When Frost meets Ice (Jelsa)

By NathanielWilhelm

53.2K 2.6K 381

Months before Elsa's coronation her ice powers take a turn for the worst. In order to become a good queen she... More

Awaking to a nightmare!
Master of winter
The Trolls
The Doorway
Jack Frost?
Plotting begins
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...
Fury of the Ice, and the Wisdom of Frost
Forest of Snow
Warm Hugs
Let it go
Chapter 13...
Breaking Time part 1
Breaking Time part 2
Jack, Jack, or Jack?
Tinsel Ball
Friendly Greetings from the toy shoppe.
The 'Guardian's' Leader
Two Promises
Reign of Terror
Friends and Lovers
The Plan
Breaking France part 1
Breaking France part 2
Breaking France part 3
From Winter to Cold
Going Home?
First day of school.
Could life get worse?
Yes, yes it could...
... and keeps getting worse...
... and then better?
Pretty Amazing Family
Of Magic and Marriage
Fearlings, Here?
A New Breed of Hunter
Family, What can I say?
The Calm before the Storm
Jack Frost Has Entered the Building
The 'i'ncredible Gym
The Fight at the incredible Gym
Chills on the wind.
The Storyteller Knight
The knight Triumphant?
The DunBroch Family
Meeting the Parents
The Date
Making Choices Part 1
Making Choices Part 2
Confessions Part one
Confession Part two
Confession Part three
Book 2
Rising to the occasion
The Dive
Drifter Part 1
Captain Keyes
Cole's past and Lady Elsa future
Who is Cap'n Keyes

Breaking Time part...3?

1.3K 57 11
By NathanielWilhelm

After Jack's burial an obelisk and memorial were placed at the center of town where he crashed, and every night Elsa would look at it and think of Jack. That first night something truly miraculous happened as Elsa stood on the balcony looking out at the obelisk.

As her hands gripped the railing and her sorrow subsided for a moment she swore that she hear the soft playing of piano music. A light shined to her left and she could make out a man clothed in a suit in a fashion she did not recognize. He walked to the balcony and stared at the sky, his hair was as white as the fallen snow and his eyes were sapphire blue. He stared at the moon to make an oath to whatever being resided there but also to make and oath to himself and to the one he loved.

Elsa felt her knees go weak as she recognized the man in the vision. And when he spoke Elsa had never felt so happy as hope was renewed to her.

"I will always love you Elsa, and I will always find my way back to you." And with those words spoken the vision of Jack disappeared.

Jack, was he still alive... but how...

** ** **

Outside was a world of horror and wonder...

Jack Wintercrest was the son of Adam Wintercrest who was a successful aristocrat in the year 1982 in Paris, France. Most of Adams job included boring paper work, intricate political nonsense, and sucking up to the Royal Family. Jack hated it, he despised the political spectrum of the so-called 'upper-class'. He constantly wished for more to life than just being babied, and handed everything on a silver spoon. Every morning he woke up to his overly grand room to feel like it was only a gold crafted bird cage. Every day he would look outside at the starving peasants and wished he could help. The outside world, where the few flocked at the doors outraged at the poor treatment they were receiving from the monarchy. But he watched his father and the rest of the aristocracy ignored them like fly's that would go away.

The thing that Jack hated most of all... were the parties...

"Dad you know I hate these things," Jack said as he fought the collar of his fancy shirt. Luckily, he didn't have to dress up too much, his white suit was very simple with a light blue waist coat and no tie, he hated ties.

"Behave yourself, besides I hear that there will be a few eligible bachelorettes." He looked at Jack with that almost pleasant smile.

"You say that like they'll be my age."

"Please behave Jack, I know that they would take a liking to you if you just talk to them."

Jack didn't respond, he didn't care. One snotty girl was the same as the other. All they could talk about was what the other ones were wearing, and other meaningless gossip. Not only did Jack not care about the gossip but he also wasn't good at it. Every person there would just be another bar of his cage and talking to them was equally as difficult and absurd. His plan tonight was the same as it was every night: slip out of sight and eat as much food as possible. Nobody could talk to him if his mouth was full and nobody could approach him if they couldn't find him. First, he would need to slip away from his father, he loved the man but he didn't care for much else.

The gathering was in a very large ballroom and the royalty were present which meant that there would be extra garnishing on the food that he would have to pick away. It was a Pre-Christmas Eve party and the walls were covered with all sorts of white and gold decorations. Holly, reefs, streamers, curtains, and other gaudy Christmas décor were employed, and the hall was full of people. Ironically, Jack found the easiest time hiding in the midst of the wandering eyes and whispers of the 'upper-class'.

Jack had a special talent for bypassing the food lines and crowds and before anyone really knew he was there, he was gone. He planned to spend this party the same way he spent every other party; outside and hopefully in his own mind at least, in another world. He slipped out through one of the large glass doors that let natural light into the party. Nobody else was out there, and he found himself free. It was too cold for anyone to be outside but he relished it. The cold was freeing in an odd way. Jack leaned against the balcony with his food and looked out at the world he lived in but imagined a different one.

As the wind stroked his face, he imagined himself being carried away like as snowflake in a blizzard, flying fast and wildly toward a destination far away. He pictured the city streets he saw as he flew by, the people in the courtyard unable to see him, free from the looks of envy, hate, and misplaced admiration. If he were to fly passed them, it would be as a snowflake, simple and yet unseen to those who could not grasp its infinite purpose in this world of endless potential.

