Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me


1.1K 33 3
By ScammerOne

Shouichi POV (Unknown Location)

I found myself at an unknown location with a shrine, like the one on the school rooftop overlooking the now broken Seto Bridge.

Shouichi: Where am I?, where's everyone?

???: Finally I got the chance to meet you again, Shouichi-san.

I turned around to see the girl wearing the bandage and lying at a hospital bed.

Shouichi: You're the one at school.....

???: Hehehehe, did I surprise you? Coming to school with this appearance.

Shouichi: I'm really surprised, I thought I see a ghost.

???: Well the from tone of your voice, you doesn't sound too surprised. By the way, I haven't introduced myself my name is Nogi Sonoko.

Shouichi: Nice to meet you, Nogi-san

Sonoko: Don't be too formal, just call me Sonoko.

Shouichi: Then, Sonoko-chan

Sonoko: That's more like it.

Shouichi: Sonoko-chan, Why am I here?

 Sonoko: Well~~it's boring and I wanted someone to speak. 

Shouichi: *sigh*......

Sonoko: Don't just stand there come here and sit with me.....

Shouichi: O-okay......

I walked to the side of the bed and sat next to her.

Shouichi: .......

Sonoko: Shouichi-san don't just keep quiet, talk about something~~~

Shouichi: Al-alright. What do you know about my past?

Sonoko: I know everything about your past, but~~~ I'm not telling you

Shouichi: Why? I need to know. About my past and..... Who am I?

Sonoko: I cannot help you in that case. Who you really are, you must find it yourself.

???: Sonoko-sama......

I saw masked men and women wearing shrine uniforms surrounding us before bowing down.

???: We're sorry for interrupting, but Inubozaki Fuu has called us and demanded about Shouichi-sama's whereabouts

Shouichi: Ah....., I forgot about them

Sonoko: I see~~~, as much as I want to talk a lot more with you I cannot take you away from your family, you can take him home.

???: As you wish

Shouichi: Wait, we're still not done talking, I still have some question.

Sonoko: Well~~~ it can wait a little longer, Shouichi-san. For now, go home and rest.

I reluctantly follow the masked men where a car was waiting for me.

Shouichi: I'll see you some other day then, Sonoko-chan.

Sonoko: Yes, I look forward to it Shouichi-san. Hehehehe

Just as I was about to enter the car, one of the masked women pulled me over.

???: I request that you will never talk about what happened here. Nobody must know what, happened here.

Shouichi: I will.

I then proceeded to enter the car and went home. On the way home, my mind keeps flowing with more questions than answers. Just as I was drowned in thinking, a familiar jolt ran through my head again. I knew exactly what is it.

Shouichi: Stop the car!!!

Driver: Wha.....

Shouichi: Just stop the car!!!!

Just as the driver stopped the car, I immediately get out of the car and ran as fast as possible towards the direction of where I felt it. I found myself at an amusement park, I saw the lord overlooking the park with nobody in it except one girl wearing a shrine uniform. As the lord was about to attack the girl I rushed to save her.  


???: EHHH???!!!

Just as the winged lord was about to fly and grab her I manage to push her away.

???: Owwwwww


???: EHHH??!!

Shouichi: RUNNNN

???: Ye-Yessss

The girl then ran as fast as possible.

Shouichi: Pick on someone your own size.

I crossed my left and right hand, before lifting the right hand back up. The belt then appeared on my waist, I extended my right arm before yelling


I crossed my arm in an X position before pressing both of the buttons on the side of the belt.

Third Person POV

Shouichi had become Agito and rushed at the lord, the lord then flew straight at Shouichi. Shouichi manage to do a roll to evade it. The lord flew back around heading towards Shouichi again, but this time Shouichi manage to punch the lord right in the face. 

The lord flew around one more time, the horns on Shouichi's head then opens up revealing 2 more horns hidden on each horn. The giant symbol then absorbs itself to his feet. Shouichi then jumped and kicked to the lord, but the lord manage to evade the kick by increasing its altitude and kicked Shouichi right in the chest

Shouichi: What the...... OWWWW

While Shouichi was groaning in pain, the Lord proceeded to lift Shouichi up bumping him around at the metal poles around the amusement park. The Lord then dropped him down before attacking again by flying straight to Shouichi and causing him to fell down to the nearby canal knocking him out. 

