Transmigration: Face slap th...

By Chil_lexx

329K 8.6K 659

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... More

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10

6.3K 179 9
By Chil_lexx

Eunuch Zheng Hou was beyond furious his face beet red as he internally fumed against this low born concubine who dared to implicate him and supposed crimes.

"-How dare you try to frame this trusted Eunuch! Do you know how long this one has been by his Majesty's side? What benefits would this Eunuch gain plotting against his Majesty, the Emperor?," He spurts many of the Ministers began to chat amongst themselves.

"-What rubbish is this woman spurting?"

"-Humph only speaking rubbish,"

"-Zheng Hou going against His Majesty is just unfathomable...."

"-Zheng Hou a rebel? It's highly...."

Cheng Bi Yu tilts her head to the side, "Eunuch Zheng Hou or should this servant address you by your given name?...Shu Yang Ri..."

The court grew into a complete uproar.

"-Shu Yang Ri! The exiled prince of the last dynasty!-"

"-Wasn't he dead!..."

"-Zheng Hou is really that man unbelievable!.."

"-A traitor to the nation!.."

"But the fallen prince Shu Yang Ri didn't work alone." Her venomous eyes found Li Zhi Xin her eyes slanted, "Isn't that right Li Zhi Xin?" Hearing her statement the minister's necks snapped in his direction.

"-The third prince? What's his involvement?.."

"-Does he mean to rebel?..."

Cheng Bi Yu could see the color drain from Li Zhi Xin's face his arrogance,  and over-confidence wavered. Li Zhi Xin averted his eyes he stood silent the tight-lipped the male lead was in a fix.

Cheng Bi Yu fixed her robe, "-Tsk. It seems the third prince has gone tight-lipped..." she smirked turning back to the Ministers, "-If His Highness doesn't wish to confess...." she turned back to Eunuch Zheng Hou, "-What would a disgruntled exiled prince gain by aligning himself with his enemy's son?-"


"-And what would this country's prince gain by aligning himself with a traitor exiled prince?..."

"-Wanting to start a rebellion for the throne..." Li Zhi Xin violently shook, "-By conspiring with Shu Yang Ri, the third prince Li Zhi Xin has becoming a traitor to this empire!..." Cheng Bi Yu then mentioned, "-The day this one fell into a coma their was an attack on the Crown Prince's private base. It was clear their intention was to claim His Highness's life..."

Cheng Bi Yu signals towards Li Zi Hao the black-bellied prince nods he signaled to the guards to bring in the assassin who had been detained for long periods.

The assassin was dragged in by two guards his robes merely to shreds, his
body bruised and battered his face beaten beyond recognition. He was pushed on his knees before the Emperor, "-As you all can see this is one of the captured assassin..."

Cheng Bi Yu turns to the assassin, "Can you recognize the person who had hired you to attack the prince's base?-" she asked uninterrupted.

The assassin was beaten so badly that he finally agreed to give up his boss.

The assassin turns to Li Zhi Xin who scrawls giving him a warning look, the assassin ignored the arrogant male lead he was in too much pain to care about implications, "-This lowly servant was hired by third Prince Li Zhi Xin to kill His Highness the Crown Prince," his hoarse voice confessed.

"You rogue! How dare you lie!-" Li Zhi Xin no longer tight-lipped roars in rage.

Eunuch Zheng Hou voices, "This trusty servant thinks this assassin's words can't be trusted, Your Majesty." In a long while Shu Yang Ri spoke, "-People like him are natural born liars he would say anything for his freedom. For all we know his claims could have been coherence by Concubine Bao, as well as the other unfathomable lies,"

Shu Yang Ri had composed himself inside ready to counterattack her claims. He had gotten so far he wasn't going to let her mess up all his hard work.

Cheng Bi Yu smirks, "This Concubine wants you all to know that this assassin is not being controlled by me to say anything he is simply speaking the truth. This Concubine also asks that everyone keep there comments until all of the truth is revealed to the Emperor," Eunuch Zheng Hou gawks.

