the new year

By seashoredrift

1.8K 566 1.5K

Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... More



11 3 14
By seashoredrift

F I F T Y - S I X :

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The five words the Harrison had let out in more an aggressive tone than he wanted made the girl jump back at the sudden outburst, she looked at him cautiously not sure if she should move or not "Is there a spider?" She asked slowly trying not to move if there was, she'd tried her best not to let spiders scare her or freak her out but that didn't work and every time she saw one in her bedroom she'd start talking in a different accent asking herself what should she do.

Harrison sighed, feeling bad for snapping like that, it was none of his business what she did in her spare time but to him that did not look like something that involved a kink, that looked as though someone had smacked her right across the face. "There's no spider," He told her so she'd stop looking so panicked, thankfully it worked as her once tense shoulders relaxed a little but he still looked at her.

"What's what then?" She questioned looking at him with confusion.

"That red mark on your cheek." He said flatly, trying not to get angry and he didn't know why he felt like he was going to. He solely put it down to the thought of anyone hurting someone as sweet as her was gut wrenching, nobody deserved to to get hit no matter the circumstances, the only time he'd find it excusable would be if it was in self-defence.

Rapidly, she darted her eyes away from his feeling a pit form in her stomach. What on earth would she say? What could she say? Her painted fingernails dug into the cuffs of her hoodie as she felt an awful feeling wash over her, if there was one person she hated it was her dad but she didn't hate him at the same time because she knew she deserved what he did to her, she found it hard to hate, it was a strong word.

"That?" She said "It's just a burn, I was trying to curl my hair and the tong was too close to my face," She told him, lying. She couldn't exactly say her father tried his best to hurt her in every way possible before he kicked her out of her own home, could she?

Harrison just narrowed his eyes at her and then trailed his eyes down to her hands that were tugging the ends of the hoodie until his eyes also landed on the small bit of skin that was now exposed near her neck because of how hard she was pulling her sleeves. He saw more red marks that looked like scratches "Are those burns too?" He quizzed pointing at the spot on her neck, to which Oak just re-adjusted her hoodie so that they were hidden.

He didn't want to pressure her into talking about something she didn't want to with someone she barely knew but he'd noticed the signs of someone who was being abused and he hated that thought. He knew the signs because one of his friends, Zuri, had gone through it with his dad and he was acting the exact same way Oak was right now. He also knew so much about it because his character, Cameron, was abused by his father and he got to learn a lot about it and out of his own freewill he'd gone to work alongside a charity in New York called Joyful Heart Foundation that helped people who had been abused and here in the UK he worked with National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV).

It shattered him seeing all of those people who had such bad things happen to them when they didn't deserve it, the people that did it did it simply because they could and that was fucking awful. There were men and women of all ages trapped in a shell because some idiot took everything away from them and now he was sat face to face with someone who he assumed was in that boat and it was breaking him.

"I-" Oak started and was trying to think of something to say but nothing coherent came to mind, there was nothing to say really, nothing that would be believable at this point, it was obvious to her that he knew it wasn't a burn.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it," He told her truthfully letting out a small sigh as he ran his hand through his dark hair "But if you do, I'll be here to listen," He smiled a smile of reassurance at her, hoping that it would make her feel better, which was doubtful considering he had no idea what she'd gone through.

Oak just stayed sat in silence for a while, not sure about what to do, her heart was clenching and her throat was tight, it was never easy to talk about something like this in fear that the person you tell will judge you or say that you deserved it; she knew that Harrison wouldn't say anything like that to her, she just was never really used to talking about it. Sure, her friends knew but she very rarely spoke about it because she was so focused on trying to be positive and happy and tried to not lot it get to her but it did. He was like a fly that entered your house through the door but then wouldn't exit and would fly around buzzing in your ear then bashing into things, mainly her, he wouldn't leave unless he was told to by her mum or he had business to deal with.

With a ragged breath leaving her lips she looked down at her lap, mentally preparing herself for what she was about to say. She knew it would never be easy telling someone about something like this but she knew she needed to, whether or not Harrison knew her well or not.

