My Immortal

Por TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... Más

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

The Battle Begins

161 7 6
Por TarableTaralynn

 Dean left his room and went downstairs to find Roman; he went into the living room and saw everyone, but him. None of them said anything, they just looked at him angrily and that meant they knew about what happened. Annoyed and not in the freaking mood for a damn lecture, he just shook his head and decided that he'd check in the backyard for him. Sighing, he left the room and went outside, looking around he saw Roman sitting on the grass under a tree at the far end of the yard. He ran his hands over his face sighing again, before he took a deep breath and walked slowly towards him. He knew he had a lot of explaining to do, but he wasn't good with feelings and emotions though and he was worried that he'd screw everything up even worse. He knew it was finally time to talk about his past, hold nothing back, and hope that it's enough to fix things.

 He walked to where Roman sat staring at the night sky silently his back to Dean. He wasn't sure how to begin, this whole opening up thing was completely new to him and he felt a little stupid doing it. It was times like this that he wished he knew how to be freer with his emotions like the others; even as a mortal he had never been able to do it.

 "What do you want, Dean?" Roman demanded bitterly not looking at him.

 "I...I, uh, came to talk." Dean replied sighing. "I'm finally ready to tell you about my past." He added, as he sat beside him.

 "You are?" Roman asked shocked looking at him.

 "Yeah, but you need to remember that I'm horrible at talking about my feelings and emotions, so bear with me, Ro." Dean replied sighing, Roman nodded. "Okay, so I'm going to skip my mortal life story, since it has nothing to do with anything right now; I will tell you about that eventually. Right now though, I'll tell you about my past as a Vamp." He said sighing again.

 "Okay." Roman said quietly.

 "After I was changed, I hated it, hated the monster I had become; even though I had been evil in my mortal life, as a Vamp I still had my humanity. I rebelled against my kind; I did whatever I could to piss them off. Then a couple of years after I changed Vassago came to me and told me about his plan to build a Vamp army to take over the world. By this time I was at the stage in my life where I now had a hate on for mortals; I hated them because they were everything that I had lost. I listened to his plan, he wanted me to lead his army and I refused at first wanting nothing to do with any of it; I wanted to be left the hell alone. So, I watched as Keeper for months trained...or what he thought was training, Vassago's army. Then a year later, Vassago came to me again and I gave in and took over his army. It was then that I became close to Kira, before this I had no interest in getting to know any of the family; I knew them, but kept them at a distance."

 "What...what do you mean close?" Roman questioned quietly, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

 "At first, she became my second in command; she was one of the best in the army, then three months later, we...we became mates. I didn't love her, it was only sex and around this time I began to rebel against my kind again. I was done with being controlled by Vassago, so I ended things with Kira and turned on my kind. My life became an endless cycle of rebelling against my kind and trying to live among mortals, keeping them safe. I didn't have a purpose, until I met you, I have done a lot of shit in my life that I regret, but falling in love for the first time in my life with you isn't one of them."

 "Dean, I..."

 "No, Rome, I'm sorry I never told you about Kira or my past, honestly, I've never told anyone about them before, I just wanted to forget about all of it. Roman, I have never loved anyone before, but I do you and it's because of you and our dysfunctional family that I'm fighting this battle. You are the only one I love and want, which is why I'm going to do this." Dean said, as he pulled something out of his pocket and took Roman's hand. "Roman Reigns, I love you, you have made me feel human again, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

 "Yes." Roman said smiling, as his tears fell silently, before Dean put the ring on his finger and kissed him. "I love you, Dean, but when did you get this ring?"

 "It's actually my mother's ring." Dean replied, as they looked at the ring smiling. "It was the only thing I have left of her and I've carried it with me all these years."

 "I love it and you." Roman replied, before he kissed him again. "I'm sorry, I..."

 "Don't, Ro, its forgiven and forgotten. This ring symbolizes a new start for us...for all of us once Vassago's dead."

 "Come on, let's go back inside and celebrate with our family."

**Three Days Later**:

 Dean stood outside in the backyard trying to clear his head; it's been three days since he talked to Roman and his visions have only gotten worse. No matter what he did the visions continued to happen, what made it worse though, was that now he found himself about to do whatever it was he saw in the visions. They were about everyone in his family now, not just Keeper and Kira, thankfully, he hasn't hurt anyone and no one noticed what he was doing.

