Family Matters

By SeekingAndromeda_

1.6M 55.5K 20.4K

Ceres wasn't even born when she was taken away from her family who she now has no knowledge of. Her life with... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Q & A
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Q & A #2
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Popularity Results
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
A Year With You
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
The End
More Family Matters
PART 2: Chapter One
PART 2: Chapter Two
PART 2: Chapter Three
PART 2: Chapter Four
PART 2: Chapter Five
PART 2: Chapter Six
PART 2: Chapter Seven
PART 2: Chapter Eight
PART 2: Chapter Nine
PART 2: Chapter Ten
PART 2: Chapter Eleven
New Book 😁

Chapter Twenty Seven

20.6K 792 340
By SeekingAndromeda_

I was afraid that today might be the day that Kade has an actual heart attack.

I didn't think much of it when I asked to bring my friends over so that we could finish up the last bits of our project. I thought we would just go up to my room and work on it, hang out a little, and then everyone goes home.

But an unexpected obstacle named Kade showed itself.

"Hi...uh, Mr. Spencer...'s?" Ross trailed off as he looked at my brothers who were in the house.

It was just Ares, Kade, and Max since Lance was at work and Lucas was at his college. Roman had went into his room after dropping us off in the house.

"Which one is the dad?" Diana whispered and Hayden shrugged.

"None of us. We're her brothers" Ares said as he looked at us.

" guys do look a little young" Ross said as he let out a small chuckle.

The entire time, I had noticed that Kade was quiet and I just figured it was because he was waiting for the right time to introduce himself.

That wasn't the case.

Ares and Max had already said their piece before leaving but when we went to greet Kade, he was still frozen like a statue on display.

"What's wrong with him?" Ross asked turning to me and I shrugged.

"He isn't usually like this..." I said and suddenly, Kade unfroze and while his lips formed into a seemingly pleasant smile, his eyes said it all.

He was upset.

"Are these...two...your friends? Or are they some strays that followed you and Diana here?" Kade asked as he eyed Ross and Hayden. Ross frowned at Kade as he crossed his arms.

I don't think I'm going to like where this is going...

"Yeah, we're her friends..." Hayden said. He himself had been on guard the entire time we were in the car and I could see him glancing every now and then at Max but I had no idea why.

I figured Hayden had heard the rumors about Max and was just being wary whereas Ross and Diana had no problems being around Max.

I put my hand up as a way of asking for my friends to wait a minute before dragging Kade into the kitchen.

"Is something wrong?" I asked looking up at him and Kade's fake expression disappeared as he gave me a real smile in place of it.

"I'm just a little...surprised. They aren't, y'know, bothering you or anything right? All friendly stuff?" I had no idea what Kade was hinting at but I just shook my head.

The faster I could straighten Kade out, the faster we could finish our project.

"Yes. Ross and Hayden have been nothing but nice to me" I said and Kade muttered something so quiet that I couldn't hear it even though we were standing so close to each other.

"We have to work on our project now...I will talk to you later" I said but before I could leave Kade stopped me.

"You'll tell me if anything is wrong right?" He said and there was some kind of pleading tone to his words that made me just nod without questioning him.

I didn't really like the fact that Kade was judging Ross and Hayden for whatever reason he had but I kept silent. I didn't want to start any arguments, all I wanted to do was finish our project.

"Ceres? Your friends are waiting for you" Roman said as he came into the kitchen but upon seeing me and Kade talking, a knowing look appeared on his face and Kade paled.

"Are you bothering those boys?" Roman asked as he stepped forward and Kade stepped back with a shake of his head.

"I was just making sure everything was alright" he said with a wave of his hand but Roman was unconvinced as he continued his approach.

"Why wouldn't it be? They just got here" I let out a small sigh before deciding that I would take this opportunity to escape since the two of them were preoccupied.

After leaving Kade and Roman to their conversation, I headed back to the others who were talking amongst themselves.

"Who invited you anyways?" Ross said with a playful glare and Diana frowned.

"Don't even try to pull that crap! You're the one who said I should come along even though we aren't partners" she said and Hayden just seemed to be standing to the side, not really wanting to get involved in whatever the two had going on.

"We can head up now" I said as I came up to them.

"Oh, you're back. Is your brother alright?" Hayden asked when noticing me and I nodded.

"He can be a little weird so don't mind him" I said and Diana giggled at my words.

We were about to head up the stairs to my room but once again we were stopped to Kade.

"W-Wait! Don't you want to stay in the living room? Where I can-" Before Kade could finish his sentence, Roman had tugged his ear harshly and Kade yelped at the unexpected attack.

"Go on ahead but keep the door open for his sanity please" Roman said as he gave me a nod before dragging Kade, still by the ear might I add, back into the kitchen.

"Your brother is kind of funny" Ross said with a chuckle as we finally got to my room. I had made sure to leave the door open as Roman asked before going to sit down.

"Yeah..." I said while taking out my stuff. If only he knew Kade wasn't trying to be funny...

~Downstairs with Kade & Roman, Third POV~

"Okay! I'll stop! Now, let go before you pull it off!" Kade exclaimed and sighed in relief once Roman released his ear.

"What's wrong with you..." Kade muttered while rubbing his ear and Roman raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Acting like that in front of Ceres' friends the way you did, they'll probably think you're crazy or something" Roman said and Kade frowned.