"Yes indeed Third Prince conspired to usurp the throne and indeed this assassin was hired by him but-" Cheng Bi Yu pauses deliberately to create suspense, "-But the true mastermind behind this is none other than Shu Yang Ri  who also conspired with the Right Minister Bao and left Minister Hong and as for the benefits they would receive was an higher position in court and glorified respect,"

Cheng Bi Yu adds,"But that's not the end of the treason third prince Li Zhi Xin also conspired with his lover-" everyone had paused it was quite a taboo thing for a Prince to have a lover especially when he was already betrothed. The Ministers chatted amongst themselves.

"-Which wretched woman is the third Prince's lover?..."

"-Third Prince and his lover....His Highness's Noble Consort Bao Hui Qing plotted to poison His Majesty the Crown Prince's death after all without any other candidate he would automatically be given His Highness's Highness's title as Crown Prince...But fortunately the attempt had failed-"

"-Your Majesty you can't believe this girl she is sprouting nonsense! This servant would never-" Eunuch Zheng Hou was very confident the cold Emperor would not believe her nonsense.

Cheng Bi Yu swiftly interjected, "-Don't you think you should be saving face?-" she removed papers from under her sleeve, "-This is the evidence..Letters which Bao Hui Qing tried to burn to prove my claim. If given the permission to show them of course?- she looks to the dark monarch his lips parted.


Cheng Bi Yu holds up the papers for everyone present to see, "These are the letters sent back and forth between Third Prince and Consort Bao most of them are love letters but three entail details of their plan to conspire against the Crown Prince, His Majesty and this concubine,"

She continued, "These letters held by this loyal servant also entails the other three accused involvement," Cheng Bi Yu steps forth, Eunuch He received it bringing it up to the Emperor.

Emperor Li Wei Yuan's eyes darkened a wicked smirk forming on his lips, "Hahahaha!-" his daunting laugher rang out through the court he tosses the transcripts to the guard, "Zhen is truly amazed by this level of treachery!-" he leaned back in his throne.

He slammed his fist against his throne arm rest, "Guards arrest these traitors!-"

The accused immediately fell to their knees.

"Please forgive us Your Majesty!" Minister Bao and Minister Hong pleaded as the guards came forward to seize them.

"Forgive me Father Emperor!-" Li Zhi Xin pleas tears evident in his eyes "-Please punish me as you please Father but let Bao Hui Qing go-"  Cheng Bi Yu felt esthetic.

"Traitors! None of you deserve mercy!" Emperor Li Wei Yuan shouts his face red, "For the crimes you have committed you are all sentenced to death by dismemberment! Guards get them out of my sight!-" He orders the guards did just that.

Every accused had fallen to their knees except Eunuch Zheng Hou, true identity Shu Yang Ri instead broke out in hysterical laugher.

The cold Emperor narrowed his eyes at the last dynasty's exiled prince, "-You dare to laugh!-"

Shu Yang Ri stopped hearing his words, the prolific man snorts his eyes dark with malice, "-Because you think you've won..." at this a sudden loud boom erupted rattling the court, "Protect the Emperor!-" his guards marched forth covering him on each side as a thick fog of smoke clouded the room.

"Ke,ke!-" raging coughs erupted as everyone's lung began to burn the smoke had subsided a bit. Shu Yang Ri wasn't at his previous spot bit instead held Cheng Bi Yu captive a blade was held to her throat.

Cheng Bi Yu gulped her eyes widened. "Chen Guangzhou!-" Li Zi Hao readily dashed before them. Shu Yang Ri dressed back, "-Don't step any further prince" he warned bringing the sharp blade closer the sharp end grazed her skin cutting her flesh. Li Zi Hao stilled.

He could only stand there looking into her fear filled eyes.

"Li Wei Yuan! You took everything from me, my family, my country, my title! This was supposed to all be mine! Everything I should be worshipped not you! -"

"-Don't be delirious!-" The steel Emperor gritted his teeth, "-The Shu's had been the one's to rebel against our Li clan first so this one repaid your treachery!..."