"Hey there frost brain, are you day dreaming again?"

Jack was stolen from his world by the familiar voice of one of his oldest friends. Jack turned around and greeted the young man. He had brown hair and a falsetto-like voice that contrasted his fathers' booming vocals. He was clothed in more regal clothes than Jack, because he was indeed the son of one of the royal families. There was a blonde haired girl with a pretty round face draped on his arm with as much elegance as her clothes. Jack wasn't fooled by her gentle grace, she was truly a dragon in disguise with her sharp tongue and confusing temper. With all that, she was still one of the kindest and most genuine people of the all the royal houses and somehow, without the use of status or placement, Jack's friend had won her affection.

"Greetings Hiccup, and my Lady Astrid," Jack gave gentile bow toward Astrid and a mock wink at his friend. "I see the festivities are as grand as always."

Astrid giggled as she spotted his plate of food. "And I see that you are doing your part in ignoring all but the cooks hard work this evening," She stepped passed Hiccup and leaned against the railing with Jack and snagged a bit of treasure from Jack's plate.

"Well you don't expect me to starve at these events do you," Jack smirked playfully as he pulled his plate a few inches away from Astrid's all too mischievous hands.

"I don't expect you to freeze either, Jack. It is far too cold out here. I don't know how you can stand it." Hiccup shivered a little bit and gave his over coat to Astrid who accepted it gladly.

"I like the cold, besides they are handling it just fine," Jack said as he motioned to the people who were walking by the palace on the other side of the wall that fenced them out.

Hiccup just shook his head, he loved his friend dearly but he could never understand his fascination with the common people. Of course, it is not like he could judge him too harshly, Astrid, the light of his world, had been a housemaid, and turned hiccups sheets before he began courting her. She was always honest and short with him. Despite his status, she never held her tongue when it was just the two of them. Which is probably one of the reasons he fell for her, she was just so strong in her own way, in a fashion that couldn't be obtained while growing up with a golden spoon in her mouth. At the same time, he understood Jack in the way that they both felt trapped by their status. It was why their friendship blossomed so fast. In fact, Jack was the reason that Hiccup braved Astrid's scorn and braved the feat of asking for permission to court her, regardless of all the social spite that might also come from it. It turned out to be the best thing that he ever did.

"Come on Jack. There has to be something that can persuade you to come back to the party with us for even a little while," Hiccup wrapped his arm around Astrid who was shivering but also gave Jack a scary look that Jack easily ignored.

"Nah, I will be fine, you should go and enjoy the party, there will just be another one next week." Jack said.

"Fine, but don't forget that this year we are having royalty from the English, and other neighboring monarchies here. You should meet some. I am sure that even with your taste, you'll find someone to your liking. Come on Astrid," Hiccup went to open the door.

"You know that we only want you to be happy, Jack." Astrid touched his face and looked into his eyes with all the sincerity that she could muster.

"Thank you, Prince Hiccup and Lady Astrid, you are the best friends a fellow like I could have." Jack took Astrid's hand and gave it back, and the couple returned to the party without Jack, closing the door firmly behind them.

"I will always love you..." an ethereal voice pierced the air around him, the voice of a woman, it was a sad voice, broken by tears and said in a whisper.

Jack looked around, there was nowhere for that voice to come from, at first he passed it off as his imagination.

"...my old snowman..."

There it was again, but when Jack looked around there was still nobody there to make the noise.

"...my silly stick boy..."

"Who said that, who is there? Show yourself by the order of Lord Jack Wintercrest. I command you!" Jack said feeling paranoid.

"...my Only..." a gust of wind blew and the doors to the party nearest to him blew open, and the girl next to the door noticed Jack's panic.

"Are you alright, My Lord?" asked the girl. She had platinum blonde hair and wore the dress of one of the foreign royalties, when Jack met her ocean layered eyes he was frozen by her beauty.

"...my Jack Frost." The voice was the same as the girls, identical in every sense except for when it spoke the girl's lips did not move.

Jack blushed. He was embarrassed that he was yelling at a voice on the wind that wasn't there. He didn't know what to say to this stunning girl that stood before him.

"Yes I am, please excuse me. I apologize if I worried you I merely thought I heard someone trying to speak to me," Jack bowed low apologetically. "My name is Jack, Lord Jack Wintercrest of the French Aristocracy, and who might you be?" Jack held his hand out politely.

The girl giggled at Jack's awkwardness, "My name is Princess Elsa, First in line for the throne of England." She placed her hand in Jack's with the lightest touch, Jack kissed her hand and a feeling of familiarity brushed his heart with an aching joy. "Might I enquire as to whose voice you thought you heard?" she giggled at the soft but masculine firmness and the awkwardness of Jack's kiss as his lips pressed against her hand, she found his strangeness most charming.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, I thought but for a moment it was your voice," Jack blushed like a fool in love with a princess.

Jack smiled as he fell into her eyes. Suddenly, he felt something beating strongly within his chest. The wind picked up and his vision blurred as his head was filled with hundreds of years of knowledge. He gripped his head in pain as feelings and memories all pounded at his skull. Jack Frost... it was his name, but it wasn't, but it was. Tears poured from his eyes as he remembered someone, someone special, she was someone precious, someone beautiful, she was... "Elsa?" He said with the voice of another and looked at the woman in front of him who was frightened at his sudden fit. He fell to the ground and the darkness of his dreams overtook him as he heard the women calling for help.

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