Coach Week

By Kiisu23

1.5K 139 86

Can you find love in a week? More

Chapter 1 - Flight
Chapter 2 - Arrival
Chapter 3 - Reykjavik
Chapter 4 - Blue Lagoon
Chapter 5 - Thingvellir
Chapter 7 - Secret Lagoon
Chapter 8 - The Bar
Chapter 9 - The next morning
Chapter 10 - Another morning in Reykjavik
Chapter 11 - An afternoon in Reykjavik
Chapter 12 - A whole meal
Chapter 13 - A private viewing
Chapter 14 - Round one
Chapter 15 - Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss
Chapter 16 - Vik
Chapter 17 - Reynisfjara
Chapter 18 - Skogar museum
Chapter 19 - Sturtu
Chapter 20 - Drukkinn
Chapter 21 - Reiði kynlíf
Chapter 22 - Lækkaði handklæði
Chapter 23 - Rauðfeldsgjá Gorge
Chapter 24 - Steinbrú
Chapter 25 - Djúpalónssandur
Chapter 26 - Kirkjufellsfoss
Chapter 27 - Myndarlegur djöfull sem freistar mín með sjálfsfróun
Chapter 28 - Að eilífu?
Chapter 29 - Ice Cream
Chapter 30 - 64.023310, -22.122847
Chapter 31 - Tími til að fara heim
Chapter 32 - eða er það?

Chapter 6 - Geysir & Gulfoss

34 3 1
By Kiisu23

We pulled up to a wooden building and parked outside.
Stepping back out into the cold sent shivers down my body.
"Do you want to view the geysir first or the museum?" Coach enquired.
"Geysir." I nodded. "I've seen what you guys put in museums." I laughed.
Coach started to laugh. His hand found its way to my hair, he ruffled it in his hand.
"You're cuter when you're happy you know."
I knocked his hand off of my head. "Stop joking around." I snapped playfully,
"Yes sir!" He stood to attention and saluted. I rolled my eyes at him. He's such a dork.
"Ok, geysir it is." He pointed across the stark black road. I followed after him, looking left and right across the road seemed almost pointless as there were almost no vehicles on the roads apparently.

We crossed and made our way up a slight incline. A thin stream trickled alongside the path up the side of the hill. The fact the water was flowing when it was so cold was almost mind blowing was it not for the steam coming from it. It cut its way through the snow and I began to wondered just how hot it was. Coach warned me against putting my hand in it, seeming to sense my childlike curiosity.

About half way up the hill there was a little stone tablet perched near a small bubbling brook. Carved into the small rock was 'Litli-geysir".
"Awww that sounds really cute!" I smiled, looking at Coach.
"It's not the only cute thing." He replied with a big grin.
My cheeks blushed.
"Oh you thought I meant you?" He raised a finger and pointed to his face. "I meant me." His mouth turning up at the corner.
I slapped against his arm. He laughed and we continued our ascent.

When we reached the top there was a a circle of people stood looking like they were performing some form of ritual. I heard a buzz of excitement from the circle and without warning a huge plume of water shot high into the air.
My mouth dropped as my eyes shot up following the water sprout. I watched it fall back towards the ground.
"It's awesome right?" He said while looking deep into my eyes. I couldn't even respond, I just nodded and grabbed his hand. I was like a pre-verbal toddler dragging someone to see something they had just found. I rushed towards the circle and shimmied us into a small gap. Coach was pressed up against my back, I could feel the warmth emanating from him.

I glanced down into the deep hole that looked so bizarre being situated atop a hill. The water sat still for some time. I kept looking to Coach's face to see if he was reacting to anything, looking for any indication it was about to erupt. He grabbed my head in his hands and positioned it so I was looking forward.
He lowered himself and his stubble brushed my ear.
"You'll miss it if you keep looking at me." His hand slid down to my lower back and he held it there.
The water slowly started to rise in the hole, it rose ever so slightly before dropping lower than it had been before. It then rose slightly higher before again dropping even further down. It continued this surreal pulsing for some minutes. All of a sudden the pressure had built to such a point that the water again burst high into the sky. The air filled with sounds of surprise and admiration.
I hadn't realised that Coach's chin was still rested on my shoulder until he whispered in my ear.
"Everyone calls this Geysir, but it's not. Geysir is over there." He pointed further up the hill.
I turned to face him.
"If this isn't Geysir then is Geysir even more impressive?!"
He shook his head solemnly.
"Geysir doesn't erupt very often now, sometimes it can go years between eruptions. Most people think this is Geysir, and sometimes it's better that way. Less disappointment."

