Cursed by the moon: a miracul...

By ZoloWrites

19.5K 487 112

It's been 8 years since Marinette and her parents moved to china. But now she returns to Paris and she's not... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Authors note
Chapter 2: Hey girl!
Chapter 3: Emitting truths
Chapter 4: First day troubles
Chapter 5: Transformation
Chapter 6: Under the moon
Chapter 7: Little wolf
Hey readers!
Authors note ( please read till the end) an explanation
I'm back!!!
Chapter 8: Now I can get some answers
Chapter 9: Don't break my trust
I could use your help: authors note
Chapter 10: What could it be?
Not writing a chapter this week
Chapter 11: What do you want?
Chapter 12: This will be so much fun
Chapter 13: Soon, you will be mine
Chapter 14: Do you believe in Werewolves?
Chapter 15: This will be a disaster
Chapter 17: Okay, here's what happened...
Chapter 18: the second secret is the biggest one
Chapter 19: written in the stars
Chapter 20: epilogue
9k reads!: June 15th, 2021/ face reveal

Chapter 16: Free at last

483 15 2
By ZoloWrites

  I made it to the woods only to come face to face with Luka. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes and walked away.

  "You won't be able to avoid me tonight Marinette. Our wolves will be drawn to each other. It's our destiny to mate!" He called to me as I walked away. I literally threw up in my mouth when he said that. God I hate him. 'Thank goodness I'm in the forest. If I actually end up puking, I can just cover it with leaves.'


  Marinette made her way to the middle of the forest and started to remove her clothes from her body and fold them up.

'I always hate stripping down. It makes me feel vulnerable.' She thought.

  'Would you rather tear up your clothes and walk home naked then?' a familiar voice asked.

'Selene? Is that you?' Marinette thought.

  'Of course it's me. No one else is in your head besides me, or are you hearing voices? Because if you are hearing other voices besides mine, that might be cause for concern.' Selene responded.

Marinette rolled her eyes. 'No you're the only voice that I hear Selene.' She said. 'But why am I hearing you now? I've never heard from you during other full moons.' Marinette said.

  'Now that you know that I exist, I can finally communicate with you without a struggle. I've always been here, but you could never hear me.' Selene explained.

  Marinette nodded in understanding. 'So what exactly do you do?' She questioned.

  'I'm your soul sister and inner wolf. When you transform, I'm the one that controls your body and actions. You're just the co pilot.' She responded.

Marinette widened her eyes in shock. 'But wait, if that's the case, then why did you save Adrien that night? Because I thought that it had been my decision to protect him.' Marinette questioned.

  'All will be explained to you soon Marinette. For now, the time for talk is over. It's starting.' Selene responded. Marinette nodded and finished undressing. 'Let's get this show on the road.'


After transforming into my wolf form, I took off running. With the moon lighting my way and the wind rushing through my fur, I ran through the forest, feeling completely free.

  Now that I knew that Selene was in control, I felt a sense of peace. I've only known of her existence for a few hours, but I already trust her completely. I just sat back and relaxed as Selene led us through the trees and off into the night. I think that I'm gonna like having Selene around, even if she'll always know what I'm thinking.


~four hours later~

Marinette/Selene had been wandering the forest for hours, releasing pent up energy and they were starting to get tired.

  They came upon a familiar lake and started to drink from it. The water was so cold and crisp, it was absolutely delicious to the taste. This was the first peaceful full moon that Marinette had experienced in a while and she was determined to make the most of it.

After taking a drink of water, Selene/Marinette rolled around on the forest floor having fun. Their fur was covered in dirt but they didn't care, they were finally enjoying a full moon. Unfortunately, the fun ended all too quickly when a deep and menacing growl was heard.

   They got up off the ground and came face to face with a big black wolf, with glowing yellow eyes. He had a ferocious look on his face and a sinister intent in his eyes. It was Luka.

Selene/Marinette growled defensively at Luka as he inched closer to them. "Back off Luka." Selene growled.

