious job to think about it" Newt decided, "A great honor, to speak of. You get to show people their seats and you get to advise me on important decisions such as whether should I or should I not wear makeup and help me if I get cold feet or something along those lines".

"Yeah, but best men are quite better" Jacob rubbed it in Theseus's face, unknowingly, "I mean, they get to hand out the rings and be the right-hand man, if you will. Besides, it's going to be a lot of fun, though. You also get to manage the whole wedding--"

Theseus got up, "I need some air. Excuse me. I just want to go through my . . . groomsman duties to make sure everything goes well. Everything for my dear brother".

"But--" Newt protested.

"It's fine, Newt. Everything is a-okay!" Theseus gave him false assurance, "Everything is marvelous! This is expected, isn't it? You picking Jacob because you two have a lot of history. Almost as brothers!"

"Uh, Theseus, you know I . . " Jacob began, intending that he didn't mean to gloat so much and he wouldn't want to get in between Newt and Theseus. He never wanted to ruin a relationship. He just wanted to be best man and he just wanted to apologize if things became a bit awkward between them.

"It's absolutely fine, Jacob. I just need a lot of air. Oxygen is important" Theseus left with that.

As he walked towards the exit and down the stairs, he heard a bunch of muffled giggles. Turned out, it was Tina, Queenie and Dakota, drinking hot chocolate from paper cups and laughing heartily at Dakota's dark humor. They just had gotten back from a day of fun shopping. Dakota noticed Theseus and so did Tina and Queenie. The Goldstein sisters shared a little smirk.

"Hey, where are you off to?" Queenie gave the elder Scamander brother a slight nudge, "We still have a few more plans for the big wedding. Don't run off somewhere".

"I need some air, if you will" Theseus said, solemn, "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be back as soon as I can".

"I'll join you" Dakota sensed that something was wrong. She handed the bags to Tina, "Sorry, uh, but I do need some air as well, considering . . . oxygen is really important for my circulatory system to function and without that, I'd be--"

"We get it" Queenie smirked and took the bags from Tina, "Have fun! And guys, be back soon. We need to have one final meeting before the showdown".

"Yes, indeed" Tina ushered her sister inside, giving some time for Dakota and Theseus to catch up after a long time.  Dakota turned to Theseus, "I'm joining you whether you like it or not, because I want to talk".

"So, now you want to talk? After days of avoiding me? Why did you avoid me?" Theseus snapped. Both of them walked through the front porch and onto the pavement, with no destination in mind.

"Yeah, so. .?" Dakota said, "I was busy at work! I could get fired for talking to you, Scamander, if I were to ignore everything and spend all my time with you. Besides, I. . wanted to let the dust settle down. I'm sure you feel kind of embarassed and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire by making you regret something you've done while drinking. Don't drink and send letters, Scamander. It's against the law".

Despite Theseus's regrets and his anger towards Dakota, he still couldn't help but grin at how often Dakota called him by his last name. It had become her compulsive habit, somehow, oddly enough.

"I'm sorry for sending you that letter! It's stupid of me to talk to you when I was not in a conscious state!" Theseus ruffled his hair, "I'm such a fool. I don't know why I wrote it".

"Nah, I. . found it, rather . . . adorable" Dakota shrugged, "I mean. . . it was certainly unexpected and not called for, but it was quite the letter. You spelled my name wrong and you ended up scribbling "I like you" on the front cover--"

"No need to get into the details!" Theseus closed his ears, "Please" he begged her.

"Hey, I mean. . I will hate you for getting wasted and sending me an incoherent message at two in the morning, but I can't dismiss the fact that it was adorable. Shows that you do have a heart" Dakota rolled her eyes, "And I know you didn't mean it. You were just caught up in the alcohol".

Theseus turned to her. He did mean it, but he was quite glad not to have embarassed himself in front of her. Confessing his feelings? That was too immature and creepy. Dakota continued, hesitating to finish the conversation, "Anyway, how was your fun bachelor outing? Did you get your suits for the wedding?"

"Yes, yes, we did" Theseus said, his hands inside his pockets, taking wide strides, trying to run away from the subject of discussions.

"And judging by your expressions, I'd say Newt didn't pick you as his best man" she deduced, while catching upto his fast pace, "Wanna vent it all out?"

