13th Doctor OneShots S2

By JessicaSongAQ

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I don't Own any of the characters that belongs to the BBC Doctor Who. Hey Fam, So because these Oneshots/fic... More

Spyfall Part 1.1
Spyfall Part 1.2
Spyfall Part 2.1
Spyfall Part 2.2
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's night of Terror
A dilemma ?
Fugitive of the Judoon
Another nightmare?
Head over Heels.
Can you Hear me?
A Virus!
11th/Amy/Rory/River and J.
Doctor Who?
Inner feelings!! T|W
The Master!
13th/10th/Rose and J.
Happy Halloween✨🎃
Ascension Of the Cybermen.
The Timeless Children.
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)
Baby J.
Unnamed Title
Secrets come out!

The Haunting of Villa Diodati!!

87 4 1
By JessicaSongAQ

Graham "Doc are you sure they will allow us in?" He worries they will be stuck in this storm.

J "I'm sure they will. And if not they have no choice to hell if I'm staying in this." she shivers as the cold rain drenches her. The coat she wears heavy against her back.

Doctor "Common you two let's just see." She takes her hand up to the door and chaps loudly. They could hear the echo of the door.

No one seemed to be coming to answer? But they await.

The Doctor bangs on the door again.

She was about to just open the door when the doors opened and lightning went off behind them. They got a fright and screamed as of the people Infront of them.

The Doctor breaths a little heavier "Good evening! Not quite the welcome I was hoping for, but I'll admit we've looked better."

With the last part J snorts. Ryan looks over at her and she just laughs a bit more.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm..." The Doctor shows her Physic paper as Thunder Rumbles in the Distance as it gets closer.

"Nothing?" The Doctor turns her Physics paper to herself making a face "Weird." She says.

"Maybe they are all aliens?" J Mumbles to herself.

The Doctor had heard her. "Or maybe it might just need a blow-dry."

Yaz "Got a bit caught in the Downpour."

"Yes, because it is a truth universally acknowledged..." Graham was going on.

In union "Wrong writer!" J and The Doctor say.

"That one's driver will park one's carriage imprudently too far from whence one is going." Graham saves himself.

J whispers so they can only hear "Yea, Pa why again?" She laughs.

Ryan smiles "Can we please just come in before we drown to death? Please."

They all stand smiling at the people in front of them that have yet to make a conversation with them.

The man at the front Chuckles softly and turns and looks back at them. The Doctor sighs and everyone enters.

"One hour, tops." Says the Doctor.

"Plus drying time" Graham mentions.

"And food one is hungry" J points out.

"You're always hungry," Yaz laughs.

"Ok, so there was a spot of rain..." The Doctor says J interrupts.

"Eh? Pa? A Spot? We are literally drowning like trout." J huffs.

The Doctor continues what she was saying "Well...and Gale-force wind and a super long walk, but I got us here, didn't I? And Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, soon to be Shelley, screamed in your face. Quality historical experience, that. Gold!"

J shakes her head and giggles. Yaz leans down a little from her step and Whispers. "On that night that inspired Frankenstein."

J was about to ask why she was whispering but a man's voice can be heard J watches Graham jump.

"If.. you'd be so kind.." the man holds his arm out.

"Blimey!" Graham says.

"Excuse me, Yaz. I was very clear about the rules." The Doctor whispers ish.

Ryan "Nobody mention Frankenstein and don't interfere."

Yaz "And nobody snog Byron"

"Like anyone is actually wanting to do that" J laughs

The Doctor Nods and turns around J follows as she hears Graham "In, Out, soak up the atoms."

"Witness some of the enlightened minds of a generation at the Pinnacle, the absolute zenith of their creativity..." The Doctor stops talking when they get to the room door.

The man opens the door it creaks. When the door is opened everyone is making some sort of laughter on the floor as they mess around having fun.

It is clear to J her Pa is disappointed in not seeing their minds work the way she expected.

The man from earlier who opened the door stands up "What would you all care to drink."

"Wine" J points stepping inside the room joking. She is surprised the Doctor didn't say anything.

One of the woman "We shall teach them the Dance"

J looks at the Doctor. She seems more confused than happy now to see them not working on writing.

Soon enough everyone is up teaching them all a dance. However J decided she'd sit by the man playing the piano she was not one for dancing with strangers. She didn't actually herself know who these people were sure her Pa said who they were but she doesn't know them or who's who. And she doesn't really like people very much.

She listens into everyone's conversations for once, but when she sees her Pa trying to 'Dance' and her arm just fails today hold onto the man's shoulder she cracks up. The man playing the piano turns to her.