  It may have sounded just like barking and growling, but the two wolves could understand each other perfectly.

"Ah, you must be Selene. It's so nice to finally meet you. My name is Nero, I'm Luka's wolf." The black wolf responded.

  Selene rolled her eyes. "I don't recall asking for your name, stupid little mongrel." Selene spat angrily.

  The black wolf growled in a way that seemed more like an evil laugh. "you're just as cold as your human version with the blue hair." Nero mused.

"Marinette and I share the same opinion of you. It's that simple." Selene responded.

Nero stepped towards Selene, he had a look of lust in his eyes. "I love it when you treat me so coldly." Nero said. Selene growled in defense again. "Get back!" She yelled again.

  "Make me."

   Selene/Marinette lunged at Luka/Nero and tried to bite their neck, but Nero dodged them.

  "Too slow." Nero taunted, earning a growl of disdain from Selene.

  Selene stood on her hind legs and slashed Nero's face with her front claws. Nero yelped in pain as blood trickled down the side of his face.

  He ran forward and head butted Selene in her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. She staggered for a moment before regaining her footing and she managed to dodge an attack from Nero.

   The fighting escalated between the two, with both of them injuring each other and neither of them showing any signs of stopping.


   Meanwhile, a certain blonde was wandering through the forest looking for his friend. He had a feeling that she would need his help.

~1 hour ago, with Adrien~

Adrien looked out his bedroom window, the moon was high in the sky. He stared up at the moon and sighed, he was concerned about Marinette. Adrien knew that Marinette could take care of herself, but he also knew that she hadn't been in a great state of mind lately and that the person she hated the most was out there with her at that very moment.

He thought about his friend and how she had saved his life and he felt that he owed her, so at that moment Adrien made a decision.

  "I can't just sit here and do nothing while Marinette is in the forest with Luka. She saved my life and I'm gonna repay the favor." He said standing up and running towards the door.

He knew that it was a stupid idea to get between two werewolves under a full moon, but he couldn't help it, he loved Marinette and he wanted to protect her. So with a look of pure determination on his face, he made his way to the forest.

~present time, with the fight~

Selene and Nero were still fighting each other and they were both injured severely. Selene's beautiful silver fur was now stained red with her and Nero's blood. The two wolves were panting and trying to catch their breaths.

  "Do you give up?" Nero questioned.

   Selene gave a breathy laugh. "Not a chance. I still have a lot more fight left in me." She said as she and Nero once again lunged at each other.


   Meanwhile Adrien who was wandering the forest, heard the growls and yelps and he ran in the direction of the fight. When Adrien reached the two wolves, he was horrified to see what bad shape Marinette was in.

  She was out of breath and struggling to stay on her feet and she was covered in wounds. He watched as Luka/Nero chomped down on Marinette's leg, causing her to cry out in pain and fall to the ground.

Marinette/Selene was lying on the ground whimpering in pain. Luka/Nero stepped towards her, preparing to do her in.

   Adrien was horrified at the prospect of Marinette's death and he decided that he couldn't just stand there and do nothing, so he entered the fray.

Adrien picked up a large rock and hurled it at Luka/Nero and it hit him in the shoulder blade.

  Luka/Nero cried out in pain and turned to face Adrien. He growled menacingly and stepped towards Adrien, prepared to rip him limb from limb.

Adrien froze in fear and he had no idea what to do next. Selene/Marinette lifted her head weakly and made eye contact with Adrien.

  He smiled sadly at her and said "I'm sorry." and at that moment, Luka lunged at him. Marinette watched in horror as Luka slashed Adrien in the chest with his sharp claws.

  Adrien shouted in pain and clutched his chest, holding it tightly. He was bleeding badly and he fell to his knees, feeling weak from blood loss. Luka wasn't done with him however and he prepared to take another shot at Adrien.

  Even though she was weak, Marinette managed to get up off the ground. She wasn't about to lose the boy she loved, to the boy she hated. So with all her strength, Marinette jumped on top of Luka and bit down as hard as she could.

