Transmigration: Face slap th...

By Chil_lexx

345K 8.8K 666

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... More

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

Coffee to go - 3.4

4.8K 124 7
By Chil_lexx

Many of the viewers were stunned, some astonished and most shook their heads in disbelief and disgust. Nathalie's little stunt was now in the open stirring an uproar among other customers.

"-What a vile woman! She dares to bully a employee!"

"-Must have been the wrong upbringing. How could someone think to do that to someone else absolutely shameless!..."

"-If I were her parents I would've buried myself alive! She caused such a scene and she was in the wrong. She is truly a vile person...."

All eyes were on her now and not in the way she wanted Nathalie shifts uncomfortable in her seat, "So now that the evidence is out in the open do you dare to deny your intentions?..." Carter questions his eyes narrowed.

Nathalie shifted uncomfortably in her chair as many scrutinizing gazes aimed at her," Fine!-" she huffs getting up to leave, "Also I would appreciate it if you did not come around anymore to harass my employee or the cops will be called the next time," Nathalie had turned around glaring at Cheng Bi Yu as Carter mouthed these words.

"Your coffee's not that good anyway!-" she exclaimed and left. Carter then turned his attention to Emerson,"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?..." he asks concerned his eyes softened.

The tight-lipped Cheng Bi Yu just shook her head, "Are you positive you're okay cause if not you could have the rest of your shift off..." Carter was suggesting he couldn't allow his injured employee to work.

Cheng Bi Yu  gives a faint smile, "I'm okay sir no need to worry and thank you for your help earlier I really appreciate it.." she slightly bowed, "..I better get back to work now,"

Cheng Bi Yu left but as soon as she reached Priyanka had yanked her by the arm into the back room, "Are you okay girl?..." she asked as she circles Cheng Bi Yu her worried eyes examining for injuries.

Cheng Bi Yu smiled, "..I'm fine Priyanka no need to go all Mama bear on me!.." she laughs upon seeing Priyanka pout.

Priyanka then playfully slaps her arm, "...Stop playing Emerson I was seriously ready to karate chop her ass if boss hadn't intervened-" she boldly proclaimed.

"...And when did you learn karate?" Cheng Bi Yu asks curiously.

"When I was nine but I still remember how to whip some ass," Priyanka did some karate chop actions to prove her point. Cheng Bi Yu couldn't hold back her laugher,"...I got a black belt okay-" Priyanka went on proving her point further but Cheng Bi Yu still laughed.

How could she not? Priyanka attempted to put on a mean face but to Cheng Bi Yu she looked like a cute bunny. "..Oh so cute.." Cheng Bi Yu teased pinching the brown girl's cheek.

Priyanka went on,"...I was ready to karate chop her in the head but then I also didn't want to damage the one percent brain cell she has or else she'll be completely brain dead,"

"..That's very considerate of you.." Cheng Bi Yu laughed her best friend had such a generous heart. Her lips thinned, "..Well she's not the only one I know quite a few-"

Cheng Bi Yu momentarily turned her head spotting the unpleasant female lead heading their way. Cheng Bi Yu face stiffened,  "..Look here she comes right now-"

Emily walked up to them stopping before Cheng Bi Yu, "..I heard that Nathalie harassed you. Are you okay?.." the pretentious female lead asked.

Cheng Bi Yu's lip thinned, "..I'm quite fine thank you for your concern. I'm quite touched-" Cheng Bi Yu faintly smiled touching her chest, "For the first time my sister cares.."

Emily pursed her lips, "..No it's not like that. You know how much I love sister!.." she made a declaration.

Priyanka rolls her eyes then interjected,"...I'm actually sick of your fake concern towards your sister your concern is faker than my cousin's gold tooth-" she then went further to say,"But you said you heard what happened," Emily nods acknowledging,"...Yes I heard it from the girls.."

"..But you were present I saw you, So why didn't you help?-"

Emily froze in her spot her eyes flickered she bit down on her strawberry glossed lips, "...Well I..."

Priyanka grabbed a hold of Cheng Bi Yu's hand, "..Let's go Emerson.." she spoke rather agitated.

"...Wait!-" Emily shouts Cheng Bi Yu steps right in her tracks turning back to the female lead, "..Emerson do you think we could maybe talk?..." she asked her head bent.

Priyanka rolled her eyes flicking her head back she grits her teeth, "..Em let's just go!.." her grip tightened on her arm.

A ghost smile appeared on Cheng Bi Yu's lips she turned to Priyanka, "..I'll  just hear her out. I'll be right behind you," Priyanka reluctantly agrees turning to leave she glared daggers at the pretentious Emily.

