Assassin, until the first mom...

By april_writes1

35.3K 2K 1.4K

Magnus Bane leads a double life: By day, he is the son of Asmodeus Bane, the Duke of Edom. But when night fal... More

Will I see you again?
The morning after
The blood oath
May I have this dance?
Do you trust me?
The agreement
Is everything alright?
Looking into your soul
The high price
Poison in the Shadows
A visit to an orphanage
Naga Hitam
Follow the whispers of your heart
A zoom into the truth
A kiss of fire
A call at midnight
Fallen roses
Don't lose hope
In the shadows of truth
Tears of darkness
Caught in the net of emotions
The Cinta Kekal Promise
Ritual of the Bayang Hitam
Together, until the last moment
Thank you

The Full Moon Murderer

1.2K 68 143
By april_writes1

Magnus stood concealed by the night’s shadows within a small side alley. A blanket of darkness and heavy clouds hid the full moon from view tonight, and it was surprisingly still and sombre. Leaning against the wall of a dilapidated house which looks to have once been a household commodities store, the assassin observed what was happening on the main street. The hood of his dark coat hung low over his forehead, hiding his face from prying eyes.

Magnus had found Lilith… 


The trail he'd been following for three days straight had finally led him to her. He hadn't told Alec about it during their last phone call. Magnus hadn't wanted to worry him.

Lilith stood with her back toward the alley only a few meters away from him and spoke with someone on the phone. A street lamp illuminated her silhouette, the light bathed her in a mystical golden glow. The assassin repeatedly ran her fingers through her long black hair, which fell to drape delicately over her left shoulder. More than once, she allowed her eyes to wander over the people walking past; it looked as if she were waiting for someone.

Magnus narrowed his eyes in concentration as he tried to deduce what Lilith was saying over the phone. Unfortunately, she spoke so softly that her words were lost to the din of night. Magnus carefully pondered his next move. Surely, he could just pull her into the side street - do what he had come to do. However, Magnus wanted to remain inconspicuous and not draw unwanted attention to himself. He also didn't know who she was talking with on the phone. It could very well be the full moon murderer themself and he had promised Alec he would find out whatever Lilith knew. That meant he couldn't just kill her in this dark side street.

Minutes passed by as Magnus waited patiently to see what Lilith would do next. He almost thought that the other assassin would put down roots right here on the street when she suddenly moved to continue on her way. Magnus detached himself from the cold wall and followed her. Fortunately, even despite the late hour, the street was still bustling and the assassin was able to move inconspicuously between the townspeople.

Magnus followed Lilith through the streets of New York until she stopped in front of a hotel - it had seen better days. A few of the neon lights on the sign above the inconspicuous entrance of the hotel were broken and read simply - Hotel Demon. The lights in other letters flickered intermittently and the name appeared in full, for but a moment in the darkness of the night.


A strange name for a hotel, Magnus thought as he wondered whether the owner had deliberately left the sign in a state of disrepair?

Lilith finished her phone call and glanced over her shoulder once more before entering the hotel. Magnus stepped out of the shadows of an adjacent building. He pushed the hood of his coat away from his face and followed the assassin into the hotel. The revolving doors squeaked, the noise echoed loudly in his ears. The mechanism could definitely use a spritz of oil.

Magnus stepped into the entrance hall and was immediately greeted by the unmistakable scent of jasmine that hung heavy in the air in the hotel lobby. The aroma was so intense it was almost as if a group of fragrant women had just passed him by. Without stopping, he let his eyes roam through the dimly lit lobby. 

A group of fairly old leather armchairs sat abandoned to his right, waiting for a hotel guest to be enticed to make themselves comfortable there. Particles of dust danced through the air and the lobby was empty except for an elderly gentleman who was being welcomed by an employee at the reception desk. Magnus frowned. It certainly wasn’t a place where he would have expected Lilith to seek shelter.

The assassin recovered his pace and quickly caught up with Lilith, who was heading straight for the elevators. He put his arm around the assassin's waist and pulled her close against the side of his body, a knife at her back - that he had slipped from his sleeve. She winced and looked up at him, a surprised expression flitted in her eyes. She most definitely hadn't expected him to find her this night. Magnus lowered his head and placed a kiss on her temple, playing the lover. The heavy, floral scent of her perfume reached his nostrils and Magnus had to suppress the impulse to grimace.