"-I was so close to ruining you but then this girl..." he lifted the blade even higher, "Because of you everything has gone to waste!-" he shouted louder in her ear, "You're better off dead with that mouth of yours...."

"-Let her go!-" Li Zi Hao made an attempt to step forward."Easy..."

"Stay back! Stay back!-" he dressed back further Cheng Bi Yu's throat burned from the immerse pressure, "-Only thing I'll let go is her corpse!...." his dark comment sent chills down her spin.

"Don't you dare!-" Li Zi Hao snarled his expression darkened.

"Haha! You think I don't dare...I'll  show you that Shu Yang Ri, the glorious prince of Shu clan has guts," Cheng Bi Yu closed her eyes they trembled under her eyelids a tear falls from the corner of her eye.

Swoosh! An arrow few through the court slitting the side of Shu Yang Ri's neck, slicing his artery. "Argh!-" he staggered back holding his profusely bleeding neck.

Cheng Bi Yu felt her knees buckle and fell forward, "Chen Guangzhou are you okay?-" Li Zi Hao who had rushed to her side worriedly exclaimed, "I'm f-fine..." she managed to breath out her voice trembling.

Li Zi Hao helps her to her feet.

"Haha!-" Shu Yang Ri laughed bitterly. He coughed choking on his blood his
hearing gave out and so did his heart. His corpse laid in a pool of his blood.

With the commotion over everyone had composed themselves. Emperor Li Wei Yuan smiled towards Cheng Bi Yu a predominantly proud glint in his bottomless pitch black orbs.

"-For her cleverness and diligence of exposing traitors in Zhen's very own court. Bao Chen Guangzhou, Lady Virtue is to be greatly rewarded the title of the Crown Princess effective today....."

The other ministers fell to their knees chanting, "Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!" Cheng Bi Yu approached, "-Lady Virtue accepts His Majesty's generosity. This concubine promises to fit into this role well...." she respectively bowed.

Bao Hui Qing was inside her courtyard leisurely sipping tea awaiting the good news that was promised, the deaths of Li Zi Hao and Bao Chen Guangzhou.

Bao Hui Qing inhaled a breath of air as she gazed up at the evening sky but she wrinkled her brows realizing that someone had blocked her view.

Her glare sharpened at the red robed guard she arrogantly shouts, "You fool you're blocking my view! Leave my courtyard this Consort has no time for your insolence!-" Witnessing the guard stubbornly plant his feet in the guard Bao Hui Qing flicked her sleeve  hurriedly getting up she goes to leave but was immediately blocked by two other guards, their robes blue.

Bao Hui Qing fumes through gritted teeth, "-How dare you block my path? This one is His Highness's Noble Consort who are you to detain me?..."

"-Why can't he detain you?.." Cheng Bi Yu gracefully fanned herself walking into Peacock Palace.

"-You lowly trash!...You're not dead? Impossible!-"

Cheng Bi Yu lowers her fan, "-Such warm greetings from sister," she smiled, "Sister always expresses her kindness..."

"-It's time for this one to return the favor," Cheng Bi Yu smacked the fan shut.

"-You bitch!-"

The head guard then made way for Eunuch He who reads the edict,"For Noble Consort's crimes against the throne and this country. You, Noble Consort Bao Hui Qing is stripped of your title of The Crown Prince's Consort and therefore sentenced to death-" the guards then seize her and begin removing her from the courtyard.

"You! Let me go! Do you know who this one is?! This one is the Crown Prince's Noble Consort! How dare you use your dirty hands to touch me! Unhand me you good for nothings! Let me go! Do you want to die!" Bao Hui Qing unhinged trashes against their hold unable to escape, she pleas "This one is innocent! Please let go!" salty tears begin to trickle down her cheeks all she tasted was bitter.

"You won't get away with this!-" With a moment of luck she escapes enraged Bao Hui Qing charges towards Cheng Bi Yu, "Protect the Crown Princess!-" the guards charged behind.