Cheng Bi Yu stood in her spot her arms crossed over her chest "..So..what is it you want to talk about?.." Cheng Bi Yu questioned.

Emily began to fidget almost whispering, "...I know I shouldn't be asking this after all that happened but here it goes..." she bit her lip, "..Will you continue to help me out with Nathalie?"

Cheng Bi Yu dropped her arms resting her hands in her pockets she arched her brows,"...Nope!-" Cheng Bi Yu deadpanned.

"...Why?-" Emily's face paled, "..But you promised you would continue to help me. You have to help me I'm too weak against Nathalie she'll devour me. She'll even try to steal back Nick from me-" Emily stepped forth desperately latching onto Cheng Bi Yu's arm pleading.

Cheng Bi Yu removed her hands from her pocket. Cheng Bi Yu roughly brushed her off, "..That's not my problem anymore you wanted Nick you got him by all kinds of means so shouldn't you face your own problems?.." she narrowed her green eyes, "...Instead of hiding behind me like a scared little girl?!.."

Emily's forehead wrinkled a frown played on her strawberry glossed lips. This was the first time her pushover of a sister had gone back on something she needed so badly.

Emily pleads her eyes moistened, "-Emerson you're the only one who can help me please...."

Cheng Bi Yu scuffed, "..Still not my problem. You're an adult Emily solve your problems yourself and stop bringing me into your shit!..." with that said Cheng Bi Yu turns to leave on cue the female lead collapsed on the white tiled floor crying.

Cheng Bi Yu sighed as she eyed the female lead at the corner of her eye, "Tsk." she clicks her tongue then advised the pretentious girl, "..If  I were you I'd  save my tears for the shit show coming your way..." Cheng Bi Yu again clicked her tongue, "Bye sister..."

Emily felt a stab to her chest her mind still trying to comprehend what happened. "..Did she really just reject me?!-" Emily fisted her dress, "...That bitch thinks she can reject me! Humph if it wasn't because I needed her help does she think I'd give her face?!.."

Emily scrawled getting off the floor, "...Hahaha! You think I'd give you face? Emerson, you're a nobody..." she dusted off her dress she scuffed, "...And to think I ruined my favorite dress for that trash!.. "

Emily bit her lip then calmly breath in, "Calm down Emily. You still need the bitch's help...You'll just have to do a little more convincing and the fool will cave like she's alway done..."

Emily puts in the combination to her locker, "Click!.." the lock sounded she pulls it opening grabbing her purse. She whistles a popular tune leaving, "Fall beneath my feet!..."

Seeing Cheng Bi Yu come into view Priyanka speaks, "...Hey I have to go home a little early Teddy's feeling sick. You don't mind going home alone do you? Because I could stay-" Priyanka urgently packed up her things.

Cheng Bi Yu shook her head, "...Go home. I'll be fine-" she gave an assuring smile.

"You sure?..." Priyanka asked concerned  looking at her unbothered best friend.

Cheng Bi Yu nods then playfully said, "...As sure as my middle name......"

"Thanks girl! I'm leaving now be careful okay-" Priyanka hugs her giving her a quick peck to her cheek practically dashing out of the Cafe.

Cheng Bi Yu stayed back a little longer cleaning stuff here and there. Finished she heads back to the locker room grabbing her stuff. "..Goodbye.." she smiled politely at the remaining employees.

Cheng Bi Yu walks towards the bus stop. Feeling a sudden chill from the cold night air she bit her lip instinctively hugging herself. Cheng Bi Yu fetched her phone and earphones from her back plugging them in.

《You are my Galaxy》by the Planet blasted through her earphones. A bright light shines Cheng Bi Yu looks ahead to see the bus approaching she steps forth holding out her hand.

Getting inside Cheng Bi Yu sat near the back in a corner seat she rested her back on the empty seat beside her she leaned her head against the window taking a short nap.

Hearing the third buzzer being pressed Cheng Bi Yu opened her eyes to see that her stop was next ahead. She sat up gathering her stuff. She plugged out her earphones then reached for the buzzer but it was pressed by someone three seats up.

Cheng Bi Yu retracted her hand, "Oh.." getting off the bus she is shocked to see police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, news reporters and let's not forget her apartment building now in rubble.

