new, spectacular,

By kara_axo

45.9K 1.6K 526

park jisung mafia au a new boy comes to town, and things changed for kaya More

new boi
"you got that right"
bad day
you're bad
"calm your tits!"
boy toys and cuddle buddies
"you're less than that"
pool in my stomach
i thought you meant ice cream
"when i find it i'll let you know"
help wanted
"goodbye jisung's side hoes"
mr. fraw
show off???
"and what if i do?"
the beach
"nice meeting you"
the event
the truth comes out
"i want to stay like this"
papers and butterflies
"you snuck into my house?"
not right
innocent until proven guilty
frat parties
"i never stopped loving you"

"middle of the woods"

1K 40 28
By kara_axo

"So what are we gonna do now?" Chenle asked as we were all gathered in the kitchen. "Well Haechan is now just looking into unknown, as 127 was busy. So we still have to wait on that" Renjun stated which caused a groan from Jaemin. "What are they doing up there?! I known Haechan was probably just playing his online games!" he whined. "How long does it usually take for him to look things over?" Carmen asked as she stood next to me. "Depends on how long he wants to take. He's cracked through even the hardest phones in a day, and other times he gets side tracked and will take a week" Jaemin replied. "This is why we should just tell Mark" Jeno mumbled, but Renjun didn't look impressed. "That idiot already over whelms himself with enough, and not to mention he's in the middle of dealing with the superm mission" Renjun stated, which left Carmen and I in confusion. Superm mission, sounds like sper-... nevermind. 

"But we have to figure this shit out, what if they try involving all of us? It's confusing enough as to why they'd only frame Jisung, but the point they even teased us with a warning he'd be in questioning.... they want to bother us" Chenle stated firmly. "They teased you?" I questioned with furrowed eye brows. Jisung did mention that Renjun warned him before the police arrived into questioning. "Yeah, we got a package dropped off. In the box had a note saying 'school', so it had to refer to any of you. So I texted both Chenle and Jisung to be ready for anything" Renjun explained. "Aren't you at all worried about the fact they know where you live?" Carmen questioned. "Unknown knows where we are all the time. Its the just the question if they'll take action. I realized that when they sent Kaya the Yung threat" Jaemin replied. But that still didn't seem to satisfy Carmen as she looked even more spooked. "Don't worry too much. From unknowns behavior it seems they're cautious. They don't make irrational decisions, and they plan way ahead of time. Unknown has never came at any of us personally but rather acts around us, but that's apart of keeping their identity secret. I think they have larger plans that are ahead of us, and we're only the beginning" Renjun explained. 

The whole sentenced gave me shivers. Larger plans? What could Unknown want within Dreams gang? My worries were soon halted when I felt Jisung softly grip my hand. Looking up to the boy who was leaning against the counter and paying attention to Jaemin's rambling. Even if he didn't show it I could tell he noticed I was shaken up a bit. 


"Lets go!" Jeno yelled at Carmen and I as we ran to the car. I could feel the bass of the music as I swung the door open. "Finally you're here" Jisung groaned from the back seat of the very much familiar Ford Flex. "Oh shut up, you only waited five minutes" I retorted as I took the empty seat next to him. As the weekend had approached the boys came up with the proposition of spending the weekend at a lake house. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty random. But they seemed pretty dead set on going, and practically nagged us to go. "Five minutes too much" Jisung replied quickly finding his arms around me as usual. 

"So you're not going to kill us or anything right?" Carmen questioned looking to all the guys as she sat awkwardly next to Jeno. "You're joking right?" Renjun asked chuckling while tilting his head. "you can't blame me for getting worried! You suddenly invited us to spend the weekend at a lake house in the middle of the woods, just yesterday" Carmen replied. "Yeah we got a good deal on a lake house a day or two ago" Jeno explained, but all Carmen did was ignore his presence. Earning a giggle from Jisung and I until Carmen whipped her head around to send a look. "Why don't you just talk to me?" Jeno asked Carmen getting her attention but once again loosing it quickly. "At this point I might just kill you" he mumbled in annoyance. Making Carmen hit him on his arm before going back to ignoring him. 


As we pulled into the winding roads surrounded by trees I intently gazed out the window. Soon going through a round about we followed the road until we reached the neighborhood. From the curved of the roads I could tell we were along the houses that surrounded the lake. Soon approaching a green colored home. It had a traditional look to it, but had obviously had an update due to details. Such as windows, doors, and fixtures. 

"We got 4 rooms and 7 people" Jaemin stated which was followed with a collective groan. "Hey don't give me that shit, least its not like the hotel on the beach" Jaemin said and earned a collective chuckle from all of us. "That's true, I'm pretty sure my back was split in 5 pieces after sleeping on that chair" Jisung commented. "Why didn't you just sleep on the floor then?" Chenle asked in confusion. "Sleep on the floor? Am I trying to get aids?" he questioned,  earning a collective glance of confusion. "That's not how it works-... you know lets just get the rooms sorted" Renjun grimaced. 