"Miss. Do you mind? I'm trying to concentrate so they have the best music to Dance with." He was not pleased at all.

J shakes her head feeling embarrassed she crosses her arms and turns looking out the window. She gets bored and slips out the room without anyone noticing.

The Doctor however did notice this gave her an excuse to stop dancing to get everyone back on track here she senses something is odd.

Meanwhile J walks along a corridor she looks around taken in every little detail she turns a Corner and sighs.

"What the heck?" She says out to herself. "Didn't I just yes what? Hello?" She is so confused and notices she already walked down this hallway.

She tries again walking down and she finds the room they were in and goes in. There sits Graham by a fire eating sandwiches.

"Oh yum. Food." She sits on the couch beside grabbing a sandwich "Mhm. weird in here ain't it?"

"Yeah I had to go to the bathroom but kept walking in circles." Graham looks over his shoulder. J follows his eyes.

"Who are they? Hi" she greets and turns back to Graham.

"Unsure but they brought the sandwiches." He turns back and they are gone. "Weird" he says they had disappeared just before J came through then reappeared when she sat down. But at least he knows he's not the only one that sees the woman and young child.

"I walked around for ages and didn't find anything but the same hallway over and over." J groans.

"This house seems to do that." Graham nods.

"Where are the others?" She wonders

"Went to Chase a skeleton hand that came to life." Graham eats another sandwich.

"Excuse me?" J puts her feet on the couch. "That is disgusting." She shakes her head.

"Why is he sleeping then?" J wonder just noticing.

Graham shrugs "Doc said was to keep and eye on him"

The man suddenly wakes. Graham stands up "You're going nowhere, pal. You're staying right there. I'm on guard." The man turns "Oh.." Graham was confused. J just stared confused as well.

"Hey! Poil?" Graham tries time to get his attention.

"Walking dead right there," J chuckles joking.

Graham tries to see if the man is awake? "Poli? hello?" He Shakes his hand in front of Poli's face. "Poli?" He shakes both hands this time.

J stands watching.

The man turns "Poli? Can you hear me, son?" Graham panics as he walks with him "Can you hear me?"

J and Graham gasp and Poli walks through the wall?

Graham turns to J and J turns to him they share the same look as if to say 'Please tell me you saw that?'

"I Umm.. did he just? Erm... through... the wall? How?" J is really confused this time round.

"Ghost?" Graham mumbles.

"He was alive moments ago he is not dead Graham." J rolls her eyes "But like I have no idea why he just walked through the wall though."

Graham goes out the room to try to find the Doctor "Doc! Poli! Doc! Doc!" He runs back into the room and gasps. J turns to look at him and she arches her eyebrows.

"I don't like this at all" J rolls her eyes annoyed at whatever is going on.

She didn't notice what he was looking at till she turned and the Woman and child were back.

"There's something seriously wrong with this gaff." Graham says

"You don't say" J shakes her head again looking at this woman and child.

"Is anyone else trapped?" The Doctor's voice comes from nowhere.

"Yeah. And I think I'm seeing dead people." Graham

J just shakes her head. And whispers "Same"

Suddenly the candles go out. "Perfect..." Graham whispers.

"We're the same!" Comes Ryan's voice "I totally saw a ghost."

Next is Yaz to be heard yelling "We're stuck on the stairs!"

J looks at Graham and whispers as she gets close to him. He didn't hear her so he jumps back a little "J" he yells. "Don't give a man a heart attack." He holds his chest.

She whispers "Sorry!" She asks with fear in her voice looking at this woman and child still.

"Please" comes the voice of the woman with a Yaz and Ryan.

"How do we move upwards? I need to check, my son is well."

Then comes the Doctor's voice again. "Working on it! Head's a bit fuzzy. Normal service will resume shortly. And ghosts don't exist." She says.

"Of course not!" Graham looks at J "You two just need a spray tan and a lip, Eh?" He says looking back at them.

J laughs a bit too loudly "What? Don't make jokes if you don't wish for someone to laugh." She says scratching the back of her head. "Don't worry o was not laughing at yous just what he said." She says nervously.

"Graham? J? What sort of dead people... Exactly?" The Doctor asks

"Oh.. how can I hear your voice, Doc?" Graham asks

"Yeah? How can we?" J wonders too.

"I'm using the fireplace chimney." She says more muffled than before.

"Doc?" Graham leans down into the Fireplace.

"Graham?" The Doctor replies back.

He turns around and J follows his eyes they both took their eyes off the 'Ghosts?'