"What does he see in Jacob, anyway? Like. . he just dismissed his own ruddy brother! I've saved his precious little skin far too many times! What did Jacob even do? He just was a good friend!" Theseus vented all that he could, "I hate this. It's like I'm not wanted at all".

"Don't say that" Dakota slipped her hands into her coat pocket, "Newt really loves you. He just felt conflicted at the moment because he didn't want to hurt Jacob's feelings. And he knows how much he appreciates you and he knows you wouldn't be offended by the decision. Trust me, you're going to miss the sibling love when they move out from your lives".

"I'm really sorry about Anna and your elder sister, Juniper, was it?" Theseus said.

"It's fine, Theseus. I'm okay now, but the feeling never goes away" Dakota said, "The reason why I agreed to this wedding is because I could just. . . be a part of a gathering and party. . "

"I really wish you could tell me everything. You can tell me anything, you know that? Besides, a Christmas gathering is coming soon and I'd like it if you came by". Theseus gave her a smile, "I could use a friend, maybe. .?"

"I'm sorry, Theseus. I have a bunch of stuff to get to and I--" Dakota began, "I'm sorry, alright? I might need some time because it's probably the first Christmas I'd spend without my sisters and I might need a lot of alone time and space. I'm sorry".

"It's okay. We'll just have to see each other during the wedding, then" Theseus grabbed her hand, "Thanks for the talk, D. I really appreciate it" - he bent down and kissed her forehead. Dakota turned extremely red - "Merry Christmas".

Dakota really wanted to admit her feelings for Theseus as well. She knew that Theseus did mean it when he wrote her the letter, drunk. People say stupid things when they're wasted, but those were things that they held back. Things they couldn't come to terms with. And Dakota knew that very well. She didn't want to tell Theseus that she felt the same way because things might take a turn for the worse when people find out that the amazing Theseus Scamander is courting a . . . hoodlum like her.

"I chose Jacob to be my best man" Newt informed Tina when they were alone, "I hope it was a good decision". Newt and Tina sat across each other on the couch, talking about the wedding. It was late in the night when everyone decided to adjourn the wedding meeting and go home.

"What about Theseus?" Tina asked, "He's your brother, Newt. He can't be demoted to some usher. It's a tough choice, right? I would be extremely nervous making such a big decision"

"Indeed" Newt wrapped his arms around her waist, "What would you do if you were to choose between Queenie and me?" he asked her, gazing tenderly into her eyes. Tina placed her hands on his shoulder and gave him a cheeky smile.

"Queenie" she laughed. Newt made a moue at her and Tina continued to laugh. "You're so sweet, you know that?"

"You're even more adorable" Newt grinned, "And stunning too. I just saw your wedding dress --"

"Newt!" Tina retorted, "You know it's against the rules! It was meant to be a surprise! Besides, how would you like it if I saw your wedding suit?"

"Aha-!" Newt exclaimed, "You know it's a wedding suit, then! You're breaking the rules too! You know what I am going to wear to the wedding. Busted!"

"Newt. . " Tina shook her head, "What else are you supposed to wear to your wedding? A gossamer dress?" - she rolled her eyes - "I can't believe I'm going to marry an utter fool!  You're so naive, Newt!" - she playfully pushed him away.

"Well, I have a surprise for you" Newt smirked. He slowly placed Tina's hand off his shoulder to go and retrieve a box from his wardrobe. He returned, grinning widely, as if it was going to be a blast.

"Open it" he urged. Tina took the box and gave it a little shake. It was a medium-sized box, the size of a parcel and it wasn't too heavy. She opened it to find another box inside- almost the size of a velvet case. It was quite flat and meant for things such as pendants and medallions. She opened it to find a --

Necklace. No surprise there. 

But as Tina examined the necklace, it seemed to be handmade, with a silvery material, perhaps even silver itself! But how could Newt find such a beautiful and such a rare necklace. It must've taken him hundreds of hours to go from shop to shop to get such a piece of amazing work? Tina turned to Newt, her jaw literally dropping to the floor.

"Where on earth did you get it, Newt-?" it came out more as an exclamation than a question. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned to him, expecting answers.