"Not a word. Just keep moving." Magnus instructed.

Lilith narrowed her gaze as the surprise disappeared from her eyes, now replaced by anger. A smile emerged on Magnus' lips and he questioningly raised his brow with defiance, returning her steely gaze. The two assassins stared at each other in silence, all the while the smile didn’t budge from Magnus' lips. Then, Lilith reluctantly returned his smile, a sign that she had given in and Magnus nodded, revelling that he accepted her momentarily submission. 

The assassin knew all too well that if she made a scene, she would not survive the night. Magnus would kill her. Immediately and without question in the middle of this hotel lobby, and without anyone even noticing. He would drive the knife into her back, hitting the point that led directly to her heart. He would consume her sounds of pain with a kiss until she took her last breath. It would be quick, and for any onlookers, they would seem like a couple in love, who couldn't get enough of each other. 

It wouldn’t be the first time that Magnus had ended someone’s life this way and he was sure that Lilith was aware of it. Magnus pressed his knife closer to her back, cutting her coat open a little. Instead of wincing and moving away from him, Lilith wrapped an arm around his waist. She placed her head on his shoulder and then they walked to the elevator, closely entwined.

"You took a lot of time to find me." Her voice was little more than a whisper.

"You covered your tracks pretty well," he replied just as quietly.

Magnus had no problem admitting that Lilith had managed to fool him for so long. She was good. Magnus knew that and Lilith was well aware of it. But Magnus was also one of the best in the order, so it had been only a matter of time before he found her.

The elevator door opened with a soft ping and the two assassins entered the small receptacle, which was in no way substandard to the old appearance of the hotel. Lilith pressed one of the buttons and with a jerk, the elevator started to move. Another guest entered on the second floor, and the man grimaced when he realized that he had to accompany them to the sixth floor before the elevator would take him down to the lobby. Neither of the two assassins said a word and Lilith leaned heavily against him, pretending to be exhausted. 

The other guest had to get out on the sixth floor because Magnus made no move to let Lilith out of his tight grip. Ignoring the other man's angry murmurs, the assassin entered the hotel hallway with Lilith.

"What's your room number?"

"Six hundred and sixty-six"

"That's a joke, isn't t it? "

"No, why? "

Magnus shook his head and almost snorted in amusement. Without answering her question, he pulled the assassin down the hall until they arrived in front of her room. Lilith reached into her coat pocket and Magnus watched her every move closely, expecting her to pull out a weapon. But it was only the hotel card she used to open the door to her room.

He pushed Lilith in front of him and into the hotel room, the knife still pressed against her back, he closed the door behind them. The room was sparsely furnished, a simple bed took up most of the space. The floral pattern of the duvet stood out and was a stark contrast to the otherwise simple and antique decor of the hotel. Magnus thought the cover would have been more fitting in his late grandmother's bedroom than this hotel. 

The only other furniture in this room was a desk and a wardrobe next to the bed. A door to Magnus' left led to a small bathroom where you shouldn't linger too long if you have claustrophobia.

Lilith moved to the desk and picked up a packet of cigarettes. Then she leant against the tabletop and crossed her feet at her ankles. She wrapped one arm around her torso and rested the other arm on it. The cigarette glowed between her fingers as she took a long draw on it, then disappearing for a moment behind in a smelly cloud of smoke.

"Do you want a cigarette?"

"No thanks. I don't smoke."

Lilith shrugged and took another drag. Magnus stood in the hotel room entryway with the knife still in his hand, blocking the assassin's only escape route.

"So Ajan..." Lilith paused and took another pull on the cigarette, "Or do you want me to call you Magnus?"

"Let's stop with such trivialities, Lilith. Why did you try to kill the Duke?"

"I was just trying to finish what you hadn't been able to."

"The Duke is innocent. You photoshopped his face into the pictures to make it look like he was the full moon murderer. Why?"

"Oh, no particular reason..." Lilith said, shrugging her shoulders and trying to look as indifferent as possible. But Magnus knew better. She was just playing the situation down, trying to hide her reasons, but he wouldn't give up until he knew what they were.