"Graham?" The Doctor asks again.

"They've gone now." He replies

"Yeah they were totally Ghosts and" J nods given him a look he nods.

"And so's Polidori. I've lost him." J went to speak but The Doctor spoke first.

"You have one job!" The Doc replies. J kept in laughter thinking about the meme.

Graham "Yeah, made more challenging by his ability to walk through walls!"

J "Yeah that was something rather odd. He got up and went straight through the wall like he was dead? But he was not but he was also not awake I don't think. He was just well."

Doctor "Through?"

Graham "He just turned sort of Zombie and went into one"

J "I should have just said that. Yeah but also he is not dead remember." J was really reassuring herself and Gramam at this point.

Suddenly all you hear is the Doctor yelling about a Perception filter before she was muffled. They understood that Polidori had gone to The Doctor but it was muffled and even J found it hard to hear what the Doctor was really saying.

"Close your eyes. Clear your mind. We're only experiencing what it wants us to." The Doctor says so everyone does as she asks.

"One does not like this" J says startling Graham.

He laughs nervously "Common" he tells her "Concentrate."

They catch up with the others.

She listened carefully to what was being said, just took a moment to take it all in and she didn't speak.

Suddenly everyone is looking out the window J slowly towards the window but lighting happens behind and she turns suddenly to a Cyberman standing asking.

"Are you the Guardian?"

"Oh not good. So not good." J whispers as the Doctor pushes her behind her.

"That is a Lone Cyberman" The Doctor says. J was about to say something when the Cyberman begins to walk forward the Doctor Gasps running time shut the door.

Yaz "Jack's warning. Beware of the line cyberman! Don't let it have what it wants."

"At all costs!" Graham finishes her sentence.

"Yes, thank you! barricade the door." The Doctor yells.

Mary "May I ask, what is a Cyberman?"

"Someone altered. Organs, flesh surgically replaced with mechanical parts without consent. It drives them insane, so they alter the brain too, switching off all emotions." The Doctor explains.

J could have sworn she was being more storytelling like a writer to put back their creativity if and when they get away from the Cyberman.

"Are you the guardian?" The Cyberman repeats

"Never seen one like him before. He's different." He bangs on the door "Unfinished." The Doctor says.

"Yeah... and more a little more just a tad little more scarier." J admits more of a whisper than anything.

"Are you the guardian" he repeats again.

"Whatever he came for us hidden here. That explains the security." She explains J cuts out what else is said to watch and make sure he doesn't come in. But suddenly the Doctor goes near the door to leave.

"Eh Pa? I agree with Yaz you can't go alone." J says.

"I said I won't lose anyone else again DO NOT FOLLOW ME!!" And she leaves.

J turns round to Yaz and the others.

"We can't let her go alone." She says afraid for her Pa.

Yaz "Don't worry we ain't."

Mary "Why does the girl call the woman Pa?" She asks curiously.

"Long story." J says not waiting to explain for one it will definitely confuse anyone else.

They chat among themselves as J worries.

Yaz "Technically she said not to follow her." J grins that she likes Yaz's thinking.

They all leave the room they are in. J however goes off on her own. She decided to leave the group.

She walks in at the point the Doctor as the Cyberman says "That's better."

The Cyberman goes on about her not being the guardian and the Cyberium finding another host

"What's a Cyberium?" The Doctor asks

Before the Cyberman turned around J had ducked behind a desk no one noticed her yet and she didn't wanna make this more dangerous for anyone else.

"I'll find it and remove it." The Cyberman says

"What are we talking here? A life form? A weapon of some kind?" The Doctor asks.

"Both" the Cyberman says as he suddenly starts charging?

"What's happening to you?" The Doctor says as he stops whatever just happened.

"There's not one atom of yon earth... but once was living man. The sword that stabs his peace. He cherisheth. The snakes that gnaw his heart. And he raises up the tyrant Whose delight...Is in his woe." The Cyberman says close up to the Doctor now.

"There is no point in hiding" He turns and throws the table J ducked behind away. She stands wide eyed

"What did I tell you?" The Doctor was really annoyed at her daughter now, putting herself in danger like this when she specifically told her not to follow. This means she knows the others didn't stay in that room either.

"Sorry" J says. The Cyberman turns back to the Doctor.

The Doctor looks to the door and J tells her to run. So that J does. She sends a telepathic message of 'Hide' and so she goes to find a space to hide.

All you could hear was the Cyberman roaring as J finds herself with a few of the others and William the baby.