 To try and keep his mind off of his visions, he spent his time in the basement interrogating Kira with Keeper. He enjoyed his time with Kira, it was the only time he didn't have to bury his violent side. He could let himself say and do whatever he wanted to do to get the information he needed, he didn't do anything that would kill her...yet, he had questions and she had answers.

 "She's awake." Keeper's voice spoke from behind him; Dean looked over his shoulder at him and smiled.

 "Excellent." Dean said still smiling, before they went back inside.

 "Dean, Dean, Dean!" Rose said happily, as she ran into the kitchen carrying a book. "Will you read with me?"

 "Not right now, Rose, I'm busy. Go ask someone else, I'll read with you later."

 " never have time for me and Violet anymore." She said sadly.

 "I'm sorry, I'm busy right now, but when I'm finished I'll spend as much time with you guys as you want, okay?"

 "We should go." Keeper said.

 Dean nodded and they went downstairs without waiting for a response from Rose, Dean thought that Keeper had locked the door behind them. They went to the table, Keeper stood off to the side leaning against the wall smiling, while Dean stood by the table beside her and spoke smiling.

 "So, ready to give me the answers I want yet?" Dean questioned, as he patted her head as if she were a child.

 "Screw...screw you!" She replied angrily.

 "You already did that, sweetheart." Dean said smirking. "I was hoping you'd refuse, I'm enjoying the fun we're having. Aren't you, Keeper?"

 "This is the most fun I've had in a long time." Keeper teased smiling too.

 "I say we continue our little game." Dean said, as he grabbed a large knife from the table beside Keeper, before he turned back to face her. "You know, I'm kind of tired of beating on you with my bare hands, so I think it's time to move on to bigger and better things." He added, as he dragged the flat part of the knife across her stomach.

 Smiling, he then used the knife on her arm, making a large gash; it wasn't deep enough to kill her, but it did make her cry out in pain. Smiling wider hearing her pain he did the same to the other arm, he was about to move on to her stomach, but was stopped by someone calling his name from the stairs.


 "Rose?" Dean said shocked, as he quickly looked at her. "What are you doing down here?" He demanded angrily.

 "I...I wanted to spend time with you." She replied scared.

 "Dammit, Keeper, why the hell didn't you lock the damn door?" Dean said angrily.

 "What...what are you doing to that lady?" Rose asked scared.

 "None of your business, you need to leave right now." Dean ordered.

 "Are...are you hurting her?" She asked upset.

 Instead of answering her, he put the knife down, went to the stairs, and angrily grabbed her arm, he then dragged her back upstairs.

 "I...I know what you''re doing, Keeper." Kira said smiling, as she looked at him.

 "Really, Kira, and what would that be?" Keeper questioned smiling too.

 "You''re trying to get Dean to embrace his Vamp side."

 "You are as clever as Dean said you were." Keeper said sighing.

 "I...I want to help." She stated.

 "Why would you want to do that?" Vassago questioned crossing his arms.

 "He's the Chosen One, he...he needs to be with his own kind, not with disgusting mortals." She explained with disgust in her voice.

 "I agree, but what about your loyalty to Vassago?" Keeper questioned.

 "Like you, Keeper, my loyalty lies with the winning side." She answered smiling.

 "Really? You wouldn't be saying this just to end your suffering, now would you, Kira?"

 "Keeper, I'm...I'm not stupid enough to think that."

 "How are you going to help me?" Keeper questioned curious.

 "It''s easy, we convince Dean to go after Vassago without his little mortal pets."

 "Good thinking, Kira." Keeper said sarcastically. "Why didn't I think of that?"

 "Have done anything other than kiss his ass, Keeper?"

 "Watch your damn tongue, whore, or I'll rip it out myself!" Keeper threatened angrily.

 "Think...think about it, Keeper!" Kira said. "Think about the power we'll have if we can convince Dean to stop fighting his destiny."


 Meanwhile, after taking Rose upstairs to the kitchen, she pulled away from him upset, just as Roman came into the kitchen. Seeing him, Rose ran to him and hugged him tightly as she cried, Dean ran his hands over his face, as Roman looked at him angrily.

 "Dean, what the hell is going on?" Roman demanded holding her tighter.