"That's bullshit. You would never kill someone without a valid reason. What do you have to do with the full moon murders?"

"What makes you think I have anything to do with it?"

"Why do you want everyone to believe that Alexander is behind the murders?" Magnus asked without answering her question. 

"You already call the Duke by his first name. Interesting…”  A knowing smile appeared on her face and Magnus had to pull himself together so as to not disturb it from her face.

"You like the Duke, am I right?" Lilith pushed herself away from the desk and closed the space between them with slow catlike steps. Her eyes were wandering over his face and Magnus tried to pull on a neutral veil. "How deep are your feelings for this Duke and does he return them?"

Magnus pressed his lips together. He would not reveal his feelings for Alec to Lilith. She would only use that information for her own means. Before one of the two assassins could say anything else, his phone vibrated. Magnus ignored it and hoped the caller would quickly give up, but his hope evaporated when his phone started to vibrate again.

"For heaven's sake, answer the call," Lilith said, her voice underlined with an annoyed tone.

"Yes?" Magnus said, answering the call. 

"Magnus, thank God. I thought you wouldn't answer."

Jace… The bodyguard spoke quickly and his breath came out jerky, almost as if he had run a long distance. A bad feeling immediately spread through Magnus' body, making his heart beat faster.

"What happened? Is Alexander okay?"

"He’s disappeared. "

"What do you mean, disappeared?"

Magnus turned to the side a little to create a hint of privacy, but he still watched Lilith closely from the corner of his eye. She started softly humming a song, studying her fingernails almost as if she was bored, but Magnus never bought her disinterested manner for one second. Her smug grin told him otherwise.

"Alec received a call that his father was on the way to the hospital, and we had an accident on the way there. When I came to, Alec was gone. Nobody knows where he is. Magnus, I have an awful feeling about this. Please tell me that you have already found something that can help us to find him. "

"Dammit!" Magnus ran the back of his hand over his face and closed his eyes for a moment. Did the full moon murder strike again? Was Alec hurt? Where could he be? Magnus was so lost in thought that, at first, he didn't notice Lilith slowly approaching him. He realised his mistake too late. All of a sudden, a sharp pain exploded in his neck and he whirled around to the other assassin, his eyes wide open.

"What. . . ? "

"Don't worry Ajan. You won't die from it. The solution will only take you on a wonderful dream-like trip."

Lilith took his knife and phone from his hands and hung up the call. Magnus opened his mouth to say something, but whatever Lilith had just injected him with took effect quickly. Magnus fought against the impending loss of consciousness with all his might, but the darkness relentlessly tugged at him with its claws and drew him slowly down into a dark vortex.

Magnus’ legs gave way from under him and he dropped to his knees. If Lilith hadn’t caught him, he would have hit the floor lengthways. Dark spots danced before his eyes and spread faster and faster. The room blurred and he shook his dazed head.

The assassin vaguely noticed Lilith leaning towards him. Her warm breath brushed his cheek and the floral scent of her perfume reached his nostrils. He instantly felt sick. He wanted to turn away from her, but his body no longer obeyed him. He was completely at the mercy of the other assassin.

"Sleep well, Ajan," she whispered in his ear, a smug smile caressed her voice.

Magnus would have responded with a snappy comment, but he felt like he was trapped in some kind of impenetrable fog that made it impossible for him to have a clear thought. His heartbeat slowed considerably and Magnus almost believed it would stop completely. But Lilith had said it wasn't a deadly poison. Had she told him the truth?

The assassin squeezed his eyes, a final struggle against his inevitable unconsciousness, but his efforts were useless. The last thing that Magnus saw before the dark mist completely enveloped him, was Alec's dazzling smile at the forefront of his mind, then everything went dark.


The first thing Alec noticed was the cold, wet floor against his face and the small stones that painfully poked into his skin. Then he felt his own heartbeat, which pounded vigorously throughout his body and was amplified many times over as it painfully echoed in his head. Dense and impenetrable darkness surrounded him, and no matter how hard Alec tried, he couldn't see anything through the darkness. There was a brief moment before he realized that his eyes had been covered, he had been blindfolded.