"I-" She said then let out another sigh "I don't know why he does it. . ." She said in lamentation, her black fingernails still sharply digging into her sleeves. The tone to her voice made his heart drop to his stomach, fuck whoever did this to her, fuck them so far that they can't see, how dare they make someone feel so enclosed and scared, what sort of sick fuck does something like that to someone as kind as her--to anyone?

With his heart breaking even more from the way she looked like it was ripping her apart, he shuffled along the sofa to place a comforting hand on her shoulder to let her know he was there for her. He didn't bother speaking so she could finish her words if she wanted to talk, that and he didn't know what to say. "I-I know I deserve it," She said sounding so broken "I've always burdened the full family so I can see why he does and says what he does but it hurts you know? I've apologised and I've tried not to do anything to make him be angry but nothing works." She spoke again in distress, she was trying so hard not to cry but recently that was becoming harder than normal. She was starting to think she was going to get her period soon because of how much she'd cried in the last week.

"I don't say anything to him, I daredn't even look in his direction in case he flips-I just-I never know what to do. . ." She continued, her voice cracking occasionally "I'm sorry, you don't wanna hear all this shit," She apologised and looked at him from the side, she was too awkward and emotionally unstable at this very second to face him properly.

"Do not apologise and do not blame yourself for what he does to you," Harrison told her steadily with a hint of firmness to his tone, he was telling the truth. She did not deserve to feel the way she did and she shouldn't be blaming herself for someone else's fucked up behaviour. "The only person that is to be put to blame is him, for hurting you," He added as he softly rubbed comforting circles on her back.

"I know, but sometimes it's easier to agree with him and say it's true and for the most part it is but he always fucking blames me for all of his inconveniences even if I haven't seen him for about two weeks he comes over to where I live and hits me and says so much shit. . ." She spoke but then as she continued her tone raised slightly but not so much that it was a shout but just enough to let out her frustration. "Just so he feels better," She let out a sarcastic chuckle.

Harrison was glad that she knew it wasn't her fault but he also felt a twang of pain at when she said he'd just turn up to her house just to hit her of verbally attack her because something in his life had gone wrong, if it was even possible to be more fucked up, that sheer statement proved it. How could someone go out of their way to intentionally hurt someone to the point where they leave marks? It just doesn't make sense. Harrison didn't even know who she was referring to when she said he, maybe a boyfriend, maybe a family member, potentially even a friend but it didn't stop him from making his blood boil at just the thought.

"He's a wanker," Harrison said flatly, that wasn't the only word that sprung to mind but he didn't want to unleash his full anger because the girl was already having a hard time. Oak just smiled a small smile and nodded in agreement, she couldn't of put it better herself. "Is it okay if I give you a hug?" He asked hesitantly after a few moments of silence, he wanted to do everything he could to comfort her, he wasn't just going to hug her in case she didn't want to be hugged but she nodded with another small smile as the pair of them wrapped each other in their arms.

Both of their chins were resting on each others shoulders as all the tension Oak felt was slowly dissipating into the air as Harrison's large ringed hands rested on her shoulder blades and he rubbed her back calmly. It felt nice. She felt like she'd never been hugged before, which she had but no hug felt like this, it felt like she was enveloped in a warm hold and the whole universe had stopped. They'd both just stay like that forever if they could but their moment was interrupted by the sound of Harrison's front door being unlocked.

They both pulled out of the hug to glance at the doorway to see an excited looking Belle staring at the pair of them, her weight shifting from one foot to the other as she held tightly onto the set of keys in her left hand, she was trying to contain the exuberance that hit her like Anthony Joshua does in the ring the second she noticed them. She was starting to think that her plan had payed off pretty well judging by how much time they'd spent together since the podcast day, even if it was accidental. Belle felt like jumping up and down on the spot but held back, she wasn't a complete weirdo.

"Wasn't interrupting anything was I?" She asked brashly with a quip of the eyebrow. Oak's cheeks heated, even though what they were doing was completely innocent, it was a hug, a very good hug, it was the way Belle asked it that made her feel all embarrassed.

