Legolas and Tauriel- Starlight

By Lyra_snow

11.4K 190 92

CUTE ROMANCE ALERT!!! after the battle of five armies, Tauriel is banished from her home land by king Thrand... More

Don't Leave Me
Thranduil's choice
Golden Kiss
The Interruption
Sliver and Diamonds
The party
Galadriel's secret
The wedding
New Life
Sweet and perfect
The truth
The Parting
Legolas's Dream
The King of Gondor
The Final Chapter

The Surprise

551 8 12
By Lyra_snow

Five years had passed since the wedding, yet Mirkwood was almost exactly the same. There was one big difference, however. Tauriel was now the Princess.

Legolas and Tauriel spent most of their time together, hunting, practicing skills, going for walks through the forest, and sometimes riding out to the great lake on the other side of Mirkwood. They were often joined by Filauria, who always kept them laughing.

Filauria was now married to Aldon, the door guard, so he sometimes went for walks, or rode with them. Every day was perfect, and sometimes even more than perfect.

One morning, Filauria and Tauriel were lying on the grass in the garden, gazing up at the clouds. They had always loved to do this, ever since they were children. Tauriel pointed upwards, slightly to the left.
"I can see a wolf, quite a big one!" She said, shading her eyes from the sun.
"Were?" Asked Filauria, looking were Tauriel was pointing.

"Up there, look! It's got one paw in the air, and a long snout. You can even see a few teeth I think!"
"Were? I can't see any wolves"
"Look, if that big white cloud is it's head-"
She broke off, as a voice behind them said:
"Ummm what are you two doing?"
It was Legolas.

"Cloud gazing, of course" replied Filauria. "Tauriel says she can see a wolf, but-"
"A wolf? Were?"
Legolas lay down on his back beside Tauriel, and stared upwards at the sky.

"Look!" Said Tauriel "right there! A big wolf, with one paw in the air, and a long snout! Come on, it's not that hard to see! It's huge!"

Legolas gazed at the wolf cloud.
"It looks more like a pigeon to me"
"A pige- what? How does that look like a pigeon?"
Filauria shrugged.
"Doesn't look much like a wolf or a pigeon to me.... I think it looks like a fish."
Tauriel slapped her forehead in exasperation.
"I give up"

After a few more hours of arguing about wether a cloud looked more like a wolf, a pigeon or a fish, they sat up and stretched. It was almost afternoon. Filauria shook back her hair, and did a few cartwheels.
"I'd better go, I'm supposed to be going for a walk with Aldon soon. Bye!" She said, and walked across the garden to the back door.

"Come on, Legolas, let's go and ride down to the lake!" Suggested Tauriel
"We could even stay for the night and come back tomorrow."
Legolas smiled.
"Great idea! Let's go and tell Aldon to tell Thranduil where we have gone"

They ran to the front doors, were Aldon and Poldo often stood. But the scene was different today. Poldo was standing at his post laughing, while Aldon and Filauria stood against the wall, kissing furiously. Legolas started to laugh too.

Aldon turned around, and rolled his eyes.
" I knew you were going to interrupt us at some point!" He said.
"Had to get you back" grinned Legolas "come on, Tauriel, let's just leave them to it"

They walked passed the doors and the armoury, until they reached the stables. They took their two horses, and fixed on the saddles and saddle bags for carrying food and weapons.

Tauriel smiled to herself. Legolas could never guess the real reason that they were going for a night by the lake. Soon, they were ready to go. They climbed onto the horse's backs and rode out into the forest.

They trotted softy along the leaf- strewn path between the trees. Frequent rustles among the branches above them indicated that the squirrels were very busy, collecting nuts to store for the winter, for winter would be coming in a few months.

Legolas and Tauriel talked for a while, and laughed. Around an hour later, they came to the edge of the forest. The great shining lake glittered before them. The sun was beginning to sink slowly behind the Misty Mountains, staining the sky with the faintest band of orange.

They dismounted, and sat down at the edge of the lake. Legolas put his arm around her shoulders. She leaned against him.
"I'm so glad we are married, Legolas." Said Tauriel. "I thought I would never have a family, but I do now."

"I love you, Tauriel" whispered Legolas "I would never leave you, Never!"
Tauriel kissed his cheek.
"I need to tell you something" she whispered. This was why they were here anyway. She wanted to tell him here, because it was peaceful and quiet and privet.

"What is it?" Asked Legolas, looking confused.
Tauriel looked up at him, and smiled brightly.
"Legolas, i- I'm pregnant!"
He stared at her, and slowly, a smile spread across his face.
"You're pregnant? We're going to have a baby? Oh, Tauriel, that's wonderful!"

She smiled, and tears started in her eyes.
"You think so? I'm so excited!"
"Ada will be very pleased, he's always wanted grandchildren! Said Legolas.
He pulled Tauriel to her feet, and kissed her softly.

When they arrived back at the palace the next day, Filauria was waiting for them. Tauriel got off her horse and ran over to her.
"Guess what!" They both spoke at the same time.
"You go first." Laughed Filauria.
"Well" said Tauriel "I just told Legolas last night.... I'm pregnant!"

Filauria gasped.
"But... I'm pregnant too!" She said.
"Yey! Congratulations!" They said together.

Hello! Did you like this chapter? Filauria and Tauriel are both gonna have a baby! Yey! I've been waiting to write this chapter for ages, but I have no idea what the next one should be about. Anyway, please vote and comment! Byeeeeeeee

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