Two more sensations added to the discomfort and darkness. One, he was thirsty and two, he felt sick. Alec inhaled a few times through his nose and fought nausea gnawing its way up the back of his throat. 

The air smelled damp and musty. Where was he? He was certain that he was no longer in Jace's car. The thought of his best friend sent a brief panic through his body. Had Jace survived the accident? Was he still in the car, alone and helpless? Injured? The leaden uncertainty and worry tormented him, but Alec couldn't do anything about that right now.

Alec tried to sit up, but his hands were tied behind his back. The ropes were laced so tightly that they cut sharply into his skin. Alec was manic and wondering how he could get out of this situation. Whoever tied him up and blindfolded him certainly had no good intentions. Alec rolled onto his stomach and pulled his legs up. It took several attempts, but finally, he managed to push his legs under his torso. A new wave of nausea rolled over him and Alec lay still for a moment, swallowed several times to avoid vomiting. The pain at the back of his head kept pounding against the top of his skull and sharply spreading down to his neck. Evidently, he had been hit hard on the back of the head.

He was about to make another attempt at sitting up when he heard nearing footsteps in the distance. Alec immediately suspended his efforts and rolled back to his original position, trying to calm his racing heart. A door opened and squealed loudly on its hinges. The sound sent a cold shiver down Alec's spine. Whoever had just entered the room stopped next to his head a moment later. Without a warning, Alec was grabbed by his right arm and pulled up into a sitting position. He gasped at the sudden movement and felt dizzy. He would probably have fallen onto his side again had the stranger not propped him up against a wall.

After a moment the blindfold was removed from his eyes and the sudden brightness dazzled him. Alec squeezed his eyes shut to protect himself from the bright light, before carefully opening them again. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light. He blinked a few times and when his vision finally cleared, he stared into the face of his chauffeur.

"Sebastian?!" Alec's voice was nothing more than a hoarse croak.

"Hello, Alexander. How nice that you finally woke up." A smile formed on Sebastian's face and at first, it looked as if he was actually pleased that Alec was conscious again.

Alec tried to speak again, but this time his vocal cords did not obey him. His throat was too dry and no more than a few pitiful noises fall from his lips. The very next moment Sebastian held a glass of water to his mouth and Alec thankfully took a few sips. He cleared his throat and tried to speak again.

"Where am I? What's this about? Where's Jace? Is he okay?"

"Well, well, well ... so many questions, all at once."

Sebastian rose and placed the glass on a nearby table on which Alec spotted two monitors. Next to them was a camera and a few objects that Alec could not identify from his position on the ground. Sebastian fiddled with the camera and Alec used the moment to look around the room. It was windowless and barely furnished. The walls were painted a cold grey and there was a strange-looking bench in the middle of the room. It seemed that Alec was in a basement. But where exactly? 

Alec continued to look around the room. To his horror, Alec realized that there was another person in the room. They were gagged and shackled, lying on a mattress on their right side. The mattress obviously had seen better days. Feathers penetrated the fabric and it was certainly not pleasant to lie on the old thing. Relieved, Alec noticed that the other person's chest was moving evenly. Alec realized that it was a boy whose age he estimated to be seventeen or eighteen. What was Sebastian up to with them? A thought shot through Alec's head, leaving him with a horrible feeling. Had Magnus been right all along? Was Sebastian the full moon murderer?

"Sebastian, why am I here?"

The chauffeur turned around to face him and his eyes wandered over Alec's body. The cold and calculating expression in the other man's eyes did not promise anything good. Had Sebastian chose him as the next victim? But it couldn't be, could it? He did not fit into the usual pattern.

"Are you unable to answer the question yourself, Alexander?"

It was the second time that Sebastian had addressed him with his full name, and Alec's stomach contracted. The way his name fell from Sebastian’s mouth was similar to the way Magnus used it. Like a caress. Alec wanted to throw up, but he suppressed the impulse.

"It's Alec… And Your Highness to you."

Alec couldn't hide the slight tremor in his voice and he hoped Sebastian would ascribe it to his weakened state. Sebastian put his head back and laughed out loud.

"I don't think you are in a position to make any demands right now. I'll call you Alexander. Just like your new assassin lover."