Walking out to the backyard the boys were already beginning the fun. "I feel like it's becoming a trend where we have to wait on you two" Jaemin commented while relaxing back in a lawn chair. "Sorry we were putting the bags away in our room, and changing" I replied as we made it to the dock of the house. "Lucky, Jisung and I got the spare couches" Chenle whined while applying some sunscreen to his arms. "They get the room because it's the gentleman thing to do. Have you not learned that yet?" Jaemin replied. "Jisung hasn't" I mumbled before looking away, but Jisung of course hearing. "What was that?" he questioned tilting his head. "Nothing... nothing..." I replied. His expression soon changing to a challenge as he began chasing me around the lawn. "You're going in the lake!" he yelled finally catching up and grabbing me. Throwing me over his shoulder I began frantically hitting his back. "Put me down!" I yelled, but from his laugh echoing across the waters I knew he wouldn't. "I'm not letting go then!" I stated trying to keep a grip upon his neck. Reaching the edge of the dock he slid my body down until he was practically hugging me while holding my body up. "I told you, I'm not letting go" I said looking at Jisung. His hair was slightly a mess due to me moving around so much, and his smile shinning in the sunlight. "Alright" he simply responded before jumping in the water. Reaching air my immediate action being to splash him. "You asshole" I said as I stared at his cocky grin. "That's what you get for saying I'm not a gentleman" he replied lightly splashing me back. "Alright now it's Carmen's turn!" we heard Jeno yell, followed by a screech from Carmen. Her body soon splashing next to ours  and followed by Jeno jumping in on his own will. "Jeno I'm going to kill you!" she yelled as she reached the surface. Jeno's eyes had formed into crescents as he watched Carmen shout at him in annoyance. 


"And so here we are, in front of 10 dudes in suits and Jeno had the audacity to whisper 'do you think we can handle them'? " Renjun states which causes us to laugh. "How could you not?" Chenle questioned as if the task was simple. We were all situated around a fire in the back yard while we spoke stories of the past. "What do you mean how could we not? We had just started training and not to mention all the men were armed!" Renjun says in an dramatic expression. "So what did you guys do?" Carmen asked. "Luckily Johnny and Doyoung arrived in a matter of seconds, but I'm not gonna lie... if they didn't show up, we'd probably be dead" Jeno explained. "Wait how many are there of you guys in NCT?" I ask in confusion. Whenever they told a story it made me question the numbers considering the amount of new names they mentioned. "21" Jaemin answered making Carmen and I form shocked looks. "Damn. How do you keep track of so many?" I question which earned a soft chuckle from the boys. "Like hell we know. Our leader Taeyong tends to keep everything in line really well, but Kun does a good amount too" Chenle answers. 

Walking into the kitchen to fetch a drink for Jisung and I, the scene of Renjun looking down the garbage disposal was in front of me. "What are you doing?" I ask with a light chuckle. Looking up from the sink he turns to me before scratching the back of his neck. "I just finished some dishes and when I wanted to run the garbage disposal it won't work" he explained. "How is it not working?" I question with furrowed eye brows. "I ran the water and hit the switch but nothing is happening" he explained. Moving past him to the sink I hit the switch and find it to not work either. Kneeling down under the sink and into the cabinet I realized the problem. "It's not plugged in you dummy" I stated finding the cord and plugging it into the outlet. Standing back up, Renjun bend down himself to look at the sight before standing up and having a confused expression. "Garbage disposals plug in?" he questions. Giggling slightly to his confusion I nod. "Hm. That's new" he stated while shrugging lightly. "Yeah my first house had one, and I was just as confused when I found out as well" I replied. "I knew it" he suddenly said which made me tilt my head at the boy. "What?" I ask. "I had a vibe from you that I knew you weren't originally from town" he explained which sort've made me understand. "How so?" I question as I'm now curious. "You have a aura of a past, or something you don't want to leave behind. People who have never left a place don't bring old things with them" he states grabbing a drink from the fridge. The past... like my mom? That would make sense. "I'm guessing reading people is your specialty?" I question. As he took a swig of the drink he nodded silently. "How could you tell?" he questions although it sounded rhetorical in a way. "The thing I remember the most was you noticed how I wanted my phone back after searching it. Although you didn't know why, you just kinda knew I wanted it back for some reason" I explained. That was the night we threw Jisung's phone into the greaser and our first encounter with Unknown. "Ah- Yeah. I mean it didn't take a rocket scientist to tell you wanted it back. But from how you seemed pretty territorial over what ever is in the phone, it had to be something pertaining to a memory. As I said before, I notice you carry a past with you" he replied. The whole sentence made me feel like I was therapy again. I would talk to the therapist about my day and he would tell me that I was still bearing trauma from my moms death. "You going for a psychology degree or something?" I joke. Renjun slightly chuckled before shaking his head lightly. "I mean although we go to college we don't take it seriously. We do dealings on the campus and Taeyong doesn't care if we show up to class or not. Even though he recommends it... most of the guys don't. But I do attend my psychology class as I've always had a specialty in reading people" Renjun stated. "But I thought most people in the industry can read people? Jisung says he can, and Taehyun" I reply. The boy rolled his eyes before scoffing. "By reading they mean they watch the eyes. They try and find emotion within peoples looks, but they don't know jack shit about reading a person" he explained which caused me to laugh. "So if your a specialists in reading people, what exactly do the rest of you do?" I question now taking a seat on the counter to get comfortable. Renjun noticing the body language and relaxed against the counter across from me. "Well as I'm good at reading people I tend to be the person who goes under cover. Jeno is skilled with weaponry, Jaemin is a master manipulator, Chenle is great with everything online, and Jisung is one of our best fighters. Although we all get training in all these parts, we tend to find something were better at. For example although I learned basic training of fighting I found my strength in reading people. And Jisung may have trained in reading people is strength was in fighting itself" he explained. It was a lot to take in. They all had something about them that made them a fighting force when put together. "But anyways we should get back out there" Renjun added which made me nod quickly and grab the drinks I was supposed to get for Jisung and I. 