"Less disappointment? That was amazing!... wait, so what's this one called?"
"Strokkur." He answered.
"Stroker?! I thought you were telling me the truth!"
He laughed.
"I'm being serious, but no. Not stroker. Is your mind always in the gutter?" He turned his back to me. I stuck my tongue out as I glared at the back of his stupid head. I shuffled slowly behind him, trying to keep my balance as we descended the snow covered hill. Coach looked back just in time to see me slip slightly. He turned and walked back to me.
"Do you want me to carry you down?" He smirked.
"Don't be stupid! If you fell we'd both go down. I'll manage!"

"Fine. You can hold my hand for support if you'd like." He held out his hand while smiling. I pushed his hand out of the way and walked passed him.
"Awww" I heard him protest like a child behind me but knew he'd be grinning ear to ear. He caught up and put his arm on my shoulder.
"Ready for the museum, Week?" I didn't even bother correcting him, it looks like this is my name for the time being.
"It's not another museum of penises right?" I shivered at the thought of all of those jars filled with lumps of flesh.
"No, this one is more about Eyjafjallajökull." His mouth poised to further explain.
"Oh the volcano that caused all that trouble a fear years back?"
He laughed.
"A few years? It's 10 years ago!"
I could feel my face tense in shock. 10 years? I remember as if it was yesterday!
"I can't believe it's been that long...."
He nodded in agreement. We finally reached the slick black road at the bottom of the hill. I could still hear the water gushing skyward followed by the cheers of surprise and awe ringing through the air.
We stood as we could see a car approaching, a rare sight I've come to discover. As if the snow beneath me disappeared I found myself slide forward slightly. Coach appearing to fear the worst grabbed me and pulled me close to him as the car went flying passed us.

His firm chest pressed against my back, his muscular arms embracing me. His warm breath kissed the back of my neck. My hairs stood on end. His now familiar scent flooding my nose.
"Are you ok?" His voice soft and full of concern. He released his embrace and used by shoulders to spin me. Now facing him, his eyes scanning me for any damage.
"I'm fine, thanks." I gently shrugged his grip from my shoulders.
His hand found its way to my head, he ruffled my hair again.
His head cocked ever so slightly, his eyes sparkling.
"Good." He gave a small smile.
I turned away and saw the road once again vacant of any cars racing towards us. We crossed and made our way into the wooden building.

We entered the museum part of the building, it was a dimly lit space. Large, clear 'icicles' hanging perilously above our heads. I moved further into the room. A white map of Iceland seems to be floating in the middle of the floor. As I approached I could now see it was suspended in glass, floating above shimmering blue and green crystalline formations. These crystals mimicked the sea surrounding Iceland and although they weren't moving they gave the impressing of a roaring, tumultuous sea. I followed behind Coach like a puppy not wanting to get lost in the darkness. We stood at a backlit board, the board adorned with facts and figures relating to the volcanoes that dotted the island and indeed, gave birth to the island.

I felt, as I moved around from one information board to another, that I was being watched. I could feel heavy eyes resting on me, not once breaking their gaze. I turned slightly. My eyes fell on my watcher. A cold, unmoving face. A white mask, unattached to a body. The mask somehow still in the air, between two pillars of rocks in cages. How was the mask just floating? Why was it watching me? A shiver started to build at the nape of my neck and quickly made its way down my spine. Ten strong prongs jabbed into my waist, five on either side.
"Boo." Coach whispered almost sensually in my ear. I turned and slapped his chest playfully.
"You're such a jerk!" I tried to scold him but couldn't help but chuckle.
"Awww I'm sorry. If you're scared you can always hold my hand."
I can't believe I have to have to put up with this again, slapping his outstretched hand again for the second time today.

We continue our way around the museum. There is a special section reserved for Eyjafjallajökull. A board shows the size of Iceland compared to the widespread effect of the eruption on the rest of the world. The damage highlighted in red only stood to further show how much larger the damage was compared to the tiny island in the middle of the ocean.
"Iceland doesn't like to do anything by half." Coach joked.
I smiled in response.  My stomach grumbled, mine and Coach's eyes lowering to source of my own auditory eruption.
"Sorry, I guess I'm a little hungry." I smiled weakly trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Let's go find you a snack then." Coach marched us out of the museum.
We entered the gift shop. We were surrounded on all sides by authentic Icelandic souvenirs: woolly jumpers and socks, puffin plushies, little troll statues and punny T-shirts.

He led me to a section of the store with a counter full of snacks. There were a few chocolate brands I was familiar with although some had slightly different flavours than what I was used to. Others were completely foreign to me. I felt like Coach was judging me, almost like he expected me to go for something I would be able to get at home. I grabbed a bar that was about as obviously Icelandic as possible. He raised his eyebrows looking almost impressed.
I hurried to pay for the chocolate bar as I could feel my stomach rumbling angrily beneath my layers of clothing.

