My mommy ❀️

By Jerriesgirl

292K 6.8K 1K

Perrie is need of a mommy. Jade is in of a Little. Read to see how their paths cross More

Hello baby.
Phone calls
I miss woo
You're so precious
First night
Meeting Leigh!
Movies and Dinner
Night time torubles
Time for bed
House tour....
You're not going anywhere
Long day
Over emotional
The next tuesday
Why... just why?
Silent cuddles.
Baby shower
Meeting for the first time.
Just the two!
All okay?
Glitter notes
Adventures! Part 1
Adventures! Part 2
Princess' Day Out
Home Time
Long Drive
Hotel shenanigans
Sleepy time
Home sweet home
Play time
A long time coming
Unexpected Guest
Bye mommy.
Poor Pezza
Run down.
Doctor visit
Lazy afternoon
Will you marry me?
Cuddles and sex
Christmas Eve
Talking it out
Christmas morning ❀️
Nana Norma's house
What a lovely day
New Years Eve
Grumpy baby
Mummy snuggles
It's your fault!
Burn to the eyes
Shopping trip
Not getting on
Hurtful words
Together again
Hotel nights
Getting ready
Pirate Perrie!
Had a good day
Chats and decisions
Finally home

Jade's idea

1.5K 50 5
By Jerriesgirl

JadeI woke up to my alarm and groaned making LEigh chuckle next to me. I was lying on my side, facing towards her so I just opened my eyes. SHe was awake and on her phone. I had work today, as did Perrie. It was her first day on the job so I was going to drive her down and Leigh or I will pick her up but any other day, as we've already discussed, she gets herself up and walks down. "Morning baba," Leigh smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled back at her. "I'm tired," I mumbled in reply. She nodded and stroked my cheek."I know bub, but you gotta workkkk," she giggled. I nodded and got out of bed. SHe was going back to work next week and we had sorted a nursery out for Brooklyn. Leigh-Anne was a teacher you see btu she did private music lessons rather than a teacher/ classroom setting. I got out of bed, got myself ready and went into Perrie's bedroom. She was half asleep and just groaning at me when I turned the light on. "up you get monster," I chuckled and pulled the cover back. She groaned but began to cry and I realized why when I saw her nappy had leaked. I frowned and sat next to her on bed. Her nappy shouldn't have leaked. "Baby," I pouted after i realized it had been put on really loose and just not well at all. "What did you do last night huh?" I asked her and stroked her cheek. "Mummy I sorry," she whimpered."It's okay, just tell mummy what you were trying to do," I wiped her tears and sat her up."I-I cus I got work m-mummy i thought maybe I big girl and I no have to wear one so I twied take it off b-but then i think i just gon get in twouble and i no weally big girl and i might have an accident mama so then i twy put it oon again," she cried and rubbed her eyes to try and stop herself crying."Oh little one, it's okay," I sighed and pulled her up. "You're not in trouble munchkin, not at all. I think mummy needs to teach you how to put it on yourself huh?" I smirked and rubbed her belly a little. Pez just nodded and smiled slightly. "Good girl," I pulled her into a hug then stood up."We need big girl Perrie now!" I smiled. She nodded and sat up straight. I giggled and pulled her up. "Here's the plan baby, we don't have long okay?" I said to her. She nodded and lsitened close."You go jump in the shower, I'll get your clothes all ready then go make breakfast for us. Once you're done, get dressed, and pull up on!" I warned and tapped her nose. She smiled and nodded and I continued. "Then you come down for breakfast and we eat together then that should be the time to get going!" I said. She nodded and wrapped her arms around me."You'll be amazing today baby! I promise!" I held her then tapped her bum. "Off you go," she went to the bathroom to shower.

Downstairs, I decided to make us some bacon sandwiches just to give her some energy and because they were pretty delicious. I made her some orange juice in a cup and then was joined by Leigh. "How do you feel baby? The angel is leaving the nest," she chuckled and sat down then took a sip of Perries juice. "That's Pez's put it down!" I scolded but sighed. "I don't want her to go, I don't really understand the whole 'need to be a big girl for them' thing yet but I guess, in the end, it's her decision and I need to respect that!" "True that," Leigh smiled at me and reached for some bacon. "Leigh stop!!" I said and smacked her hand slightly. She giggled and stuck her tongue out at me. Perrie came down next and smiled at us."You excited bug?" Leigh asked and nudged Perrie's side. Pez nodded and ate her sandwich. I pulled up outside the cafe and turned to Pez. She smiled and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "I finish at 2, be here by then?" She asked. I giggled and nodded then ruffled her hair. "I'll be here baby, have fun," I said to her. "I'll try," she giggled and got out of the car. I watched her go in and drove off. I can't believe I'd just dropped her off at work, she was my little baby and you know. I know it's pretty silly, she's a big girl really but my little bub ugh.


I was having some play time with Brooklyn when Jade came out of her office.

"It's nice to see you again," I smirked and nodded at her. She giggled and came to sit on the sofa. "I thinkkk, we should go out for lunch," she said.I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. "And where do you think we should go?" "The cafe?" She asked hopefully. I sighed and went to sit with her on the sofa. "Baby, listen. Perrie is a big girl, we don't need to go check on her." She dropped her head and sighed. "But what if she's really struggling and like needs us?" She asked me. I took hold of her hand and kissed it. "We can go, if it will make you feel better but we don't talk to her if she doesn't talk to us first and if she gets upset with us, I'm blaming you," i chuckled slightly, she nodded. "I'll agree with that, go get dressed! I'll sort Brooke out." 20 minutes later and we were in the car trying to find a parking spot. I found one, near the door and looked at Jade.