"If that's what it takes to make those two stay away from my baby then I don't care!" Kade said and Roman gave an irritable sigh but Kade wasn't having any of it as he continued.

"And how could you let them go into her room? A girl's room is her sanctuary, not some place where random little boys can just walk into as they please! I've failed to protect her privacy!" Kade cried as he ruffled his hair in frustration.

"You're so annoying" Max said as he walked into the kitchen.

"You can't tell me you don't think the same Max?" Kade said as he looked to his younger brother for back up.

Max paused to think for a moment but found himself at a crossroad. He had the option to either start a war in Kade's mind, or turn a blind eye and say nothing about what he knew. While he loved messing with Kade as much as the next sibling, he also didn't want to hear or deal with Kade's exaggerated antics.

So, Max decided he would save the chaos for another day and just chose the sensible approach.

"Ceres is smart. She could tell if someone is a bad person just by looking at them. So if she feels fine around them, then you have nothing to worry about" Max said and Roman nodded, hoping that Max's words would talk some sense into Kade.

Thankfully it did as Kade just let out a sigh before giving up his protests.

"I guess..." He said in a dejected tone.

"Besides, why are you worrying so much? If they're friends then that means they spend five out of the seven days of the week together for about eight hours each day. So, it's fine right?" Max said before leaving out of the kitchen as if he didn't just set the ticking time bomb off in Kade.

Roman rolled his eyes when a tear slipped out of Kade's eye.

~ Back with Ceres and Friends, Ceres P.O.V ~

"Ahh, we're finally finished!" Ross said as he stretched his arms. Diana sighed as she continued to scroll through her own presentation slides.

"I wish I were almost close to finish with this stupid project" Diana grumbled.

"We've offered to help you so many times y'know?" Hayden said and Diana shook her head.

"I can't ask that of you guys. It isn't your responsibility" she said and Ross rolled his eyes.

"It isn't your responsibility" he said in a mimicking voice and Diana glared.

"You're just too stubborn to accept help when you need it. How is anyone else but us going to know that we helped you?" He asked and Diana just kept quiet.

"Please don't fight..." I muttered and Ross frowned.

"I wasn't trying to pick a fight...sorry if it seemed that way" Ross said as he leaned against the desk in my room.

"Seriously though, ask for help if you need it. It won't kill you" Ross said and Diana nodded.

"This is the part where you ask us for our help" Hayden whispered and Diana let out a smile.

"Hmmm, look at the time. I think we've overstayed our welcome" Diana said as she closed her laptop.

"Yeah...your brother is starting to creep me out" Ross said as he jabbed a thumb at Kade who jumped upon being noticed. Kade was apparently trying to sneakily peek his head in but had all too soon been found out.

Had he been hiding there the entire time? I didn't even notice him.

Hayden didn't seem to have either as he flinched when finally noticing Kade.

" have overstayed your welcome" Kade said as he gave a polite smile but his words were the exact opposite of that.

"Kade, please leave" I said and Kade's face seemed to crumble at my request. His lips were quivering and I had no idea someone's eyes could produce tears so quickly.

"Y-You want me to leave...?" He asked and I just nodded. If he was creeping the others out, that wouldn't be any good. I wanted my friends to have good impressions of my brothers but it was clear that I would have to work on that with Kade.

So for his own good, I am kicking him out. I'm sure he'll understand once I explain it to him later.

"Okay..." Kade said but he wasn't moving at all. He kept glancing back at me, as if waiting for me to change my answer but that would not be happening.

"Now, please" I said and this time put a little force into my voice so that he would understand that I was serious.

Kade huffed before disappearing from our sight but something told me that he wasn't too far away.

Once the others finished packing their things we all headed downstairs. Diana's father had offered to drive Ross and Hayden home since Roman brought them here.

Ares and Kade had come to see them off with me and once we reached the door, Diana gave me a hug and Hayden waved before both of them leaving out, only leaving Ross.

Ross turned to me and leaned in a bit to whisper something to me.

"Hey, Ceres, play along with me for a second okay?" Ross whispered with a wink and I raised an eyebrow at his request. What could he possibly be trying to do?

"Wow, Ceres. I'm going to miss you soooo much. Won't you give me a hug for the road?" Ross said exaggeratedly and held his arms out while making grabbing motions with his hands.

Before I even had the chance to consider if I wanted to play along or not, I was suddenly pushed behind Kade.

"Over my cold dead body" Kade seethed out and Ross just laughed in his face which only ticked Kade off even more.

"Man, you really are funny! I was just joking, relax" Ross drawled out his 'relax' with a wave of his hand.

"Ah, kid, I really think you should get going" Ares said as he looked between the ticking time bomb and Ross who was still grinning mischievously in the face of danger.

"Alright, alright. Sorry for joking with ya Mister Weirdo. See ya later, guys!" Ross said before leaving out of the door.

"Looks like someone's gonna have to set aside some bail money if you intend on staying friends with Ross..." Ares said as he looked at Kade who was still glaring daggers at Ross' fading figure.

"I guess so..." I said with a small nod.

[A/N]: ooof today's chapter was shorter than usual and I apologize for that! Hopefully it was still enjoyable. Now it has been quite a few chapters, and I'm just curious if any of you guys have had a change of heart in your favorite Spencer sibling? If you did please say why! (You don't have to lol)

Lancelot Spencer

Kadence Spencer

Roman Spencer

Ares Spencer

Lucas Spencer

Maximilian Spencer

Ceres Spencer

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