Before Bao Hui Qing could remotely cause any harm to Cheng Bi Yu she was pushed back with immense force. Li Zi Hao stood protectively before Cheng Bi Yu.

"Your Highness!.." Bao Hui Qing bit down on her lip clutching her chest. "Ke,ke,"she violently coughed.

"-How dare you touch my princess!.." Li Zi Hao harsh tone roared through the air he peered down at her with pure malic and distain.

Li Zi Hao roared at the non-moving guards,"-What are you waiting for?! Get this evil thing out of my sights!-"

Bao Hui Qing bit down on her tears rushed down her face as she was dragged away, "Your Highness!....." she could be long heard screaming.

Li Zi Hao's eyes softened once they faced Cheng Bi Yu peerless face. He roughly tugged her forward capturing her sweet lips.

[[Ding! Second male lead's affection points at 100%]]

[[Mission: Stop Li Zi Hao from being usurped (Completed)- {20,0000 points} collected.]]

[[Mission: Prevent Bao Chen Guangzhou from being executed (Completed)- {10,0000 points} collected.]]

[[Mission: Get the second male lead to fall for you (Completed)- {15,0000 points} collected.]]

[[Mission: Expose Bao Hui Qing for adultery (Completed)- {10,0000 points} collected.]]


The 64th year of the Dragon

The Heavenly Dragon is on his last horse diagnosed with cancer a year ago. Li Wei Yuan weakened and deathly pale lays in bed coughing up a mouthful of blood, "-Zhen's time has come..." he proclaims, "-Li Zi Hao before Zhen goes promise to keep this kingdom stable in my absence..."

Li Zi Hao knelt bowing to his dying father, "-This prince promises to keep this kingdom afloat..." he pledged.

"-Zhen can now enter the eternal realm and become an immortal..." Li Wei Yuan coughed up more blood a few time before pasting away at the hour of the crow.

The mourning bell was sounded, "Bong! Bong! Bong!-" each ring for how long he lived after the entire country mourned. The late Emperor was mourned for a week.

After a week Li Zi Hao took the throne fulfilling his role as the new Emperor, "Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!.." Two days after Cheng Bi Yu was officially appointed the role Empress.


1st year of the Dragon

Cheng Bi Yu sat in her Thousand Roses Palace in light purple robes gracefully playing the zither. Cheng Bi Yu wrinkled her brows as she felt a sudden stinging pain in her head, these days her headaches had become excessive, "Miss!-" Ah Lam seeing this comes over.

"Your everything alright?.." her peculiar eyes scanned Cheng Bi Yu flushed face, "It's nothing really.." Cheng Bi Yu bit her lip then continued playing.

Cheng Bi Yu gets up feeling a sudden discomfort in her chest and stomach she brought her hand to her stinging head, extremely dizzy she faints falling down beside her perfectly placed zither, "Your Majesty!-" Ah Lam panicked scream rushing to her side.

"-Quickly get a physician!..." Ah Lam shouts Ah Kum is fast on her feet. Ah Lam cradled Cheng Bi Yu in her lap, "-Everything will be fine Your Majesty..."

Catching wind that Cheng Bi Yu fainted Li Zi Hao abruptly left morning court running to her side.

"-Your Majesty..." Everyone greeted bowing Li Zi Hao ignored them dashing towards Cheng Bi Yu's bed, "-What's wrong with her?..." he asked no one in particular.

Royal Physician Rang bowed, "-The Empress is pregnant..."

"Congratulations Your Majesty!-" everyone recited. Cheng Bi Yu had just opened her eyes due to it being foggy she blinks a couple times, "-Your Majesty?..." she said her voice all goggled.

She slowly sat up with his help he must have rushed over, "-Does Zhen's  Empress remember what she was doing before fainting.."

Cheng Bi Yu pursed her lip, "This one remembers playing the zither than this one felt discomfort...This one remembers feeling dizzy..."

Li Zi Hao broke out in a wide smile, he pulled the woman plush against his chest, "-Zhen is going to be a father!...I'm so happy I could burst!-" he exclaimed joyous. Cheng Bi Yu went stiff in his arms feeling the sudden shift Li Zi Hao pulls back looking down at her face.