"Remember what I said," I warned her. "Yes yes Leigh, I'm not a child," she groaned and got out. I laughed and followed her. I grabbed Brooklyn out of her car seat then followed Jade into the cafe. I watched as Perries head lifted from the coffee machine and dropped again seconds later- she hadn't noticed us yet. "Sit there," I nodded at the table furthest from the front desk. Jade glared at me and looked at the table closest to the front desk. "Don't you dare," I said to her. She huffed, grabbed a high chair then came over the table near me. I chuckled then put Brooke in. "We're here for lunch, not to spy," I warned Jade again. "Okay!" She groaned and picked up a menu.

"Perrie, can you go serve that family who just came in?" I heard someone shout. I heard a 'yeah one second' and then waited. "What do we do?" Jade asked me. "Act natural, we just wanted lunch, as you said." I agreed and picked up my own menu. Next thing we know, Perrie comes over with the grumpiest look on her face. "Why are you here?" She whispered. "We came to see you," Jade smiled. "I don't need you to be here," she groaned. Jade just shrugged. "I would like a bacon and cheese toastie please with a side of chips," Jade said. Perrie rolled her eyes but replied with "would you like a drink?" Jade smiled and asked for a latte then Perrie turned to me. "Can I have a the spinach pasta thingy?" Perrie giggled and nodded then wrote it down. "Drink?" She said and looked up at me.. "Just a latte like Jade please," I smiled. Perrie then looked at Brooklyn. "What do you want me to get her?" SHe asked and ruffled her hair slightly. "A ham sandwich will do her nicely," Jade replied. Perrie write that down too and looked at us both. "I can't believe you don't actually trust me to be okay on my first day," she sighed and walked off. I glared at Jade. She just looked down at her hands.

After we got our food, I saw Perrie go on her lunch break. I thought she might come sit with us but when she grabbed her bag and sat at the other side of the cafe I sighed again. "She's really upset Jadey," I sighed. "I know, this was a crappy idea, I just, I love her a lot and care about her, I wanted to like show our support you know," she replied, just as sad as me. "I think we should leave her for now, I'll talk to her after work," I said to Jade and ripped up Brooke's sandwich a bit more making it easier for her to eat. "desert?" Jade smirked once I'd finished, I giggled and nodded, she picked up the menu. Just then I noticed Perrie come out of the bathroom, her eyes were slightly puffy and teary- god she'd been crying. I felt absolutely awful now. Jade couldn't see the bathroom as her back was to it and therefore didn't see Perrie come out all teary eyed and I don't think I'm going to tell her. This was her idea and if she knows she made Pez cry then she'd feel even worse than me!

"Hello! Earth to Leigh-Anne!" Jade giggled and waved her arm in front of me, Brooklyn was giggling in her highchair and Perrie was stood next to us. "Baby what do you want for desert?" Jade chuckled again, I looked at her then shook my head. "Err, I don't know I haven't looked." I replied, blushing slightly. "Pez is waiting," Jade smiled. "It's Perrie," Pez corrected her and pointed at her name badge. "Babe," Jade sighed and looked at her."No, its Perrie, I'm at work and my name tag says Perrie. Now Leigh-Anne, what can I get you?" Perrie sighed and turned to face me. I pouted but asked for the chocolate fudge cake, Pez nodded and wrote it down. Then looked at us both. "Anything else?" She asked. "No thank Perrie," I said, Jade stared out of the window. Pez left and reached across the table and took Jade's hand. "don't be upset baba, please," I whispered. Jade just sighed and looked at me. "She's well annoyed at me, she's been like upset with me when she's little but never when she's big before!" She replied. I nodded and pouted again."I know bub, she'll forgive you sooner or later, I promise." I replied. She nodded at me and played with the engagement ring on my finger. "I love you baby," She smiled. I replied with a smile and an 'I love you too.'10 minutes later, Perrie came back over with our deserts. She put them on the table and smiled at us both. "Can I get you anything else?" She asked. I shook my head as did Jade. "Thanks hun," She smiled sweetly at me then walked off to another table. "Take Brooke to the car, I'll be there in a minute. I'm just gonna grab another coffee and pay," I said to Jade and kissed her head then walked to the back of the line. Perrie was on till so I can hopefully have a little chat to her. Jade nodded and took Brooklyn out of the shop and I quickly got to the till.

"Are you okay?" I asked Perrie sympathetically. "I'm guessing it was Jade's idea," she sighed and looked at me sadly. I nodded. "She just cares about you love, she wanted to make sure you were okay," I replied. She sighed and moved her weight onto the other foot. "She could have easily just texted me," she whispered. I nodded but shook my head too."We both know that doesn't settle with her," She just nodded and tapped at the till. "Can I get another latte please babe?" I asked. She nodded and put it in. "Put your card on," she sighed."Hey, cheer up," I smiled at her, she chuckled and smiled back at me. "I'll do your coffee," She smiled, "I know how you like it." Perrie handed me the coffee and waited for a second before moving back again. "Leigh?" She asked, just as I was going to say thank you and go. "What's up?" I asked. "Can you come get me, at 2? I don't want Jade to," she whispered. I sighed but nodded. "I was coming for you anyway hun, I'll see you later, yeah?" She nodded and smiled. "Thanks," she whispered again."It's alright babe,bye," she said a bye back and I went to leave.

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