(Timeskip after a few hours)

At Inubozaki House

Fuu was seen walking around the house with uneasiness because Shouichi hasn't come home.

Itsuki: Shouichi Onii-chan still hasn't come home.

Fuu: What's taking him so long, even the Taisha doesn't know where he is.

Itsuki: I hoped nothing happened to him.

Then the front door of the apartment opened.

Fuu and Itsuki: Shouichi/Shouichi Onii-chan

They immediately ran to the front door, but awaited them was a surprise.

Fuu: Shouichi you finally came......(Fuu eyes then widen in shock to what she saw)

They saw Shouichi who was beaten up badly all over his body.

Itsuki: Sh-Shouichi Onii-chan what happened to you???!!!

Shouichi: Please don't yell in my ear, it's already hurting me as it is.

Fuu: For now let's carry him inside.

Fuu and Itsuki then carried him to his room and began to treat him.

Fuu: You're hurt pretty bad, what happened?

Shouichi: It was a Lord.....OWWWWW

Itsuki: Don't move too much Onii-chan

Shouichi: Please be more gentle Itsuki, Onii-chan is pretty delicate you know...... OWWWWWWW, Not you too Fuu.

Fuu: You're a man, bear with it. Then.....?

Shouichi: I got my ass whooped that's what happened.

Fuu: Don't tell me, you got teleported into a different location just to fight that thing.

Shouichi: We-well something like that. Now then......

Fuu: Wait, Where are you going?

Shouichi: Obviously cook some dinner, you guys haven't eaten anything right?

Fuu: Injured people should just sleep (Fuu said as she pushed Shouichi down the bed)

A crack rang through the house, when Fuu had pushed down Shouichi the bed couldn't withstand the weight and broke.

Shouichi: You were saying?

Fuu: Shouichi..... I'm sorry (Fuu said while kneeling down on the ground)

Shouichi: *Sigh* looks like I'm sleeping the couch tonight.

(Timeskip The Next day)

At Hero Club Room

Yuuna: Yuuna and Togo have come.

Itsuki: Good day Yuuna-san, Togo-senpai

Fuu: Good day both of you.

Togo: Ummm Fuu-senpai, Where is Shouichi-senpai?

Fuu: Well......

Itsuki: Onee-chan broke his bed last night.

Yuuna: HAAAAAA????!!!! Se-senpai don't tell me, that you've guys already at that kind of relationship(Yuuna said with a shocked face)

Fuu: No-nothing like that has happened. ITSUKIIIII don't say something that will make people understand.

Itsuki: Isn't that what happened, Onee-chan. You pushed him down his bed.

Yuuna: Pushed him down his bed.

Togo: Sen.....pai, let's have some talk(Togo said with a face of a death reaper)


After a while explaining what happened last night.

Togo: So that's what happened.

Fuu: That's what I've been telling you.

Itsuki: I'm kinda sorry Onee-chan

Yuuna: So, what has Shouichi-san been doing now.

Fuu: He's probably trying to build his own bed. 

(Back to the parking lot at Inubozaki's apartment)

In the parking lot, Shouichi is lining up some tools and wooden boards and wooden plank

Shouichi: Alright (Shouichi said as he looked at the wooden boards)

Shouichi then took a saw and began cutting up some woods.


Shouichi: FUUUUU, ITSUKIIII good timing.

Itsuki: What are you doing, Onii-chan

Shouichi: I'm making a bed.

Itsuki: You really made it.

Shouichi: Don't sweat the small stuff, just help me.

Fuu: Okay, okay Sheeshhh

Shouichi: Ready, on three. One, Two, Three.

They began to bring the bed through the stairs, but on the first turn at the stairs, the bed couldn't move no matter how they move it.

Fuu: This is not going to work Shouichi

Shouichi: Looks like it.

Itsuki: What are you going to do now, Onii-chan?

Shouichi: I'm going to disassemble it and assemble it upstairs.

Fuu: Let's just give up Shouichi, we'll just buy a new bed.

Shouichi: Don't worry too much, it'll a waste if I gave up now. 

Shouichi then disassemble everything and began head upstairs. Fuu and Itsuki mouth gaped open because they saw how fast Shouichi disassemble everything.