"Poppy what in the heck happened here?-"

[[Fire caused by faulty wiring which started from Host's apartment left everything burnt]]

Cheng Bi Yu's phone then rings she fishes it out of her pants pocket sliding the screen, "Holy shit! Are you okay girl? I just watched the news they say your apartment went up like fireworks! Where are you I'mma come get you?-"

"...I'm fine Priyanka I just reached the scene. There's no need to come just take care of Teddy I'll just stay at a hotel tonight to kinda clear my head and wrap my brain around the fact that I'm now homeless. Bye-" Cheng Bi Yu hung up not waiting for her to reply.

"..Poppy give me Carter's address and also ensure save it to my memory-"

[[Transferring supporting male lead's   address to Host's memory]]

"Taxi-" Cheng Bi Yu managed to fan down a taxi, "...Take me to the Biltmore Hotel," the taxi driver nods taking off.

The Biltmore Hotel was quite shabby not what one would expect their started from scratch boss to live in. Cheng Bi Yu immediately entered the elevator once arriving in the grand luxurious styled lobby.

"Apartment 1306..."

[[You're mixing it up Host it's apartment 1304 not 1306]]

"Thanks-" she made her way through the hall looking for his apartment door. Cheng Bi Yu stops at the door. She intakes a great deal of air she reached her slightly trembling hands forth knocking the apartment door twice.

The ominous door flies open to reveal a laid back Carter in a black t-shirt and checkered designed pajama pants.

"Ms. Chao?.." his brows arched in confusion his face contracts as he lead against the doorframe, "..What are you doing here Ms. Chao? How do you know where I live?..."

Cheng Bi Yu clears her throat, "..You see sir my apartment building burnt down today.." she averted her eyes from his intense gaze with her head lowered she resumed, "...And I was kinda wondering if I could maybe stay the night-" this situation was awkward so that Cheng Bi Yu could hear crickets.

Cheng Bi Yu bit down on her lip. "Come in.." Carter's clear a day voice reaches her ear her head shot up her neck made a cracking sound.

"Un." Carter stepped aside letting his homeless employee in. Cheng Bi Yu walks past him Carter immediately closed the door behind him.

Cheng Bi Yu's abstract hazel green eyes observed his apartment it was simple yet had a lively feel to it with minimal pops of colour.

"..Follow me.." he tapped her shoulder Cheng Bi Yu jolted feeling his hot breath on her ear. "Un." She nods Carter steps in front.

He then leads her to a door opening it he flips the light switch, "You can stay here tonight but you must leave in the morning-" Carter then left and went to his room.

Cheng Bi Yu immediately crashes on the cozy bed exhausted. Cheng Bi Yu had woken up the next day snuggling in the bedsheet, "Morning already?.." she yawned. 

Cheng Bi Yu throws off the sheet to look at her ankle it seems Carter had wrapped her wound that she had forgotten about due to her hectic day the night before while she slept.

Cheng Bi Yu smiled, "..My boss is so sweet!-" she stretched. "..I should thank him but how?.." she scratched her head immediately her eyes sparkled as an idea clicked in her head.

Cheng Bi Yu decides to thank her sweet caring boss by preparing some delicious dishes. Cheng Bi Yu pushed out of bed heading straight for the door she had to start immediately.

Reaching the kitchen Cheng Bi Yu got busy she rolled up her shirt sleeve fetching the apron from the rack she wraps it around her waist securing the knot by tying it twice. The dutiful employee got to work, cutting,  chopped and slicing.

Carter exits his room to find Cheng  Bi Yu plating dishes putting them down on the table, "...Good morning sir!" She greets excitedly she says urging her youthful boss,"Quickly come I made us breakfast!-"

"Good morning..." Carter politely greets sitting down taking his fork in hand he proceeds to taste the dishes prepared by Cheng Bi Yu.

"..Here have some orange juice-" Cheng Bi Yu pours out two glasses for them both.

"...You cook very well Ms. Chao-" Carter complimented after sampling her food.

"..Thank you sir-" Cheng Bi Yu then proceeds to clear the table and wash the dishes, "..Sir I was actually wondering if I could maybe stay here a while longer?...."


"..We could be roommates. I'll even pay rent-"


"...I'll cook, clean and do everything around the apartment-"

"Ms. Chao if I wanted a maid I would've hired one...." Carter exclaims proceeding to push the resilient girl out of his apartment.

"Please sir...."

"I'm sorry Ms. Chao but I don't do well with roommates so this wouldn't work out.." Carter exclaimed, "..You don't have to come into work today due to what has happened.." he cleverly suggested, "..Maybe use the day to find yourself a new place to live. Bye Bye-" successfully pushing her out of the apartment he shuts the door behind.

He sighs leaning against the door his arms folded, "..What a silly woman-"
he couldn't resist the ghost smile forming on his lips.

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