"P-pregnant?..." Cheng Bi Yu instinctively reached for her tummy.

2nd year of the Dragon (9 months)

"Here are your fruits, Your Majesty..." Ah Kum approaches with a tray of freshly picked fruits on Cheng Bi Yu's request.

"Thanks...Ah Kum-" Ah Kum blushed retreating. Cheng Bi Yu peered down at the tray which had; apples both red and green, a banana, an orange, and a stock of green grapes.

Eating the fruits Cheng Bi Yu gently rubs her overgrown belly.

"Greetings to your Majesty, the Emperor-" her servants greeted once Li Zi Hao had entered the Thousand Roses Palace.

Ever since the news of her pregnancy it became a regular occurrence for the black-bellied Emperor to visit her courtyard.

"-How are you my Empress? How is our baby?" Li Zi Hao asked planting a tender kiss on her forehead.

Cheng Bi Yu grins,"-He's a kicker I tell you, he constantly makes trouble for me, such a tyrant this boy-" Li Zi Hao sat down beside her  gently creases her belly he then leans his ear on her bump, "Hey little one try not to make trouble for mother okay-"

Two weeks later the little prince was ready to enter the world. "Arghhhhhhhhhh! Oh God this hurts Zi Hao you bastard you did this to me!-" Cheng Bi Yu screams in agony as she pushed, "..You bastard I'll never let you touch me again!-"

Ah Lam holds her hand for support wincing at the pressure caused by her iron grip Cheng Bi Yu was in enormous pain, "Arghhhh! It hurts!..." She cried out Ah Kum uses a cloth to wipe her sweating forehead every now and then.

"You're doing good, Your Majesty. Just one more push okay-" the midwife assures Cheng Bi Yu nods. One more push and the little Prince entered the world his crying echoing through her palace.

Li Zi Hao was able to enter once both Cheng Bi Yu and the baby were cleaned up. "He looks so beautiful!..." Li Zi Hao gushes over his son, his face was round just like a little bun.

"What should we name him?...." Li Zi Hao asks his tired wife.

"Bo Lin..." she mouthed, "—Li Bo Lin," Cheng Bi Yu announced his given name.

Li Zi Hao laughs happily, "Our little prince Li Bo Lin...."


7th year of the Dragon

"-Your Highness please stop running!..." Eunuch He ran behind the trouble maker little prince, "-Your Highness should get back to his studies....." he huffed almost out of breath.

"-Mother! .." the mischievous black-bellied youth runs towards Cheng Bi Yu who leisurely sat outside reading a book.

"Bo Lin?-" Cheng Bi Yu closed her book upon seeing her son, "Why aren't you in your courtyard? You should be studying..."

Li Bo Lin pouts,"-But studying those old transcripts are boring...."

"There you are Your Highness!-" Eunuch He says out of breath.

Cheng Bi Yu narrows her eyes, "You think they're boring...Then just imagine how your father feels..." she pointed her nose, "-You can't keep escaping from your responsibilities my naughty prince..." she gently smacked his head with her book.

"-But that doesn't mean because you're the Crown Prince you can't have fun..right?" Li Bo Lin peered up at her, "-Let's play kite!-" his eyes sparkled as he excitedly jumped.

"-Ah Kum..bring the kites...." Cheng Bi Yu stood to her feet taking her son's hand.


10th year of the Dragon

"-Doesn't this look beautiful?.." Cheng Bi Yu happily sewed tiny pink socks resting them on her overgrown stomach.

"-They are beautiful Your Majesty..." Ah Lam smiles at the glowing Cheng Bi Yu, "...I just can't wait to hold her in my arms.." the happy moment is disturbed her smile replaced in discomfort Cheng Bi Yu reached for her stomach see squeezed completely dropping the pair of socks. Ah Lam is alarmed she leaps to her feet, "..My Queen what's wrong?!-" Cheng Bi Yu barely able to speak doubles over in pain, "..It hurts-" she squeezed her bump, "..It hurts...argh!-" she whimpered grabbing onto the frightened girl's robe.

