That Nara... | Naruto Fanfici...

By 101_classified

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Shikarei is the eldest of two children of Shikaku Nara and Yoshino Nara. She grows to become quite the famous... More

Authors note
The Letter
Ino Shika Ren Cho's infinite tsukuyomi world
Authors Note
Special: Infinite Tsukuyomi Pt.2


1.7K 60 3
By 101_classified

Naruto's PoV

Madara just finished telling us about Itachi and Sasuke's past.

"That's a lie! You're making all of that up!" I shouted, hitting my fists off the wooden pillars in my way, Yamato was kneeling in front of me with an awkward look on his face.

"It can't be..." Yamato mumbled, "it can--"

A silence fell over us for a few seconds, the only sound we were able to hear was the screeching of Kakashi sensei's chidori.

"Your jokes aren't funny," Kakashi sensei said, "who'd believe a story like that?"

"I'm not lying," Madara replied from within the wooden binds that Yamato had wrapped around him, "everything I said about Itachi is true. He died for Sasuke, for the hidden leaf village and his lover and daughter as well. Actually, if you don't believe me, you can always as his lover. I know he told her everything."



"Who are you talking about?" I asked, "Itachi Uchiha does not have a lover or a daughter!"

"Oh, but he does," Madara replied, "and you know them. His lover is pretty famous, the child not so much, she's only just began at the academy."

Kakashi sensei seemed to realise something, his eye widening slightly before returning to its normal indifferent look. He knows who it is...

The images that Madara shared with me through his sharingan flashed through my head as I let doubt spread. One of the images was when Itachi was younger, there was a girl, with black hair and a familiar clan symbol on her clothes. Why do I recognise that symbol though?

"It doesn't make sense," Kakashi sensei spoke up, "if what you say is true and Sasuke knows it, then why would he ever want to help out the Akatsuki?"

Yeah. Itachi wanted to protect the village.

Why did Sasuke..?

"I would've thought he would return to the hidden leaf to carry on Itachi's will," Kakashi sensei continued.

"As Sasuke's teacher and as his friend, you all assume that you know his true feelings, but you couldn't be more in the dark," Madara replied, "he's the real thing. A true avenger."

No, he's not!

Anger was burning through me at Madara's words. Sasuke is not an avenger; he was hooked on revenge but not anymore! What has happened to Sasuke? Was he brain washed?

"You made him that way!" I declared, "didn't you?!"

"No," Madara replied simply, "it wasn't me. Sasuke chose this path. All on his own."

No! I refuse to believe that!

"You're a liar!" I shouted, leaning my head against the wooden frame, "that's not true!"

"I took a gamble on whether he would take on Itachi's will or seek revenge against the hidden leaf," he told us, "he chose vengeance. That means he is one of my kind. Sasuke's goal now is to reap vengeance on the hidden leaf for what they did to Itachi and to the entire Uchiha clan."


That's not Sasuke.

Sasuke wouldn't do that.

That isn't Sasuke. He wouldn't... would he..?

"Why... why would he..?" I mumbled, not able to get my thoughts lined up properly, "why did this whole thing turn into such a mess? Why did he decide to choose revenge?"

"It couldn't be helped, it's the Uchiha clan's blood sewn destiny of hate," Madara replied, "it's a curse that has been passed down through the ages."

"A curse?" I repeated. This is the first I've heard of such a thing.

"That's right. A curse of hatred that began generations ago that began with the father of all shinobi, the sage of the six paths," he explained.

"Sage of the six paths? But that's nothing but a myth," Kakashi sensei quickly cut in, "the rinnegan was simply just a random mutation, that's all."

"But myths are often based off the truth," Madara replied, "the sage of the six paths taught ninshu, the shinobi creed and tried to foster world peace. But his end came before he could fulfil his dream. The sage bequeathed his will and also his teachings to his two children, both sons."

I remember Shikarei telling me about this when I was younger. One of the times she babysat me.

I thought it was just a story...

"The oldest son had been born with the sages eyes, granting him chakra powers and mental energy. He knew strength was necessary for peace. The younger son had been born with the gift of the sages body, granting him stamina and physical energy. He knew love was necessary for peace," Madara continued to explain, reciting the familiar words that Shikarei had spoken of all those years ago, "on his death bed, the sage chose a single successor. His decision created the eternal curse of hatred that has been passed down through generations."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, the story, although the same, seemed different at the same time. It was like I recognised it, but I didn't at the same time.

"The sage decided to choose, not the older brother who sought strength, but the younger brother who sought love," Madara replied, "the second son became his successor. The first born who'd long expected to follow in his father's footsteps couldn't accept the decision. Filled with rage, he declared war on his younger brother. Even as time passed and blood lines became thin, the descendants of the two brothers continued to fight. The descendants of the older brother came to be known as the Uchiha, and the descendants of the younger brother were the Senju."

Like Granny Tsunade?

