Family Matters

By SeekingAndromeda_

1.6M 55.5K 20.4K

Ceres wasn't even born when she was taken away from her family who she now has no knowledge of. Her life with... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Q & A
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Q & A #2
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Popularity Results
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
A Year With You
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
The End
More Family Matters
PART 2: Chapter One
PART 2: Chapter Two
PART 2: Chapter Three
PART 2: Chapter Four
PART 2: Chapter Five
PART 2: Chapter Six
PART 2: Chapter Seven
PART 2: Chapter Eight
PART 2: Chapter Nine
PART 2: Chapter Ten
PART 2: Chapter Eleven
New Book 😁

Chapter Thirty

19.2K 872 463
By SeekingAndromeda_


I don't believe it.

Roman was ignoring me. How could he ignore me for days on end? How could he stand being away from me for so long when I could barely keep myself together?

It wasn't fair.

" have to focus" My PR manager, Hannah, whispered. I had completely forgotten that I was in a meeting with these directors.

My most recent book that the man I was chasing after edited was now looking at the possibility of being turned into a movie. But I could honestly care less at the moment.

How could Hannah possibly expect me to pay attention when all I could think about was Roman? She knew how much I was hurting right now but Hannah was too worried about the relations I would be giving up if I hadn't attended this meeting.

Ever since our stupid argument a couple weeks ago, Roman hasn't returned any of my calls, texts, and I doubt he's listened to any of the voicemails. How was I supposed to make him fall for me if he won't even come near me?

I had been to his work place to try and catch him off guard but his friend Lizzy had told me that Roman normally doesn't come in anyways. I also found it extremely frustrating that the only thing that had kept us in touch regularly was now completed and without it, I hardly saw Roman.

"Mr. Faust? Do we have an agreement?" My ears perked up at the sound of my name and I looked over to the director who was patiently waiting for my answer.

"I'll look over the contract and give you an answer no later than Friday" I said and the director nodded.

I thanked everything holy that I was finally out of the boring meeting. Now I could get on to more important things.

"Alain!" I stopped my quick steps when Hannah had grabbed my wrist and I turned to her.

"Listen, I know you're not in the right headspace to be doing this but I have to ask you to try. You need to forget about him, he has been blatantly ignoring you! Why do you continue to put yourself through this torture?Surely your career is much more important to you than some guy?" Hannah asked and I glared at her.

"You don't understand at all. He isn't just some guy!" I said snatching my wrist out of hers.

"You keep saying that but clearly he is if he's been ignoring you for this long without any problems. Don't you think it's time you gave up on this guy?" Hannah said but I didn't care about a word she said.

Roman talked to me, he actually talked to me. He cared about the small things like how my day was or if I had been eating properly. He would scold me from time to time when he learned that I had been up late working on a manuscript but then it would turn into playful banter when I would talk of him doing the same for editing his manuscripts.

He genuinely loved my writing, it was clear in his eager questions about my next book, and even from the one time I had been in his room, all the books I had ever written were neatly lined on a shelf.

I had fallen so hard for him.

Why couldn't he realize that I was in love with him? And all those bullshit reasons he gave were not enough to keep me away. Even though it hurt like a bitch when he said he didn't feel the same, I know he was lying. He couldn't even look me in the eye when he said it.

"That's for me to decide" I said before leaving Hannah. Hannah was a good friend, really, but I knew I had to get away from her before I unleashed my built up frustrations on her.

This was a last resort but I was really desperate to see Roman, even if it wasn't the same for him.

I just wanted to at least talk to him and find out what he was really keeping from me. Whatever it is, I wanted to help him get through it. I wanted to be there for him, to show him that my love for him was not frivolous.

When I rung the doorbell, I was half expecting to be thrown off the porch as soon as someone answered the door. Surely he would have told his brothers about us to make sure that I wouldn't be able to get near him.

But when his little sister opened the door, I saw this as my chance.

"Hey, Ceres. Is Roman home?" I asked and Ceres looked at me for a moment as if she were taking in my appearance.

Roman had explained to me that the reason she was so hostile towards me when we first met was because of how I was dressed. Today, I was wearing a suit since I had just come from the meeting so I'm sure she wouldn't have much problem with it.

"...why?" She asked and I could see her hand itching to close the door so I had to pick my next words carefully.

"We have to talk. It's really important" I said and Ceres simply tilted her head and I could see the wary look on her face. I was losing her.

"Honey, who's at the door?" Kade, I believe Roman said he was the second oldest brother, had appeared and when he saw me his eyes widened.

"Alain? What are you doing here?" Kade asked and Ceres looked up at Kade.

"He said he needs to talk to Roman and that it's important" she repeated.