Cheng Bi Yu had paled, "Argh-" Ah Lam gasped completely mortified, "..Sweet mother of pearl, you're bleeding Your Majesty!-" Cheng Bi Yu did feel something wet between her legs the pain in her abdomen becomes excruciatingly unbearable, she wailed, Ah Kum enters caring tea, she paused almost in daze at the scene, "...Quickly get help! Inform his Majesty the Empress is in distress!-"

Ah Kum drops the tray, the porcelain shatters her quick heavy footsteps mass it outside, many wondered about her disheveled appearance as she ran, she was completely out of breath, "..Your Majesty!-" she shouts almost doubling over from exhaustion, "...Her Majesty-" she heaved Li Zi Hao immediately stood from his throne stepping down his brows drew concern written all over his face, "..Where is my Empress?-" getting a desperate reply he rushed completely adrenaline charged, "Bao Chen Guangzhou!-" immediately by her side he falls to his knees gripping her hand, the Royal Physician and wet nurses were at her aid.

"Zi Hao..." Cheng Bi Yu managed to speak though her voice was hoarse, "...I'm afraid I don't have m-much time left-" his finger blocked her cold lips, "..Shush save your strength my love. You're not going anywhere I won't allow it. You'll stay right here by my side-" he caressed her head with little strength Cheng Bi Yu reached forth her hand, "..Listen to me-" she caresses his jaw, "..Enough worrying about me and go meet your daughter I'm sure she's ready to be held by her father...."

As If agreeing with her mother the newborn fused, "...Very well-" Li Zi Hao retracts one of the wet nurses bring forth the child, "...Here you go your Majesty-" she carefully handed over the precious princess, "...Oh my she's so small-" he cried his tears one of joy, "...Someone is precious deserves a extra special name. Don't you think?-" he turned towards the exhausted Cheng Bi Yu who displayed a gentle smile, "...I agree, how about Luo Luo?-"

"Luo Luo?-" Li Zi Hao prys down at his daughter, "Luo Luo-" it naturally flowed off his tongue, "..I find it fitting, Luo Luo-" he cooed his finger gently brushing against the newborn's soft cheek, Cheng Bi Yu sweetly smiled at the view her eyes heavy.

"...It is-" her tone was nothing but a whisper Li Zi Hao overjoyed with thoughts of his daughter turned to his wife, "Chen Guangzhou-" his smile instantly plundered tears whelmed in his eyes knowing she was gone, "...Your Majesty!-" the aids attempted to revive the Empress, that day Li Zi Hao felt bittersweet as he held his second born, Li Bo Lin hearing the news of the delivery awaited his mother's recovery, Li Zi Hao arrived at the eager youth's courtyard, "..Royal Father!-" he leaped upon seeing the older male, "...This must be my precious sibling-" he lovingly gazed upon the pink cheeked newborn.

"..Has mother rested enough? I should visit her immediately-" the youth is hyper to see his mother, Li Zi Hao hands over the baby to Ah Lam, "..There is something you need to know-" Li Bo Lin was already used to Li Zi Hao's serious manner, "...Your mother she....ehem-"

"..What happened to Royal Mother?-" the youth is curious and worried at the same time, "...Your mother is dead-" Li Bo Lin is flabbergasted at the reveal her grips his chest feeling completely suffocated wet tears poured down his cheeks not able to pipe another word Li Zi Hao boldly pulls his son into his embrace holding him close, as they both cried their hearts out.

This sudden tragedy had weakened them but also brought them closer after Cheng Bi Yu's death was officially announced the kingdom mourned her tragic demise for two months out of respect for the Imperial family.

Already a great Emperor Li Zi Hao made it his mission to also be a devoting father to his children, going against traditions the Phoenix throne remained  empty despite uproar and genuine protest from his Court, Li Zi Hao never dared betray his heart for him the only person who could stand beside him was his beloved, Bao Chen Guangzhou.

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