"We were just talking," Harrison clarified, which was the truth, they were just talking but Belle didn't seem to believe them as her eyebrows stayed raised and a smirk played on her lip-gloss painted lips.

"Okay. . ." She said high-pitched "Whenever you're ready," She smiled and then turned on her heel to go to the kitchen and get herself a glass of water and so she could hyperventilate without either of them seeing. This was the best thing to happen since the release of Aiden Grayson's debut album, there was hope for Hoak!

"Anyway, I should probably go now er-I've definitely overstayed my welcome," Oak said clearing her throat with a smile as she and Harrison both stood from their seated position on the comfy sofa. "Thank you for the chat, I appreciate it," Oak smiled genuinely for the first time since the day started, Harrison had managed to comfort her on a mega scale by him just being there.

At those words Belle was darting around the corner, nearly slipping on the wooden vinyl as she held a handful of crisps like a fawn standing for the first time, Harrison just watched her knowing she was going to come out with something absurd, she always did. "Why don't you come with us?" She suggested almost choking on the crisp, she was way too eager about pairing them together even if she tried to play it cool.

"I'd love to but I promised Harper that I'd go to hers, thank you for the offer though," Oak told her with a sweet smile, it wasn't a lie, she had told Harper she was coming over to hers but she also didn't really fancy going out in public with all the marks she had on her, if she wasn't self-conscious before she definitely was more so now.

"Oh okay, we can drop you there, saves you waiting for a bus or taxi," Belle offered looking at Harrison so he'd nod in agreement, which he obliged to, he really didn't mind. He knew she wouldn't agree to come because of what she'd been through and he understood it completely, he felt so bad for her and he felt like he wanted to do his upmost to protect her from any harm but that was impossible to do.

"I don't want to cause you any trouble-" Oak started but Belle held her finger up to stop her.

"You're getting in the car, come on," She said in a demanding tone as she opened the front door tugging her black shoe on her foot.

"Don't speak to her like that," Harrison scolded her, she was so rude sometimes. She didn't have a filter when she wanted something and she wanted Oak to get in the car, mainly because she wanted her to be her sister and because she didn't want her catching a bus when she could easily just get in the car, they were heading into central Manchester anyway, it was no big deal.

"Sorry," Belle mumbled in response as the three of them walked out of the flat. Oak wanted to refuse the offer again but she knew there was no point in arguing with the Stiles' as they always managed to convince her.

——— ••• ———

"Are you sure you two were just talking because to me it look-" Belle asked finally, she'd been holding in her questions for what felt like an eternity, it wasn't any of her business she just wanted to give herself a golden star if she, Alex, Charlie and Joe had managed to convince the two that they were destined to be.

"Belle, I've told you, we were talking and we gave each other a hug, that's it, that's all that happened," Harrison cut her off from finishing her sentence and explained to her for the fifth time this car journey since they dropped Oak off. She was far too persistent in her questioning that it was starting to become annoying.

It wasn't her intention to annoy her brother, she just wanted answers because she was the number one fan of them two being an item and if she had to push them she would, underlyingly. She was never going to let the secret out that she and Oak's band mates attempted to set them up in a way that didn't give it away.

"Okay, I'm sorry Harri, I just want you to be happy," She apologised, feeling guilty about pushing him with her want for facts on where they stand.

Harrison let out a soft sigh as he turned the car around the next corner "I am happy," He told her truthfully, he had no reason not to be, he had all he needed just in this very city of his, his family, his friends and his home.

"I know but I meant with someone. . ." She let out and then instantly slapped herself against the cars dashboard, mentally, otherwise if she did that she'd have Harrison questioning her about why the fuck she just did that.

"If this is you suggesting I go onto online dating I'm laying it bare in the snow, no." He said impassively. She'd suggested that before and he tried it out and got nowhere with it, all he got was people messaging him asking him to deposit them some cash, which was ridiculous, he would've rather take them for something to eat first. They'd hit him with a 'hey x' at first and Harrison would reply back with a greeting then after a bit they'd say 'you don't think you could give me some money?' Harrison would then say if you've got a charity you'd like me to donate to or a business, that's fine but unfortunately I can't give you anything.