We both agreed it was getting too warm to stay inside so we excited the building and were treated by the now heavier falling snow. The flakes seemed a lot bigger than back home but also seemed fluffier.
I stood for a moment taking in the near silence before my stomach growled to remind me it had waited long enough. I peeled back the wrapper and sunk my teeth into the chocolate bar. My teeth met something in the middle of the bar, something thicker and harder to bite through than the usually wafer or nougat. I followed through with the bite and felt the bar snap. I chewed on the chunk in my mouth, the flavour suddenly hit me. Liquorice! What the hell?
I looked at Coach, pointing the bar at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"You looked so sure in your choice, I figured you knew." He shrugged.
"Liquorice in chocolate?" I quizzed.
"Liquorice in everything" he laughed.
I didn't mind liquorice usually but this one was so strong and was such a surprise it was like I was tasting it for the first time.
"Don't waste it." He sneered, that playful look in his eye.
I gulped, forcing the confusing mass of flavours down my throat. I gingerly took another bite. It took me a while but I managed to force the full bar down.

I smiled at him like a proud kid.
"You've got chocolate in your teeth" his finger pointing to my mouth.
I slammed my mouth shut and covered my mouth with my hand.
"I'm joking, you look fine. You're so easy to wind up!"
What a jerk.

From behind us we heard a horn. We turned to face the carpark. The tour guide waving at us, beckoning us towards the coach.
We sat down in our seats, the warm embrace of the coach a welcome change.
I unzipped my coat and tried shimmying out of it, it proved more difficult than I expected. I didn't have a great deal of space between the window and this mountain of a man sat next to me. As I struggled I felt the coat slide effortlessly from my shoulders. I glanced over my shoulder, tanned hands pulling the coat from my body. The movement causing my T-shirt to shift, exposing my stomach. His hand moved effortlessly to my T-shirt and pulled it down, his fingers gently stroking my stomach.
I smiled nervously.

As we sped down the black roads towards our next destination I found myself focusing on the vast expanse of white that was flying along beside us. The motion of the bus and the pure white made my eyes heavy. I could feel my head dropping before jolting back up. A strong hand reached around, cupping my head.
"If you're tired rest on my shoulder."
I was too sleepy to fight back. His woody fragrance comforted me as darkness swept over me.

The darkness lightened, bright light flooded my mind. I was in my hotel room. Was I dreaming? I had to be. I could feel the motion of the coach vibrating through the hotel room. I glanced over to my bed and there laid a dark, humanoid figure. It's features indistinguishable. It raised its hand and beckoned me to the bad. I edged over, slowly. My body trembling with fear and anticipation. As I reached the bed the unknown person sidled forward. I was now between their legs, their face resting on my stomach.
They began to lift my shirt, planting kisses on my chest. My head tilting backwards as the kisses sent electricity pulsing through my body. I felt the button on my jean being unfastened, the zip being pulled down slowly.
A strong hand reaching in, grabbing my firm dick with a firmer grip.
As I felt a wet tongue slide slowly over my tip, the unknown figure addressed me and my body froze with a shiver.
"Are you ready, Week?"
I glanced down at the now tanned face. Brown eyes staring back at me.
"Coach?!" I gasped.

The bright colours snapped to darkness before my eyes shot open. His face was still there, looking at me. His face no longer etched with lust but concern.
"Are you ok? You were dreaming and then you said my name."
It took me a few seconds to register my surroundings again.

"I'm fine, sorry. I don't even remember what I was dreaming about. It might not have been your name anyway...someone could have asked me what transport I was using to travel Iceland." I chuckled pathetically trying to shake off my obvious discomfort.
He smiled sympathetically and nodded.
"We're almost at Gullfoss by the way." He added.

I turned to look out of the window, the snow was falling thickly now, and judging by the way it is almost falling sideways I could almost sense the strength of the wind. The coach came to a stop in a small car park, as suddenly as it had stopped it began shaking. The force of the wind rocking the coach from side to side.
The tour guide stood up.
"Ok, it's very windy out there so don't get too close to the edge, and don't go wandering off alone!" His voice tinged with a ferocity I'd not yet experienced from the Icelandic people. This seemed to make his already serious warning sound like a threat. A threat I wasn't willing to go against.

We made our way off the coach, the wind was so strong it felt like walking into a solid, cold wall. My breath snatched from my lungs. Coach rested his hand on my shoulder.
"Are you ok?" His eyes shifting across my face as if he was trying to detect any small sign I wasn't.
"Yeah, the wind just took my breath is all." I smiled as much as I could, my lungs tight in my chest.
"Come on, let's go get some photos." He beamed. He moved his hand from my shoulder and draped his arm around my neck as we moved towards the roaring sounds coming from the valley in front of us.
Due to the heavy snow it was difficult to see ahead. Every step I took was filled with trepidation. Coach seemed to pull me in closer to him, as if he was trying to protect me. I could feel the warmth coming from his body, my own body relaxing slightly in response. He glanced down at me, a gentle smile on his face. He didn't say anything but just looked into my eyes for a moment before focusing back on our goal.