 "She was in the basement, she's been told to not go down there and she disobeyed me, dammit!" Dean said angrily, as visions of hurting them both flashed through his head.

 "I'm sorry, I...I just wanted to spend time with you." Rose said crying.

 "I told you I was busy and that I would spend time with you when I was finished, dammit."

 "Rose, honey, why don't you go get Seth to play with you, I want to talk to Dean for a minute, okay?"

 "Okay." She replied sadly, before she left.

 "What the hell is wrong with you, Dean?" Roman asked upset.

 "So, now you're mad at me for her disobeying, that's just great, Roman!"

 "No, Dean, I'm angry because you're acting like an asshole! You just yelled at a little girl, dammit."

 "A little girl who did something wrong, Roman." Dean stated angrily.

 "You've changed, Dean, ever since you got your full powers you've become a different person. You're angry and distant, what is going on?" Roman said upset.

 "Nothing is going on, dammit! I'm just doing what I need to do to keep our family safe! I don't see you or anyone else doing any-fucking-thing to help me!" Ian yelled angrily.

 "See, this is what I'm talking about."

 "I don't have time for this; I have a world to save, dammit!" Dean said bitterly, before he stormed back down to the basement, making sure to shut and lock the door behind him this time.

 Returning to the table, Dean ignored Keeper's confused look and grabbed the knife again.

 "Are you alright, Dean?" Keeper questioned.

 "Fine." Dean answered bitterly.

 "I overheard your fight with Roman." Keeper said gently.

 "What's your damn point, Keeper?"

 "I don't have one; it just seems to be happening a lot lately."

 "They don't understand you, Dean." Kira added.

 "Oh, let me guess, you two do, right?" Dean asked sarcastically.

 "We do, Dean, we're like you, we understand." She replied.

 "Shut up!" Dean yelled angrily. "I need to clear my damn head, stay here, I'll be back soon." He said frustrated, as he put the knife down and left the basement.


 Dean walked through the woods, his Raven on his shoulder like usual. He was beyond stressed out, between the fighting with his family, the battle with Vassago, and fighting with himself, he felt like he was being torn in a million different directions. He could feel his humanity slipping away; he was losing the battle against his Vamp side. How easy it would be to give in to his Vamp side and not have any responsibilities anymore. What worried him about that thought was that he didn't feel the anger he usually felt when he thought like that.

 He needed to figure shit out before he ended up losing his damn mind, he knew Roman was right, he has changed since his full powers came in. Unfortunately, though, he also knew that Keeper and Kira were right too, they were the only ones who truly understood him. Dammit, what the hell is he supposed to do? The only thing that remained the same no matter what he chose to do was that Vassago was going to die by his hands! He decided to try and mindlink with Vassago to check in with him and find out what he could while he was alone.

 "Wait in the trees and keep watch." Dean ordered his Raven, who silently flew to the nearest tree doing what it was told.

 Once it was in the tree, Dean sat on a rock and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes and cleared his mind. Using everything he remembered about mindlinking he focused trying to get it to work. He had no idea how long he had sat there, but he began to hear Vassago's voice, it was quiet at first; no louder than a whisper. He concentrated harder, suddenly, he was thrown into Vassago's body, once again he was a silent passenger watching and listening to everything.

 He watched as Vassago paced his throne room angrily after being informed that Kira hadn't returned yet from her mission. He wasn't upset because she was missing, possibly killed by Dean; he could care less about the family, they were all his pawns, each one expendable. No, he was pissed because there was no one to lead his army and she also knew all of his plans. He was slowly losing the damn war with Dean and he wasn't used to losing anything! He refused to let Dean win anything against him, he was Vassago, dammit, no one was better than him at anything. Dean smiled, he loved getting under Vassago's skin and pissing him off. He knew he had been right about Kira knowing all of Vassago's plans. He watched as Vassago went to the window and stared out of it.

 Suddenly, he heard his Raven cry out, instantly breaking the connection. He was slammed back into his own body, his eyes flew open and he began gasping for air, before he began coughing. He looked at his Raven, as he tried calming down and saw it circling him in the sky. Confused by his Raven's actions, he called his Raven to him, but it wouldn't and cried out again. Something wasn't right; his Raven had never disobeyed him before, which meant that something was going on. He quickly got up and climbed into the tallest tree, hoping to see what was going on.