"As an Uchiha, my battle with the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, was destined to occur," he paused, "this may be only our second meeting, but I can tell you have the Senju will of fire in you. I can see the first Hokage resting within you. Even in death, he lives on. He who I so admired, yet was my rival, and the man I hated the most. Senju and Uchiha, the will of fire and hatred, Naruto and Sasuke. The two of you... You're just next in line to be chosen by destiny. The Uchiha clan is cursed with a destiny of vengeance, Sasuke has shouldered the entire burden of the Uchiha clans hatred and intends to strike deep into the world with that curse. "


No this can't be.

This isn't right!

That's not Sasuke!

"That hate is his most powerful weapon! His friend and his source of his power," Madara continued, ignoring the look of frustration on my face, "that. That is Sasuke's ninja way."

No. I refuse to believe that!

"Naruto, one day you will probably end up fighting Sasuke again, or rather, I'll throw Sasuke at you," Madara said after a few moments of silence between us all, "the long-predestined battle. I'll have Sasuke validate the existence of the Uchiha."

"Sasuke isn't just your toy, you know?!" I growled, "quit talking nonsense!"

"You think you can make Sasuke have a change of heart like you did Nagato?" he asked me, "that's a fantasy, Naruto. To control others, you must have the ability to manipulate the darkness in their souls. Nagato just so happened to be extremely easy to influence, that's all."

"Never compare yourself to Nagato!" I shouted, "his methods were different to mine, but he truly wanted peace! But you... you're different."

He exhaled a laugh at my words.

"No doubt."

"That's really your goal? To validate the existence of the Uchiha?" Kakashi sensei asked, "why collect the tailed beasts? What's your real goal? What exactly is it that you want?"

"Well, if I wanted anything, it would be to be a completely form," Madara replied, turning his head to face Kakashi sensei as much as he could.

"Complete form?" Kakashi sensei repeated confused.

"What do you mean by that?" Yamato asked.

What does he mean by that? Is he missing something? He has all his limbs... A terrible sense of personal sense of being...

"Talking to you about it right now is just pointless," Madara replied simply, "I'll explain it at a more appropriate time and place. It was fun chatting with you guys."

Suddenly the space around him began to warp like it did when he just disappears.

"Later!" was the last thing we heard before he was completely out of sight, no trace of him to be seen.

Damn it-!

Shikarei's PoV

A new chakra hit my chakra flow.

Who's that?

It's a bit like Kakashi's eye... his sharingan.

How-- how is that possible?

A pair Sharingan? How did Kakashi get that eye again... it was from one of his old team mates right? But they're all dead. So how is it possible?

I opened my eyes and looked around again, there's no one in here other than myself, the Mizukage, Tsuchikage, Danzo and their guards.

The building is shaking a lot right now. I guess Sasuke is proving to be a problem. He better survive so I can tell him the truth about his brother.

Another chakra was approaching.

I stood up and pulled my trench knives out. Chakra is like Itachi's, just a little... It's Sasuke.

"Something wrong?" Mei asked.

I shrugged but faced the door.

"He's here," Ao announced, I nodded as the chakra flew into the room and stopped just above us.

Looking up, I see a boy with raven hair, he had the familiar rope style clothing that Orochimaru seemed to be obsessed with. His eyes... His eyes were what confirmed that he was Sasuke Uchiha.

The mangekyo sharingan.

All the flags with the land names printed on fell to the floor as I pushed my chakra into the blades in my hand.

It sucks that I can't use much more than this but while Danzo is here...

Everyone looked around confused for a moment before someone noticed me staring at Sasuke, he stared back though he couldn't see my eyes.

"Above us," Fu announced and everyone else diverted their attentions to the roof as well.

Sasuke's gaze moved to Danzos. If looks could kill, I'm sure Danzo would be six feet under right now. Not that I'd complain or anything, but it seems like a total drag to deal with a dead "Hokage" official or not.

Mifune suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke, swinging his katana at the younger boy, Sasuke simply swung his own blade down, it seemingly glowing.

Footsteps drew my attention to the hole in the wall, I watched as Danzo, Fu and Torune all fled the scene, Ao chased after them.

"Sasuke! Danzo bolted!" a red-haired girl appeared out of nowhere.

An Uzumaki? Wait—I know that Uzumaki. I've met her before, what was her name again? Kana.. Kena... Kiri... ah! Karin. Karin Uzumaki.

Mifune dropped down to the floor while Sasuke took refuge behind on of the pieces of cloth that were still hanging.

I don't want to hurt him, but I have no choice in this situation.

Sprinting forward, I launch myself to the stands behind. Then to the wall and the kicked up and met Sasuke on the roof.

I swung one of my blades up and connected with his sword.

"We need to talk, Sasuke Uchiha," I whispered to him lowly so only he could hear me, "about Itachi."

His eyes widened and he swung a kick in my direction, blocking it, I fell back down to the stands and watched as Sasuke attempted to leave, however, Mei used her lava style and blocked the hole up quickly.

"You Akatsuki have travelled all over the hidden mist and manipulated the fourth Mizukage. And yet, when I look at you closely, you Uchiha are quite handsome," Mei commented.

Really? Is this the time for something like that, Lady Mizukage?

"Do not interfere," Sasuke glared at her.

"Too bad, such a fine man, what a waste," Mei sighed as she stood up, "but at least I get to give you a kiss that will melt you away."


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