Alec winced when Sebastian mentioned Magnus. How did he know about Magnus' second identity?

“But, to answer your question ... you are here because I want you to do something for me. ”

"And that would be? ”

Sebastian ambled over to him and raised his right hand. He moved his index finger back and forth as if Alec was a bad child who had just done something rash.

“You still ask so many questions. You're not exactly the patient type. ”

Alec looked up at Sebastian, who was now standing directly in front of him. He barely recognized the man who had driven him everywhere for the past five months. The look in his eyes was so cold that Sebastian almost looked like someone else.

"Who are you?" Alec asked.

“Finally a question that is indeed interesting. ”

Sebastian pulled up a chair and sat down on it. He spread his legs and rested his elbows on his thighs.

"My real name is Jonathan Morgenstern."

Alec opened his eyes and stared at Sebastian with his mouth open.

"This is ... it is impossible. Jonathan Morgenstern died in a car accident many years ago."

Sebastian reached behind him and pulled out a knife that was not unlike Magnus' dagger. He inspected his fingers and started cleaning his fingernails with the tip of his knife. Sebastian took a moment before speaking.

"At least that was what my father had sold to everyone here in Idris. But in reality, he had smuggled me out of the country and faked my death."

Alec swallowed hard.

"But why? "

“Well… my father has never accepted me the way I am. To him, I was the black sheep of the family. Useless and repulsive. He has always adored this Herondale sprout, wishing he was his son. ”

“You mean Will? ”

Sebastian shook his head.

"No. Valentine wanted me to be like Jace. ”

Alec's eyes narrowed in confusion.

“But why would Valentine have wanted something like that? ”

Alec still couldn't understand Jonathan. Why would a father reject his son and fake his death?

"Very easily. He did it for the same reasons why he doesn't respect you, Alexander. I'm gay. Just like you. "

"But that's not ..."

Sebastian jumped up from the chair, his face twisted and angry.

“For my father, yes. He tried to change me. Whenever he caught me with another boy, he'd beat the living daylights out of me. He had hoped that I would be cured of my illness with such punishment. ”

Alec remembered. During the time he served in the army. Like every descendant of a noble family in Idris, Jonathan had also gone through the training and at that time, he had been apart of Alec's unit. Alec and Jonathan had never been good friends, but Alec had tried to help him more than once after Jonathan appeared on duty with a face full of bruises. But Jonathan had always dismissed it, acting like it had been nothing tragic. 

Until one day, Jonathan had stopped showing up altogether, and a little later everyone found out that he had been killed in a car accident. Alec had always suspected there was more to the accident. However, he had believed that Jonathan had committed suicide to escape the situation he had been in. But he never would have thought that Valentine would have staged such a thing to get his son out of the country without being noticed. Why all this effort? Just because Jonathan preferred men?

"But your face ... you look so different. ”

“Thanks to today's medicine, anything is possible.” Sebastian, no Jonathan, twirled around on the spot as if to show Alec his latest outfit. "Do you like it?”

Alec pressed his lips together and said nothing. Jonathan shrugged when Alec made no move to answer his question. The chauffeur pushed the chair aside and crouched very close to Alec. So close that the Duke noticed the smell of garlic and mint that Jonathan exuded. It was a disgusting combination and Alec grimaced.

Jonathan reached out and ran his fingers almost tenderly over Alec's forehead, stroking a stray hair from his face. Alec turned his head to the side, trying to escape the other man's touch. Jonathan made an annoying sound but let it go. 

The chauffeur rose and then turned to the boy on the mattress. Jonathan roughly grabbed the boy by his arms and shook him. Alec saw the boy come to life and then allowed himself to be pulled onto his feet without resistance. Jonathan dragged the boy into the middle of the room and then leant him over the strange looking bench. Then he strapped the boy's legs with the provided ropes so that his legs were shoulder-width apart. Jonathan released the handcuffs and tied his hands to the bench's front posts. He left the gag and blindfold in place, though. The boy still didn't fight back. Alec was surprised at the willless of his behaviour and at that moment it occurred to Alec that Jonathan must have drugged him. Just like the other victims, he had already killed.