"I-- I made it" Newt gave her  shy smile, "Theseus reminded me that it's a well known tradition in the Scamander family to present necklaces and pendants to our future brides. I made this from Occamy eggshells. It took me a long time to hammer it into a shape, but I had lots of help--"

Before Newt could credit his friends for the help, Tina had pulled him into a fierce and a deep kiss. Both of them melted into the kiss. Newt had tugged Tina a bit closer to him. Newt smiled as he kissed her. He possibly couldn't love her more. Tina was grateful and a wonderful person. He doubted whether he'd be good enough for her.

They broke off, considering breathing is something to take account of and broke into fits of laughter. Tina examined the necklace, putting it on her neck and looking at the mirror. 

"So. .? Do you like it?" Newt asked her.

"I love it!" Tina smiled, "It's special, y'know? Straight from the heart. Not store bought or something else along those lines. I want to wear it to the wedding".

"Really? T-Tina, it-it's. . " Newt was exceptionally flattered. He never expected someone to actually treasure his handmade gifts, especially after the time when he tried to make a pair of earrings for his mother, but they turned out to be so ugly that he gave up on his tinkering projects. 

"Newt. . it's the best gift I've ever received and I want to treasure it forever" Tina smiled, "It's something that . . . I haven't received in a long time and I'm really grateful that you made this for me".

"Tina, you deserve the best!" Newt lifted her into a hug, spinning her around merrily, "I'm so sorry, I'm just so excited for the wedding!" - he hummed a tune, while he twirled Tina - "We are getting married on New Year's Eve! I couldn't have asked for anything better than that!"

Tina laughed. She found it rather adorable that Newt got excited about new things rather quickly. 

A few days later, it was Christmas Eve! Newt and Tina along with others, were prepping for dinner and they had a hard yet fun time making the food, with Queenie, Jacob and Theseus, just the five of them like old times.

Newt and Tina worked on the dessert. For starters, they had added a lot of berries to the pie filling that they were making that it began tasting like a mouthful of sugar. They tried to counter the sweet taste with mint, hoping that would give it a much better taste, but it ended up tasting like a tube of toothpaste.

Jacob and Queenie prepared the meatloaf and the gravy, carefully and taking as much time as they could. Theseus was dicing a few vegetables for the salad and stole glances at Jacob. He sighed, feeling dejected that he wouldn't be the best man. Jacob seemed pretty happy and Theseus had to let go of his emotions.

Dakota was right. Siblings can be a pain in the rear end but you need to come through for them, be happy that they're getting married and happy that they're going to start a new chapter in their lives.

"Theseus!" Jacob playfully punched his shoulder, "I was asking you to pass me the pepper".

"Then get it yourself" Theseus snapped.

"You're busy making a salad. . . and I'm sure it wouldn't kill you to pass me the pepper shaker" Jacob snapped back, "Besides what is going on with you, nowadays? You seem to have your head in the clouds".

"You want to know why?" Theseus couldn't hold in his emotions any longer, "Because you keep rubbing it in my face! We get it, you're the best man! You don't have to be so boastful about it!"

"Theseus--" Newt began.

"What do you mean rubbing it in your face?" Jacob argued, "I'm not doing anything! You're just jealous that Newt picked me instead of you!".

"Shut it!" Tina yelled. The whole room fell into a deafening silence. Tina turned to Newt, "Settle this, will you Newt? They're being literal babies!".

"Newt, you picked me as the best man and your decision was final" Jacob confirmed it, "What has Newt's decision got to do with you holding a grudge against me! It's not like I rigged something--"

"You must've" Theseus retorted, "While you enjoy your position as the best man, I'll be some. . groomsman, pretending to not be related to Newt, then. I'm his own brother!"- he turned to Newt - "Newt, how could you do this to me? After all that I've done for you? You don't know how much I value you as my brother".

"Oh please" Jacob snorted, "You just treat Newt like a little pet. Your little Ministry tool. You lure him into your trap to work for the government and earn yourself credit. You don't care about Newt at all. Besides, when we first met, Newt didn't even mention you, which shows how much of a tension exists in your relationship".

"And you think you know all about Newt, huh? You've barely known him for a few months! And you aren't even supposed to be here! It was an accident when he met you! He made a horrible mistake of switching his suitcase with yours and now, you're best pals?" Theseus scoffed.

"That's enough!"

Newt was overcome with anger, something he usually wouldn't let happen. He turned to his brother and scoffed, "You want to be best man? Fine! Then you can be it!"