Luka cried out in pain as Marinette bit down on the back of his neck, not letting go. He thrashed around, trying to shake Marinette off and his blood was flying everywhere.

   Adrien watched the scene before him, frozen in shock. He just knelt there watching as Luka attempted to throw Marinette off of him.

  It was in vain though, because Marinette had an iron grip on him and every time he thrashed around, her teeth dug in farther. Finally Luka stopped thrashing, and he fell to the ground.

Luka lay on the ground whimpering in pain and Selene/Marinette stood over him smirking.

  "Looks like I win." Selene taunted. Luka/Nero looked up at her weakly and growled at her one last time before his eyes closed and his breathing stopped.

Luka/Nero lay dead at Marinette/Selene's feet. He was finally gone. The nightmare was finally over. As Marinette stood over his body, she heard a whimper of pain and turned to see Adrien lying on the ground bleeding. Horrified, Marinette ran to his side and laid down next to him.

  Adrien and Selene/Marinette were lying on the ground and looking each other in the eyes. They whimpered in sadness and Adrien smiled sadly and stroked their fur. He was dying and it was all their fault.

  Selene didn't know what to do, until Marinette spoke up. 'Bite him.' She said.

'Are you insane?!' Selene replied.

  'If he's a werewolf, he'll heal faster. The moon is still out. If we bite him, he'll have a fighting chance.' She explained.

  Selene sighed, she knew that Marinette was right, but she was afraid. What if Adrien came to resent them for this? Selene looked down at Adrien with worry in her eyes and Adrien looked up at her.

He recognized what she was contemplating and smiled. He knew that she didn't want to hurt him but that she also knew that turning him was his only chance of survival. However it was obvious that Selene was still conflicted, so he made the decision for her.

Adrien reached his hand up and grabbed Selene's head and forcefully shoved it down onto his shoulder. Her teeth dug into his skin and he grunted in pain.

Soon he let go of her and she jumped back in terror. Selene was in shock, but Adrien simply smiled at her and said "It's okay."

Selene and Adrien watched as the moonlight beat down on Adrien and his eyes started to glow. His chest wound disappeared, but not his bite wound.

  Even though he couldn't tell because of her fur, Marinette was crying tears of joy because the boy she loved was alive.

  Soon enough, the moon passed and the sun started to rise and Selene/Marinette shifted back to human form right before Adrien's eyes.

As soon as she turned back into her human form, Marinette flung her arms around Adrien. She didn't even care that she was naked and neither did he. All that mattered in that moment was that he was alive.

Adrien wrapped his arms around her and held Marinette as she cried tears of joy. "I'm so glad. I thought that I was going to lose you." She said with tears running down her face.

  Adrien smiled. "You can't get rid of me that easily." Marinette broke the hug and then pulled his face in close to her's and planted a huge kiss on his lips.

Adrien was surprised at first, but he immediately returned the kiss and he could feel Marinette's smile. As she kissed him, Marinette smiled happily. 'Now I get it. I know why you saved him. It's because, we're mates.'

Marinette and Adrien continued to kiss passionately, ignoring the world around them. The two of them were so comfortable in each other's embrace and it just felt right.

  Now that Luka was dead, Marinette could finally breath again and she felt a freedom that she hadn't felt since before she was bitten.

Even though Marinette had moved away from China, she still felt connected to Luka and she knew deep down that she would never truly be free until Luka was gone for good.

  She never thought it was possible though. She thought that she'd be stuck with him forever. But now Luka was dead and she could finally move forward with her life. This was it...

... she was free at last.


* Hiya everybody! Sorry if this chapter was a little confusing, I did my best to make it make sense.

  Don't worry, this isn't the last chapter. However there's only a couple more after this one. I think there'll be two more, plus an epilogue chapter and then it will be over. I hope that you'll continue to read till the end!

Edited: March 12th, 2024

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