"Oh, well, he's upstairs" Kade said and I thanked him. I didn't think I would luck out with one of the brothers and it seems that Roman hasn't told them about our current situation.

If Kade hadn't shown up, I was sure that Ceres would have slammed the door right in my face.


I should be working but I wasn't. I had tried to bury myself as deep as I could into my work but no matter what, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

What was I going to do?

I had purposely put this space between us so that Alain could take time to figure himself out. He was young, still had the rest of his life to look forward to. He shouldn't be wasting his time with a coward like me.

Someone like me who was too afraid to admit that I liked him just because of my own past experiences. Well, more like the experience of my parents.

I saw how my mother leaving Dad affected him and it didn't only affect him, but the rest of our family. From Kade's self esteem issues to even Max's abrasive attitude that acts as his own protection. Even Ares had led a careless lifestyle in his teen years due to not knowing how love worked since our parents' representation of it wasn't exactly the best.

It was just unbelievable how one person's actions could affect so many people at one time.

I was afraid that I would end up like our father. In fact, in certain ways, I've already become like him. Locking myself up in my room and working my life away so that I wouldn't have to face the reality that is my fear of getting hurt.

Though me and my parents situations were different, there was still that inkling of fear that our results would be the same. Someone would be unhappy and eventually leave the other.

A knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts and I just told them to come in, not having the energy to get up and answer the door.

The door opened and shut and when that voice started speaking, my body was up and alert.

"What are you doing?" Alain asked and I turned to him. He was dressed in a crisp black suit and not a hair on his head was out of place, telling me that he had come straight from work.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I kept my eyes averted, afraid that if I were to look into those hazel irises that I would give in and admit everything I've been trying to keep locked away.

"You won't answer any of my attempts to reach you. Why?" He asked. I could hear the hurt in his voice and it was like a stab to the heart. I had made him feel that way because of my selfish desire to protect myself.

I had seen each and everyone one of his calls, texts, and even the voicemails. I was too afraid to look at any of them, I had no idea what I would do if I had heard this voice during our time apart.

When I didn't answer him, Alain took it upon himself to continue speaking.

"Do you hate me so much that you can't even stand to look at me?" The way my eyes flashed up to meet his should have been the telltale sign that what he said was just preposterous to me. He thought I hated him? That was the furthest thing from the truth!

"I do not hate you" I said and Alain matched my distant look with one of his own conviction filled ones.

"Well, you must hate me. That can be the only logical explanation as to why you played with my feelings, led me on to think that we had something, and then dropped me like it was nothing. Like I was nothing" Alain said and I could see the anger building up in his eyes and I didn't blame him. He had every right to be upset with me.

"That was never my intention" I said.

"Then what are your intentions now? Do you plan on continuing to ignore me? Is that what you want? Say the word and I'll leave out of your life right now. You'll never see me again" Alain said and I could feel my heart dropping in my chest.

I was barely coping with not seeing him for a few weeks, but for the rest of my life? I couldn't, and didn't, want to fathom it.

Feeling a hand on my cheek, I looked up to see Alain looking down at me with an unusual look on his face. It was like a mix of sadness and determination. Sadness because of everything that's been going on between us and determination to fix it.

"Just confide in can tell me all your doubts and burdens. I'll listen to each and every one until we can come up with a solution for all of them. I want to be with you, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make you understand that" Alain said and for the first time in a long time, I could feel myself letting go. The words that I have been so afraid to utter had spilled out of me faster than I had imagined.

And it was all because of his warm touch. It was making it practically impossible for me to hold back when he was so close to me, looking right through me like glass.

"You are the only person I have ever felt this strongly about...and it scares me so much because I'm afraid that I'll lose you somehow along the line. That you'll tire of me and will no longer wish to be with me. I am so sorry that I have been so selfish. I hurt you, and that was wrong of me" I said and for in what seemed like forever, I had seen a smile bloom across Alain's face.

"You were afraid of that? Roman, was me declaring my love to you all those times not enough proof that I wanted to be with you for as long as you can tolerate me?" He asked and I felt a blush creeping on my neck.

"I seriously doubt my abilities to make you happy. I'm not a very fun person and I'm always working" I said and Alain's melodious laughter filled my ears and made that warm fuzzy feeling that I always got around him return instantly.

"You idiot, I'm happy just hearing that you don't actually hate me. I'm happy because you're finally letting me in that head of yours. And I'm most definitely happy because I can finally do this" Alain said before leaning down and placing an unexpected kiss right on my lips. I was stunned for a moment, not expecting the sudden intimate action, but didn't waste another second as I reciprocated his kiss happily.

The kiss was just a sweet and innocent one, we only moved our lips against one another, no tongue. I didn't mind since I knew that I couldn't let this get out of hand as that wouldn't be good. We were in my house with my other siblings after all.