"But. . what about me, Newt?" Jacob asked, "This is totally unfair!"

"Newt, maybe there's another way to settle this" Queenie calmed the tension in the air, "Both of you want to be best man, right? How about we toss a coin for it? It'll be unbiased and the chances of you being the best man would be equal, fifty-fifty".

"Or. . we can avoid that" Newt thought of a plan, "You can both be best men".

"What? Newt, there's only one best man!" Theseus interrupted.

"You two mean the world to me and I simply can't decide. So you both can be my best men. You can stand beside me near the altar and you can hand us the rings, together" Newt shrugged, "I don't care if it breaks tradition, everyone. I just want to make the people I care about, happy. Nobody likes a sulked face at the wedding".

"You mean it, Newt?" Theseus turned to Jacob, "I'm sorry for acting so silly. You're right. I was jealous because I just thought nobody needed me here".

Everyone laughed as they enveloped Theseus into a fierce hug. Maybe Newt and Tina would get their happy ending after all. Maybe things would go perfectly as planned.

The day ended with a nice round of eggnog and giving the Christmas tree a last round of decoration before the 25th. Newt couldn't stop being in such a cheery mood. It was Christmas and his wedding all rolled into one tight package.

"Merry Christmas! And have a good night!" Theseus wished them as he left back home. Queenie and Jacob wished the same and left for their house, calling it a day. Newt and Tina exchanged smiles.

"What did you get for me, for Christmas?" Newt asked, playfully, "I'm curious to open your present".

"Oh I dunno if you'd like it, Newt" Tina groaned.

"Try me" Newt winked, "C'mon, Tina, you know I'd love everything you give me".

"Newt, I can't possibly give your present now. It's not even Christmas yet!" Tina pointed out.

"Ah, but it is twelve o clock, which means it is Christmas Day! Please, Tina, I'm just curious to know. Maybe just a little peek. We're not supposed to keep secrets from each other, remember?" Newt said.

Tina laughed. She couldn't believe that she was going to be married to a man with a heart of a child. In many ways, it was true and adorable. Tina couldn't refuse and hence, she handed him his gift.

Newt slowly opened it up, trying not to destroy the wrapping paper. Inside was a tie box. Newt opened it to see a mustard yellow-and-red striped tie. There was a small picture of a Niffler stitched near the keeper hole of the tie.

"Tina. . . this is. . . " Newt was at a loss for words.

"I remember when you gave me that Occamy eggshell necklace. I wanted to give you something homemade too. With the help of Queenie, we stitched fabrics together and also created a little Niffler print on it" Tina smiled.

Newt looked into Tina's eyes as he closed the gap between them and pulled her into a kiss. He slowly broke off with a huge grin plastered on his face. He had his hand over his heart, clutching the tie.

"I. . . this is beautiful. I . . don't know what to say. It's the best thing I've ever received. . . " Newt laughed, tears forming in the corner of his eyes, "Thank you so much, my love. I'll treasure it for life"

A/N : And that's the end of this chapter! The wedding is the next chapter, tho. Just a lil heads up.

And here is the gallery of things I've mentioned. You've got. . .

Tina's wedding dress. Sure I mean, it looks like a promenade dress, but I wanna try something different. Except Tina's wedding dress has really short sleeves and not entirely sleeveless. This is the closest image I could find.

The bridesmaid dress. If you zoom in closely, near the waistline, you'll find a small bow there. I kind of was inspired from Sherlock, yet again, when in John and Mary's wedding, all the bridesmaids wore lilac outfits.

Tina's gift to Newt and coincidentally, this is also how Newt's suit looks like. The striped Red and Yellow tie. It signifies that Tina is a Thunderbird and Newt is a Hufflepuff. And sorry I couldn't attach a Niffler print. Just go with your imagination.

And you've got Newt's necklace gift to Tina! Yes, it's made from Occamy eggshells and yes it doesn't look like it, but ...
I m a g i n a t i o n.   I s.    B e t t e r.

The title of this chapter is "akin" which is kind of sort of similar to "relatives" because soon enough Newtina are gonna be married! If that makes sense......... Error 404

Anyway thank you so much for reading this. Stay home, stay safe and have a great day! And don't drink bleach.

See yah in the next chapter!

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