Free as a Bird

By Forrelz

11.3K 597 3.3K

~Book 2~ (completed) The war ended, with the good getting the upper hand. Grindelwald's reign of terror ends... More

Small Update!


240 17 62
By Forrelz

Newt and Jacob were in Newt's apartment, sitting on couches and drinking some morning tea. Sure, the pressure of the outside world never mattered to them as they had a much bigger task.

"When?" Jacob asked.

"Christmas?" Newt asked.

"Too early".

"New Year's?"

"Too clichéd".


"Too late".

"Jacob!" Newt threw his quill down in frustration, "Come on! I want to plan the most perfect proposal ever!".

"We are always at odds" Jacob folded his arms, "Look, do what's right for you. Plus, we can ramble on and on about when you can propose. But you need an excellent speech".

"A speech?" Newt took notes.

"Yes. You are usually a flustered mess, so I'd expect you'd need at least a week's time for preparation" Jacob guessed.

"Okay, what do I say?" Newt got up and paced.

"Start with a nice description of. . . " Jacob began but he was interrupted by a hoot at the window.

"Ah, my morning paper" Newt took out the Daily Prophet from the owl's beak and took out a few coins from his pocket. He placed it carefully in the owl's little pouch, attached to its body and sent it off with a nice pat.

"Jeez" Jacob gasped, "Are you wizards a bunch of weirdos? Owls?".

"Quite fast" Newt took out the paper and unfolded it to see the headlines.


"Oh no" Newt folded the paper, "Something is wrong".

"Murders?" Jacob glanced at the paper.

"It seems they couldn't trace him, even with witnesses. The witnesses think that it's some kind of a huge figure, hairy and sort of. . . with bright eyes" Newt read from the paper.

"Then why do they call it a murder?" Jacob asked, "I mean, it could be a giant grizzly bear".

"Giant grizzly bears around London?" Newt said, "The thought of that seems preposterous".

News travels fast. At the very same moment, Anna and Theseus were talking about the article. Their cases had piled up in the last three days.

"This guy" Theseus considered the case of Paul Victors. He was brutally murdered under the oblivious nose of his wife.

"Mrs Victors said that she saw a giant hairy creature exit the window as she saw her husband lying down, bleeding to his doom" Theseus read the document.

"It could be a werewolf" Anna guessed.

"Werewolves don't kill people like that" Theseus said, "They aren't rogue until they are provoked".

"Well, someone must've provoked them" Anna decided.

Just then Dakota burst into the office.

"Dakota! Would you knock?" Anna complained, "Plus you belong in the curse-breaking division".

"I don't care. This is a huge matter" Dakota slammed the door shut.

"Okay, what is it?"

" Isn't it obvious that Darla is working for someone?" Dakota sat down.

"She admitted to it" Theseus nodded, "Something about a man".

"That's crazy" Anna said, "Why would she?"

"Money? Fame?" Dakota shrugged, "Look, the point is that if Darlene is working for them, then the other werewolves might be too. Perhaps that's what causing these murders. These werewolves are trying to kill people. And not just any person . . "

She pulled out a piece of paper, "All of the murders were targeted at Ministry workers. Victors was a law enforcement employee".

"And Jacqueline was a part of the lawmaking area" Anna observed. Jacqueline Brookes was also on the victim list.

Theseus stood up, "If they're trying to eliminate the Ministry, then. . "

"It won't be long until they get to us" Dakota said.

"No, but how can you be sure that it's a werewolf?" Theseus asked, "It could be a large hairy beast".

"What other hairy beast is let out loose on the streets of London? Wouldn't people notice? And look, all of these murders happened during the course of one single night".

"That's stupid." Anna said.

"All of these cases were filed on the same day because. . "

". . . because they were murdered on full moon nights" Theseus realized.

"I rest my case" Dakota folded her arms.

"So they're coming after every Ministry employee?" Anna asked her sister, trembling with fear.

"Everyone" Theseus took out a file, "Do you know Carson Sanders? He didn't seem to be a Ministry employee. It says so in the occupation column".

"Carson. . " Dakota thought harder, "I know. He recently applied to be an Auror. Now we know he isn't going to be one".

"They're not only coming after us, but also people who are going to join the Ministry" Anna concluded.

"Aaah, Teenie!" Queenie groaned.

Tina quickly came to her aid, "What happened?"

"I feel peaky. Like so nauseous" Queenie complained.

"But you just threw up five minutes ago" Tina rubbed her head.

"No, I. . I'm sorry, Teen. We're out of meds, can you get me some?" Queenie asked.

"Sure" Tina said, "Where's Jacob and Newt? Hadn't seen them".

"They're in Newt's apartment" Queenie explained weakly, "Discussing. . about something".

"Are you sure you will be fine?" Tina asked, "I can't necessarily Apparate into the apothecary . . It's a fifteen minute walk from here".

"I don't care. Fast!"

Tina instantly dashed out of her house. She tucked her wand in her pocket and had a few pounds in her purse. She felt terrible for Queenie. Everyday she had to deal with nausea, gas and back aches.

She finally saw the apothecary near the side of the road and increased her pace. The faster the better.

She heard someone murmur behind her back. Something along the lines of ". . That's her!", but she chose to ignore it.

Suddenly she felt someone jab something at her neck - like a wand. Instantly she collapsed.

The last thing she saw was the face of a man and a younger woman.


The light turned on. Tina opened her eyes. She seemed to have been taken to another place.

"Let me out!" she screamed. She noticed that she was tied to a chair. She saw her wand lying on a table opposite to her.

"LET ME OUT!" she screamed, even louder.

She spotted a figure moving towards her. She gulped.

"Oh Tina" the figure grimaced, "Always showing up in the most. . . peculiar of the places".

"You filthy--" Tina began to cuss.

The man slowly revealed himself. He stepped into the light.

"Percival Graves" the man introduced himself, "The real one. Not Grindelwald's identity or some poorly created clone.".

"Percival? How could you. . ? Why did you. . ?" Tina was aghast.

Percival snickered, "Pure revenge, Goldstein. Pure. Revenge".

A/N : Okay, you might have a 1000000 questions. Jk, I dunno.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Adaw means to make someone apprehensive or nervous. In this case the werewolf attacks made everyone nervous.

(Yes I uploaded twice in a row! *Confetti*)

Thank you so much for reading! Stay safe and have a great day!


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