Janto - Highschool au

Por CertifiedAngstWriter

16.8K 745 473

Ianto is an average student in his local cardiff highschool. What will happen when the new boy arrives and kn... Más

The meeting
Abandoned work
Jacks home
The walk
When home is just a house
Friends, dates and arrangements
(Milk) shaken up
The tree
Mid week drama
Actions not words
True rumours
Carousels and candyfloss
Glass and hatred
The hospital
Who said teen romances dont hurt?
The forest
Late night texts (mini chapter)
Serious talks and mario kart
Behind the door (mini chapter)
Lost and found
To numb the pain
I love you...
Sadness and rage
Ghosts? (Short chapter: 366 words)
The teenager (475 words)
I missed you and i love you
Stay with me
The party
Films and family
Pull me closer and make it okay
Land of dreams
Land of bad memories
The healing process
Remember me
Saving and caring
Forever and always
Birthday boy
The last chapter

Revenge and text messages

465 23 6
Por CertifiedAngstWriter

It was Thursday, ianto hadn't seen jack all week apart from classes obviously. The point was, they had no time to discuss their date. Lisa was still ignoring him, he didn't mind, she had every right to be upset. As he was leaving the history block (and avoiding every stare thrown his way) he felt himself being kidnapped ... again.

"Just me" came the American voice he knew so well. "Jack I'm meeting tosh soon what do you want" he hissed. Jack let out a low chuckle "charming ... I just wanted to do this" he tugged ianto forward by his jacket, bringing their bodies close together. The welsh boy's breath hitched in anticipation for what was to come. He watched as jacks eyes flickered to his lips and back up again to meet Ianto's baby blue eyes. From here ianto could observe that jack's eyes weren't grey as some may think but are actually a rather pale blue. And with that thought his eyes fluttered closed and their lips met in a slow but in no way chaste kiss. Their lips danced together in a tango as ianto brought his hands to rest on jack's hips. He could feel jack's hands cupping his face lightly and playing with the short hairs at the back of his head. They pulled away after a few seconds but for all they knew it had been hours.

A brilliant idea suddenly graced Ianto's mind and he began to ghost his lips down jack's neck towards the Americans shirt collar. "Ianto... w-what are you doing" jack murmured as ianto moved his shirt collar away to reveal tanned skin. "You got to leave your mark on me... I didn't quite get the chance so.... call it revenge" ianto whispered against jack's newly flushed skin. He leant in and sucked on the skin lightly at first, he slowly increased the suction as he grazed his teeth over it ever so slightly. He pulled away, planting a light kiss on the forming purple bruise and smirked at jack. "I have to go" he informed the blushing American before stepping back "but you might want to stay here a little while" he added with a light chuckle glancing down to jack's tight (now even tighter) black jeans briefly. "You don't sound very apologetic about leaving me" jack replied a little breathlessly. Ianto leant forward his breath tickling jack's ear "I'm not" he whispered with a smile. And with that he was gone leaving a very flustered jack behind.

"Jack!" Gwen exclaimed when jack finally emerged back in the common room "what took you so long?". Jack looked around for a second "Uh I was talking to someone. where's rhys?". Gwen looked suddenly defensive "don't know don't care" she said quickly. Jack raised his eyebrows at Owen who in turn shrugged and looked away guiltily. Whatever had happened they clearly didn't want jack to know. Jack sat down heavily on a chair and glanced around the room. Ianto wasn't there. Of course ianto wasn't there. Why would he be after what happened on Monday. As he turned his head Gwen leant forward seemingly examining his neck "is that a hickey?" She asked curiously. Jack tugged his collar closer to his neck "maybe". Owen leant forward "but that looks recent..." he remarked and jack blushed. "It is recent" Owen concluded with a smirk leaning back on his chair and lounging on it like a sofa. Gwen leant close jack not sure if what she was about to say was wanted in the common room "so that thing about ianto being gay is... Yanno" jack shrugged "I don't know he could be or he could be bisexual" he muttered "either way I'm hoping it blows over soon.. it's way easier for him that way trust me". Gwen nodded "but you and him.." jack sighed "there IS no me and him" he paused for a second thinking wistfully "not yet" he added. Owen smirked at him, by now jack knew that that particular smirk meant something along the lines of 'Thats right mate, you go for it'. Jack glanced at his watch "oh shit I've got..." he stalled "Gwen what lesson do I have". Gwen gave an amused smile of course jack still didn't know his time table "maths... if you're quick you can make it on time". Jack rushed out of the common room as fast as he could without being accused of running in the corridors.

The end of the day was gladly accepted by ianto as he walked out of school... alone. Tosh had taken to walking with Lisa and he didn't mind... really he didn't! Okay so maybe he minded a bit but at least he could listen to music without being considered rude or unsociable. His song was inturrupted by a familiar sound. Text message. He knew instantly, it was from jack. Not because he'd changed the text tone for jack's contact so he knew when to read the message immediately .... or anything. I mean who does that ... that's just lame ... right? Anyway, he pulled out his phone and opened the text message smiling at the words on his screen.

Hey, it's your favourite (former) captain! I was wondering about our date. There's a fun fair on tomorrow and I thought we could go. It's not the most romantic of first dates but it could be fun - jack xx

Ianto replied almost immediately.

Sounds fun! Anything but a cinema date ;) haha already counting the hours - ianto xx

Maybe walking alone wasn't so bad after all.

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