"This is boring" J huffs not liking having to 'Hide' and why? She'll be fine. She rolls her eyes and stands. But something in her said she should actually stay here and not move. She scoffs. And listens to herself. Or rather whatever is telling her inside to not go find everyone else.

Suddenly everyone else and Shelley appears.

Graham "What just happened?"

Yaz "How are we back here?"

The Doctor "He's reset the house. Shelley needs help! I think I've freed him from the Cyberium."

Mary "At what cost?"

J watches as the Cyberman goes to touch the Cyberium but the Doctor puts her hand out to it. It takes her as the new hostage.

J stands 'Don't' The Doctor says Tellepathically to J.

ASHAD the Cyberman "NO!"

"And it chooses me." The Doctor is unsure of what's to happen but risks herself anyways. "Interesting. Time Lord magnetism. Looks like I'm the true guardian." She gasps as it forms into her.

"Surrender it or I will execute you." The Cyberman tells the Doctor.

"No you will do no such thing." J says but he ignores her.

"J stay back. Everyone just stay back a bit please." The Doctor says.

She turns her attention back to the Cyberman "I'd be very careful with those execution threats. I can feel it already, fusing to me. It feels very at home. Recognising great host material. Not to big myself up, but I don't think it'll vacate me without a fight."

Suddenly the Cyberman turns his hand to the window and the storm outside gets worse as he roars. You can hear the lighting and a surge type sound.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor yells to Ashad.

"Transmitting" he replies

"NOT GOOD!" J yells

"My ship will lock on to my signal." He looks at J then to the Doctor. "It will tear this reality, and this planet will remain only in shreds!"

"This world doesn't end in 1816. It can't." The Doctor is clearly afraid of what this Cyberman can actually do and achieve here.

"It will," the Cyberman replies.

Yaz "He's bluffing. Don't listen to him."

"But I can't be sure. I can't risk this planet!" The Doctor says worry in her voice.

"I certainly don't think he is bluffing" J butts in.

"I can't win!" the Doctor says.

Cybermen "We are inevitable,"

"Yes. You are." The Doctor says opening her hand the Cyberium comes back out.

Yaz "What are you doing?"

Doctor "Giving it what it wants."

And the Cyberium takes the Cyberman as it's new host.

Everyone gasps, Suddenly the storm stops and Shelley awakens. The Cyberman has gone for now.

"What did you do to Shelley?" Asks Mary.

"Old Time Lord trick. Not a nice one. Pushed his mind to his future death, tricked the Cyberium into letting go, hoped his body would survive the trauma. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me." Says the Doctor.

Graham "You saved Shelley, but what does that mean for the future?" He worries

Doctor "It means I've put it in the gravest danger."

Ryan "Please tell me that was part of the Plan."

Doctor "Yes. A last minute, imperfect. All I've got, plan. Saving Shelley was step one."

Yaz "What's step two?"

J "Yeah? I'd like to also know."

Doctor "Fix the mess I created in step one."

"How?" J wonders.

"Go to the Future, find him and stop him from rebuilding the Cyber Army. Shelley, Can you give Yaz those symbols and numbers? We're going to need them."

After they had got what they needed and said goodbye they started heading back to the Tardis. When they approached Graham was just more confused.

"So, if all the weirdness was the Cyberium, you know the bones and Shelley floating about and all that, why would it reanimate a couple of stiffs just to bring me a sarnie?" He asks

Yaz looks at him and he says "You know, the maid and the creepy kid?"

Yaz "Er... no." They all stop "We thought yous saw Shelley like we did."

Graham "Oh, come on! Beady eyes? Made the room go all arctic? Where do them two fit in?"

Ryan "I'm not sure they did."

J "Oh they certainly did. And they were good sandwiches."

Graham "See?" He turns to the Doctor "No, come on Doc. This is where you jump in with a rational explanation. I mean, Ghosts don't exist. Right?"

The Doctor shrugs "Unless they do."

J and Graham both in union "What?!" Graham and J just look at one another confused.

Doctor "inside you four. We need to talk."

They head in.

Doctor "Listen... You don't need to come with me. Cyber war zones and people don't mix. I'll drop you back in 2020."

Yaz "Or we can use Shelley's numbers. Co-originates, right?" She hands them to the Doctor.

Ryan "Yeah. Wherever you think's a good place to start."

Graham "With step two."

J "Yeah? You really think we will just not help? Pa we are in this together we are here to help you." She goes up and hugs the Doctor.

The Doctor smiles and hugs J back. The other three come over and join in on the hug. before they set out to find the Cyberman and the Cyberium.

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