Shouichi: What are you doing, let's go upstairs.

Fuu: *sigh*...... Sometimes I'm really surprised at you, stupid brother. I'll help you too.

Shouichi: Hehehehehe. Thanks.

They carry the disassembled bed to Shouichi's room, and began working on it. When they finished working on it, it was already pretty late.

Shouichi: It's already this late.

Itsuki: Yeah it is. What are we going to do with dinner?

Fuu: Well, everyone is already this tired, let's go eat udon.

Itsuki/Shouichi: Agreed.

They all went to their usual Udon restaurant and ate. 

Fuu: After everything I have eaten, Udon is still the best.

Shouichi: You got that right, sis

Itsuki: Well, Udon is great and all but I think you guys are eating too much.

Shouichi: Did you hear that Fuu, Itsuki's talking about you.

Fuu: Look who's talking.

Itsuki: Both of you are just amazing. hehehehehehe

After all the laughing and eating, they finally went home. On the way home, Fuu and Itsuki realized Shouichi who suddenly stopped and immediately dashed off.


Itsuki: Shouichi Onii-chan where are you going???!!!

Shouichi: Go home first I'll catch up later.

After running after a while, Shouichi finally stopped and looked at a pole. There stands a creature with the body of a human but with the head of a crow and a pair of wings instead of hands

Shouichi: I've still got a favor to return to you for yesterday.

Shouichi's waist then shines forming the Alterring. 

Shouichi crossed his left and right hand, before lifting the right hand back up. Shouichi extended his right arm before yelling


He then crossed his arm in an X position before pressing both of the buttons on the side of the belt. 

After transforming Shouichi then went after the Lord, finding himself in secluded park with nothing but trees at his surrounding. The lord seems to disappear, before flying above of Shouichi in an erratic flight pattern to confuse Shouichi. Just as the lord was about to fly into Shouichi again, Shouichi jumped and kicked the lord from the bottom. When he landed the lord was lying on the ground while Shouichi pressed the right button of the belt. Shouichi then took out a sword.

Just as he took out the sword, the belt lights change to red and turning his armor into mostly red except the left hand.

The lord then took flight again, but this time it's flying faster than last time. As the lord turned around and fly at Shouichi, the horns on the sword folds out much like the one on the head. The sword then glows bright red, much like a flame. 

The lord was flying at Shouichi at high speed, just as the lord about to fly straight into him Shouichi used the sword to cut straight through him. The lord then falls down, before fire started igniting from his body. 

Shouichi: I've returned the favor.

Just as the Lord was lying on the ground with pain, the lord muttered something out.

Winged Lord: A.....GIIII......TOOOO

Shouichi: Hm...???

Winged Lord: AGIIITOOOO (The Lord said before succumbing to the fire, and died.)

Shouichi was walking home, when he was greeted by masked men and women bowing down to him.

Masked Women: Pardon us Shouichi-sama, Sonoko-sama has requested us to deliver a gift for you.

Shouichi: Hm...? What kind of gift.

Masked Women: I request that you follow us.

Shouichi mouth gaped open of what he saw.

Shouichi: WHAT THE HELLLLLL, Is it for real???

Masked woman: Yes, Sonoko-sama has requested that we deliver this to you.

Shouichi: But What about driving license and all that stuff about legal ownership.

Masked Woman: You should read this letter from, Sonoko-sama.

Shouichi then opened up the letter and saw all the paperwork and his license inside the letter.

Shouichi: Is this girl for real?

Shouichi then saw a note inside the letter.

(The Note) 

Hello~~~ Shouichi-san hope you like the gift I sent to you, It's pretty good right hehehehehehe


Be sure to call me sometimes, I have added my phone number to yours.

Shouichi immediately checks his phone and discovers that Sonoko has added her phone number to his phone.

Shouichi: *sigh*...... well I'm going home, you guys do what you need to do.

Masked Woman: I understand.....

The masked woman then walked away towards the direction where the defeated lord was.

Shouichi: Alright, how do I do this.

Shouichi accelerated the motorcycle as slowly as possible.

Shouichi: Whoa I think I got the hang of this. (Shouichi said as he drives  back to his apartment)

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

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