Slowly the white curtain of thick snow parted and we were treated by an amazing view. The largest waterfall I've ever seen. It had multiple steps, the water first crashing down from left to right, before swerving dramatically and raging straight towards us. Had it not been for the huge gorge, cut deep by the raging waters, we surely would have been swept away.
We edged ever closer to the thunderous waters, the deep rumbling felt as though it was shaking the air around us. The snow was falling lighter the closer we got to the waterfall, almost as if it was afraid to fall in the presence of such a powerful display of nature.
We stopped some feet away from the safety railings, Coach advising not to get any closer due to the wind. I trusted him completely on this matter, I think I would've trusted anyone about this in all honesty.

I looked to my right and realise Coach still had his arm draped around me, I was again met by a little half smile on his face.
"You know, there once was a time an energy company wanted to buy the falls and build a dam to generate electricity. I'm glad that didn't happen. Imagine destroying such an amazing piece of scenery."
I was shocked by how soft and gentle Coach seemed. Where was his playfulness, his jokes?
I nodded in agreement.
"What stopped them? Trolls?" I joked, trying to bring back some joy to his face that now seemed tinged with a seriousness that didn't suit his features.
His eyes locked on my face and narrowed.
"No." He responded, as cold as the air and as cutting as the wind.
Maybe now wasn't the time to joke.
"They say the daughter of the owner was so against the idea of Gulfoss being sold to foreign investors and to be used in such a way that she threatened to throw herself into the falls if it went ahead."
Now I understood why he wasn't joking.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." I gulped.

His eyes suddenly regained their sparkle and that stupid grin slowly etched its way across his face. Was he teasing me again the whole time?!
He took the hand that wasn't draped across my shoulders and ruffled my hair.
"You're so easy to wind up!" He laughed.

"Wait, so she didn't threaten to throw herself in?" I snapped.
"Oh no, they say she did threaten it, lucky she didn't have to go ahead with it huh?" He shrugged.
"Jerk" I muttered under my breath.

"Ok let's get those photos. You stand with your back to the falls and I'll take some pics for you." He seemed so excited.
I went to grab my phone from my pocket but my gloves were proving to be too thick and my jeans too tight. Just as I started to remove my glove I felt a pressure on my right thigh. My eyes shot up, Coach's face mere centimetres from my own. His hand deeply embedded in my pocket. The heat from his hand tingled against my cold skin. As his hand jostled around trying to grab my phone, our eyes remained locked. Unblinking.
As he removed my phone I could feel his finger caress my inner thigh and my body shivered in reaction.

"Got it." He said, his warm breath kissing my cheek and he seemed to bite his lower lip subtly. He stepped back and began directing me on what poses to take but I was frozen in place. My mind still trying to recover. I'm sure my cheeks would be a rose-coloured beacon burning through the falling snow, providing safe passage to all those who wished to view the falls.
I snapped back to reality as the squally wind snatched the removed glove from my hand. I watched as it twirled through the air before disappearing from sight in the great, white void.
There was no way I was going to go running about in this wind to find a glove so I gritted my teeth and began following the instructions of my director who seemed oblivious to my loss.

I would normally have been far too shy to strike the poses Coach was requesting but the falling snow, the roaring waters and lack of people put me at ease. There could of been someone a few feet away for all I know, but the snow was protecting our privacy.

When Coach had finished his directorial debut he marched towards me with such conviction. He stood to my left, swung his arm around my waist and pulled me in close to him. The cold wind carried his woody scent my way and my head buzzed. I looked up at his face, my own etched with confusion.
"Let's have a selfie. Say 'Skyr'" he smiled. Before I had chance to take my gaze from his chiselled, tanned features I heard the camera noise. My head span forward but it was too late.

"You weren't even looking at the camera!" He laughed. He lowered my phone and slid it back into my pocket. I slapped at his hand.
"I could've put it back in myself!"
He blinked at me blankly in response.
"You were struggling with your glove before, just figured this was easier." He smirked.
"You didn't notice huh?" I quizzed.
He again stood blinking in confusion.
"My glove got blown away while you were directing me."

He looked down at my cold hand. He raised his gaze to meet mine and without missing a beat he responded.
"Sorry, I was too busy enjoying the view."

I groaned at the cheesiness of his comeback, but clearly he hadn't irked me enough just yet.
"Oh, you thought I meant you? I meant the waterfall." He chuckled like a kid, my eyes rolling in automated response.

I suddenly felt my bare hand being enveloped in a warm embrace. I glanced down and Coach was holding my hand. I looked up at him for an explanation but he continued looking forward as we began walking towards the coach.
We walked in silence for a good few steps, my mind racing. I kept stealing small glances down at our hands.

"I didn't want your hand to get cold." He said without looking at me.

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