Jonathan ran a hand through the boy's hair and then across the straight of his back. A dreamy expression appeared on the blond man's face and it slowly dawned on Alec what this bench was designed for. The thought of it made him sick again and he barely managed to keep his stomach contents down. Was Jonathan going to rape this boy in front of him?

“Do you know Alexander…. I admired you back then. You didn't have to hide your sexuality. Everyone in your family accepted your sexual preferences. Everyone stood behind you. But I hated you at the same time. You could live the life that I couldn’t.”

“Jonathan, times have changed. You can live this life, too. You don't need to hide anymore. ”

“But I do. Nobody can know that I like men. It is not right. My father was correct. ”

“Jonathan…. ”

"Stop doing that!” Jonathan whirled on him, reached for the knife that he had placed on the chair. He came quickly towards Alec and leaned over him, holding the knife to his throat.

“But everything will be fine by tomorrow. From tomorrow on, everyone will know who committed these murders and I will be free. I'll finish this tonight. Only one last time and then everything will be good again."

Alec tried to distance himself from Jonathan, but he was enclosed between the blonde man and the wall. Jonathan took the knife from his throat and ran it along the front of Alec's shirt, loosening one button at a time from the fabric until his shirt was completely open, revealing the bare skin hidden beneath it.

"Now look at this. Who would have thought that the Duke of Alicante had such a well-trained body."

Jonathan looked at him as if he had just received the most beautiful gift of his life. He reached for Alec and stroked his chest almost affectionately. Alec winced at the touch and the feeling of his cold fingers.

"Don't you like it when I touch you like this? I suspect if Magnus would touch you like that, you would melt in his hands."

Alec looked down. He couldn't stand the greedy look in Jonathan's eyes. The chauffeur reached under Alec's chin and raised his head.

"Look at me, Alexander."

Alec ignored the command and kept his eyes down.

"I said look at me!" The cold blade of the knife pressed against his throat again and Alec raised his eyes.

"Yes, that’s better."

A satisfied smile appeared on the blond man's lips. Alec swallowed hard when he saw the lustful look in the other man’s eyes. Jonathan was now so close to him that he could feel the warmth of his breath on his face. He ran his thumb over Alec's lips and the Duke suppressed the impulse to bite it. That would only make Jonathan angry.

"Now kiss me."

Jonathan leaned further down and pressed his lips to the Duke’s. Alec's eyes widened, unable to move. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was the worst moment in his life. Oh, how wrong Alec was...

Jonathan looked down at him. A disappointed expression spread across his face.

“I think you need a little more motivation.”

Alec narrowed his eyes and wondered what Jonathan meant. The blonde man went over to the table and turned the monitors on. What Alec then saw made his blood freeze. Magnus and Izzy appeared on the screens, bound and gagged. Izzy sobbed softly and tears ran down her face. Magnus, on the other hand, had his eyes closed and was only held up by the grip of a dark-haired man. Alec realized that Izzy and Magnus were in different rooms. The colour of the walls was not the same. Alec looked back and forth between the two monitors, too shocked to form a clear thought. Unbridled panic rolled through his body.

Jonathan picked up a phone and said a few quick commands without Alec hearing the words. Shortly after the man next to Magnus grabbed a bucket and emptied the contents over Magnus’ head. Water ran down the assassin's face and he gasped for air. The surprised expression on Magnus' face lasted only a few seconds before anger flashed through his eyes.

“What are you going to do with them?” Alec asked in horror.

“It all depends on you, Alexander.”

Jonathan grinned wickedly at him and Alec wanted nothing more than to wipe that arrogant grin from his face. Jonathan approached him again and crouched down on the floor.

“So let's try again. Kiss me. ”

Alec looked at the two monitors and then at Jonathan and back again. His thoughts were racing through his head. What should he do? If he didn't comply, Jonathan would do something to Izzy or Magnus. He was sure of that. Alec swallowed and finally gave in. It was just a kiss and it would save Magnus and Izzy. At least he hoped so.

"All right then. I'll kiss you.” His words sounded thin and didn’t pass his lips easily. 

The grin on Jonathan's face widened until Alec thought that his lips would tear apart, then he bent down towards him.