"Roman..." Alain's voice came out thick and sultry but I ignored it. I refused to let my predictions come true. My brothers and Ceres were right downstairs and I didn't want to risk having any of them walking in on seeing us doing anything.

"Roman" I flinched this time, Alain's voice was closer than ever before as he whispered in my ear and I felt my body stiffen when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Alain" I said warningly and he hummed as he inhaled deeply before exhaling, his warm breath fanning my neck making the hairs stand on edge.

This was bad.

"As much as I would love to indulge in this, it just isn't the right time" I said and Alain's arms tightened a little around me.

"I'm's just, we haven't seen each other in so long. I missed you so much" he said lowly and I shivered when Alain left a kiss on my neck.

I stood up from my seat and gave Alain a pointed look. He just frowned seeing that I was no longer in his arms which was cute but at the same time, I couldn't tell him that.

"Alain, I mean it. We can't do things like that here" I said and I thought Alain would hear the tone in my voice but my words seemed to go through one ear and out the other as a small mischievous grin found it's way on Alain's lips as he began to step closer towards me.

"You can't tell me you haven't missed me too" He said taking a couple steps further which made me take a couple steps back though I regretted it when my back hit the wall. This was not good at all. Alain had all of the advantages right now. The height, space, and worst of all the fact that I was barely holding on to my sense of responsibility.

I had missed him. I missed him so much that it hurt to be away from him for so long but if I were to admit it, then Alain would jump my bones quicker than I could process.

Alain rested both his hands beside my head and put a leg between my own forcing me to glare as a last defense barrier.

"There is a child in this house! Right downstairs as a matter of fact!" I exclaimed but in a whisper.

"You worry too much. The chances of her coming in here are slim to none. It'll be fine. Now just relax those shoulders and let me take care of you" Alain whispered as he bit down on my collar bone and I shut my eyes right as I tried to force the moan in me down.

This was absolute insanity. If any of my brothers were to find out about what was going on right now, it would be a shit fest.

It was just then that the door opened and Ceres stared at the both of us wide eyed as we also stared at her in surprise.

I fucking knew it!

Ceres had run out of the room and I took the opportunity to slip away from Alain who was just chuckling. This was not funny at all. He wouldn't be laughing if my brothers were his.

A few seconds after Ceres had left she returned but this time with a bat in hand and I nearly screamed when she swung it at Alain who also backed away in surprise.

"Get away from my brother!" Ceres yelled as she held the bat high.

"Ceres! Put it down right now!" I exclaimed and she looked at me in disbelief, the bat still held high above her head. I had stood in between the two of them before she could bring it down again.

"B-But...he was doing nasty things to you!" She exclaimed and I sighed when I heard Alain snicker.

"Sorry to break it to you sweetie, your brother likes it when I-" I smacked Alain's mouth not so softly and he groaned while holding his lips.

"Ceres, give it to me" I said and she shook her head.

"How am I going to protect you?" She asked and I walked closer to her.

"I'm fine. He wasn't doing anything bad to me...although he shouldn't have been doing those things anyways. Just go back downstairs and we'll talk about this later okay?" I said and when Ceres let me take the bat out of her hands, I could tell that she was reluctantly cooperating.

Ceres had left the room, but not without a glare to Alain.

"That's one protective little sister you have there" Alain said with a chuckle. I was surprised he wasn't angry at her for trying to hit him with a bat.

"Yeah, well, you're lucky it was Ceres and not Kade. There would have been no saving you if he had been the one to find us like that" I said as I threw the bat to the the side of my room. I had recognized that bat, it belonged to Ares. How Ceres knew Ares had a bat was beyond me but I figured that I would just save my questions for later.

"You should probably go, I don't know how much time you have left until Ceres is forced to give an answer of what she saw" I said and Alain nodded.

"Should I leave out the window?" He asked joking but in all honesty, I was actually contemplating his question.

"I think you'll be alright if we go now" I said and we headed downstairs. I was grateful when I saw that the coast was clear and led Alain to the door.

"When I leave here, you're gonna answer my texts and calls, right?" Alain asked and I nodded with an apologetic smile.

I really needed to find a way to make it up to him for that.

"Yes, I promise" I said and when Alain leaned down for a goodbye kiss, I pulled away. Sure the thought of another kiss was very tempting but knowing that big brother is always watching, it just wasn't a risk I wanted to take.

"Later" I said and Alain pulled a pout before nodding.

I had just opened the door when that chilling voice hit my ears.

"So what's this I'm hearing about you doing nasty things to my baby brother?"

I didn't even have to look to know Kade was standing there with a less than pleasant smile. When I did look, I saw Ceres was right by his side glaring at Alain. These two were about to tag team this poor guy.

Let's just have a moment of silence for Alain.

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