 After reaching the top of the tree, Deanlooked around, but couldn't seeanything out of the ordinary. His Raven still acting out cried out again, so Dean closed his eyes and mindlinked with it. As soon as he did, he looked around and saw what was making his Raven anxious. He wasn't expecting to see six Vamps coming towards him; they didn't know he was there or that he knew they were coming. They had no set destination in mind; they were just wandering the woods, hoping to find something.

 "Keep to the sky and let me know when they're close." Dean ordered his Raven who cried out and flew off.

 Once it was gone, Dean got out of the tree and ran back to the monastery, the battle had begun. He reached the monastery and went inside; he went into the living room, where everyone, but Keeper and the girls were.

 "Dean, what's wrong?" Roman asked.

 "The battle's begun." Dean replied smiling. "Vassago's sent six Vamps after us, I saw them when I was in the woods; my Raven's tracking them now." He explained.

 "What?" Seth said upset, as they stood. "How do they know where we are?"

 "They don't, they're searching the woods looking for us, Vassago probably ordered them to search there for us."

 "So, what do we do?" Paige asked.

 "We've planned for this." Dean reminded them. "Father, you take the girls and barricade yourself in the basement. The rest of you, arm yourselves and remember your training. After you've got your weapons meet me outside, I'm going to get Keeper." He ordered, before he rushed to the basement.

 After going to the basement, he began gathering weapons, while both Keeper and Kira watched him confused.

 "The battle has begun, hasn't it?" Keeper asked smiling.

 "It has, the others have their orders and are preparing themselves." Dean replied, as he continued to pack.

 "Their orders?" Keeper asked confused.

 "Our battle plan, remember?"

 "What are my orders, Chosen One?" Keeper asked smiling, sensing something was different about Dean.

 Instead of answering him, Dean went to Kira and pulled out the keys to the chains and unlocked her.

 "Are you strong enough to fight?" Dean questioned her.

 "No, but I will be soon." She answered smiling.

 "Good." Dean said, as he began walking towards the stairs.

 "Wait, where are you going?" Kira questioned.

 "To kill Vassago and you two are coming with me." Dean answered, as stopped walking and turned to face them, before he tossed the bag of weapons to Keeper, who caught it with one hand.

 "What'sour plan?" Kira asked smiling, as she got off of the table.

  "We'll figure it out in the car." Dean replied.

 "How do we explain all of this to the others?" Keeper asked.

 "They're already doing their own thing, so they won't even notice you two. Go to the car and wait for me there, I have to give the others the rest of their orders." Dean said, as they went upstairs. "The keys are over there on the counter, I'll be five minutes."

 After giving Keeper and Kira their orders, Dean went to the backdoor, just as Father came into the room with the girls heading to the basement. Dean went outside and found the others talking and getting their weapons ready. He looked at the sky to find his Raven, not seeing it he knew that the Vamps were still in the woods. He mindlinked with his Raven to find out where they were, he smiled realizing that they were still a long way away from them. He ordered his Raven to return to him, before he walked towards the others.

 "Alright, the Vamps are still searching the woods for us, none of them know about the monastery or where we are. So, we're going to take them by surprise and kill them before they get here. Stay together, stay on guard, and watch each other's backs. There are only six of them, so as long as you all remember your training you'll be fine. I love you all, be careful." Dean said, before they hugged him and Roman kissed him.

 "Where's Keeper?" Jameson asked.

 "Inside with Kira, both of us will be right behind you." Dean lied, as his Raven returned and landed on Dean's shoulder.

 "Be careful, baby, we love you too." Roman said, before he kissed him again.

 After saying goodbye, the others took off running towards the woods, Dean smiled, before he turned and ran around to the front of the monastery. He got to the car and stood outside of it, as he spoke to his Raven.

 "Take to the sky again and find Vassago, lead us to him." Dean ordered, as his Raven cried out and took off.

 Once it was gone, Dean got into the passenger's seat beside Keeper, who was driving, while Kira rested and got her strength back in the backseat.

 "Follow my Raven, stop for nothing." Dean ordered, as Keeper started the car and they began driving.

 As they drove, Dean never took his eyes off of his Raven, while visions of torturing and killing Vassago filled his head causing him to smile; this time though he didn't stop them from coming. He had been waiting for this moment for a long damn time and tonight, the King would fall by his hand!


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