Alec closed his eyes and imagined that it was a kiss from Magnus he was returning. Alec slowly brushed his lips over the other's and it took all his willpower not to end the kiss immediately. He didn't want the bastard to do anything to Izzy or Magnus. Jonathan hummed happily against his mouth.

"Much better, Alexander. Magnus can count himself lucky."

Alec turned his head and tried to wipe his mouth on his shirt.

"Stop it!" Jonathan shouted, but Alec ignored him.

A mistake… 

Right then pain exploded on his right cheek and Alec gasped. Jonathan had hit him in the face with the flat of his hand. A metallic taste spread on his tongue and he spat out. Alec started to laugh softly and shook his head to dispel the drowsiness caused by the violent blow.

"What's next? Should I watch you rape this poor boy in front of me? Are you going to drug me too, to become one of your willless puppets?"

"Oh no, Alexander. I have something much better in mind. To put you under the influence of this drug would only damp everyone’s joy. Especially mine. Nobody would believe that you’re doing it voluntarily."

"I don’t understand?” Alec narrowed his eyes suspiciously and looked over at the boy who was still motionless and bent over the bench. What was Jonathan up to with both of them?

His former chauffeur grabbed his chin and forced Alec to look at him again. There was a pleased look in his eyes and Alec knew immediately that Jonathan had planned something horrible.

"You will show this boy what it's like to be taken by a real man and I will record it. Everyone will see it later and believe that you are the real full moon murderer."

"I'm definitely not going to do that."

"Oh Alexander, you have no choice." Jonathan grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. "You'll do it. Is that clear?"

Alec pulled away and stumbled back a few steps. Disgust and rage pulsed through his body. He would never let himself be made into the puppet to be used by this pathetic bastard.

"No, I will not. "

"Wrong answer. "

Jonathan went back to the table without taking his eyes off Alec.

"You know Alexander, I think I have to show you that you shouldn't oppose my instructions. It's time you learn to behave."

Jonathan took his cell phone out of his pocket again.

"Raj, Samual, get ready," Jonathan said his command through the phone. The two men appeared in front of the cameras for a brief second and gave a sign that they had understood.

"In the next few minutes, you will have to make a decision, Alexander. I hope for you that you choose wisely."

“What decision?" Fear stirred in him, replacing the anger that had simmered during this whole time.

“Quite simply, Alexander. One of these two is permitted to live. You decide. ”

Alec gasped in shock.

"You are crazy, Jonathan.”

"I'm waiting.” Jonathan crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Alec impatiently.

Alec looked at the two monitors and his eyes darted between Izzy and Magnus. What should he do?

"Alexander ..." Jonathan stretched his name and it almost sounded like he was singing it.

"I ..." Alec swallowed. "I can’t…. ”

"But you have to. Otherwise, I will make a decision for you."

Alec looked at Jonathan. A tear fell from the corner of Alec's eye. Panic shot through him when he realized that Jonathan was serious.

"Please, Jonathan. I'll do anything you want, just don’t do anything to Izzy and Magnus. Please. ”

“You should have thought about that before. Now you have to pay for your troublesome behaviour. ”

Alec opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came from his lips. His throat was suddenly tied up. He desperately tried to fight the ropes around his wrists, but all he achieved was that every move caused the rope to dig into his skin even more painfully than before.

“You don't want to decide? Well ... then I will decide for you. Raj… ”

The man next to Izzy pulled a pistol from a holster and held it to Izzy's forehead. Her eyes went wide and her whimper filled the quiet basement and she started desperately to fight her bonds. Alec saw Raj flip the lever to release the safety on the gun. The clicking sound delivered Alec from his rigid state.

"No, not Izzy. Please. She is pregnant."

"All right. You made your decision ... shoot the assassin, Samuel."

"What? No, I'm doing everything ..." His next words were engulfed by a loud bang that could be heard over the speakers of the monitors and Alec saw with great horror how Magnus slumped and tipped forward, disappearing out of the camera's field of vision.

Alec stared in shock at the now blank screen. A heartbreaking cry echoed through the room and it took a moment for Alec to realize that it was his own. His legs gave way under him and he slumped to the floor. His stomach felt like a steel fist was squeezing his bowels as he leaned forward. His vision blurred before his eyes and tears fell to the floor, wetting the cold concrete ground in front of his knees. A tortured whimper escaped his mouth.