Of course, it made him feel bad for not giving them it but he couldn't give one some and none to the others, he also just felt used and felt like nothing was ever going to work out for him, until he met Oak--he wasn't sure of her feelings and if she felt the way he did but he felt so light and like he could be himself around her, with no judgement.

"After last time, I don't think that's a good idea," She joked, laughing to herself as Harrison also let out as small laugh "I mean with Oak, if you guys feel that way about each other I'd fully support it, I like her," Belle explained, smiling, trying not to smile too wide. It didn't matter to her, whether or not they liked each other--well, it did because she reckoned they'd be the cutest couple if they did feel that way about each other.

Harrison's brown eyes glanced at his sister for a split second, from the side, as he still kept his full focus on the road ahead. To be honest, it was shocking for him to hear that, never did he ever expect to hear Belle tell him that she liked someone he could potentially have romantic connections with. She was usually very overprotective and turned her nose up at every girl who walked through the door because she could sense their 'falseness' apparently.

"You like her? That's a first," He replied jokingly, which made Belle roll her eyes in response. She knew she was overly vigilant with the women Harrison met, she wasn't really sure why, she mainly put it down to the fact that Georgia caused him so much trouble that she'd do her upmost to warn him from it happening again.

Her eyebrows also quipped up in realisation at what he'd just said 'you like her? That's a first' was that him confirming that he had feelings for her because if it was she felt as though she was going to physically combust? Her equally as dark eyes snapped in his direction, a bright smile playing on her lips but decided to not say anything otherwise he'd probably close off "Yeah, I do," Was what she opted for as her response. She knew it, she knew it, she knew it.

"What do you like about her?" He questioned trying to sound nonchalant, he wasn't afraid as such, to have the feelings he did, he just found it hard to come to terms with considering all of the other times he thought he liked someone but then they gave him a reason not to and not to mention when he had this amount of feelings, she made up rumours about him.

"C'mon Harri, you don't need me to tell you. . ." She teased him playfully as another grin crept up on her face, Harrison rolled his eyes subtly and pulled the grey sun visor down to shield his eyes from the sun glaring through at him. "But if you want me to, all I have to say is what's not to like?" She added at the silence she got in return, knowing that he actually wanted to hear what she had to say. He knew how hard it was for someone to please Belle and he knew it was hard for her to like someone especially regarding him, so he wanted to know what she liked about Oak. It did sound weird but he wanted that reaffirmation of what he was thinking because he was pretty sure his sister could see through a bloody wall.

"She's a nice person isn't she? She's one of the sweetest people I've met and I've only met her three times and she's barely said a word to me, she has good music taste, which is a plus for you and a good fashion sense, she's the literal definition of talented, she doesn't treat you like your a bank or an accessory when your with her, she treats you how you fucking deserved to be by all those other girls. She hasn't given me one reason to not like her and not think she isn't good enough for you, which the others had," Belle explained in depth, trying her best to get her brother to see that it was okay to feel what he was feeling, if he was feeling anything and that he shouldn't be afraid because not everyone is the same. "She treats you like you're a person and not your occupation," She added to finalise what she wanted to say, silently praying that he know had all he knew and was going to act on it.

"Yeah, she does. . ." Harrison agreed with a fond smile on his face at the thought of her, he was really turning into even more of a soppy bastard when it came to her, but he didn't care. Why did it take him so long to realise when he'd been feeling this way for a while? He liked Oak. 

A U T H O R 'S   N O T E :

thank you so much for 1.2k reads, i'm very grateful. i hope you're enjoying the story. . .

on the topic of stores i've a new one coming out on the 1/1/2021. i hope you'll stick around to check this one out too!!

hope you're well! 

- seashoredrift x 

wrote; monday 25th may 2020

(partially) edited; sunday 29th november 2020

published; sunday 29th november 2020

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