"Oh- and Kaya" Renjun stated before I walked out the back door. "Yeah?" I reply turning back to see the boy heading toward the door as well. "I just wanted to say that I'm glad Jisung met you. He's the youngest in all of NCT and he started his training early. While most of us got some sort of childhood and high school years... he didn't. But you really seem to bring out the best of him, and almost like an actual teenager sometimes" he said. Nodding softly I felt a smile form on my lips. 


"What are you doing?" I ask Carmen as she's inching towards the bed room door. It was around 3 am at this point and we all decided to head to our respective rooms. But it seems like Carmen has other plans.  She looked shocked by my sudden words as she must've thought I was asleep. "God damn Kaya are trying to give me a heart attack?" she questions. Sitting up from the bed to get a good look at her she had took a few steps away from the door. "It's like 3 in the morning. Where the fuck could you be going?" I ask. Carmen looked away shyly and I got the hint. "Are you serious?" I question without even hearing a word yet. "Jeno asked if I wanted to take a walk around the lake tonight" she finally answered. "Just don't stay out too late, we're leaving early morning for home" I stated lying back down. "It's already early morning, might as well bask in it. Meaning maybe you should see you know who" she replied before exiting the room 

Yeah right. It's too late. 


What am I doing? Seriously what the literal fuck am I doing? I've already stated it's too late, but why am I now roaming the halls to find Jisung. Creeping past Chenle's passed out body I knew he had to be near. Growing closer to turn another corner I finally found him through out the surprisingly big house. Jisung was sleeping silently on the couch with his arms crossed while facing the ceiling. What do I do now? My nerves were growing at the idea of making a move or doing anything. Isn't it kinda weird to just wake him up at 3 am? For a reason I still had not come up with yet. 

Finding some sort of courage to inch closer I could now hear his soft breathing as he slept. He looked peaceful, the sight even making my heart ache to feel close to him. Only maybe a foot away from him I creeped closer to now stare over him until suddenly his actions being quick by grabbing my arm and flip me down on the couch to hold me down by the chest. Now taking an account to who he pinned down on the couch he was quick to soften his grip. "What- What are you doing?" he questions taking his touch away from my chest and moving it to the side of my face. I was stunned. The motion left me winded and my thoughts clouded as I was taking in this new pain. "I- Uh-" I stuttered. The words just weren't forming and from my obvious signs of shock Jisung sighed. "I thought you were someone trying to get me in the sleep" he stated running his hand through his hair. "I- I just wanted to see you" I finally mustered to croak out. Sighing lightly his mouth formed a line as he looked down at me. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" he asks which I shake my head slightly. That's a lie. "Kaya don't lie" he chuckled. Sitting up slowly to my now sore body Jisung took a seat next to me. The lighting reminded me of the night he snuck into my house. The moon shinning through the blinds of the windows and of course shined perfectly on Jisung's face. When I looked at him I couldn't help but feel a slight gitterness, and my heart would speed up a bit. Tired of not being close and for once in my life making the first move I swung my leg on over his and straddled him. His body slightly stiffening as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Kaya, what are you doing?" Jisung asked. "I just wanted to be close to you" I replied resting my head in the crook of his neck. I felt his body relax as he wrapped him arms around my waist to hold me closer. His scent as always surrounded me and made me feel safe. Softly I began peppering his neck with kisses and I swore I felt his grip tightening. I knew we weren't official but apart of me wanted to show that somehow he was mine, even if it meant leaving a a couple meaningless marks. "I love you" Jisung stated in a soft whisper. The words made not only just my actions but my heart cease for a second. Pulling away to look at the boy who my heart had tenderly softened for over time, I did what he always did to me. I studied his face. Jisung's eyes were glossed over as if a tear could escape any second and he looked at me with an expression. As if he was holding his breath waiting for my next action. Placing my hand on the side of his cheek my breathing slowed. "I love you too" I finally responded before leaning in to plant a kiss of his lips. Jisung immediately responding. Pulling away to look once again at him I felt my heart swelling as usual. A single tear had fallen to the side of my cheek which left me with confusion. Wiping away the tear he held me tighter before placing his head on the shoulder. 

I was as always feeling peace with him. 


sorry this took forever ! but here it is :) hope everyone is doing good!

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