Magnus was dead. Shot. Just like that. Alec clenched his hands into fists.

"You son of a bitch ... you ... I will ..."

Jonathan crouched next to him and raised his head. Alec looked at Jonathan with pure hatred. He ignored Alec's gaze and ran his thumb almost lovingly over his cheek to wipe away the never-ending stream of tears.

"I understand your anger, Alexander. Oh yes, believe me, I do. But I hope you understood the message. Become the full moon murderer and your beloved sister and her unborn will live. It is in your hand, Alexander."

Jonathan's words were such a stark contrast to his tender touch that Alec took a moment to grasp the words. Alec blinked and tried to wipe the tears from his eyelashes. An incredible hatred pulsed through his body, forming a burning knot in his stomach. Alec looked over at the monitors.


She still lived… 

Alec swallowed the angry words lingering on his tongue. He had to pull himself together. He had no choice. He would submit. For the moment.

"I'm getting impatient, Alexander. Do you understand my message? Answer me."

Alec pushed the chaos of emotion inside him aside and then nodded as if in trance.

"I ... I'll do what you ask of me."

"That's good. "

Jonathan got up and pulled Alec to his feet. Alec stumbled and almost fell to the floor if it hadn’t been for Jonathan's grip on his arm he would have. Alec let himself be led to the boy on the bench without resistance. Alec's stomach contracted painfully at what Jonathan was about to force him to do, and it cost Alec all the willpower he could muster not to attempt to fight Jonathan. As long as he had Izzy captive, Alec couldn't do anything else, otherwise, she would be killed. Like Magnus. Oh God, he would never be able to tell Magnus how deep he really felt for him. New tears came to his eyes at the thought and he pressed his lips together to suppress the sobs that formed in his throat.

Jonathan placed Alec directly behind the boy and Alec closed his eyes when Jonathan started slicing the boy's pants with the knife. Alec felt as if he couldn't breathe. How was he going to do what Jonathan asked of him? He wouldn't be able too. He just couldn't do it and Izzy would die.

Another tide of panic sought to overrun him, taking his breath away. He only vaguely noticed how Jonathan opened his pants and touched him. 

Suddenly there were loud shouts and Alec's eyes widened. Before he could even grasp what was happening, chaos broke out around him. Gunshots echoed through the room and the next instant Alec was thrown to the ground. Alec struggled, trying to push the person off who was holding him down.

"Alec, it's me. Jace."

Relief flowed through his body and Alec stopped fighting against the weight of the other body that surrounded him. Jace had found him. He was safe. But the relief only lasted for a brief second. Izzy was still in the grip of Raj and Magnus was... Oh God… Tears fell from his eyes and his heart pounded painfully in his tight chest. Alec almost wished that someone would relieve him of his pain.

Jace crawled away from him and pulled Alec into an upright position. His best friend freed him from his bonds and gently stroked his redraw and grazed skin.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Alec shook his head. He removed his hands from Jace and wrapped his arms around his torso.

"Hey ... Alec." Jace wiped his sweaty hair from his forehead. "It's all right. You're safe and we've freed Izzy too. Jonathan will never be able to harm anyone again. Never again. It's over." 

A doctor came into the room and took care of the boy when Jace assured him that Alec hadn't sustained any serious physical injuries.

"Magnus is dead." Alec's voice was little more than a whisper, but Jace immediately understood and his eyes widened in horror.

"What? "

"Magnus was shot when I refused to rape the b-...." A heavy sob escaped him and swallowed the last word.

"Are you sure? "

Alec nodded and pointed to the monitors perforated by the flying bullets. Two police officers were standing at the table, just about to pack the camera in a plastic bag. Jace seemed to understand immediately and without saying a word, he pulled Alec into his arms. Alec slumped against his best friend's chest and held onto him like a drowning man in a gale. Tears ran uncontrollably down his face, but Alec didn't care. Sobbing, he collapsed in Jace's arms while his world fell apart around him… 


I'm going to fix this. I promise 🙏❤

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